متین چهار ساله است، پدر روزنامه نگارش، مسعود لواسانی، پس از بیست و چهار ماه زندان کشیدن آزاد شد.
هنوز چند روزی از آزادی پدر نگذشته که پس پریشب ساعت یازده شب مأمورین نظام پربرکت، مادرش، فاطمه خردمند را که او هم روزنامه نگار است و از بیماری صرع هم رنج میبرد، گرفتند و بردند.
پدر در مصاحبه با رادیو فرانسه از نگرانی برای متین که از قرار در مدت زندانی بودن او به لکنت زبان افتاده و حالا هم برای مادر و شنیدن صدای او بی قراری میکند میگوید.
زمان میگذرد و بیشمار ظلم های بزرگ و کوچک نظام پربرکت مسلمین نیز هم؛ آنچه خواهد ماند اثر ضرباتی است که ایران و ایرانیان متحمل شده اند.
تنها و تنها چاره؛ تلاش بی امان برای سرنگونی کلیت نظام پربرکت، "اصلاح طلب" و غیره است و لاغیر.
پ.ن. از جمله دستگیری های اخیر؛ احسان هوشمند؛ سعید مدنی و مهدی خزعلی را هم دوباره گرفتند.
Recently by Fred | Comments | Date |
ادا اطوار اسلامی | 5 | Dec 05, 2012 |
مسجد همجنسگرایان | 1 | Dec 05, 2012 |
Iranians are legitimate target | 10 | Dec 04, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Na Tavan ...
by Harpi-Eagle on Tue Jan 10, 2012 06:36 PM PSTI notice every time I state some facts about Mooohamed or Eeezlam, you just disregard them. I know in your little mind these subjects are taboo, but believe me if you can get past that mental obstacle and hear what I say and genuinely think about all these facts you will find them to be true. You will find that Mooohamed was indeed a Sociopathic Lier without concious, he was indeed a Pedophile (i.e. Aiesheh was 9 yrs old when their "Marriage" was consumated or she was raped by the 54 year old pervert), and he did cause many murders, and rapes, and raped many women himself after their successful Gazavat. Also, answer this in your mind, are there any Eeezlamic contries right now that can be considered an advanced democracy with freedom for all their citizens regardless of their gender, or religion?
If and only if you are capable of answering these question honestly to yourself, and then read the Ghoran in Persian, will you be able to set your mind free of this cancer. Only then you will realize that any country that was assimilated by the Mooozlems, saw the death of their civilization, and that's exactly why all the Mooohamedist countries in the world are the most backward.
Try to be logical, and more importantly read your beloved Ghoran, and you will see for yourself. That's all.
Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland
Can We All Just Get Along?
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Tue Jan 10, 2012 06:22 PM PST//www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sONfxPCTU0
Pacifier Time!
by Tavana on Tue Jan 10, 2012 06:15 PM PST"When desperate, pacify yourself!" The Big Mama's Lullaby!
Is not true that we as a nation have been going through so much of injustice, myseries, sufferings, wars, & etc. for centuries? What are then all these false accusations, labelings, resentments for? Has not IRI been enjoying themselves with creating the mentioned 'hobbies' among the Iranians for the past 33 years? If HTG, for instance, makes a 1000% truthful statement as:
"What we need in Iran is a lot more than a mere "change," especially a "change" that has its origins in neocons and neoliberalism line of
thought and action."
Should not he be applauded for it? Or the known IC's hostile crowd is going to call him a 'monafigh/whore-son/Triple Hajii H/etc.' and execute him on the 'roofs' of the cyberspace without any public trial? Now, tell us please who is the real 'molla' here?
Pacify yourself!
Hooshang Khan:
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Jan 10, 2012 06:09 PM PSTI hear you. And I know our road to democracy is bumpier than anyone can imagine. However, I believe in our people. No offense taken and no apologies are necessary. I only expect understanding.
"Regime Change" remains an inadequet and distortive concept
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Tue Jan 10, 2012 05:25 PM PSTGR, you're a better man than I'll ever be. You're also a much better Iranian than I ever have been or will be. And you father was also bigger than my father, and you could piss much longer than me. Are you happy now?
Please, do try to stick to the gist of the argument. What we need in Iran is a lot more than a mere "change," especially a "change" that has its origins in neocons and neoliberalism line of thought and action.
We're both in agreement over this, right?
