If like myself you have never been a supporter of a system of Monarchy, take a look at these clips. you are bound to change your mind. Who can argue with sense? ;)
Recently by HollyUSA | Comments | Date |
Disposable Children? | 13 | Apr 10, 2010 |
رادیو بین المللی فرانسه: این نژاد آریائی، تعریفش چیست؟ | 44 | Jan 19, 2010 |
InsultGate | 8 | Dec 15, 2009 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Noosh AfarinMon Nov 09, 2009 04:57 PM PST
من از کسی برای بیان عقاید خود اجازه نمیگیرم، سرسپرده ی کسی هم نیستم، از کسی بت هم نمیسازم و شدیداً مخالف بت پرستی هستم، آیدی مضاعف و یا ناچیز هم از هیچ کس دریافت نمیکنم، که بخواهم با اسم اصلی خود حساب پس اندازی برای اینده باز کنم. یا اینکه هورا و به به و چه چهی از اربابانم بشنوم، تا چکی به حسابم واریز شود. به دعای کسی هم بدنیا نیامدم که با نفرین و بد و بیراهشان از دنیا بروم، تا روزی که نفس میکشم ، قسم به جان پرپر شده ی عزیز کسانی را که چه میشناسم و چه نام انهایی که در تاریخ ایران برای بیان اندیشه ی خود در دولت ملعون پهلوی و جمهوری ملایان جان خود را باختند، خاری باشم در چشم هرزه پوی جلادان دیکتاتور کشورمان.
بعضیها که از اسم اصلی خود بعنوان طرفدار و فدایی خاندان ننگین پهلوی استفاده میکنند، و هنوز پس از ٣٠ سال در پی برقراری رابطه شاه و مردم هستند، و قصد دارند که سرسپردگی و وفاداری خود را به معرض نمایش همگان بگذارند تا مورد عطوفت اربابان خود قرار گیرند، انها جیره خوارانی بیش نیستند، و با شعار به اصطلاح وطن دوستانه که حتی معنی این واژه را هم نمیداند، ادعای شرف وطن دوستی و وطن پرستی میکنند. و با استفاده از این واژه، بازی وطن فروشانه ی خود را میخواهند به دیگران بصورتی که به ان جنبه وطن پرستی میدهند، تحمیل کنند. از انجایی که خود کور هستند و از معنای وطن دوستی بدور، هر کسی را که برخلاف اربابان انها حرفی بزنند را برچسبی میزنند.
تاریخ ما شعبان جعفری(بی مخ)، طیب حاج رضایی معروف به (طیب) و برادرش اسماعیل، حسین رمضان یخی، و برادرش تقی چاقوکش و طرفدارنشان که از حامیان دربار« شاه شاهان» بودنند را در خود نگاراشته. امروزه افرادی از همان قماش ولی با ماسکی مدرن خود را دکور کرده اند، این میهن پرستان درجه یک هیچوقت به کل جامعه فکر نمیکنند. توهم سیرکردن سلطنت طلبانه ی انها، امید زیستن را به انها میدهد.
خدا شفایشان بدهد.
پی نوشت ١:
هر کسی که در بلاگ من خارج از محدوده، و از کلامی رکیک که برازنده وجود خودشان است، استفاده کنند، ان کامنت را فلاگ میکنم.
پی نوشت٢:
این اولین و اخرین باری خواهد بود که من به شما جواب میدهم و بیش از این وقت خود را هدر نمیکنم. وقتم را با کسانی سپری میکنم که نواندیش هستند و برای فردای ایران مفیدنند.
Noosh Afarin jan
by HollyUSA on Mon Nov 09, 2009 04:50 PM PSTThere really is no difference as you said, between the two groups...except in some cases shayad shaalo kolahe yekishoon chic tareh...reminds me of that old saying: ........paloonesh avaz shodeh.
Don't lose sleep over it my friend. They have no hope of getting anywhere. They have dug themselves in too far. And now if I'm not mistaken he seems to be threatening to sue unless the 'misleading' accusations stop! I guess he doesn't realize that even if other users didn't have it on record, the site does.
