Do you remember Behnoud Shojaee?
If you don’t, you are not to be blamed, there are just too many to keep track of and remember.
Last year around the same time as now, IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, executed Behnood for a crime he was alleged to have committed when he was only 17.
Behnoud was murdered by the Islamist Rapists and nothing can be done about it now, but something can be done about his brave attorney.
Mr. Mohammad Oliyaifard was Behnoud’s lawyer. He tried everything to save his client from being murdered and in doing so literally put his own neck on the line.
After the murder, in an interview Oliyaifard called the verdict as what it was, “illegal”. Not long after that interview he was charged and convicted of the catch all charge of “anti-regime propaganda”. Few months later he was locked up to serve his one year sentence.
With these nuke acquiring Islamist Rapists, cases like Behnoud’s murder is a matter of routine. So is the arrest and imprisonment of human rights lawyers in Iran. But the urgency in the case of Mr. Oliyaifard comes from the recent devastating news.
According to RAHANA:
“After observing several lumps on his body, the doctor in the Evin prison clinic diagnosed Dr. Oliyaifard with leukemia. The clinic stated that Oliyaifard needs to visit a specialist. Dr. Oliyaifard needs to be transferred to a specialist clinic outside of prison immediately.”
Attn: attorneys in the sane and free world, your colleagues in Iran could use some help. At least one, while imprisoned on bogus charges, is fighting injustice and cancer empty-handed.
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by HHH on Sun Oct 17, 2010 08:22 PM PDTLet's blame the British then. No, no let's blame Arabs, no blame Mongols, since they were the 10,000,000 who ran into the streets of Iran in 79. Iranians are totally innocent and my neighbor in Mashad whose whole family yelled 'Marg bar shah" with bloody red eyes, yes, they're all innocent too. Keep throwing labels at me, just like your favorite Islamic republic lowlife label-throwers. It's good for a laugh.
" have another cup of tea in your finest Royal Albert china"
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sun Oct 17, 2010 09:49 AM PDTThis is so funny, yet true description of our gucci bassiji antellectuals, Constantly blaming Iranians for the "revolution ills", whilst living their parasitic lives in the west, courtesy of this revolution and islamist regime.
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Boro Haji 3
by Fred on Sun Oct 17, 2010 04:36 AM PDTThe problem you Islamists have is you can’t modulate your canned Islamist responses.
Perhaps if your Islamist Rapist brethrens stop raping, maiming and killing Iranian men, woman and children, I along I’ sure many, might consider your suggestion.
Until that moment arrives, try to live with people like me who are in you Islamists’ faces.
This blog is about a lawyer your Islamist Rapist brethrens are abusing, and sure enough your concern is about a factually correct descriptive label for your Islamist rapist buddies.
Now go have another cup of tea in your finest Royal Albert china and feel great about how a bigger view of the jungle you have and how you pity the fools who don’t see it your way.
As far as you saying: “Just know that I know your character pretty good by now”, yeah right!
by HHH on Sun Oct 17, 2010 04:05 AM PDTJust know that I know your character pretty good by now. If you're worried about your suffering nation I suggest you sell your overseas home and your overseas car then quit your overseas job and move back to Iran, change your name back to Freidun or Farhad, a name worthy of the country you love so much, and then start saving your fellow Iranians from the hands of those fascist rapists. WHAT? WHAT? YOU MEAN IT'S ALL TALK? I don't understand, I thought you cared. Don't you want to tell them how you think of them? Don't you want to convert the 75,000,000 Iranians? come on, start packing.
Maryam Hojjat
by HHH on Sun Oct 17, 2010 03:51 AM PDTLet me remind you who IRI are and how they became powerful and shameless!
It started in 1977 when Marxists and our dear MKO mojaheds bombarded subways in europe with anti-shah graffiti. In 1978 our moderate-muslim, nationalist groups like Mr. Bazargan's & Ebrahim Yazdi's together with Mr. Rajavi started spreading romantic revolutionary tapes and there came a flea-market of anti-shah tapes, BBC on the side exaggerated every anti-shah news and inflamed the people's minds. Then kids started getting excited, teen-agers 12 to 18 so they left their classes to watch the tanks in the streets and laugh and yell "Marg Bar Shah". More than 2/3rd of demonstrators were under 20. By early 1979 there were nearly 10,000,000 of our fellow stupid, fool Iranians in the streets demanding revolt and wanted shah to leave. They were fools not because getting rid of shah wasn't a good idea but because none of those, pardon the language, retards had any idea who is supposed to run the country when shah and his army are gone!
I won't get into the part about the fight between MKO and mullahs over the oil money and control but my point is that no one brought IRI regime to us but ourselves, the Iranians.
10,000,000 of our 35mil population did it because our nation was (and still is) illiterate and ignorant. So let's not pretend that some mysterious force from outerspace brought IRI regime to hurt us and rape us and now people are tearing Ghoran! Our own people did it and later realized how they Ef'd up! so now they blame Islam and not the actual criminals and their 45-55 year old neighbors!
Boro Haji 2
by Fred on Sun Oct 17, 2010 03:18 AM PDTTriple Haji,
Your ‘farts in the breeze in Azadi stadium” is raping, maiming and killing Iranian men, women and children like there is no tomorrow.
If in the comfort and safety of the sane world you like to take the millennia view that is your right.
But if you think you can try to pull that Islamist trick of equating your barbarism with Islam the religion, you are sadly mistaken.
As for your opinion of me and my motive, rest assured it is a non-issue to me.
by HHH on Sun Oct 17, 2010 03:18 AM PDTAre you sure Mr. Kalid said that? Were you there personally or your close friend was there?
