از عمر بن الخطاب خليفه مسلمين به يزدگرد سوم شاهنشاه پارس يزدگرد،
من آينده روشني براي تو و ملت تو نمي بينم مگر اينكه پيشنهاد مرا بپذيري و با من بيعت كني. تو سابقا بر نصف جهان حكم مي راندي ولي اكنون كه سپاهيان تو در خطوط مقدم شكست خورده اند و ملت تو در حال فروپاشي است. من به تو راهي را پيشنهاد مي كنم تا جانت را نجات دهي.
شروع كن به پرستش خداي واحد، به يكتا پرستي، به عبادت خداي يكتا كه همه چيزرا او آفريده. ما براي تو و براي تمام جهان پيام او را آورده ايم، او كه خداي راستين است. از پرستش آتش دست بردار و به ملت خود
فرمان بده كه آنها نيز از پرستش آتش كه خطاست دست بكشند، بما بپيوند الله اكبر را پرستش كن كه خداي راستين است و خالق جهان.
الله را عبادت كن و اسلام را بعنوان راه رستگاري بپذير. به راه كفر آميز خود پايان بده و اسلام بياور و الله اكبر را منجي خود بدان.
با اين كار زندگي خودت را نجات بده و صلح را براي پارسيان بدست آر. اگر بهترين انتخاب را مي خواهي براي عجم ها ( لقبي كه عربها به پارسيان مي دادند بعمني كودن و لال) انجام دهي با من بيعت كن.
الله اكبر
خليفه مسلمين
عمربن الخطاب
* *** *** *** *** *
از شاه شاهان، شاه پارس، شاه سرزمينهاي پرشمار، شاه آريايي ها و غير آريايي ها، شاه پارسيان و نژادهاي ديگر از جمله عربها، شاه فرمانروايي پارس، يزدگرد سوم ساساني به عمربن الخطاب خليفه تازيان ( لقبي كه پارسيان به عربها مي دهند به معني سگ شكاري )
تو در نامه ات نوشته اي مي خواهي ما را به راه راست هدايت كني، به راه خداي راستينت، الله اكبر، بدون اينكه هيچگونه آگاهي داشته باشي كه ما كه هستيم و چه را مي پرستيم. اين بسيار شگفت انگيز است كه تو لقب فرمانرواي عربها را براي خودت غصب كرده اي. آگاهي و دانش تو نسبت به امور دنيا به همان اندازه عربهاي پست و مزخرف گو و سرگردان در بيابانهاي عربستان و انسانهاي عقب مانده بيابان گرد است.
مردك، تو به من پيشنهاد مي كني كه خداوند يكتا را بپرستم در حاليكه نمي داني هزاران سال است كه ايرانيان خداوند يكتا را مي پرستند و روزي پنج بار به درگاه او نماز مي خوانند. هزاران سال است كه در ايران، سرزمين فرهنگ و هنر اين رويه زندگي روزمره ماست. زمانيكه ما داشتيم مهرباني و كردار نيك را در جهان مي پرورانديم و پرچم پندار نيك، گفتار نيك، كردار نيك را در دستهايمان به اهتزاز درمي آورديم تو و پدران تو داشتند سوسمار ميخوردند ودخترانتان را زنده بگور مي كرديد
شما تازيان كه دم از الله مي زنيد براي آفريده هاي خدا هيچ ارزشي قائل نيستيد ، شما فرزندان خدا را گردن مي زنيد، اسراي جنگي را مي كشيد، به زنها تجاوز مي كنيد، دختران خود را زنده به گور مي كنيد، به كاروانها شبيخون مي زنيد، دسته دسته مردم را مي كشيد، زنان مردم را ميدزديد و اموال آنها را سرقت مي كنيد. قلب شما از سنگ ساخته شده است. ما تمام اين اعمال شيطاني را كه شما انجام مي دهيد محكوم مي كنيم. حال با اينهمه اعمال قبيح كه انجام مي دهيد چگونه مي خواهيد به ما درس خداشناسي بدهيد؟
تو بمن مي گويي از پرستش آتش دست بردارم، ما ايرانيان عشق به خالق و قدرت خلقت او را در نور خورشيد و گرمي آتش مي بينيم. نور و گرماي خورشيد و آتش ما را قادر مي سازد كه نور حقيقت را ببينيم و قلبهايمان براي نزديكي به خالق و به همنوع گرم شود. اين بما كمك مي كند تا با همديگر مهربانتر باشيم و اين نور اهورايي را در اعماق قلبمان روشن مي سازد