If I've inadverdantelu offended you, apologies on my behalf is due. Obviously it wasn't meant to offend you. Now please stop offending me.
Roozbeh Jaan:
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Jan 10, 2012 05:14 PM PSTWhat else could you expect from a son of a whore who supports IR rapists!
Hooshang Khan: Wrong Again!
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Jan 10, 2012 05:10 PM PSTWhen I left Iran three decades ago, I said I would not go back until the mullahs' regime is overthrown! And I have kept that vow! If you have problems with the whole world find a different way of solving it! You called me a Monarchist, I corrected you. Again, you called an MEK supporter. I ignored you. You said, I was out of my mind, because you took what I wrote out of context. I corrected you and asked you a question. You never answered it. Now, you're telling me about Neocons! Use your own logic above and try to think whether when I say regime change it is the same as when Neocons say it or not! And I tell you, you don't get what people are saying simply because you're stuck with these theories that interpret the world in black and white! I said years ago that the regime wants a war and it should not have one. I've seen a war and I didn't like it. It was during the time you were enjoying your life in North America!
CIA used to have very accurate depictions of atrocities in USSR
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Tue Jan 10, 2012 04:49 PM PSTWere such observations , just because they came out of CIA any less truthful?
The fact of the matter remains that external intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan has led to semi-permenant disintegration of both countries based on ethnic/religious lines (all of which is in line with the long-term interests of multi-nationals).
RP to his credit is also opposed to foreign intervention and invasion of Iran, is he also an IR supporter.
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
Should I go on, or do you get the gist of the argument?
What all suppoerters of "Regime change" can not answer is the
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Tue Jan 10, 2012 04:40 PM PSTfact that so far US/West sponsered "regime change," in both Afghanistan and Iraq has created TWO, not one but two, Islamic Republics.
I agree 100% that we ought to take into consideration the overall context and the specifics of a situation. And the swastika example is correct. What Aryan meant and means in Indian culture is one thing, what it meant for Hitler was another.
Now, lets apply these same criterias, context and specifities to the case of "Regime change," shall we.
This was a US/Western policy that came into almosr daily usage during the triuphanr days of neoliberalism of Clinton, and was continued as such by Bush and Cheney and is still continued by Obama's adminsitration.
As far as which body has been responsible and the actual force behind all these regime changes, the fact of the matter remains that, it is US and its Western allies.
As to the actual result of such regime changes on both sides of Iran, the fact of the matter remains that THANKS TO THE POLICY OF 'REGIME CHANGE' NOW WE HAVE TWO ISLAMIC REPUBLICS ON EITHER SIDE OF IRAN, WHEREAS TEN YEARS AGO THERE WERE NONE.
As far as the origins and lineage of such terminology and concept that fact of the matter remains that it is aproduct of neo-cons in pursuite of their neoliberal policies.
Now please make a "timely interjection" and tell me what part of the story I'm missing, if any?
Your utter desperate desire to "change" IR with whatever maybe come instead of it is actually the best reminder of how "Anything is better than shah" mentality got us to here. And for your information there were many opposition groups and individuals that both opposed shah and khomeini and had no illusions about any of them.
Your "logic" of anything is better than IR, is the exact same logic that you supposedly attribute to all shah opponents.
Unless and untill IR is replaced by the will of Iranian people, we will end up in hell much worse than now.
Now exactly what part of this you can't understand?
You know how offensive I think the term "Khan" is , you continued use of such vulgarity only indicates your distance from a civilized discourse.
re: "mama" & "thanks HTG"
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Tue Jan 10, 2012 04:41 PM PSTJust watch the key chatracteristics of a cowardly, dishonest & degenerate mind believeing in a Fascistic "ideology" which is busy "ruling" our country (i.e. killing our people, stealing our wealth) in action:
1) reference to people's mothers as an ultimum form of insult once caught red handed!
2) "khaye maali", sucking up to others for support at times of desparation.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest.!
Hooshang Khan:
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Jan 10, 2012 04:28 PM PSTDidn't I tell you? Now you have Mullahists rooting for you? Great job, Hooshang!
Mama Mia!
by Tavana on Tue Jan 10, 2012 04:16 PM PSTInstead of a 6 years-old boy here we have a number of grown ups who need their mamas to read them the entire remarks of a 'truth teller' before jumping on their common horses of 'calling names!' It will not take'em anywhere though since even their mamas can not help them with their rages of facing the realities!
