فغان از توحش ایرانیان


by Fred

" محمد مصطفایی:

روز یک‌شنبه خبرگزاری ایسنا به نقل از روابط عمومی دادگستری استان فارس اعلام کرد که حد قطع پای سارق مسلح بانک‌های شیراز که در دادگاه انقلاب اسلامی این شهرستان صادر شده بود، با دستور علی القاضی مهر- دادستان شیراز – در محل زندان عادل‌آباد شیراز به مرحله اجرا در آمد. این در حالی است که حد قطع دست این شهروند ایرانی قبلا اجرا شده و این بار قاضی دادگاه انقلاب حکم به قطع پا صادر کرده بود.

در کم‌تر از یک سال گذشته ٢٥ مورد قطع دست و پا توسط مراجع رسمی جمهوری اسلامی گزارش شده است که در نوع خود، جنایتی غیرقابل گذشت به حساب آمده و باعث می‌گردد ایران رتبه اول قطع اندام انسان‌ها را به عنوان یک مجازات بی‌رحمانه، غیر‌انسانی و وحشیانه به خود اختصاص دهد، که این خود نشان از وحشی‌گیری و اعمال برخلاف حقوق بشر حاکمان جمهوری اسلامی داشته و با فرهنگ و تمدن ایرانیان در تضاد است."

مروج این توحش دین اسلام است؛ کپی برداری از دین یهودی است، برگرفته از قانون حمورابی است؛ از هر کجا و هر منبعی که هست؛ توحش است؛ توحش!

پیش از آنکه کلیت فرهنگ و تمدن ایران را با ایندست توحش بدوی جایگزین کنند، باید هرچه در توان داشت خرج سرنگونی نظام پربرکت؛ "اصلاح طلب" و غیره کرد.

فغان از اینهمه توحش این "ایرانیان"



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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Why do  I keep responding to you :-) By most standards I am a Liberal. I always voted for Democrats except in 2000 I voted for Nader. Therefore I guess it means I must bow to myself. It was Liberal President Johnson who changed laws to allow me to immigrate to USA. So don't worry I am voting for the "evil Liberals" and will vote for Obama again.

Regarding Fox. I never watch it. And have no use for Hannity; Beck or any of them. Now if you want a real facsits Fox has them in abundance. 

Regarding "Aryan" I never use that word other than respond to others. You are the person who *always* brings it up. Do you have a chip about it. Show me one post that shows me be "Aryan-Loving". You have made this straw man and now kick it. 


Iran 2050

VPK,   I guess by

by Iran 2050 on



I guess by “liberals”, you mean those evil people who call for world peace and justice for all mankind and for equality for all, and call for end of racism and bigotry and injustice. Those evil people who say all cultures should be respected, all religions should be respected, all beliefs should be respected, and everyone is entitle ted to his or her beliefs. Those “evil” people, ha VPK?????


Let me just say you have to bow down to liberals every day and thank them for not letting these right wing nutjobs attack Iran and destroy it like they did with Iraq, and also on the other hand thank them for exposing the Akhhondi regime and fighting it in all international stages and for supporting the student movement in Iran. You think Sean Hannity, who to me is no different than some of these extreme Fascist intolerant  “Aryanism-loving” Iranian bigots, cares about the student movement in Iran? NO! But those “evil” liberals actually do.

Some people just don’t deserve courtesy.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I guess insults are fine now

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not going to lower myself to 2050 level and his language. But I did learn that on this site insults are now allowed. Go ahead 2050 use more insults. Call me tyrant when it is Islam that in 1400 years has been the most tyrannical of all.

We all know what is the most tyrannical philosophy. It is Islam and not amount of sugar coating will rescue it. Go on; keep insulting show your true self. Write in caps as if it makes a difference. 

I am intolerant of Islamism and lies and intolerance. You bet I am going to keep at it. I will inform all I know in the West of true nature of Islam. Good news is most Americans are very receptive to my warnings. I even changed a few liberal minds.


فغان از توحش فرد


که از هر فرصتی استفاده میکنه برای توهین به ایرانیان. اولاً ملاها اکثرا فارس نیستن و سید یا عرب هستن، ثانیا اگر ۱ قاضی عرب(سید) دستور به این مجازات میده این "ایرانیان" رو وحشی معرفی‌ نمیکنه بلکه این گروه جمهوری‌عربی‌ رو وحشی الام میکنه و بس.

Iran 2050

VPK,   Besides the

by Iran 2050 on



Besides the fact that trying to silence someone is pathetic and shows the low confidence the person silencing has in his or her argument and tells more about that person rather than the person being silenced, is a typical old school Iranian tactic used in the Iranian society for 2500 years by kings and citizens alike to suppress others, and that’s the savagery that exists in the Iranian culture that I talk about that I blame as one of the main reasons for Iran’s ills, instead of blaming a religion or bunch of religious rituals.

