مصاحبۀ کوتاه بخش فارسی صدای آمریکا با آقای پرویز ثابتی، مدیر پیشین امنیت داخلی سازمان اطلاعات و امنیت کشور (ساواک)، با واکنش غالباً تند بسیاری مواجه شد.
البته هر زمانیکه تاریخ، مخصوصاً تاریخ معاصر، پاکنویس میشود، توقع چنین واکنشها را باید داشت. انتظار سکوت قربانیانی که زخمهای به مغز استخوان رسیدۀ آنان انکار میگردد معقول نمیباشد.
آقای محمد ارسی یکی از قربانیان رژیم گذشته است که میگوید آقای پرویز ثابتی شخصاً در یک مرحله پس از دستگیری از او بازجویی کرده و دستور داده "ببرید آدمش کنید" که منجر به شکنجه و استفاده از "آپولو" و لت و پار کردن ایشان شده.
در بخشی از ویدیو ضمیمه، آقای ارسی از جمله میگویند:
"اصلاً این آقا محکومه، احتیاجی نداره که ما بریم اثبات کنیم که شکنجه کردی یا نکردی ..."
در قسمتهای دیگر از هم آوایی پیشین خود با رضا پهلوی میگویند:
" در مورد شخص رضا پهلوی بنده اعلام میکنم بنده اشتباه کرده بودم... شایعات بسیار بسیار زیادی هستش که این آقای پرویز ثابتی همکار این آقای رضای پهلوی هست.... ایشون هم باید جواب بدن چه رابطه ای دارن (با ثابتی) "
آیا پس از تجربه خمینی و بجای دادگاه، کفایت تشخیص هویت برای همکاران رژیم گذشته پیش از اعدام، "اصلاً این آقا (ثابتی) محکومه" تکرار همان رویه نمیباشد؟
آیا در ایران آزاد مورد نظر آزادیخواهان؛ بجای اثبات جرم، اصل را بر مجرم شناختن و آنهم بر اساس "شایعات" و بار اثبات بی تقصیری را بر دوش متهم گذاشتن جایی دارد؟
آیا بهتر آن نیست که برای متهمان تداوم سلامتی آرزو کرد تا شاید در ایرانی آزاد شده دادستان موظف به اثبات اتهامات علیه ایشان گردد؟
پ.ن. به اینجا هم سرکی بکشید
Recently by Fred | Comments | Date |
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Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
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گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Hands off my dear pal Darius Kadivar
by anglophile on Wed Feb 22, 2012 02:58 AM PSTHe is simply the best enchanting member of our community. Who else can bring so much information punctuated by fun and humour to this otherwise doom and gloom website?
By the way, Sabtei IS inncoent UNTIL proven otherwise.
by Mash Ghasem on Tue Feb 21, 2012 06:15 PM PSTand good night.
by Anahid Hojjati on Tue Feb 21, 2012 06:03 PM PSTcheers to you too. as far as the rest of your comment, i try to be a forward klooking person. i belive entities like tudeh and jebhe meli and few others are either irrele vantt in current situation or close to it. as such, i think priority should be given to discussions such as role of reformists, situation of iranian working class, effect of sanctions, and many other pressing issues. we really show our ages when we obsess about tudeh and jebhe melli. iran has a young population and they don't concern themselves with these parties which belong to iran's past. let's focus on future.
Throwing stones in a glass house, and then some! (II)
by Mash Ghasem on Tue Feb 21, 2012 05:28 PM PSTEveryone so intresteed in my real name has sent me e-mails & by now they all know exactly who I am, where I live and what I do. Furthermore we've actually met in person. I'll be meeting a few more people from IC readers for Noroz, this year. That's for my side.
As far as you're concerned, on the blunt side: do you and your 'comrades' have an iota of remorse over all the help and assistance you've given to Islamic Republic of Hell in their crimes against humanity?
Have you ever gathered the courage and the integrity to face up to all the treachery Tudeh has done while it was dancing to the Emam's Line?
What is the difference between white washing and helping with the crimes of monarchy and white washing and helping with the crimes of mullahs. Not a damn thing. In the real world this is called honesty and accountability. Cheers
MG, let me be blunt
by Anahid Hojjati on Tue Feb 21, 2012 05:11 PM PSTYou are slowly turning into a cyber bully. Months ago, you used to translate working class poems. Now you pride yourself to be an attack dog. Even though I sometimes still admire your defense of working class and opposition to Shah, but i find the tone of your comments show that you have changed into a know it all who is suffocating. You are probably the source of few people not wanting to get involved in political discussions on this site. I am not into giving brownie ponts. I opposed shah and I still believe during his time, he used torture. However, I also believe that you are becoming like a mini dictator on IC.
In the same comment thread that you called me and another person disgusting, you wrote that we did not have courage. How can someone who is not brave enough to use his real name tell me that I don't have courage. I find that very funny.
Throwing stones in a glass house, and then some!
by Mash Ghasem on Tue Feb 21, 2012 05:00 PM PSTIn my humble opinion, even after all these years (since the evaporation of USSR) I still find spying for KGB, and defending such low life acts (not to mention teaching mullahs all their tricks) pretty disgusting.