These claims are all superstitions. No one knows who was there, who said what to whom, no one. Mullahs, including Khomeini, made a living out of people's stupidity and superstition. They made up stories, they made up Hadees. They made a living making people cry in "Sofreh". Then they built schools in Ghom to do it systematically because they knew they'll be there long-term, and they were right, we have no shortage of fools in Iran.
So you like to call Khomeini a good example of a good muslim? then I can send you a tape of his initial orders. You can believe what you like, as they say whatever that makes your day!
So let a few Zoroastarians hate me for telling the truth. They're breaking their own religion's rule of "Good Thoughts"!
Personally I think all religions are man-made. And they were made just because there were great demand for them by the illiterate fools.
by HHH on Sun Oct 17, 2010 03:02 AM PDTI can tell when one is a fake from a mile away and you sure screamed fake.
You keep bashing Iran with every post claiming you're against the regime but you don't understand that this regime is NOTHING, I repeat, it's NOTHING. Regimes like this have come and gone like farts in the breeze in Azadi stadium.
They have absolutely nothing to do with Islam. They are a cult. We studied Islam all through the school before this regime showed up and it made us better men that we are. It tought us bravery, truth, generousity, kindness and much more. So they were Arabs, are we really better? so they attacked our towns, didn't we attack and burn Athens? didn't we kill men from India to Egypt to Macedonia?
Do you really think Cyrus kissed people to death? no.
This IRI regime for example. It's not made of 1 man, it's made of millions, rough guess 7-8 million with millions more supporters. So they're not fancy soosools you and I like, should they fall down and die so we can rule them because we think we're better? I doubt it.
How many of them do you think actually raped others? 5? 10? 50? how many of them killed or beat others? 500? 1000? or tell me, do you consider them all animals?.
I don't know how old you are but I was old enough before 79, during shah, I saw the revolution from the streets with my own eyes. Back then hezbollahi kids used to call me Shahi because I told them mullahs will ruin Iran, because they assumed since my father was an officer I'd surely be a Shahi!
Now you call me Haji! see how funny it is? just because I don't want to treat them the way they treat others, like animals. Just because I want us to be better.
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Oct 17, 2010 02:56 AM PDTI tell you who said that, the trusted general of the Prophet Mohammed, Kalid Bin Walid!
This started the process of the Islamification of Iran fromt he conquest to the rape and forced and coerced assimilation of the Iranian people into Islam. Insulting Islam is not anti-Iranian. It is an expression of righteous anger compunded by the evils perpetrated by the current Islamic Republic.
Beheadings, the hijab and all the other crimes the IR commit can be justified by them in their interpretation of the Koran.
Didn't the Prophet Mohammed execute the men of an entire Jewish tribe after the Angel Gabriel visited him in a dream.
Khomeini had a similar 'Divine' intuition when he justified the killing f thousands of Iranians in the imfamous prison purge of 1988. His inspiration?
Khomeini was a good Muslim indeed. He spent years in a Qom training for it. Who are you to tell someone like Khomeini who spent his entire life being conversent with the Koran that he is un-Islamic?
by HHH on Sun Oct 17, 2010 02:36 AM PDTNO one knows who said what sentence to whom 1400 years ago. For your information I'm against joining any organized religion or party no matter what, so we're not discussing religion here.
But there's something we Iranians call "Effate Kalaam" and that's just common sense between human beings. One can take hundreds of good words from Islam or Christianity and avoid what he sees as wrong. There is no need to insult religions as a whole just because we disagree with them, or even worse, when we disagree with the people who pretend to be muslims.
If you really think IRI people are devout muslims then may be you should start reading Ghoraan because IRI has broken every rule of Islam since inception.
Regarding apology to Mr. Islamist-Rapist, I will, when pigs fly!
Boro Haji
by Fred on Sun Oct 17, 2010 02:15 AM PDTIf the Islamist Rapists and their sane world residing cyber goons think to lessen the exposure of their barbarity, they can equate Islam the religion, with their Rapist savage anti-Iran and Iranian Islamist dogma, they got another think coming.
Boro triple Haji, nothing doing.
Thanks Simourgh5555
by Maryam Hojjat on Sun Oct 17, 2010 02:07 AM PDTYou a nswered HHH much better than me.
Calm down HHH!
by Maryam Hojjat on Sun Oct 17, 2010 01:59 AM PDTIRR stands for Islamic Rapist Republic! That is indeed true. IRI/IRR has been raping Iranians more than 30 years.
By the way, People in IRAN are throwing torn Quoran on the streets and Basigis are collecting them. Islam have been imposed on Iranians for past 1400 yrs by these criminal Akhoond Moftkhors.
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Oct 17, 2010 01:55 AM PDTMaybe, Fred has justification for his belief?
HHH, I have a question for you:
Please read this quote:
"Submit to Islam and be safe. Or agree to the payment of the Jizya
(tax), and you and your people will be under our protection, else you
will have only yourself to blame for the consequences, for I bring the
men who desire death as ardently as you desire life."
Who said this? And to which nation was this addressed to?
When you have found out the answer please apologise to Fred and all Iranians.
All I can Say: Shame on IRR/ IRI
by Maryam Hojjat on Sun Oct 17, 2010 01:50 AM PDTwhere keeps the brave, honest and kind intelecuals of IRAN in Evin and real thieves, murderers, and criminals freely practicing their work for IRR.
To "Islamist Rapist" Fred
by HHH on Sun Oct 17, 2010 01:45 AM PDTYou have a dirty mouth.
To put "Islamist" next to "Rapist" is an insult to all muslims including 70 million Iranians. Where in Islam says "Rape and torture women who demand freedom & fairness?" Ha?
The IRI regime is a cult of thugs and bitter, illiterate, poor Iranians of lower-class who turned to crime in the name of Islam for money, power, control and prestige.
So call them what they are, extremist thugs and criminal lowlifes.