The delusional Islamist bunch (edited)


The delusional Islamist bunch (edited)
by Iraniandudeee

First of all, as an independent Iranian/Persian nationalist, I would like to say that the Islamists are a sad, paranoid bunch that most of the Iranian people hate both in Iran and abroad.

Second, these baffons call anyone who disagrees or talks about the crimes committed by the ISLAMIC REGIME towards the Iranian people as "Exiled shahis", like it would take 30 plus years for the shahis to travel out of the country (Were they hiding in caves all this time?), and I'm sure the 100 thousands of Iranians immigrating to Europe and America every year are exiled shahis too, right? Further more, even though I'm not a shahi I would support him and any other nationalistic, democratic, secular government than the Islamic leache of a government we have today, cause he was a 100, no, no wait, a 1000 times better than these mullahs who have brought nothing but suffering and shame to the Iranian people.

Third, YOU ARE THE ONE WESTERNIZING/Americanizing IRAN AND IRANIANS by pushing them towards American/Western culture, and lifestyle through magazines and cable t.v (especially in Tehran), get the fact that Iranians don't want anything to do with Islamic culture nor teachings through your thick skull, NONE wants your backwards sharia law. Instead of teaching them Iranian/Persian culture, lifestyle, and hospitality you are trying to teach and glorify the history of our enemies to the youth and the Iranian populace, so of-cource no educated person would ever want to learn only about those things, and diff not glorify the slaughter and genocide of their ancestors. In short, the people, especially the youth, do not like what the islamic regime is encouraging so they look towards other societies, but during the shah's time, he was encouraging the true Iranian/Persian identity, culture, history, and truly making Iranians feel proud about these things stated, so of-cource they didn't look towards the west as much as they do now, cause the people have nothing in commen with the islamic regime.  The freedom and scularism also helped back then too, but this joke of a government just shows the true face of islam (Sharia) so don't be surprised that most Iranians citizens, both in iran and abroad don't follow islam nor care about it.


Btw, I'm totally against westernizing/Americanizing Iranians/Persians, I believe we should base our society on Iranian/Persian culture, lifestyle, identity, and mentality, because modernization doesn't equal westernization nor Americanization, even the Pahlavi dynasty of the shah was trying to do this to a degree, though I believe that the government should be more nationalistic in nature when it comes to these cultural issues.

P.s, you seriously think that these shahis who talk on Iranian t.vs abroad in America and Europe really wanna go back to Iran and claim their riches? You know what they could be achieiving with their level of education and knowledge, but instead they choose to spend their time on Iranian/persian trying to help the people of Iran because they love their nation much more than money, unlike most islamists and mullahs, including your mousavi and khatami idiots.


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by Iraniandudeee on

I'm saying the obvious here that most Iranians know fully about, I just believe that we need to keep on saying this until it gets through the their thick stubborn brainwashed islamist skulls.

"You should not be afraid of the ideology but of the determination and will of the men behind it"

"A drowning man is not troubled by rain" Persian Proverb