It's as disgusting as attempting to white wash torture of political prisoners during shah's time.
Just how obtuse and low can you get, when you laugh at Arasi's comment and blatently state that: "he deserved to be tortured, and he still hasn't learned his lessons," or, to saying that it wasn't really torture but just rough interrogations. It really should not be surprising if we find out later that some fo these "commentators" were SAVAKi agents themselves.
But then again in the little IC world of giving brownie points to discredited monarchists, so they give brownie points, in exchange, to discredited Stalinists, such white washing, and being utterly oblivious to historical facts concerning the treachery of monarchy and stalinists in Iran is called 'proper etiquette,' and 'civility.'
Needless to say what your humble servant, I, thinks should be done with such mannerism. It involves bodily liquids from the lower stratums. Cheers
I did learn from DK's comment
by Anahid Hojjati on Tue Feb 21, 2012 04:39 PM PSTabout how marxists viewed the post world war 2 government in Germany. I just wanted to state that if you are directly discussing a subject with DK, his comments may upset you but there is educational value in them. Not all readers participate in these online comment exchanges so consider that aspect too. Besides, you guys are not perfect, One of you the other day when confronted by opposing comments, flat out wrote:"you guys disgust me". So don't throw stone from a glass house.
Technically speaking DK's "interventions"are not really commnets
by Mash Ghasem on Tue Feb 21, 2012 04:27 PM PSTper se!
Most often, if not always, it's one liners followed by tons of related and mostly unrelated videos, or "copy & paste" from British press. Ending with LOL!!!!!
On the positive side, such a hodge podge, deserves a name of its own, just not sure what to call it!
On the real substantial side, Sabeti's apperance after three decades, seems to have backfired on him and his camp, Monarchists, VOA,... and shown all of us that, for the most part, at least in the field of Human Rights and accountability, most of us have learned our lessons. Cheers
اگر کدیور یک کامنت دیگر بگذارد من جیغ می زنم
divanehTue Feb 21, 2012 04:15 PM PST
من گوشهایش را می گیرم و پشت هم جیغ می زنم.
And I dare say they probably were Brutally interrogated
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Feb 21, 2012 03:59 PM PSTAnd For Good Reason ...
Scenes including Brutal interrogation by German Police of the Terrorist Groupe from the German Oscar Nominated Movie The Baader Meinhoff Komplex (2009):
Related Blogs:
SAVAK DEMYSTIFIED: Andisheh TV interview with Researcher Erfan Ghaeni Fard
VOA’s OFOGH: The Inception and history of SAVAK debated
SAVAK DEMYSTIFIED: Former Officer Speaks on Shah's Notorious Secret Police
Baader Meinhof also claimed to have been tortured (Daily Mirror)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Feb 21, 2012 03:31 PM PSTClowns of Terror by Michael BURLEIGH
The Baader-Meinhof story is a chilling lesson in the appeasement of terrorism by a Left-wing consensus so blinded by ideology that it glosses over horrendous crimes in support of its cause.
These terrorists were the lethal face of the radical generation who went on to occupy the heights of the liberal establishment across the western world.
In Britain, the Left-leaning universities, the arts, the BBC, and many more institutions are still dominated by survivors of an era whose ideologies - a disrespect for authority, contempt for the family unit, an emphasis on human rights not responsibilities - permeate every facet of our lives 40 years on.
The group originated amid an international wave of student militancy which was strong in Germany, where spoiled middle-class kids revolted against parents who had arduously rebuilt the country from wartime rubble.
They wanted a Marxist revolution, claiming that Germany's democracy was really a "Fascist" state perpetuated by surviving members of the Nazi party. Anyone who did not agree with them was shouted down as a "Nazi".
Never mind that real German workers wanted a Volkswagen, holidays in Torremolinos, and new kitchens - ambitions which idle student Leftists despised. Or that real workers knew about communism - their relatives lived under it in a police state across the Berlin Wall - and had no time for the views of drug-fuelled layabouts.
The Baader-Meinhof myth was born inside Stammheim prison. Leftwing sympathisers, including the country's most prominent writers and intellectuals, maintained that they were being tortured in appalling conditions. Stammheim was "like Auschwitz", they absurdly claimed.
Celebrities, like the novelist Heinrich B?ll and the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, were wheeled in to dramatise their plight. Although the aged Frenchman privately observed "what an a***hole" after being lectured by Baader in the jail's spartan visitors' suite, on live German TV he lied: "Baader has the face of a tortured man."
Sartre claimed the terrorists were being kept in blindingly white minimalist cells to disorientate them.
Read more:
Clowns of terror: The Baader Meinhof gang were hopelessly and incompetent befuddled by drugs and casual-sex by Michael BURLEIGH
Only if YOU Jomhurykhahs come out clear too
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Feb 21, 2012 03:10 PM PSTFor the Crimes commited by YOUR Republic ...
