از عمر بن الخطاب خليفه مسلمين به يزدگرد سوم شاهنشاه پارس يزدگرد،
من آينده روشني براي تو و ملت تو نمي بينم مگر اينكه پيشنهاد مرا بپذيري و با من بيعت كني. تو سابقا بر نصف جهان حكم مي راندي ولي اكنون كه سپاهيان تو در خطوط مقدم شكست خورده اند و ملت تو در حال فروپاشي است. من به تو راهي را پيشنهاد مي كنم تا جانت را نجات دهي.
شروع كن به پرستش خداي واحد، به يكتا پرستي، به عبادت خداي يكتا كه همه چيزرا او آفريده. ما براي تو و براي تمام جهان پيام او را آورده ايم، او كه خداي راستين است. از پرستش آتش دست بردار و به ملت خود
فرمان بده كه آنها نيز از پرستش آتش كه خطاست دست بكشند، بما بپيوند الله اكبر را پرستش كن كه خداي راستين است و خالق جهان.
الله را عبادت كن و اسلام را بعنوان راه رستگاري بپذير. به راه كفر آميز خود پايان بده و اسلام بياور و الله اكبر را منجي خود بدان.
با اين كار زندگي خودت را نجات بده و صلح را براي پارسيان بدست آر. اگر بهترين انتخاب را مي خواهي براي عجم ها ( لقبي كه عربها به پارسيان مي دادند بعمني كودن و لال) انجام دهي با من بيعت كن.
الله اكبر
خليفه مسلمين
عمربن الخطاب
* *** *** *** *** *
از شاه شاهان، شاه پارس، شاه سرزمينهاي پرشمار، شاه آريايي ها و غير آريايي ها، شاه پارسيان و نژادهاي ديگر از جمله عربها، شاه فرمانروايي پارس، يزدگرد سوم ساساني به عمربن الخطاب خليفه تازيان ( لقبي كه پارسيان به عربها مي دهند به معني سگ شكاري )
تو در نامه ات نوشته اي مي خواهي ما را به راه راست هدايت كني، به راه خداي راستينت، الله اكبر، بدون اينكه هيچگونه آگاهي داشته باشي كه ما كه هستيم و چه را مي پرستيم. اين بسيار شگفت انگيز است كه تو لقب فرمانرواي عربها را براي خودت غصب كرده اي. آگاهي و دانش تو نسبت به امور دنيا به همان اندازه عربهاي پست و مزخرف گو و سرگردان در بيابانهاي عربستان و انسانهاي عقب مانده بيابان گرد است.
مردك، تو به من پيشنهاد مي كني كه خداوند يكتا را بپرستم در حاليكه نمي داني هزاران سال است كه ايرانيان خداوند يكتا را مي پرستند و روزي پنج بار به درگاه او نماز مي خوانند. هزاران سال است كه در ايران، سرزمين فرهنگ و هنر اين رويه زندگي روزمره ماست. زمانيكه ما داشتيم مهرباني و كردار نيك را در جهان مي پرورانديم و پرچم پندار نيك، گفتار نيك، كردار نيك را در دستهايمان به اهتزاز درمي آورديم تو و پدران تو داشتند سوسمار ميخوردند ودخترانتان را زنده بگور مي كرديد
شما تازيان كه دم از الله مي زنيد براي آفريده هاي خدا هيچ ارزشي قائل نيستيد ، شما فرزندان خدا را گردن مي زنيد، اسراي جنگي را مي كشيد، به زنها تجاوز مي كنيد، دختران خود را زنده به گور مي كنيد، به كاروانها شبيخون مي زنيد، دسته دسته مردم را مي كشيد، زنان مردم را ميدزديد و اموال آنها را سرقت مي كنيد. قلب شما از سنگ ساخته شده است. ما تمام اين اعمال شيطاني را كه شما انجام مي دهيد محكوم مي كنيم. حال با اينهمه اعمال قبيح كه انجام مي دهيد چگونه مي خواهيد به ما درس خداشناسي بدهيد؟
تو بمن مي گويي از پرستش آتش دست بردارم، ما ايرانيان عشق به خالق و قدرت خلقت او را در نور خورشيد و گرمي آتش مي بينيم. نور و گرماي خورشيد و آتش ما را قادر مي سازد كه نور حقيقت را ببينيم و قلبهايمان براي نزديكي به خالق و به همنوع گرم شود. اين بما كمك مي كند تا با همديگر مهربانتر باشيم و اين نور اهورايي را در اعماق قلبمان روشن مي سازد