خداي ما اهورا مزداست و اين بسيار شگفت انگيز است كه شما تازه او را كشف كرده ايد و نام الله را بر روي آن گذارده ايد. اما ما و شما در يك سطح و مرتبه نيستيم، ما به همنوع كمك مي كنيم ، ما عشق را در ميان آدميان قسمت مي كنيم، ما پندار نيك را در بين انسانها ترويج مي كنيم، ما هزاران سال است كه فرهنگ پيش رفته خود را با احترام به فرهنگ هاي ديگر بر روي زمين مي گسترانيم، در حاليكه شما به نام الله به سرزمينهاي ديگر حمله مي كنيد، مردم را دسته دسته قتل عام مي كنيد، آيا الله به شما دستور داده قتل كنيد، غارت كنيد و ويران كنيد؟
يا اينكه پيروان الله به نام او اين كارها را انجام مي دهند؟ و يا هردو؟ شما مي خواهيد عشق به خدا را با نظامي گري و قدرت شمشير هايتان به مردم ياد بدهيد. شما بيابان گردهاي وحشي مي خواهيد به ملت متمدني مثل ما درس خداشناسي بدهيد. ما هزاران سال فرهنگ و تمدن در پشت سر خود داريم، تو بجز نظامي گري، وحشي گري، قتل و جنايت چه چيزي را به ارتش عربها ياد دادهاي؟ چه دانش و علمي را به مسلمانان ياد داده اي كه حالا اصرار داري به غيرمسلمانان نيز ياد بدهي؟ چه دانش و فرهنگي را از الله ات آموخته اي كه اكنون مي خواهي به زور به ديگران هم بياموزي؟
افسوس و اي افسوس ... كه ارتش پارسيان ما از ارتش شما شكست خورد و حالا مردم ما مجبورند همان خداي خودشان را اين بار با نام الله پرستش كنند و همان پنج بار نماز را بخوانند ولي اينكار با زور شمشير بايد عربي نماز بخوانند چون گويا الله شما فقط عربي مي فهمد. من پيشنهاد مي كنم كه تو و همدستانت به همان بيابانهايي كه سابقا عادت داشتيد در آن زندگي كني برگرديد. آنها را برگردان به همان جايي كه عادت داشتيد جلوي آفتاب از گرما بسوزند، به همان زندگي قبيله اي ، به همان سوسمار خوردن ها و شير شتر نوشيدنها.
من تو را نهي نمي كنم از اينكه اين دسته هاي دزد را ( ارتش تازيان) در سرزمين آباد ما رها كني در شهر هاي متمدن ما و در ميان ملت پاكيزه ما ،
اين چهار پايان سنگدل را آزاد مگذار تا مردم ما را قتل عام كنند، زنان و فرزندان ما را بربايند، به زنهاي ما تجاوز كنند و دخترانمان را به كنيزي به مكه بفرستند. نگذار اين جنايات را به نام الله انجام دهند، به اين كارهاي جنايتكارانه پايان بده آريايها بخشنده، خونگرم و مهمان نوازند، انسانهاي پاك به هر كجا كه بروند تخم دوستي، عشق ، آگاهي و حقيقت را خواهند كاشت بنابراين آنها تو و مردم تو را بخاطر اين كارهاي جنايتكارانه
مجازات نخواهند كرد
من از تو مي خواهم كه با الله اكبرت در همان بيابانهاي عربستان بماني و به شهرهاي آباد و متمدن ما نزديك نشوي ، بخاطر عقايد ترسناكت و بخاطر خوي وحشي گريت
متن نامه یزدگرد به انگلیسی
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A.O. Aziz
by Manoucher Avaznia on Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:03 AM PSTDo not worry about your response. In any converstion perhaps some undesirable words are exchanged.
To the main point, it is very much likely that what you quated were correct, however, you brought a word from Beeroonee that Heerbads were banished or dispursed. Ferdowsee's account of Anooshrevan's response to the Kafshgar clearly shows that litteracy in that empire was limited to a certain social strata; among them the Mogh's. You know that Heebarbads were the official highranking priests in Zartoshteegaree with an apparent duty of being gaurdians of sacred fire. As I mentioned ealier, places where came to agreement with Moslems their lives and faith and books were spared and they paid a certain Kharaag (Arabic khraaj) which (somehow less than what) they used to pay to the Sasanee rulers. So far, there was not a specific budon on them any way. Besides, they were exempted from military service which Moslems were to render to defend them as well as themselves.