 It’s this intolerance and tyrannical behavior that has destroyed Iran, NOT ISLAM. I don’t give a flying you know what whether I get flagged or not. What matters is you don’t have a reasonable and empirical response to give me. And that’s the problem for you. Your problem is not me or people like me, it’s yourself and the bubble you live in and refuse to get out of. Me being silenced will not resolve your problem

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I flagged your post because of your misrepresentation of me. I never said anything about "Aryan". If you keep using that and claiming I said it I will keep flagging you.

I was going to put up with your insults about my intelligence. But I never use racial stuff and that I won't put up with. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I noted you are out of arguments and back to insults again. You go on with your insults and name calling. My "low" intelligence is fine. You be sure to hold on to your "superior" intelligence. 

I read all you said about Cyrus the Great comparing him to Genghis Khan. If that is sign of brilliance I will gladly stick to my "low" intelligence.

My low intelligence gave me three patents what did yours give you.

Iran 2050

VPK,   You’re the

by Iran 2050 on


You’re the epiphany of how low the Iranian intellect among some Iranians have reached. In the 21st century, your ideas and beliefs represent medievalism, intolerance and bigotry. You have this radar set up for everything I say and you come out bashing what I say because deep inside you know what I say is right, you’ve just been programmed to believe Iranian culture and history is “flawless” and “best ever” and if you dare to speak about the bad aspects of Iranian culture, you are an “Islamist who hates Koroush”!!! I hope you can listen to yourself one day and see how moronic your claims are. This mentality you display is of a nation that still lives in the history, and when you live in the history, and you can never truly progress, and that’s what the issue with Iran is. Half of our people want to go back to 1400 years ago and the other half to 2500 years ago. Very few talk about what Iran should look like tomorrow. Talking about bad aspects of Iranian culture in order for it to be exposed and eventually eliminated is not anti Iranian, only an intolerant close minded clueless bigot claims it is.

I told you before, numerous times, I’m not an Islamist. Not that I think being a true Islamist is bad, in fact, some of the nicest people out there are the ones who stick to the moderate and true translation of Islam, and those are by far, the majority of non shite Muslims. You know what VPK, you need to read more, travel more, talk to people more, open your mind more. I think you’ll have a better chance in life if you do those. Just because Iranian Khamenei and Iranian Khomeini made up this gibberish and call it Islam doesn’t mean they are right. Don’t all of you bigot “Aryans” claim that “we turned Islam around by making up Shiteism which is in fact a Zoroastrian version of Islam”? Then, why then that the IRI regime is practicing Zoroastrianism concepts in the name of Islam (aka Shite) you’re bashing Islam? Don’t you find that moronic?

And you are damn right, every time and anytime I see and hear bigotry, I will speak against it. Make no mistake about that. In order to build a future democratic Iran, we need, each of us need, to learn how to be a 21st century citizen of the world, not some stuck in the history bigot. If we don’t do that, we will just get out of one hole and get into another. We need to respect all beliefs and religions as long as they are separate from state. Bashing Islam or Christianity or Zoroastrianism or Atheism or what have you and eliminating them from Iranian life by the state, is an act of Fascism. Do you want to create a Fascist state? I think you do but us who truly care about Iran and want to see it a progressive tolerant society don’t.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Twisted "logic" of Muslims

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Islamic "reason" is more twisted than you think. Remember Islam rots the brain and the mind. It teaches them anyone opposing it is a "hypocrite". Therefore making it meaningless.  Reasoning with them is a waste of tiem.

This guy blames Cyrus the Great for all kinds of made up deeded. But then praises Mohammad the lunatic for greatness. The others  talk about Ali the Butcher as a saint.

Islam is so twisted there is no hope for it and no reason trying to mend it.


Twisted "logic" of Muslims

by IranFirst on

Its amazing how the followers of the cult of Arab Islam NEVER admit to any wrongs by their cult (they are not allowed to do so). They always try to rationalize Islam's barbarity, by finding someone else (even from thousands of years ago) , who allegedly did the same same barbarity as Islam is proudly doing TODAY.

Iran2050, the ONLY savages who are stoning people, cutting limbs, gouging eyes, lashing, putting women in body bags (forced hejab),... in 21st Century are Muslims . Your Islam's Sharia supports all this barbarity.

Religion of "peace" has never stopped giving

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Thanks HG

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes we all know what Achamanishid and Sassanid did to people. The history is filled with great deeds of Cyrus the Great. How he freed slaves and gave his subjects freedom. I bet Islamists hate him for rebuilding the Jewish temple.