ایرانین دودی، (Iraniandudeee )؛
Noosh AfarinMon Nov 09, 2009 04:31 PM PST
در سال ٥٧ ایران ٣٦ میلیون جمعیت داشت که %٥٠ درصدش زیر سن ١٦ سال بودنند.که به گفته شما سهمی در واژگون کردن حکومت داشتند!!! میزان باسوادان کشور تقربیاً %٤٠ بود. اگر شما به تاریخچه انقلابات هر کشوری نگاه کنید، میزان برخاستن ملت بر علیه دولت و تغییر حکومت مابین ٢ تا چندین میلیون است. کل کشور احتیاج به ریختن به خیابانها را ندارنند. بیسوادی تاریخی و مقایسه کردن دولت امروز با دیروز نشانه طرفدار بودن مردم از حکومت گذشته نیست. مردم خسته شده اند. در گذشته شاه میخواست چوپان و «رهبر» ملتی بیسواد باشد، چون احساس قدرت میکرد، و دولت امروز با معتاد کردن جوانان نسل انقلاب خواست بر خماران حکومت کند. که خوشبختانه این را بزودی به گور خواهند برد. در نظر داشته باشید که بعلت محدودیت نسل امروز از هر جنبه اجتماعی که بیشتر متشکل از دانشجویان زن است که امارش %٦٤ درصد بر دانشجوان مرد تخمین زده شده، تحولات جدید ایران شکل دیگری را به خود گرفته، گروههایی که طرفدار حکومت دیکتاتور گذشته هستند، بسیار کمند. اما تبلیغاتشان بسیار بزرگنما.
JJ Si Cette "Noosh Afarin" Insiste avec ses allegations
by Darius Kadivar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 04:30 PM PSTMensongere et Ses Commerages Je vais La Poursuiivre en Justice !
هالی جان،
Noosh AfarinMon Nov 09, 2009 04:20 PM PST
دیشب از اين سئوال خوابم نمی برد كه مرز آزادی بیان و فحاشی و توهین، تهمت تا كجاست؟ براستی چه تفاوتی هست میان جناحهای حکومت فاشیستی جمهوری اسلامی و سلطنت طلبهای شعبان بیمخی؟ واقعا که همشون از یک قماشند با ماسکهای متفاوت.دیشب وقتی که لینک را برایت گذاشتم، مطمئن هستم که دست اندرکاران سایت قبلاً انرا ندیده بودنند و با دیدنش چونکه کاملاً بر خلاف نظریه اقای جاوید است، انرا پاک کردنند. ولی من متن کاملش را از طریق ایمیل دریافت کردم و دارم، اگر شما به فحاشی شخص مذبور به پرچم سه رنگ و پدر و مادرش را نددید، میتوانم کلش را در اینجا به معرض دید همگان بگذارم. این گونه فحاشی همان کاریست که در کشور ما بین بسیجیان وسپاه پاسداران و حتی کل دست اندرکاران گروه ضربت یا گارد جاویدان شاهنشاهی و ساواک برای تضعیف روحیه مخالفانشان بکار میگرفتند و همچنان بکار میگیرند.
Dear FR
by IRANdokht on Mon Nov 09, 2009 03:43 PM PSTI don't believe reading comments that are full of insults to your departed parents qualify as an "ego inflator".
I am sorry that you feel you need to add insult to injury and I find your comment in very poor taste.
Ego inflators
by Farah Rusta on Mon Nov 09, 2009 03:36 PM PSTJust came back to see how things are going in this blog and I found that Holly is still at it. His ego (I find it hard to believe that this character is female - he writes like a tomboy - Q's bug must have hit me too) must been inflated the same size as Ahmadinejad's - more than 100 comments!
But talking of Ahamdinejad, can you tell me: what is the difference between Ahmadinejad and Holly? (answer to this later) The vacuous nature of this blog which adds nothing to the understanding of monarchy - just sloganeering - and its lack of substance is enough to be viewed for fun. I am sure Holly's ego has still much space to grow into.
Oh, BTW, the answer to the question above is: The former is cultured,
by Darius Kadivar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:32 AM PSTOn the Otherhand I Dare YOU to come up with One Single Insult or Rude comment addressed by me to Bloggers or Feature Writers with a FULL Name and personal and identifiable Human Photo rather than a nickname and avatar ! ...