P.S. Thanks for the wise points raised by HTG, as often!
Hooshang Khan!
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Jan 10, 2012 03:45 PM PSTOnly because Hitler used Swastika as an emblem, does it mean Budhist temples should get rid of their emblems which look the same?
As I said before, with all your readings you don't seem to have a clear idea regarding what's going on in the world or what others are saying. Your untimely interjections remind me of what the young revolutionaries who thought they knew it all, after reading a book or two.
And I tell you who is against regime change: Regime supporters and paid agents!
I still believe you can do better than that!
lots of insults, and no shame.
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Tue Jan 10, 2012 03:32 PM PSTHere we have this Quran reciting man/woman, shamelessly brushing aside the sufferings of a 4 year old Iranian boy, - a muslim boy, at the hands of the VF fascist regime, as some "foreign propaganda". Basically giving us the same revolting propaganda spewed out of the islamic republic's ministry of etelaat through keyhan, Press TV and other outllets of this fascist ideology on a daily basis....
They have a name for this type of people, they call them monafighs....
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
If permenant, ethnic based fragmentation of the country is your
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Tue Jan 10, 2012 03:29 PM PSTidea of democracy; yes it could "work!"
Genuine, authentic democracy, rule of the people, MARDOM SALARY, can not be achieved through military inavsions or armed forces backed coups.
It can not come from the top. Can not be top-down. The real changes comes from below, its always bottom -up.
Genuine, authentic democracies are based on civil socities and the struggle of the people within such civil society.
Although Iraqi Kurdestan comapred with the Shia or Sunni parts of Iraq has a lot less bombings and assasination, it remains an incredibly corrupt, unresponsive and disfunctional government.
So much for Tajiks' "liberation" from Taliban. US just agreed with Taliban's official opening of a diplomatic office in Qattar.
Lets not forget: One that giveth, is also the one that taketh.
More insults
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Tue Jan 10, 2012 03:16 PM PSTHere we got some guy calling others "uncle tom". Because they decided not to follow Islam. Do you know what it means to chose your own religion. Maybe not have a religion. It is freedom. I like it.
Regarding regime change there are instances where it worked. There are some where it did not. In Kurdish Iraq it worked. In the rest it did not. In some Tajik parts of Afghanistan it worked and freed them from Taliban. But not in the other regions.
It all depends on what people chose to do with their freedom. A military could remove a dictator but the rest depends on the people. If they have sense they will take advantage of it. If they are spiteful will cut their nose to spite their face.
Afghanistan and Iraq had "Regime Change,"none has democracy yet!
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on Tue Jan 10, 2012 03:02 PM PSTPolitical change in Iran CAN NOT OCCURE through ossified thinking, language and practice.
"Regime change" is a code word created by neo-cons, meaning a change in the political structure of the country compatiable with neo-liberal agenda.
Regime change in both Afghanistan and Iraq has resulted in Isalmic Republics; is this the kind of "change" we're looking forward to?
What people in Iran need is not only a superficial "change of the regime," but also a substantial change in all the structural inequalities (of class, race, gender,...) that has made IR possible.
For new political changes in Iran, we also need new modes of though, new expressions and language, and a new social practice, NOT A REHASHING OF BANKRUPT NEO-LIBERAL MANTRAS. Cheers
Regime Change!
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Jan 10, 2012 02:50 PM PSTRegime Change and establishing a democracy is the only solution!
Down with the murderous regime of Islamists!
Re : Uncle whatever ...
by Harpi-Eagle on Tue Jan 10, 2012 02:30 PM PSTNa Tavan you say :
have anything to do with the true Islam?
This true Eeezlam you speak of, would that during the 23 years of the Psychopath Pedophile Lier's time when they did all the Ghazavats, murdered, raped, be-headed innocents? The same 23 years duirng which he changed his tune from "La Ekraha Feddin to Eghtelol Kaferoon"?
Listen bro or whatever, the sooner you start reading Ghoran in Persian, the sooner you rid your mind of this evil Tazi Mumbo Jumbo. Ahriman is not gonna get defeated by itself, you have to put some effor into it.
Payandeh Iran, our Ahuraie Fatherland
Dear Roozbeh
by Artificial Intelligence on Tue Jan 10, 2012 01:23 PM PSTMost of our IRI apologist do not care about what happens to Iranians by the IRI as evidenced below. They care more about labeling people as "warmongers"; as if Fred being a warmonger changes anything.