Regarding to book-burnings, except for the dubious informations whose first-hand informers are Crusading Christians who were involved in war against Moslems after 11th century AD, of course, they can be logically discussed in detail. These said, we are fully aware that plenty of these books surived centuries after. The most notable of them was the Khawtai-namak which was translated to Arabic and then to Farsi and into a wonderful verse by Assadee Toosee and then Ferdowsee. Let's do no forget that Ferdowsee did the great job five hundred years after Hejra. Also, many Arabo-Islamic geographers have seen many of books from Pre-Islamic Iran centuries after the conquests.
Perhaps, you can successfully argue about religious texts which contradicted Islam beside Zatoshtee texts which were respected by Moslems as Zoroasterianism was regarded a monotheistic religion and respected as it is today in Iran. We are fully aware that at Ma'moon's court scholars of different (recognized) religions had detailed debates criticising one another's faith. Zoraosterians were as active as others. One of the most debated was the concept Divine Justice which Zoraostrians used to argue against Islamic concept of it. Also, we know that Mazdakee's and Maanavee's were prosecuted.
When it comes to scientific books, there is no reason to destroy them. JondeeShapoor hospital was active until the time of Booye Family. In any case, I will be more than happy to hear your arguments about the extent of those destruction and what was created in their place. These said, I have no doubt that in the uproar of war many books to be destroyed or stolen. In the Iraqi invasion of Americans these things have frequently happened and they are recorded and I have repeatedly seen those scenes on Western Television screens. When it happens in Twenty-First Century and contrary to all international conventions, what do you expect from those far off days?
I very much hope that Hezhmeenator does not feel I have hijacked his blog. If you feel so Sir, please let me know. I will zip the lip.
Sure !
by HHH on Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:20 PM PSTThese letters are written not by Omar and Yazdgerd but by Islam-hating zoroastarian kids on youtube couple of years ago!
Even if they actually did exchange letters no one would know what was said.
Terms like "Soosmarkhor" or "Arabe Taazi" are only a few decades old.
The truth is that no book, letter or writing remains from 1400 years ago. That includes Koran. Which means everything you see is written by average men for their own purpose.
Mr. Avaznia
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:33 PM PSTout of respect for your polite reply, I had edited that comment prior to your recent post. I apologize for any offense that my comment may have caused.
Mr. Avaznia
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:32 PM PSTIt is late and I do not have much time to respond, but I'll make a couple of quick points and will respond in more detail tomorrow. The first is that the assumption that there were no notable scientific and/or literary work in Iran pre-Islam and that those things only flourished after Islam is a total fallacy. The fact of the matter is that we really do not know what was in Iran's libraries pre-Islam (just like we really do not know what was in Egypt's extensive pre-Islam libraries--especially the great library of Alexandria) because those libraries were destroyed by the invading Muslim army. That is a well documented fact. here's the quote from Ibn Khaldoon's book:
"At the time of the conquest of Iran many books of that country fell into the hands of the Arabs. Sa'd ibn Abi al-Waqqas wrote to `Umar ibn al-Khattab asking his permission to have them translated for Muslims. 'Umar wrote to him in reply that he should cast them into water, "for if what is written in those books is guidance, God has given us a better guide; and if that which is in those books is misleading, God has saved us from their evil." Accordingly those books were cast into water or fire, and the sciences of the Iranians that were contained in them were destroyed and did not reach us."
Moreover, science and technology flourished in the Muslim Empire not because of Islam, but rather despite it. I'll talk more about that tomorrow, but for the time being, please consider these two quotes from Abu Rayhan al-Birdui in al-Athar al-baqiyyah about what the Muslim conquerers did to Persian inhabitants of the city of Khwarizm:
"When Qutaybah ibn Muslim reconquered Khwarizm after the apostasy of its inhabitants, he appointed Iskajmuk as its governor. Qutaybah destroyed and eliminated everyone who knew the Khwarazmi script or had some knowledge of its people and their sciences. He dispersed them in different parts of the world, and so-their traditions and conditions have remained unknown, to the extent that after the advent of Islam there remains no means to learn about the facts concerning them."