I on the otherhand and am not alone have Recieved Thousands of insults in different forms or shapes over the past Ten Years I have had the honor and privelage of contributing to this website and towards my very own Family ( such as my Brother accused of being a "Crowned Cannible" By no other than Mrs. Azam Nemati for simply writing an Article on the Persepolis Celebrations of 1971 ) without the slightest Moderation or explanation on this website ...
Defending a Just Cause like interviewing The Founder of the Stop Child Execution Campaign ( WHEN MOST OF YOU WERE SILENT OR IGNORANT ABOUT ITS VERY EXISTANCE PARTICULARLY IN THE IRANIAN MEDIA ) :Be it when I publish a photo essay on a simple comic book with a Royal Subject:
Or the Number of Insults I got From YOUR LIKEMINDS for Expressing a FACT that proved Even true in retrospect The Meddling of the Islamic Republic in the GAZA Crisis ...
Or lastly meeting the Person Whom I STILL consider as being My Queen Till Death Sets Us Apart and whose Memory and Husband's legacy I shall Defend against ALL ODDS whenever I can !:
Meeting Farah
Many Others including people who do not share my views could easily testify that I Try my best NEVER to Shy away from the challenge of a Serious and Civilized debate when the opportunity arises and particularly with those who do so in the light of the day.
Flagging is Not something I indulge in and I am NO Saint nor claim to be one unlike other respectable anonymous contributors such as Irandokht and Souri Khanoum who never miss an opportunity to put their "grain de sel" when it comes to conflict management.
So My Dear Grand Inquisitors :
I know that Revolutionary Trials may have their advantage of allowing the Grand Inquisitors to carry out their Sentance without the slightest evidence except through THIRD PARTY Accusators ... ( See PS)
If indeed Responding to Provocations with a Provocation is a Crime ... then I plead Guilty .
If my Gallic Humor which may at times indeed come across to your POLITICALLY CORRECT Iranican Cyber Ears/Eyes as blunt, dry or even sarcastic and if Critical Irony is also a Crime ... Then indeed I plead Guilty.
Khanoum Parsa, Vous qui en savait quelque chose , eh Bien Moi Darius Kadivar, simple citoyen en exile, je ne vous oublie pas et Je Vous Salut Bien Bas et Respectueusement depuis notre Propre Condition de simple Mortel sur cette terre ou nous ne somme que de passage ... //iranian.com/main/blog/darius-kadivar/javidan-farokhroo-p-rs-1922-1980Noosh Afarin, Setareh, ID and American Dream
by HollyUSA on Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:29 AM PSTThank you for your comments. Of course nothing more or better should or can be expected of certain individuals who neither have pertinent facts, the desire nor the ability and social grace that it takes to support their (non)-argument in a civil manner. Regardless, these individuals and the dictators they support are nothing but smoldering ashes of history and perhaps that is where the anger stems from...understandable I suppose.
On the bright side, some of us are fortunate enough to have our well founded beliefs and solid enough characters to allow us to remain unscathed regardless of what these individuals pull out of their bankrupt morality.
Meanwhile, I took screenshots last night (as opposed to links which may not remain in tact) of the comments in question on this and other blogs (thank you Noosh Afarin for the link) and will be emailing them to the Pahlavis so that they can revel in the depth of the characters that support them, just incase they are true to character, unaware.
by American Dream on Mon Nov 09, 2009 08:18 AM PSTIt is upsetting that a young Iranian women is being insulted right and left here on iranian.com.
This is uncalled for.
If some thing like that happened to a person in Iran over 30 years ago before the Iranian Revolution, everyone knows what would happen...
If I was insulted personally I would...
choob meekardam to koon yaaroo.
God forbid someone insulted a woman in my family. All male members in my family would have to do the honors.
Unfortunately, I live in the United States of America and if I put a choob in somebody's koon they will notify the district attorney that they have been violated.
Back in the old country a man penetrated would be too embarrassed and ashamed that he was violated.
Well, what do you do when a man acts un-manly. Humble him to the max. Show him he is not a man.