خداي ما اهورا مزداست و اين بسيار شگفت انگيز است كه شما تازه او را كشف كرده ايد و نام الله را بر روي آن گذارده ايد. اما ما و شما در يك سطح و مرتبه نيستيم، ما به همنوع كمك مي كنيم ، ما عشق را در ميان آدميان قسمت مي كنيم، ما پندار نيك را در بين انسانها ترويج مي كنيم، ما هزاران سال است كه فرهنگ پيش رفته خود را با احترام به فرهنگ هاي ديگر بر روي زمين مي گسترانيم، در حاليكه شما به نام الله به سرزمينهاي ديگر حمله مي كنيد، مردم را دسته دسته قتل عام مي كنيد، آيا الله به شما دستور داده قتل كنيد، غارت كنيد و ويران كنيد؟
يا اينكه پيروان الله به نام او اين كارها را انجام مي دهند؟ و يا هردو؟ شما مي خواهيد عشق به خدا را با نظامي گري و قدرت شمشير هايتان به مردم ياد بدهيد. شما بيابان گردهاي وحشي مي خواهيد به ملت متمدني مثل ما درس خداشناسي بدهيد. ما هزاران سال فرهنگ و تمدن در پشت سر خود داريم، تو بجز نظامي گري، وحشي گري، قتل و جنايت چه چيزي را به ارتش عربها ياد دادهاي؟ چه دانش و علمي را به مسلمانان ياد داده اي كه حالا اصرار داري به غيرمسلمانان نيز ياد بدهي؟ چه دانش و فرهنگي را از الله ات آموخته اي كه اكنون مي خواهي به زور به ديگران هم بياموزي؟
افسوس و اي افسوس ... كه ارتش پارسيان ما از ارتش شما شكست خورد و حالا مردم ما مجبورند همان خداي خودشان را اين بار با نام الله پرستش كنند و همان پنج بار نماز را بخوانند ولي اينكار با زور شمشير بايد عربي نماز بخوانند چون گويا الله شما فقط عربي مي فهمد. من پيشنهاد مي كنم كه تو و همدستانت به همان بيابانهايي كه سابقا عادت داشتيد در آن زندگي كني برگرديد. آنها را برگردان به همان جايي كه عادت داشتيد جلوي آفتاب از گرما بسوزند، به همان زندگي قبيله اي ، به همان سوسمار خوردن ها و شير شتر نوشيدنها.
من تو را نهي نمي كنم از اينكه اين دسته هاي دزد را ( ارتش تازيان) در سرزمين آباد ما رها كني در شهر هاي متمدن ما و در ميان ملت پاكيزه ما ،
اين چهار پايان سنگدل را آزاد مگذار تا مردم ما را قتل عام كنند، زنان و فرزندان ما را بربايند، به زنهاي ما تجاوز كنند و دخترانمان را به كنيزي به مكه بفرستند. نگذار اين جنايات را به نام الله انجام دهند، به اين كارهاي جنايتكارانه پايان بده آريايها بخشنده، خونگرم و مهمان نوازند، انسانهاي پاك به هر كجا كه بروند تخم دوستي، عشق ، آگاهي و حقيقت را خواهند كاشت بنابراين آنها تو و مردم تو را بخاطر اين كارهاي جنايتكارانه
مجازات نخواهند كرد
من از تو مي خواهم كه با الله اكبرت در همان بيابانهاي عربستان بماني و به شهرهاي آباد و متمدن ما نزديك نشوي ، بخاطر عقايد ترسناكت و بخاطر خوي وحشي گريت
متن نامه یزدگرد به انگلیسی
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AO and samsam: Thank you.
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 02:49 PM PSTAO and samsam: Thank you. Please blog about these important topics. I like to know where to start learning what we all should have been taught by our parents and school system.
by SamSamIIII on Wed Dec 16, 2009 02:46 PM PSTYes this is borderline half truth & amateurishly written contemporary fantasy but then so what?. If you are realy after the truth why dont you open Shahnameh for once in your life & follow the chapter of "Rustam vs Saad" and see if the bulk of what is said here in essence is not truth . Very well put AO jaan.