"When Qutaybah ibn Muslim destroyed their scribes (i.e. of the Khwarizmis), and killed their priests (hirbads) and burnt their books and writings, the people of Khwarizm were reduced to illiteracy. They were compelled to rely upon their memory in things that were needed by them. In the course of time they forgot all details pertaining to their differences and preserved in their memory only the general matters on which there was agreement among them.
Second, while there is no denying that there were peaceful conversion to Islam by a certain percentage of people, the fact remains that the bulk of what constituted--and to this day constitutes-- the Islamic Empire was converted by force. This even includes "Arabia" proper, where Islam was finally accepted after years of bloody tribal warfare. While I agree that the other two Abrahamic religions have pretty violent writings contained in them, unfortunately for Islam, conversion with sword is a glaring fact that sets it apart from all other religions.
A.O. Aziz
by Manoucher Avaznia on Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:11 PM PSTIf your last comment is about me: Manoucher Avaznia, I assure you that Persian Iranians have more of Sa'ad's gene in them as they mixed with Arabs more readily than any other Iranian ethnic groups. So far, I assure you that I am a Kormanj from line of Maad (even if we carry the tittle of Ghara Choorloo, we say Mamay Ma'roof be Gharachoorloo: I hope you know choor is shoor and it is dager: so is the black dager in Turkish) who have fought for Iran all their life long from Anatolia to Khoraasaan.
Deegar Khod Daanee
One is worse than the other
by Kooshan on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:57 PM PSTWhat Omar did was unIslamic. It shows the danger of interpreting religion out of context.
On the other hand, One needs to dig into the life of Yazd Gerd and see what ind of creature he was. One needs to find out how a. empire lost to desert dwellers. I like The Whitehouse because itresembles a Hotel. The presidents come and go, but the People and the Law remains!
The message is freedom to people. Freedom to choose the rulers and unseat them.
AO Aziz;
by Manoucher Avaznia on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:56 PM PSTSorry to be late to come here. I do not know if you agree with me that Islam like Chritianity, Budhism, Bahaism, and Communism has universal claims. It means, they want to spread all over the globe as their message is for humanity. Despite many claims, spread of Islam to other corners of the globe was not through militartism only. Can you tell me if one single shot was fired in the conversian of Somali, Indonesian, Philipine, Chinese, Singaporians, American, Russians, and Western Europeans in modern times. It has been solely due to their contact with Islam through Moslem merchants and ordinary citizens. It is also wrong to believe that all Iranians contributions to Islamic civilization came by force of sword. Can you ever claim that someone like Imam Bokharee wrote all those traditions of the Prophet under the force of sword? Can you tell me Tabaree wrote all that long history under sword? Or, tell me that Zamakhsharee wrote that Sarf and Nahve of Arabic under sword? Do you know where Zamakhshar is? It is at the border with China? Iranians contribution to what is called Islamic civilization (from poetry to architcture to painting and writing history and writing the grammer of the Arabic Language) is amazingly huge. In fact, if you take away Iranians contributions away from that legacy, not much is left. Do you ever believe these achievements came under the sway of sowrd only? I strongly deny that. You can not create love by force and we still see talents who have been spent on Islamic concepts. Greatest works of literature and history ever has been created in Iran after Islam and not before it. Just check a few names like Joweinee and Fazl'ollah Hamadaanee. Even Ferdowsee who had reinvented the Persian Lnaguage says: "Khak's Pey'e Heidaram". Or Hafez speaks of "Shaney'e Najaf": a pure Shee'a tendency. Love creates arts not force.
Imperialists' efforts are for material gain only. You may refer to the works of Lenin as well as his German prdecesor who coined the term to find out about imperialistic intentions. Go to Beestoon and see what Dariush says about his conquests. "Manaa Abava": became mine.
I am not in the hearts of the early Islamic fighters against Iran to see what their real intentions were. Once engaged in war, the matter of booties comes forward and it has to be somehow settled. Again, I cannot to go to the reasons behind the Wars of Ahl'e Raddeh which was a real threat to the young Islamic community and how they changed into war for conquests. These have to be studied in detail that now I have no access to their sources and my memory is not reliable.
What I am more interested in is that only four of all line of Moslem rulers after the Prophet are acceptable to the majority of Moslems and only Ali to the Shee'a. Once it became clear to Iranians that plenty of those who came under the name of Islamic brotherhood had abandoned the simple life of the early ruler, they did not abandon Islam. They raised the banner under the name of Shoobeeyeh. They quated a verse from the Qoran to stand against the plunder of Banee Ommeyeh and Banee Abbass who, as a matter of fact, lived a life-style more similar to Iranian kings' than Prophet's who was always half-hungary.