Ardeshir Zahedi's talk (to zealot monarchists)
by kharmagas on Mon Nov 09, 2009 07:34 AM PSTI believe that Shah towards the end of his life was trying to make Iran independent and prosperous, therefore respect him for that. But many of you zealot monarchists who are getting so excited, need to watch this interview and take it easy:
HollyUSA Khanoum
by Darius Kadivar on Mon Nov 09, 2009 05:21 AM PSTI accept your sincere apologies and bare no hard feelings towards you or your parents.
My Comments However Blunt were not targeting YOUR Parent's personality BUT again What I consider THEIR POOR POLITICAL CHOICE in the context of the time based on your own arguments that they did not like the Shah's Regime (which was their right as was the right of the Millions of Iranians who marched against their rule.).
However When You Open a Debate provocatively particularly on a historical era and a major event like the Islamic Revolution that is not so distant in Time as one would expect of let's say The Middle Ages or the French or American Revolution where Only Books and old documents can vouch for their authentic recordings and no more alive and kicking people like You and me who have lived through that era and may have different if not radically opposite views on that given period you should expect to be challenged to the very core of what shaped your opinion and current convictions.
If my implying that Your Opinion is probably shaped by your Parent's judgments or that they made a Poor Political Choice back in 1979 by thinking that the Shah's fall would be good for Iran and IRanians is innaccurate. Or finally if by refering to Your own response to American Dream, I concluded that your parents despite having the privelegded educational background and upbringing failed to see, from the safe haven of their chosen self-exile, what was to unfold with the Theocratic Revolution seems to you as unfounded ... Then I look forward to your arguments if you wish to share them with us and pursue this debate further in a civil BUT Argumented manner.
If on the other hand you think that my comments were insulting and rude, then please accept my humble apologies in return and I shall refrain from commenting on your blogs in the future.
But TRUTH as You Can see is Never As One Sided and Crystal Clear particularly when it comes to History and politics.
The shah is actually praised by most
by Iraniandudeee on Mon Nov 09, 2009 04:19 AM PSTMost Iranians love the pahlavi dynasty because it opened up opportunities for them. Not only that but because he helped Iran culturally too.
You gotta remember that most iranians didn't even participate in the revolution, Only 6 million did (Including youth and kids).
Very sad indeed
by Setareh Cheshmakzan on Mon Nov 09, 2009 02:10 AM PSTHolly jan, It is regrettable that adults who brag about an ancient civilization and claim to democratic aspirations are incapable of a rudimentary civil discourse. They resort to verbal violence not only against the blogger but family members who are not involved and cannot speak for themselves. I deeply respect you that your compassion and wit remained intact and thank you for your brilliantly argued and civil responses.
هالی جان؛
Noosh AfarinSun Nov 08, 2009 11:39 PM PST
متاسفم که محتویات این بلاگ تبدیل به بی احترامی شخصی و بعد خانواده محترم شما مُنجر شد. دلم میخواست که زودتر بهتون میگفتم که با هر سگ و نا سگی نمیشه دهن به دهن شد. بعضیها وقتیکه میبیند دیگران انها را جزء ادم حاسبشون میکنند، جفتک میندازن، و وقتیکه قافیهءشعر این افراد به تنگ میاید، و به زبان معمولی قادر به ادامه بحث نیستند، به جفنگ گویی دست میزنند که این عمل خود نشانه نداشتن کلاس انهاست. و رفتار این افراد نمایانگر رفتار کیثف ساواک سابق و بسیجیان امروز است.
هفتهء پیش، یکی از دوستانم در این سایت لینکی را برایم ایمیل کرد که نویسنده بسیار چندش اور و کثیف نوشته بود. خواندن مطالب ان فرد بی شخصیت، دیگر جایی برای بحث کردن با او را برای کسی باز نمیگذارد. «از کوزه همان برون تراود که در اوست»، با خواندن لینک ذیل شما میتوانید به عمق فاجعه پی ببرید.
How very sad...
by IRANdokht on Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:50 PM PSTI am deeply saddened to see such nasty comments and insults directed to the blogger's parents! Unfortunately that is not considered profanity and may pass the flagging filters, but it is wrong and in very poor taste.