Fred clearly is not a warmonger. He cares about Iran and Iranians as much as any of us here. All Fred is saying, and I agree with him 100%, is that if there is a war the IRI is to blame.
The burden should be on the IRI to stop a war! The IRI should stop killing and abusing Iranians for their religious and political beliefs.
The people labeling Fred as a warmonger are ALL liars!
The Back Massaging In Action!
by Tavana on Tue Jan 10, 2012 01:12 PM PSTAny news out of the Radio France & alike 'sane world' agencies carries zero credibilities with them! Zilch! No need to remind ourselves of the 'Throwing Babies Out of Incubators by the Iraqis Soldiers' made up stories before the imposed Desert Storm war on Iraqis!
As for the sympathizing with Matin's family a fair minded person should remind the readers of the past 10 years plights of millions of unborn/infants/children/kids in our neighboring countries by the hands of the foreign occupiers rather than misleading the readers with a hen type blogging manner!
back to the blog topic, the little 4 year old Matin!
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:15 PM PSTwho has difficulty speaking after suffering the trauma of having his father taken away from him and put into the torture chambers of Islamic Republic for 24 months, for no crime other than doing his job as a Jurnalist. Just as if the kid & his family had not suffered enough, the Islamic Republic goons, arrest and imprison his mother a couple of days aftrer his father's release.......
I for one, do not need to know & indeed do not care about this kids father's religion or political affiliation to feel extreme anger and contempt for those who inflict this kind of horror and suffering upon my people, and feel extreme sympathy for this family .
I for one am amazed that not a single commenter has shown slightest sympathy for this kid and the plight of his brave parents and thanked "Fred the warmonger, and chicken" for highlighting their plight...
Thanks Fred, you remain my favourite warmonger and chicken on this site!
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
The Resurrected Uncles Toms!
by Tavana on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:41 PM PSTLike their fellow Grand Uncle Sam the TRUT's on IC could oppose Islam until they enter their graves. But what in the world the crimes/ignorance/unethical actions/faith/values/etc of a cult/gang/government/syslem/etc. have anything to do with the true Islam?
Whether or not they know anything about the Islam, their main problem is that like Uncle Tom himself they are ignorant of their birth origins & that they do not see their true skins colors in the mirror!
I take it back
by Fred on Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:15 AM PSTI take it back, with the way you makeup things on the fly, it seems you need to take the 101 ethics first. Good luck and good bye.
What has ethics got to do with the truth brother?
by salman farsi on Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:08 AM PSTAre you suggesting that Brother GW Bush was unethical? The same brother whose invasion policy you applauded in your blog (see my first comment). He invaded Iraq becuase he said Saddam had in his possesion WMD!! well, he lied didn't he? And yet he had been to a reputable university (arguably) Cornell. So they did't have ethics 101 I suppose.
I try Yale next time! How is that brother?
Thanks bother Fred.
For an Islamic democracy
Brother Masked Prophet of Neishaboor
by salman farsi on Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:57 AM PSTBrother Fred has every right to oppose Islam or to advocate war but Brother Fred has still got that Chicken (see his blog's motto please) in him. He is afraid of openly admitting it. All I am asking Brother Fred is stop being a chicken or change your blog's motto to the "musings of a present chicken."
For an Islamic democracy
101 ethics
by Fred on Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:56 AM PSTThose two are prerequisites for the third. Then any 101 ethics course will do you good.
If you study hard and let the new ideas percolate, they will clean up the gunk and will be a life changing experience for you. Good luck.
ps. use a reputable Univ. phone book is for finding a chinese carryout and other services.
Why not
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:49 AM PSTbut you are specefically against the faith of Islam brother.
Is that a problem for people? Why should he not be allowed to oppose Islam. Many people oppose Islam and that is their right. Do you oppose atheism or paganism? We all have the right to oppose a religion. As long as we are non violent.
BTW: this brother thing is getting old and boring. How about a new things? Maybe uncle.
Thank you brother Fred for your advice
by salman farsi on Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:46 AM PSTI can find about the first two courses in the telephone directories but can you please tell where I can find the third course (about difference between truth and lies).
Shokran Jazilan brother.
For an Islamic democracy
Needed courses
by Fred on Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:42 AM PSTYou definitely need to take a reading comprehension course, taking a course on the fundamentals of democracy would not hurt either. while at it , take one on the difference between truth and lies.