Sassanids were very tolerant of other religions. Brought many scientists to Iran to advance knowledge. When they wanted to go back no one stopped them. Yes we know because it is recorded in all history books. 

But Islamists *** their pants at the name of Cyrus the Great. Because it punches a hole right in their lie filled cult. It shows they are nothing and how much better off world is without Islamism.

hamsade ghadimi

thanks for the clarification

by hamsade ghadimi on

thanks for the clarification vpk.  there are so many things wrong with the logic of iran 2050's statement, that i don't think one can succinctly explain his fallacies in a single comment.  it needs a blog onto its own.  my bad for taking the bait.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This person 2050 makes a job of bashing Iran and calling us racist. I never read him say one good thing  about pre-Islamic Great Iranians. He is always calling Iranians racist. I think unless we "submit" to Islam we get  to be "racist". 

The person has no idea what racist means. But sounds like he listened too much to Abodolali Bazargan another Iran hating Islamist. This person is the voice of Iran culture hate. Don't waste your time it is pointless. This person will not give up.

I got news for "2050" gig is up. Bazargan and rest of Islamists are discredited. It is much easier to learn about pre-Islamic real Iran from books. We don't need to read posts by some biased person. Mr. Bazargan and his people should get the message.

hamsade ghadimi

ایران ۲۰۵۰، به

hamsade ghadimi

ایران ۲۰۵۰، به شتر مرغ گفتن بار ببر، گفت من مرغم نه شتر.  بهش گفتن تخم بگذار، گفت من شترم نه مرغ.


Of savagery

by پندارنیک on



ظلم جانسوزی که بر آن هموطن خطاکار ما رفته جایی‌ برای
لوسبازی‌های من باقی‌ نمیگذارد.......فقط اینو بگم که یا تو داری یواش
یواش درست میشی‌، یا من دارم بهت عادت میکنم........اینم بگم که من حمورابی
ممورابی سرم نمی‌شه، این قانونا اصلش مال جوییش فرنداس.........

آهای مردم شریف ایران، مبادا فریب تبلیغات آن جناحی از رژیم را بخورید که خود "کلان دزد" پرور است... 




از کوزه همان بیرون ترآود که دروست!


در جامعه ای که عدالت را میتوان با پول خرید و رهبر آن در مورد دزدی ۳ بیلیون دلاری نصحیت به <کش> ندادن موضوع میکند و ثروت مملکت دست قشری کوچک است چه تفاوت دارد که اسلامی باشد و چه یهودی و چه حمورابی و چه از هر کجا و هر منبعی که هست. اشکال از ریشه درخت میوه است و از جهت رسیدگی به رشد و پرورش آن. میوه این درخت در جامعه ما توحش بوده و هست و خواهد بود.


Iran 2050

قدیمی۰۰تو هم

Iran 2050

قدیمی۰۰تو هم مثل اینکه انگلیسیت خوب نیست۰۰۰من گفتم من به فرد احترام میذارم چون بر ضد رژیم مینویسه۰۰ولی این دلیل نمیشه که ما از ضد رژیم بودن بریم بشیم نژادپرست، خودخواه و تحقیر کننده بقیه فرهنگها و ملتها۰ این شرم آور و زشته۰ مایه آبروریزیه۰ دنیا این حرفها را قبول نداره۰

hamsade ghadimi

ایران ۲۰۵۰، یا

hamsade ghadimi

ایران ۲۰۵۰، یا حرفت صمیمانه نیست یا فارسی‌ت خوب نیست. در حال کنون، این آخوندا هستند که به این جرایم مرتکبند نه ساسانیان.  و این هم از نوشتهٔ آقا فرد اگر دقت نکردی: "مروج این توحش دین اسلام است؛ کپی برداری از دین یهودی است، برگرفته از قانون حمورابی است؛ از هر کجا و هر منبعی که هست؛ توحش است؛ توحش!"

Iran 2050

Fred,   I have lot of

by Iran 2050 on



I have lot of respect for you since you constantly bash the IRI regime, but when you get into bashing other cultures and talking about Iranian culture supremacy, you are stepping into chauvinism and fascism territory; and you are also making up crap, and those are both unacceptable.


Long before Islam, Iranians and their government executed chopped head and murdered too. We all know what happened during the Sassanid dynasty to non Zoroastrians and also what Achemenian kings did to their opponents. Don’t blame Iranian savagery on others. Arabic culture is respected as any other culture. Don’t blame your problems on others.  200 years ago they used to burn women in the U.S thinking they were witches. This brutality happens everywhere and in every culture. The only way for Iranians to rid themselves from this savagery is to acknowledge its presence first.

Again, let’s not become Fascists because IRI pushes us to become one.

Maryam Hojjat

Very TRUE, Fred

by Maryam Hojjat on

& very sad and disgusting.