It was again under the banner of that verse which said: "Ya ayohannass Enna Khalaghnakom Men Zakaran wa Onsa wa Ja'al naakom sho'oovan Wa Ghaaelan Lataarafoo. Enna Akramokom End Allah Atghaakom" that Iranians stood against oppression and revived their national identity and campaign for justice: their life-time desire since antiquity.
Sorry for Roodeh Deraazee
Give five Rials to Molla Manoucher
Samsam Jaan
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:01 PM PSTwell put my brother. It seems like our friend here cannot face a tough question and ignores it.
Manoucher AvazniaWed Dec 16, 2009 08:49 PM PST
As a matter of fact, I strongly believe you are right in this respect. I stongly believe such a terse response from Iranian king is highly likely. At the time of Khosrow II known as Parveez, Prophet sent him a letter as he sent to other rulers and asked them to convert to Islam by these words: ghooloo la elaaha ellaho toflehoo. It is believed all those rulers (apparently six in total) responded with some sort of diplomatic respect except king of Iran who tore the letter by saying who is this person who has dared to bring his name before mine. Also, it has been said that Parveez ordered the Iranian ruler of Yaman to go to Madina and arrest the Prophet (this is believed to be in the sixth year of Hejra). One of the slave women who had been sent to the Prophet as a gift by rulers is by the ruler of Egypt. Her name is Marieh Ghebteeyeh. She is one of his wives.
Any way, these said, the authenticity of this letter is quesionable. This comes from my heart. If I find a proof otherwise, I am succombed to the truth. By the way, Late Abdohossein Zarreen Koob is a great scholar in these fields. Unfortunately, he has been ignored very much due (most probably) to his independent way of thinking and our more or less Gharbzadegee. His works are well researched, well written, rich, filled with love for Iran and Farsi languag, and very much well-balanced. Alas, of my beesavaadee. I have not read many of his works.
نه بابا ، واژۀ تازی از "تاج" مياد نه" تاژ"
SamSamIIIIWed Dec 16, 2009 08:26 PM PST
همش زير سر اين تاجی هايه پدر سوخته بود که هی تو زمين دنبال توپ می تازي دند و چمن ها رو که تازه سازي بود ميسوزوندن و تماشاگران رو کشتار و تازه از پرسپوليس جزيه هم ميگرفتن.... و برادر گمنام نازنين, مگه سرت درد ميکنه عمو, دلت خوشه ميخوای بيگناهی مردم سر به نيست شده و لت و پار شده ايران ساسانی رو به اين تاجی هايه وطنی ميهنی گوشزد کنی ..بدبختی اين ايران خراب شده از اينه که از هر ده تامون هفتامون تاجيه يا کيسه کش تاجی . کجايه کاری . خواب ديدي عمر که مُرد تخم و تره اش رو هم برد.. زکي..اينا اهل کوفه نيستن عمر تنها بمونه.:) چييرز برو
Manoucher AvazniaWed Dec 16, 2009 08:22 PM PST
با قدردانی، در کردی کرمانجی تاژّه به معنی آن سگ کذایی وهمچنین لُخت بکار می رود. در هر صورت، اعراب زمان اسلام ثروتمند نبودند و طبیعتا نخستین بر خوردشان با ایرانیان در غرب بوده که عمدتا کرد بوده اند. شاید به طعنه لخت و عور یا تاژه خوانده شده اند. انتساب همۀ اعراب به قبیلۀ بنی طی به افسانه می ماند.
با سپاس.
by Manoucher Avaznia on Wed Dec 16, 2009 08:07 PM PSTI do not like to use your user name, but please note that I have already written this and again I repeat: Kuroshs treatment of Babyloniyans was far far better than George Bush I and IIs treatment of people of Iraq. Definitely, better than the English who used airforce to bomb peoples demonstrations. This said, Hazrat Abbasee as my dearest Lor Compatriats say, read the translation of Kuroshs Cylinder that exists with what has been given to the United Nations in 1971 by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and has been kept there ever since; and even Mrs. Shirin Ebadi has quated from it at the cermony of receiving her Nobel Prize. If you find one word in common, let me know as well.