Hajmii pal, way to go pilgram :)
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia
Forget about the letter
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Dec 16, 2009 02:22 PM PSTand lets look at other documented encounters, like the one in which Sa'ad's emissary told Rosatm Farrokhzad before the beginning of the battle in Qaddissiyeh. He gave Rostam and the Persian Empire three choice: 1) to surrender and accept Islam as their religion; 2) to pay taxes (jaziyeh) and they (Persians) will be left alone to practice their religion; or 3) fight and be defeated. Now if this guy and his "Prophet" were really sent by God and were on a holy mission to spread the religion, why would they settle for money?!!!! It just goes to show that Qadissiyeh and other battles that were started by Muslims were expansionist wars, started to gain territory and war loot and had very little to do with the spread of Islam. Not that other nations didn't start wars for territory and war loot (Persians included of course), but those nations didn't hide behind some nonsense claim that they were there doing God's bidding.
شجونی: اگر آقا
vildemoseWed Dec 16, 2009 02:11 PM PST
شجونی: اگر آقا لب تر کند خرخره این آقایان را می جویم دیگر صحبت انتخابات نیست و مساله چیزی دیگری است به همین دلیل سفارش میکنم بسیجیها ،سپاهیها، روحانیت و مردم کوچه و بازار با چنگ و دندان ولایت فقیه و رهبری مقام
This clergy with a great deal of holyness and religious power without any fear declares his violent intentions on those he deems untrue to Khomeini. He must have tacit approval of a certain segment of the population to be talking like this. This the Islam that at leaset a certain segment of Iranian muslims practice and it's up to us to stand up to them or not.
Truth or Fake ...
by Arthimis on Wed Dec 16, 2009 01:41 PM PSTWhat is possible about this letter is that is exaggerated ...
What is not exaggerated is Tyranny of Islam and Fanatic Muslims in Iran and against Iranians after 1400 long years...
Islam doesn't mean Peace. Islam means submission period.
Read Qoran from first page to the last in a language you can comprehend and you will be personally proven according to Qoran: GOD of Islam constantly threatens his followers to sumbit to him or burn in hell after life... Convert infidels to Islam at all costs, if they don't convert, KILL them...
What an EVIL mentality and dogma!!!!!!!!!????????????
Let's be fair here, If there is a GOD, does he/she/it think, talk and act like us STUPID HUMEN!!!!!
Does a "Merciful and Compassinate GOD" make a difference among his children, threatens them and orders them to be killed for his Narcissistic, Egoist and Sadist ways, like us humen???? How stupid and preposterous is to believe and follow that??? Sheer ignorance and stupidity......
As a human, I will never believe in such a FAKE, SICK and UNJUST GOD, because these are the exact traits of SATAN and only SATAN can fake GOD and make stupid and ignorant humen to believe and follow him....
Persia and True Persians believed in True GOD of universe and Consciousness melleniums before these SATAN worshipers invaded our civilization and Motherland...
The ONLY thing that has kept our Iranian/Persian Identity is our Language, compassinate beliefs and culture!!!!
Iranians were invaded by many EVIL forces in particular Islamic forces... They too were desolved into ALL MIGHTY PERSIANS ... Hence, The Evil Ayatollah Khamenei must speak in Persian with all Iranians today because Persian has always been superior to Arabic on so many levels in Iran for over 1400 years and will continue to be so until the end of time...
Stupid Supreme Leader and all the other fake wanna be Arabs are not even accepted in the Backward Arab world today...
Iran and True Iranians will be Victorious completely at last.
Iranian culture before
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 01:32 PM PSTIranian culture before Islam & Its influence on ISlam & Arabian Literature Kavehfarrokh.com / Kaveh farrokh 15-Dec-2009 (one comment) Greetings to All, You may find the following of interest: Recommended Book: Iranian Culture before Islam and its Influence on Islam and Arabian Literature//www.kavehfarrokh.com/news/new-book-iranian-culture-before-islam-and-its-influence-on-islam-and-arabian-literature/ >>>
recommended by Maryam Hojjat
We can email him and inquire about the authenciticy of this letter.
I thoroughly enjoyed
by Maryam Hojjat on Wed Dec 16, 2009 01:08 PM PSTthe reality which was expressed in the Yazdegerd's letter.
