ترس از رضا پهلوی


by Fred

از زمانیکه رضا پهلوی اعلام کرد که در پی کشاندن خدایگان امام معصوم علی آقا رهبر به پای میز محاکمه بخاطر جنایت علیه بشریت است، حملات به او بر پایه ترس از پی آمد فعالیتهایش تشدید شده.

البته با وجود عواقب کیفری دادرسی بین المللی به جنایت علیه بشریت در ایران و سابقه مشعشع کارگزاران نظام پربرکت، "اصلاح طلب" و غیره؛ این واکنشها دور از انتظار نمیباشد.

یکی چنین استدلال میکند:

"طرح بحث‌های انحرافی و اغراق‌آمیزی مانند «جنایت علیه بشریت» - که عملاً نیروهای متخاصم و نظامی را دعوت به عمل می‌کند - می‌‌تواند خطرناک و زیانبار باشد."*

به عبارت دیگر؛ بیشمار ایرانیان تکه پاره شده، تجاوز جنسی، اعدام و سنگسار شده، منجمله هزاران زندانی که در عرض چند روز بصورت سازمان یافته سر به نیست شده­اند- قتل عام سال ٦٧ در زمان ریاست جمهوری سید علی خامنه­ای و نخست وزیری میرحسین موسوی خامنه - جنایت علیه بشریت نمیباشد.

بنابراین؛ حتی "طرح" بحث "اغراق آمیز" جنایت علیه بشریت در ایران، "دعوت" به تهاجم نظامی است.


در قاموس حقوقی و کتاب شرعیات اینان، ارتقاء جرم به جنایت علیه بشریت، قتل سازمان یافته چند هزار ایرانی دیگر را میطلبد؟

آیا میشود با استناد به ایندست استدلالات آب دوغ خیاری از وظیفه انسانی و ملی عدالتخواهی برای قربانیان چشم پوشید؟


* "در پاسخ به انتقاد شکایت رضا پهلوی از آیت‌اله خامنه‌ای" به قلم محمد مصطفایی در اینجا .


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Focus point

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


RP is bringing in a badly needed leadership and focus point. 

Right this is what is needed he is in a position to do it. I tried but no paper would publish my editorials because I am not RP or Ebadi. The Nobel winner is "too zard". Now all that is around is the Prince and he has to stand to the job. 

Thank you RP. Go for it and I am with you all the way. Not a "King" but a focal point. Just as a drop of water needs a seed he should be a one to bring the flood. To wash away the filth of Islamic garbage from our nation.


Maryam Hojjat

Mehraban, thanks for

by Maryam Hojjat on

your comments.  I agree with you on all.


Focus point

by RostamZ on

RP is bringing in a badly needed leadership and focus point. This is the first time I see him doing something meaningful and I support it 100%. The charges against Khamenei is a great start and hits the core of the evil IRI regime. 


Re RP, justice and HR

by Arj on

Indeed, there are those who are not supporters of RP in general and still particularly support bringing Khamenei to justice, and condemnation of IRI for its violations of human rights in general -- including many human rights activists with longer history of activism or at least as long!


Dear MasoudA, how and by whom is this rule of the "iron fist" going to be enforced?!


Agreeing with mehran

by religionoutofgovernment on

why would any person or group be excluded from a coalition or a future democratic system? AS long as people are acting within a "lawful" framework they have every right to participate in the political process. You ask what is lawful? It is what the freely elected representative of the people will legislate. 

I am also sick and tired of those who award themselves a moral superiority and the right to exclude this person and that group. I am also sick of people who think they KNOW what people in Iran think and want. Ohh yes, this is the cyberspace which is different from what the "masses" want!! Next time please quote the credible census of the popular opinion in Iran. I would really appreciate it!



by Mehrban on

[[For the past thirty two years we have unconditionally supported all efforts to bring  IR to justice, in an International Court.  That does not mean we forget the baggage, and all the hidden agendas behind  some of these groups, especially the ones who like to get back into power.]]

Amen to that!  

I agree that we should all keep our eyes and ears open and listen and watch carefully.   We should also know that there is an abyss between supporting a strong proposal for Crimes Against Humanity and a vote for anyone's Presidency or Monarchy.  