Even the respect is not for every religious belief in Kuroshs empire. It is about Babylonia only. He clearly says kings kissed his feet and gave him tribute. It is like what is called Fath Naameh in Beyhaghees book, with raving about his favors to the people of Babylon and despising the person who ruled it before him. It seems it had been a custom there when a new ruler came, he spoke about his good deeds and demonized the previous one. A political propaganda. Also, he mentions that Marduk had called him to go to Babylon, not people. This part sounds like the Old Testament which says Yahova made it Kuroshs mission to set the Jews free from Babylonian Captivity.
by Hajminator on Wed Dec 16, 2009 07:58 PM PSTI haven’t written this letter and am not defending its authenticity. Personally I don’t refute its existence neither till I don’t reach the conviction that Yazdegerd has never sent any letter to Omar or another Arab ruler at his time refusing their conversion-offer to Islam. As you also pointed out previously, Arabs used to send such letters to people they intended to conquer after. So thinking that Persian kings didn’t accept such offer is not unlikely.
There are answers and some other questions to what you pointed out but I’m not looking to contradict you or any other friend by all means.
Ba arz adab,
لغت "تازی" از "تاژ" میاید
Jeesh DaramWed Dec 16, 2009 07:32 PM PST
تازی .
(ص نسبی ، اِ) عربی باشد. (برهان ) (آنندراج ) (انجمن آرا) (شرفنامه ٔ
منیری ). عرب ، کسی که درعربستان میماند. (فرهنگ نظام ). وجه اشتقاق :
فرزانه بهرام بن فرزانه فرهاد تاز، نام یکی از پسران سیامک بوده و تازیان
از نسل اویند و از بعضی تواریخ نیز چنین معلوم میشود که تاز پسرزاده ٔ
سیامک بن میشی بن کیومرث بوده و پدر جمله ٔ عرب است و نسب تمام عرب به تاز
');" id="fn122142"> ۞
چنانکه نسب همه ٔ عجم به هوشنگ شاه میرسد. (آنندراج ) (انجمن آرا)... و در سراج اللغات نوشته که تازی بمعنی عربی و این منسوب به تاز است چون لفظ تاز بمعنی تازنده نیز آمده و در اوائل اسلام عربان تاخت و تاراج بسیار در ایران کرده اند،بدین جهت نسبت به تاز کرده .
Manoucher AvazniaThu Dec 17, 2009 05:37 AM PST
Unfortunately, I have to write this in English because of the length of the time that it takes to write in Farsi.
1. As I wrote before, it is my first question that why Iranian cative women according to the Shah have to be sent to Macca instead of Madina where was the center of the government.
2. The story of Arbs burying their daughters alive, has been a limited practice and confined to certain tribes (one or two due to the oath that specific people had taken because their daughter had committed things which were regarded disgraceful at the time of Jaheleeyat). For the Shah`s information, the disgrace of this action and its information did not go to his majesty first, but it went to the Prophet himself. It is clearly indicated in the Qoran be ayye zenben ghotelat. If all Arabs were killing their daughters, their trace would have vanished within fifty years as there would have been no child born to them to make up the Moslems army to fight Iranians.
3. Read the literatures of people like Sadeghè Hedaayat specially Parveen Dokhtare Saasaan, Akhondof, Agha Khan Kermaanee as they are almost replica of these words. Kasravee, the book-burner, is a right heir of this tradition of Arab-hating while Iran was under the English and the Russian dominance.
4. Terminology of Tamaddon and Farhang (Culture and Civilization) are modern concepts in political arena. Especially, American historians have put much weight on them as they lacked historgraphic tradition like other nations of the Old World.
5. Killing captives were common among Persians as well as others nations. Certainly, His Majesty was fully aware of his grandfathers tradition as they claim they were comming from the line of Dara. Go to the Beestoon Inscrition and read Daruishès treatment of his captives. Reliefs are available as well. One Iranian captive by Molems was Peerooz who later on killed Omar and some seveteen other people in prayer. According to Ostaad ZareenKoob Feerooz bar sar koodakaan dast besoodee va goftee Omar jegar mara bekhord. Another one was Hormozaan who tricked Omar and was spared, but was put to death after Omars stabbing. Ali to his last days said Homozaan was wrongly killed by Omars son for Peerouz crime.