HISTORY OF VIOLENCE: IRI's Reign of Terror Begins (BBC Report 1979)
JAVIDAN: Shah's Imperial Guard dies during an attack by Khomeini guerillas (1979)
JAVIDAN: Farokhroo Pārsā (1922-1980)
JAVIDAN: Fereydoon Farrokhzad (1935-1992)
JAVIDAN: Generals Ayat Mohagheghi and Mehdi Rahimi
And No Silly Excuses like Oh this was not "Our" Revolution, or "Our" Revolution was "Highjacked" ...
You have as much Blood on your conscience as those you are pointing an accusatory finger at because YOU gave the Mullahs the Legitimacy to act as they did !
Footage of the 1979 referendum of the Islamic Republic of Iran
pictory: Bakhtiar Denounces Bazargan's Provisionary Government in exile (1979)
ROYAL ACCOUNTABILITY: Crown Prince Reza on Torture During His Father's Rule
RP must come clear
by divaneh on Tue Feb 21, 2012 02:44 PM PSTIf RP has anything to do with this vile criminal then he should certainly be ignored by all Iranians as an opportunistic person who is only there to serve his own interests. This however needs verification by him.
Sabeti is nothing but another Ghazi Mortazavi or Ghazi Salavati. His comments are as truthful as Radan or Naqdi's comments after IRI. If you are a high ranking official in an organisation that uses the torture as a tool then you are a torturer. You won’t get up there for your maths and literature skills.
If you want to frame Arasi as someone who is against a fair trial by using that one sentence in the interview, then you are wasting your time. His position on these matters is well known to many Iranians. I however doubt that Sabeti would turn up for a court hearing in Iran (unless they appoint you as the judge).
Cry me a River ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Feb 21, 2012 02:40 PM PSTSleepless in Seattle - " affair to remember VS dirty dozen"
The Cry Wolves!
by Demo on Tue Feb 21, 2012 01:57 PM PST"Based on the available documents and witnesses, I have little doubt that Mr. Sabeti would be found guilty in an impartial
judicial proceeding; however, prior to that proceeding, Mr. Sabeti has to be presumed innocent."
Yes, Yes, Yes! He has been innocent since his birth! Such a fair assesment of him, Your Honor!
But time is short, Your Royal Majesty. As PSabeti, FRousta, BMoshiri, and their alike soon are going to join their master SBee-mokh, in you know where Your Honor!
Abdolkarim Soroush as a "victim!"
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:35 PM PSTIt is unfortunate that Mr. Arasi who is seeking justice, decides to bring up the name of Abdolkarim Soroush (minute: 30:25) and present him as a victim.
Soroush has shown no remorse with regards to the crimes he committed as the mastermind of the so-called, "Cultural Revolution." He is on record proudly talking about and defending the "achievements" of the "Cultural Revolution."
MG Jan YES that is Quite Possible ;0))
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:11 PM PSTOSS 117 - Jean Dujardin - Laughs
Although I Essentially Operated For SAVAK's International Bureau
OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies - Trailer
DK, if you laugh like a SAVAKi, and write like a SAVAKi,could it
by Mash Ghasem on Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:10 AM PSTbe because: YOU ARE A SAVAKi?
Or at least a SAVAKi at heart?
by Fred on Tue Feb 21, 2012 09:50 AM PSTThe point was to highlight the vital need for the rule of law to replace the current predisposition to bypass it, and to make decisions based on facts and not rumors.
Based on the available documents and witnesses, I have
little doubt that Mr. Sabeti would be found guilty in an impartial judicial proceeding; however, prior to that proceeding, Mr. Sabeti has to be presumed innocent.
What makes Arasi Credible
by darius on Tue Feb 21, 2012 09:34 AM PSTThis is the case of he said , she said, besides what makes Arasi a credible witness?
Terrorist groups themselves used lots od deception tactics in recruiting and also gave wrong info to authority to make sure the recruit never ever get a chance to think of return to normal and productive life.
Sabeti's word is as good as Arasi's words.
To me the opposition groups are responsible for the death and suffering since 1979 revolution.
How come, none of them get tried for treason and promoting and establishing a criminal regime?
LOL anglophile Jan ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Feb 21, 2012 09:27 AM PSTGol Gofty ;0))
Monty Python - Spanish Inquisition Torture Scene
ارسی دروغ میگه شکنجه شده وگرنه تا حالا "آدم" شده بود
anglophileTue Feb 21, 2012 09:20 AM PST
Daily Farah's Blogs?
by Demo on Tue Feb 21, 2012 06:48 AM PSTDaily musings of an old chicken fond of Reza & the master criminal of them all Sabeti? Hummmm!
If this blogger astrays like Farah, writes like Farah, reasons like Farah, then she must be Farah Pahlavi herself!
If that is the catch, hurry up then old chick, write more BS then, make it 10 times a day, not much time left on your hands! Hurry up!
Fred, I disagree with you this time
by Azarbanoo on Tue Feb 21, 2012 05:48 AM PSTArasi himself is a witness what Mr. Sabeti has done to him. Mr. Arasi just asking RP to explain his relationship with Sabeti. That is all! RP is asking for support of IRANIANS and Iranians are entitled to the facts whether RP is working with an ex-criminal of his father or not.
by amirkabear4u on Tue Feb 21, 2012 01:52 AM PSTYou make no sense as usual. Please explain???????????