Have a great whatever is left of this Christmas day! Maziar khaan, you too.

PS. No intention of condescension.  If they have put together the team of jurists already, I must have missed it.  My apologies and wish them all the best of success. 


Good Post fred...

by masoudA on

Just a reminder.........The so called Eslah Talabs, along with the rest of those who wish for anything less than complete removal of IR from Iran are indeed scared of Reza Pahlavi.  

To those of you who consider the "much needed" iron fist that kept Iran sane during the Pahlavis - same as the insanity called IR......rest assure.....we will need the iron fist again and for years after IR - to bring back sanity to Iran.....if you think Iran will be ready for democracy the day IR is gone....you are sadly mistaking....and are indeed worthy of the title "Useful Idiots" the likes of you earned in 1978.  



by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

For the past thirty two years we have unconditionally supported all efforts to bring  IR to justice, in an International Court.

That does not mean we forget the baggage, and all the hidden agendas behind  some of these groups, especially the ones who like to get back into power.

One is free to ignore and dismiss such hidden agendas, only to pay the price for such carelessness at a later stage. Cheers

P.S. Just putting together the International team of Jurists that tribunal has put together is an acheivement in itself. Not to mention the conferences that we have organized. Condescention towards Tribunal is O.K., but asking principaled questions on a bankrupt tendency, and their ultimate motivation is "prejudice!" 


Hooshang jaan

by Mehrban on

I read the homepage, there was no mention of what they have already done. I read other tabs as well, the same.   But that is not the point.

I am not a monarchist but I am sick of prejudice.  Somebody's father was toudehie so they are no good, other's father was shahi , forget them, The other one's father was a sossol 30 years ago, no good,  that one looks like a taghooti, no way. Mojahed's oh no disgusting, Jebhe melli, khaen. We will be forever in sectarian fights.   Of course he has a claim to power, everyone in the political realm does.  It is encumbent upon us to make sure no one is in power that is not elected by Iranian people.  This does not mean blocking every legitimate effort to help us get out of this quagmire.

I say okay to "pity the country that needs Heroes".  I also would say that pity people that their guiding principle is prejudice.


Pity the country that needs heroes.

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Mehraban jaan, your condescending tone about what the Tribunal "will" do , forgets to mention all the work which we have already done, so far.

A.Broumand Foundation is another grass roots effort that should be supported. It should be obvious that all and any effort to bring IR to justice has our unconditional support. And it ought to have everyone's unconditional support.

However, if you have noticed, none of these grass roots efforts have any claims on power, and are not after restoring a system that was rejected by Iranian people. In contrast to RP's push, they are all BAGGAGE FREE. That's the dif.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

thank you.

ko goshe shenava?



Hooshang jaan

by Mehrban on

Thank you for the links (the second one is inactive) but I read the first one.  I think it is great that there is such a grassroot organization.  From the home page and other tabs, there are a lot of statements that  organization "will" do a number of things to bring attention to the crimes against humanity in Iran.  

Now I ask you why would the people involved in "Iran Tribunal" not embrace what anyone else does in the same venue?  Why exclude anyone who wants to help bring the same issue to the forefront.  I am with you on that the most important part of the equation is the people of Iran.  Okay, RP is one of the people of Iran, he has a voice and he is using it to promote human rights in Iran.  What is wrong with that action?   Would you have objected to it if it were anyone else? 

Let me say one more thing, RP has done more than a general vague nod to the issue, he has singled out Khamenei as the single point of responsibility for the crimes, THAT takes courage!  He has done it, we should support him as a courageous Iranian citizen as we would any other one whose last name was not Pahlavi.

The new Iran has to be an inclusive democracy, after all this pain, it is the only acceptable option.  

The motive behind my comment here is not a political one but I truly think we should use our logic and not old wounds prejudice or failed methodologies to find the way to a free Iran.  Okay I stop!

BTW, A.Broumand organization is another strong push towards publicizing and trying the perpetrators of these crimes.  Should we not support them either?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Islamists are running

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Afraid to the last one because they know what is going on. However you want to view it is a confluence of many things. Victims; diaspora; Iranian workers; American power; in fighting and now RP. He may be the last straw.