6. If all captives were massacred, where did the generation of the Mawalee come from
7. I have heard the word Ajam has no root in Arabic language. Rather, it has some roots in the Indo-European word Hezhmony from which you have driven your name. Meaning dominance, the word comes true about Persians who were the dominant force in the area for over one thousand years. Regardless of the misuse of the word, it seems more realistic to look at the word from this angle.
8. Can you please post the original letters that some people to be able to look in its totality.
9. If the Shah is concerned about crimes committed under the name of the Allah, he should reread the Beestoon Inscrition and see how Ahoora is giving every king of support to Daruish to crucify his enemies.
by Hajminator on Wed Dec 16, 2009 07:05 PM PSTWithout any prejudices, I think that if Arabs knew the difference between different grades of fire they would probably have changed their religion into Zoroastrianism.
Concerning the elections, before these events even us didn't know what Ali gueda would have took from his hat - sorry turban.
The funny thing about Mr. Avaznia
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Dec 16, 2009 06:53 PM PSTis that he laments Persian "imperialism" (in of itself a fallacy in that it applies 20th century standards to 7th Century AD and 3rd Century BC) but ignores [intentionally of course] the Islamic imperialism which was, and is, probably to this day, one of the most fearsome imperialistic forces that this planet has ever seen, the legacy of which is the remaining Islamic "ommat" which Mr. Avaznia's idols in the IRI are trying to propagate. He also ignores, and rather celebrates the IRI's neo-theocractic imperialism, and based on his previous comments on this site, seems to enjoy it quite a bit.
You have yet to answer a simple question Mr. Avaznia: why was a "religious" army willing to substitute money for its holy mission?
Please address this simple question.
What interesting letters
by divaneh on Wed Dec 16, 2009 06:36 PM PSTI am surprised that Yazdgerd did not inform Omar about the election boxes and that Iranian people elected their king every 4 years. I would not be surprised if some of you believed this too.
This document is certainly produced by someone with very little knowledge who did not even know that the Ahoura Mazda was very different to Allah and in no way is the same god under a different name. Ahoura Mazda is not the all powerful god and relies on help from the Angels, and good creatures including animals and good doing humans. The Fire is not a symbol of Mazda and in fact there are different types and grades of fire, with the fire of Bahram (an angel) being one of the most hollies. It is amazing that Yazdgerd does not know his own religion and even think that Iranians pray five times a day. The style of writing also has no resemblance to examples of other scripts by Sasanid kings.
Mr Avaznia is right to claim that Cyrus never said that he will not force his rule. Cyrus was not running a charity, he was a king of the old world but also one of the biggest and wisest politicians that world has ever seen. Cyrus in his tablet, is proud to have paid respect to Marduc, the grand god of the Babylonians, and claims that Marduc supports him, hence securing the obedience and loyalty of Babylonians. He was a just king and his respect for the beliefs of people in concurred lands allowed him to form one of the biggest empires with the least resistance. He is indeed the first king who addressed human rights and treated the defeated with justice.
Manoucher Jan: Man ghalat
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 06:09 PM PSTManoucher Jan: Man ghalat bekonam ke be shoma nasihat bekonam...Hope we can disucss this some other time. I have to cook right now...lol
With gratitude,
by Manoucher Avaznia on Wed Dec 16, 2009 05:50 PM PSTعزیزم اگر اشتباه می کنم، تصیحم کنید. شما انسان دلاوری هستی. از احترام شما هم قدر دانی می کنم. خواهش می کنم اشتباهات بنده تصحیح کنید. این برایم ارزشمندتر است.
آقای آوازنیا،
HajminatorWed Dec 16, 2009 05:37 PM PST
شما از کجا صد در صد مطمئن هستید که این نامه را کی در چه سالی نه چندان دور نوشته است ؟ در ضمن این نامه چه ربطی به امپریالیست بودن پارسها دارد؟ به نظر شخص خودم این بلعکس امپریالیست بودن عربها را نشان میدهد. در آخر نظرتون راجع به مطلبی که ساسام در این زیر پست کرده - که بیشتراین نامه را به حقیقی بودنش نزدیک میکند- چیست؟
Samsam Jan: Thank you. I
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 05:25 PM PSTSamsam Jan: Thank you. I really need to educate myself on the Iran's history.