DK jan
Please keep in mind that if we don't write under our own names which is allowed on this site, it does not mean that the person behind the pseudo name does not have feelings or the right to express their views.
* Holly jan I said "the blogger", because that's what you are here whether you use your own name or pick a fake name/picture or use an ID like ours.
by HollyUSA on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:57 PM PSTMy bad I guess for giving you the benefit of doubt and engaging with you. I see I was wrong.
God rest your parent's soul. I trust he/she did what they thought was best and with the best of intentions. I was brought up better than to speak ill of people who are gone and/or I have no first hand knowledge of especially when they are not here to defend themselves.
Please refrain from directing any more comments to me personally as I will be ignoring them.
HollyUSA one of them actually did ...
by Darius Kadivar on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:54 PM PSTPass away and Would Endorse EVERY ONE Of my Comments regarding Your Parent's POOR CHOICE !
Kadivar, Kioumarz R.: Surgeon to painter
For Indeed While Your Parents were probably sitting Comfortably watching the Revolution on Television in the US. My Father was in Line of Fire operating at the risk of his own life equally Soldiers and officers of the Imperial Army as well as young Revolutionaries caught in the middle of the street fights and trying to save their lives.
I am certain that Back in back in 1979 , the Level of Respect That YOU and YOUR Lovely and 'educated' and "successful" American Parents would have had for my Parents (who put their American education and success in contributing to building Our Country and Not Destroying it ) am sure would be appreciated to their right level ...
For after all That Kind of "Respect" as You claim Led us ALL to Exile ...
Thank You But Do Keep Your Christmas Avatar and Democracy Lessons for other Inexperienced Young IRANICANS abroad like yourself with no genuine knowledge of their country's History or it's realities.
Warm Regards,
Darius Khan
by HollyUSA on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:30 PM PSTOf course you don't see what is rude about your comments.
I will be sure to send along your 'respect' along with the next messenger to the other side my friend.
Meanwhile, I sincerely hope that after your parents pass, people who don't know the first thing about them, don't bad mouth them.
HollyUSA Khanoum
by Darius Kadivar on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:26 PM PSTI'm Rarely Courteous with ANONYMOUS Bloggers who don't Stand Up for their Opinions in the Light of the Day but instead prefer hiding in Anonymity to make their most Bold and often outrageous Comments.
But That said I don't see what was Rude in my comments ...
Send my Utmost Respect to Your "Educated" and "Successful" Parents.
Warm Regards,
The Son of Equally 'Educated" and "Successful" Parents.
by HollyUSA on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:14 PM PSTFYI They have a couple of IRI/ Islam related ones. I'm sure they will have ones featuring AN soon. This isn't how they make a living BTW.
by HollyUSA on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:10 PM PSTI have been respectful toward you and ask that you extend the same courtesy. Otherwise you may join the ignore list with FR & FF and whomever else landed himself there.
Darius Khan
by HollyUSA on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:09 PM PSTBeh khoda we get it. The 'Royal Couple' were socially well mannered, good looking, well spoken and presented a nice looking front in the social arena of the world. But that is the LEAST of the responsibilities of the ruler/leader of a country. Vali hamash aroosak nazi nist keh akheh ghorbaan. If he had backed up the rosy and classy front with a solid and democratic social, political and economic system within the country trust me, he would have no opponents worthy of worrying about and people would not to this day be picking on how much money was spent in 'tashreefat'. I swear nobody I know that opposed the Shah then or opposes a system of Monarchy today, is ecstatic to have his/her country represented by the buffoons we have for leaders today. But the irresponsible and tyranic rule of his could not be ignored either. If you have something to SAY in defense of that, please do. Otherwise no amount of royal footage on this blog or elsewhere is going to make any difference.
And why are you comparing to Hitler? we are talking about OUR country and OUR leaders.Are you saying anything better than Hitler is good enough???
HollyUSA on The Very Contrary Mon Cher ...
by Darius Kadivar on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:09 PM PSTYou say :
"AMERICA DREAM - You are absolutely right. Almost everyone who opposes the manrchy also opposes the IRI. Everyone seems to forget that those who opposed the Shah were for the most part, not exactly the working class or the religious type but in fact well educated and as a result successful individuals. Hardly the type to support the mullahs."