No single one would bring the end of IRI but together they will.The problem of IRI is they got no friends. People from their own citizens to most of the world hate them. The few friends they got are on the run themselves.

When IRI gets into trouble they will call on Hizbollah and Hamas. The best help Israel may give is to pick that time to hit Hizbollah and Hamas. That will keep the two pro IRI Arab groups busy hence IRI defenseless against the people.


What Shah did pales in

by vildemose on

What Shah did pales in comparison to what IRI has done and still doing. Comparing apple and oranges...Shah did not stone anyone to death or cut of limbs, gouging eyes and hang people for minor offenses. Only Islamists like to believe that the Shah and IRI are no different. Shah did not extend a needless war for Islam and led millions of young kids to the slaughter. Millions of Iranian under shah did not want to leave the country and their family to become refugee or spend rest of their lives in exile because of lack social, economic freedom.  Shah was a dictator but loved his country. IRI leadership does not care about Iran, only ommah at the expense of destruction of all of Iran... [(there is no Iran, only Islam //iranian.com/main/news/2011/12/24-2]


“It’s not enough that faith claims to be the solution to all problems,” he wrote in Slate in 2009 after a Danish newspaper apologised for publishing cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. “It is now demanded that such a preposterous claim be made immune from a


Tavana: Mesle inkeh khaili

by vildemose on

Tavana: Mesle inkeh khaili mitarsi...mageh mitarsi to ham mojrem shenakhteh beshi..

Don't you think using such lewd language only reinforces your islamists upbringing. Doesn't bode for you or Allah.


“It’s not enough that faith claims to be the solution to all problems,” he wrote in Slate in 2009 after a Danish newspaper apologised for publishing cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. “It is now demanded that such a preposterous claim be made immune from a

Oon Yaroo

Only one Reza could scare akhoonds and bacheh akhoonds...!

by Oon Yaroo on

And that was the late Reza Shah when he burnt them alive!

Ho Ho Ho... merry Christmas to all!


AO jaan, that's refered to as "Degenerated Workers State"

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

and we saw what happened to them.

It would be useful to note that Marx on his deathbed said he didn't know what "Marxism" meant.

Also during Lenin's life time no one ever uttered the word "Leninist."

cult worship and elevating these individuals to the levels of deity was
more in line with preserving the power of the ruling bureaucracy and
maintaining single-party rule.

In the capitalsit mode of production, what we witness in
the process of commodification is a strong tendency to basically reduce and transform  everything in the world into a commodity, a

Also refereed to as "reification;"  Verdinglichung in German.

Anonymous Observer

"a symptom and an out growth of commodified, capitalist "brand

by Anonymous Observer on

name marketing"

HTG Jaan: how about Lenin, Marx and Stalin and mass worship of those icons of non-capitalist ideology, with their statutes in every public square?  Was that a result of capitalist brand name marketing?!! 


A true grass-roots version of an International Tribune ,

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

About the Iran Tribunal campaign

Iran Tribunal Campaign is a
social movement that has been initiated by a group of individuals
composed of the families of the victims, former  political  prisoners,
the survivors of  mass killings of 1980s, political and labour
activists, women’s rights activists, lawyers, students, Children’s
rights activists, writers, artists  and human right activists, who have
been holding regular meetings since October 2007 to assess the
possibility of setting up a  Truth Commission and a People’s



کارزار جهانی برای رسیدگی به کشتار زندانیان سیاسی در دهه ۶٠ 



Hooshang jaan,

by Mehrban on

stop thinking in terms of isms and ists for just a second.  I am not even talking about anyone being the leader of a movement.  But a meaningful act that can move a movement forward, give it courage, as oppose to acts (and/or lack there of) that stall a Democratic movement.

What RP has done is commendable, regardless of one's isms (unless of course it is Islamism).  


«جنایت علیه بشریت»


"crimes against humanity".

Yes, as someone said, it is not RP himself but the charges he is so openly at an international stage leveling against the khamenei, asking for him to be tried for "crimes against humanity", which has released the ants into the tight designer style jeans of the west residing aghazadehs , which again as someone else said are nothing but a bunch of jokes in cyberspace,  providing us with regular, daily amusement :)

Another Good one Fred, and happy holidays my friend.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Revolution is not the work of leaders, but the masses

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

It's amazing how (desperate) people pin all their hopes on one individuals with "name recognition" (a symptom and an out growth of commodified, capitalist "brand name" marketing...).