Manoohehr jan: Chashb or chashm??? Har chi shoma begid. I have the outmost respect for you and cannot in any way say anything that might remotely upset you. I just don't have the heart...
vildemose, this little
by SamSamIIII on Wed Dec 16, 2009 04:55 PM PSTwiki piece with some verifiable sources may help you to get a basic general view of the times without getting too much into details. with references to many genocides of the bedoine armies , hope it might be of some help for you dear ..Cheers!!! S
by Manoucher Avaznia on Wed Dec 16, 2009 05:04 PM PSTI think your question is toward me. If I am correct, I would like to mention that it is not Pre-Islamic Iranian history that I sneer at. It is our haughty perception of our so-called glogrious Imperialistic past that I have trouble to understand. The strongest pillar of this aura is based upon fictional information we have been fed at the time of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and we are still harping on it. Please, check the information on Cyrus` cylinder at British Musuem and tell me where it talks about equality of human-beings, rights of the ruled upon rulers, and ``I will not rule those who do not want me as their ruler``. Quite honestly, I believe self-deception is the worst crime one commits against self.
This piece that has been posted as a historic document is really funny. Omar`s letter sounds real as it sounds like the letters which early Muslems have written. But, the response is creative writing of a modern person with a bit of knowledge of history venting an anger. I find it disrespectful to those who expect to see a genuine document with historic value.
What purpose does
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 04:17 PM PSTWhat purpose does disparaging our pre-Islamic history serve? Why so much hostility toward our pre-Islamic history??
History is always written
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 04:18 PM PSTdelet. double post.
History is always written
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 04:14 PM PSTHistory is always written by the victors. The victors were the Arab and the Islamic armies and cannot be trusted.
Reliabe source...
by ebi amirhosseini on Wed Dec 16, 2009 04:13 PM PSTYou can start by reading Roman Ghirshman's books:
NewPP limit report
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Ebi aka Haaji
I first saw the film
by Hajminator on Wed Dec 16, 2009 04:33 PM PSTMuhammad, Messenger of God (The Message for U.S. release – with Anthony Quinn and Irene Papas) not in Iran nor in a muslim country but in Paris some times around 1976. There was a scene showing Muhammad having a vision that a letter will be sent to a Persian King inviting him to Islam. The reaction of the king was surprise followed by laughter. If we corroborate this with some other evidences (for example with what AO stated), it comes that a message from some Arab leader was effectively sent to a Persian king inviting him to Islam and that the reaction was no thank you.
Now after 1400 years, what was exactly the King’s response (Go f… yourself or this letter) doesn’t really matter, what matters are the invitation and its no-acceptance, and it should be easy to prove it
منوچهر جان، ما در اصل همه بیسوادیم و در جستجوی حقایقی که افکار جمع را به خودشان مشغول میکنند هستیم .
جهان بینی قبلۀ عالم
Manoucher AvazniaWed Dec 16, 2009 04:04 PM PST
جوابیه قبلۀ عالم به شبنامه های زمان مشروطه به بعد شباهت دارد تا نامه ای دیپلماتیک از قول شاهنشاه و به زبان پهلوی. مقدار سواد نویسنده انشاء را هم می توان از خط دوم پاراگراف ماقبل آخرش دریافت. هر بچه دبستانی می داند که مرکز حکومت اسلام از زمان هجرت تا خلافت علی نزدیک چهل سال بعد مدینه بوده است. حال که نویسنده می نویسد: اين چهار پايان سنگدل را آزاد مگذار تا مردم ما را قتل عام كنند، زنان و
فرزندان ما را بربايند، به زنهاي ما تجاوز كنند و دخترانمان را به كنيزي
به مكه بفرستند.اس
اسرای ایرانی که هم بنا بر منابع تاریخی و هم بنا بر خرد متعارف باید به مرکز تصمیم گیری سیاسی فرستاده می شدند، چرا سر از مکه در آوردند؟
لابد عمر می خواسته زنان نژادۀ آریایی را اول حاجیه کند که آنها را به مکه می فرستاده. برای مزید اطلاع بسیاری از نواحی ایران ازجمله اصفهان وخراسان فتح نشدند بلکه بنا بر قرارداد تسلیم شدند و در امور داخلی خود مستقل بوده اند.
رفقای گرامی؛ اول داستان منشور حقوق بشر کورش که اصل و ترجمه اش در موزۀ بریتانیا موجود است و گوش جهان پر از اهمیت آن کرده اید راحل کنید و به این بندۀ بیسواد یک واژۀ حقوق بشری در آن نشان بدهید؛ بعد دست به اکتشافات کشاف نامۀ شاهنشاه بزنید.