Au Contraire Mon Cher ...
Let Him Refresh Your "Educated" Parent's Memory and Update You on Your Ingnorance once More ...
Warm Regards,
by Onlyiran on Sun Nov 08, 2009 09:00 PM PSTONLYIRAN - Who said anything about hating the Pahlavis??
Short answer: not me! I said Obsession, which is quite different than hate. IMHO there's quite a bit of obsession with the Pahlavis here. Otherwise, why would we still be talking about him when what he did or didn't do to Iranians--or what his son has NOT done to Iranians (his speeches and aspirations are totally irrelevant as he is not really taken seriously inside Iran)--when the IRI has been killing, raping and robbing the Iranian people blind for the past 30 years? Compared to IRI's crimes against the Iranian people, Shah looks like a saint.
Trust me, I will be happy to take all of my comments back about the whole "obsession" thing if I see "Spicyjihad" make a video about the mullahs.
by HollyUSA on Sun Nov 08, 2009 08:52 PM PSTONLYIRAN - Who said anything about hating the Pahlavis?? Saying that Mohammad Reza was a complete failure and a tyrant and that his son is not qualified for office of any type hardly amounts to hatred!
As a nation we tend to throw around very strong words, very easily. Worship, Hate, Pride and the list goes on and on. We should first try to get a better understanding of these emotions and then weight what it is we feel before slapping on the label.
And let's not forget he was chased out or he would have stayed and continued his irresponsible reign. He wasn't exactly what I'd refer to as 'badbakht'!
AMERICA DREAM - You are absolutely right. Almost everyone who opposes the manrchy also opposes the IRI. Everyone seems to forget that those who opposed the Shah were for the most part, not exactly the working class or the religious type but in fact well educated and as a result successful individuals. Hardly the type to support the mullahs.
American Dream
by Onlyiran on Sun Nov 08, 2009 08:14 PM PSTI will also add to your comment that after 30 years of unspeakable crimes against the Iranian people by the IRI, to have such an obsession with the Phalavis, and to try to still chase them with a pitch fork is extremely strange, if not unhealthy, behavior. Why so much hate toward a guy who was chased out of Iran and who's been dead and irrelevant for the past 30 years?
In Persian we have a saying: divar-e a kootah tar az een badbakht peidah nakardand.
The Shah and the Great Satan ...
by Darius Kadivar on Sun Nov 08, 2009 07:55 PM PSTI suppose that these are Two Bloodthirsty Tyrants of the 20th Century that surpass in crimes those of Adolf Hitler and Stalin United ....
Shah and Kennedy on arrival of Iran's Royal Couple to the US 1962:
Shah of Iran and Empress Farah at the White House 1962 :
The Pahlavi dynasty
by American Dream on Sun Nov 08, 2009 07:24 PM PSTIt is safe to say that a majority of the readers and writers for iranian.com don't like the Pahlavi dynasty and have a hatred for any type of monarchy in Iran.
That being said, the Pahlavi dynasty fell over 30 years ago. Any such hatred that is present in the west shows that the Pahlavis don't really have that much support.
From what I understand most of these people against the monarchy are not for a theocracy in Iran. They seem to be secular minded individuals.
I do not see the return of the monarchy in Iran. Most of the people in Iran, probably more than 75% were born after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. They don't know what a monarchy is. And what they do know about monarchy is negative.
The amount of people opposed to a monarchy in the west is a new
phenomenon.Freedom of Speech and expression is a good thing in the Iranian community. "Dameshoon garm".
If HollyUSA hates the Pahlavis with a passion, so be it. She is free to believe such.
And everything is sacred.
Samsam Jaan - one more thing
by Anonymous Observer on Sun Nov 08, 2009 05:51 PM PSTthe fact that we simply talk about this video shows our tolerant culture. I suggest the good folks at Spicyjihad make a similar video about a revered personality in Islam, and see how that works out for them. Suggestion: call the Danish newspaper that published the Mohamed cartoons, or the family of Mr. Van Gogh in Holland, and ask them some tips for protection against car bombs, stabbings, beatings, beheadings, etc...