What all of you utterly fail to understand is that:

it is the every day people, the ordinary masses (as  we see in Tunisia, Egypt,...) that  overthrow the state, not personalities. In the case of Iran it is not going to be Ebadi, nor RP, not the vangaurd party, but the masses themselves.

What makes monarchists attempts futile in this regrad (pretty much like Mijahedin and...) is the fact that they lack any base, what so ever, inside Iran, within the active social movements.

These social movements (women, students, workers, national minorties,..) have been the ones active against IR for the past three decades, and these are the ones who shall overthrow IR, just as they did to monarchy before IR.

Babak K.

Fred, Do you find it

by Babak K. on


Do you find it necessary that  Reza Pahlavi should address the Pahlavi dictatorship not as an appologizer for the past Estebdad?



True .....

by Mehrban on

Reza Pahlavi is the son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who had SAVAK and Rastakhiz. True, RP has never had a job, also true that Reza Pahlavi is the only personality of note that has dared to refer Ali Khamenei to the Internaltional court of law for crimes against humanity.  He is the only one!

while the rest of us are still busy settling 33 year old accounts.

Ps. In my mind it should have been Ms. Ebadi, a human rights lawer and a peace prize winner who should have done this, alas.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Fear of RP

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


No one needs to be afraid of Reza Pahlavi. What they should fear is the results of their own actions. Many people have brought up crimes of IRI but RP with his name recognition brought it to forefront better than others.

Others like Ebadi have wimped out. Now faced with results of their own deeds IRI officials are pointing fingers. "Oh they are going to endanger Iran": my foot! If they are worried about Iran then stop antagonizing West and killing Iranians.

Regarding blogosphere: it is a very powerful medium. It is what newspapers were 100 years ago. What starts as emotions here turns into actions in physical world. I applaud RP for taking actions and good for him.


ترس از یک مترسک؟


حتی رضا پهلوی هم که خود لاتی بیش نیست و ثروت دزدی پدر  لات نور بگور؟؟؟ خود را در پهلو دارد میتواند حملات خود را متوجه یک مشت لات همانند خود که قدرت را در دست گرفته اند نماید. بدبختانه خانه مادری ما از نظر تاریخی بیشتر اوقات در دست یک مشت اوباش و اراذل بوده که ثمره آن همین لات خانه ای است که هی از آن ایران، ایران، ایران راه انداخته ایم. با آرزوی روزی که با حلوا، حلوا، حلوا گویی دهان شیرین شود. آمین.

حاجی پیزوری لات و هرزه گو!



by Fred on

اتفاقاً نکته بلاگ را درست متوجه شدید.  

مخالفان نظام پربرکت؛ حتی آنانیکه هنوز کینه پدر او را یدک میکشند،  با رضا پهلوی مسئله­ای ندارند. فوقش این است که مخالف سلطنت هستند و هوادار جمهوری، چه بیتر.  ولی با اقدامات رضا پهلوی علیه نظام پربرکت مخالفتی ندارند.

از طرف دیگر؛ وحوش اسلامیست و هواداران و ریزه خواران آنان که در طول عمر نکبت بار نظام پربرکت در پی سر به نیست کردن همه آنانی بوده­اند که  پتانسیل یک کاسه کردن خیل مخالفان را داشته­اند؛ میدانند که این قابلیت در رضا پهلوی وجود دارد و برای همین هم از او میترسند و چون دستشان به او نمیرسد تا مانند بقیه دخلش را بیاورند، به حملات غالباً لوس و کوکانه ادامه میدهند.

هرچه بیشتر از ایندست زور میزنند؛ بیتر است.


All these emotions exist only in blogosphere, pretty much like

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

their beloved leader. Effectively a virtual leader in virtual space.

Outside cyber-space and blogosphere, overwhelming majority of Iranians not only don't know anything about any of these 'developments,' they really don't give a hoot about them either.


ترس از رضا پهلوی


I do not understand your point.I am not a support of IRI at all, but  I do not afraid of him our his supporter, his father did the same things.Give me one point why I or rest must afraid of him or his supporter???