Iranican Reports: Passing the Torch of Success (Part 1 of 2)

by iranicanlive

What do successful people eat for breakfast?

How do Iranian-Americans define "success"?

The Iranican crew went to UCLA to find out. 

In May of 2009, Iranian Future Leaders (IFL) put together an unprecedented event for Iranian Americans at UCLA. Sponsored by PAAIA, the event featured six Iranian Americans which at this event were models of success for the youth. The event also featured about two dozen ”VIP” guests which came through and walked the black carpet. No media organization was allowed inside the Royce Hall to document the speakers’ presentations. The presentations were recorded and some of them are available on YouTube, and the others may become available as PAAIA releases them. The quality of the videos however, are not up to par with the presentation and execution of the program directed by Bita Milanian. The next event is happening on January 17th in Orange County. Part II of this video will be released soon on

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A dokhtar Isfooni Isfahan

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IRANICAN for the great reports...hope to have you at the next event on Jan 17th in Orange County!

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