May GOD Ahoura Mazda has opened heart & eyes of all IRANIANS since 1979.
On the other hand tragic emergence of IRI has been a blessing to IRANIANS in order to come back to their original roots.
Regardless of what is real or fake
by Hajminator on Wed Dec 16, 2009 02:04 PM PSTThere are always some truth in fictions and fictions in stories that are told to be 100% kosher.
What's important is what people can learn from all these mishmashes to not do the same mistakes than in the past.
And we, humans, are faaaar from this reality.
JJJ noone on i.com is qualified but they do it anyway! why not u
by Anonymouse on Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:22 PM PSTThe point is if you write a blog about/entitled Islam and Iran and present your views, whatever it may be, it can be simply observing what you've read on i.com, people listen to you and it can be an Iran-Iraq conflict and there will be historical facts and figures galore!
It's not the accuracy that counts, rather the attitude and beliefs that we can all witness and enjoy! So say you what?! Write a belog and invite people to break each other's heads one more time?!
Everything is sacred.
by Jahanshah Javid on Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:10 PM PSTAnonymouse, I am not qualified to write a blog about this subject.
And those who think it's not important whether these letters are real or not, ok, go ahead and believe all of it.
So JJJ will u write a blog bout Islam & Iran? Do we have a deal?
by Anonymouse on Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:06 PM PSTEverything is sacred.
by Cost-of-Progress on Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:03 PM PSTThis was on I.com before about 2 months ago and I also received it by email.
BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER if its fake or not.
This is how we - Persian patriots and nationalists - feel now. We just want our country back. Trouble is now most of our people are infected with the Islam virus - it shits your brain............
Who really wrote this? It's
by vildemose on Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:36 AM PSTWho really wrote this? It's highly unlikely that this is not a fake but
Khodaddad is not a credible source.
by Jahanshah Javid on Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:26 AM PSTSee Khodadad Rezakhani's essay: "Faking Yazdgerd"
To be clear,
by Hajminator on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:43 AM PSTI'm not for the purity of anything. The world is what it is, Arabs defeated the Persian empire and that is a part of our history.
However, we have been ridiculed by Arabs such a long time and saw a completely different behavior of rulers binding themselves to Islam and its teaching that we ask ourselves questions related to the pre-Islamic era.
Ali P., the leitmotiv of the Arab invasions were truly the conversion of other nations to Islam.
JJJ would u please blog about Islam, Iran's history & languages?
by Anonymouse on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:27 AM PSTSeems there are a lot of misunderstandings about Islam, Iranian history, Persian Empire, purity and such. Maybe all this needs is a belog from you that invites good people to try and resolve their differences and conflicts by sharing their feelings about these otherwise rudimentary but highly entertaining subjects!
Everything is sacred.
Damn'it...Turn Muslim or else!
by Ali P. on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:24 AM PSTJJ is right
It suggests that Omar 's problem was the fact that Iranians were not Muslims, and that just irritated the hell out of him.
(Damn, did he really expect the Persian King drop his old religion, and
convert to some weird Arab religion, based on a carrort and stick
paragraph in a letter by Omar?)
The motivation for Omar- and all the Arab fighters of the time- was getting a piece of the gold and glamour of the Persian Empire.
If the goal was a warm invitation for Iranians to consider Islam, a mailing campaign, or an army of missionaries would have done the job (although I highly doubt the typical Iranian would have opened the letters, or the door for most of them!)
Ali P.
The Damn thing
by Hajminator on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:18 AM PSTis that I received the email by an academic with high knowledge of Iranian history! I'll forward her what you say. Thanks.
Any history professor
by Jahanshah Javid on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:14 AM PSTMy sources are at universities in southern California, including Dr. Touraj Daryaee.
Check with any academic with knowledge of Iranian history. You can even ask the British Museum.
These letters posted here have been written in recent years. Contents are interesting, but a work of fiction.
by Hajminator on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:08 AM PSTI received these 'letters' by email and then by checking on the internet, I found some related links - as well as the one I put at the end of the blog and hence believed on their credibility! ... Damn :)
Could you post the academic sources you're talking about? Thanks.
by Jahanshah Javid on Wed Dec 16, 2009 09:00 AM PSTThese letters are fake, according to academics I checked with. You can check with your academic sources too.