Comment stats

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

Dear friends,

I want to fill you in on a recent technical problem.

We've been having difficulties in posting statistical tables that show the latest comments as well as hot features with most comments. They seem to be the source of slowing down the performance of the site and even at times grinding it to a halt.

We have temporarily disabled them until we find a solution. It is in the hands of our capable technical guys and I'm sure they will resolve it soon.

Ghorbane shoma



Recently by Jahanshah JavidCommentsDate
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You can help
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more from Jahanshah Javid

The subject area spaceis reduced &'s zevar still goes off!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.



by yolanda on

Please thank the engineers for bringing back the statistical tables and restoring IC to its prior glory! It feels like we have just changed from a kerosene lamp to a light bulb! It is light year better! At the same time, I hope the tables won't slow down the website's traffic!





by yolanda on

Thank you for the update on Oct, 11.

    I have a question: Are the capable technical guys still working on the glitch? finished working? stopped working?

  Be very honest with you, I can't tell at all 'cause I am an IC outsider. I am not pushing anything, just a little curious.

thank you & good luck! 



by NOT_AK69 on

Why do people want to censor others?
I wish someone would answer that question.

JJ - good thing you're a business man; good comment!



Guilty of charge ;)

by Souri on

دوستان، باید اعتراف کنم که من همیشه (یا بیشتر اوقات) برمیگردم و کامنت هام رو میخونم. بیشتر اوقات هم خیلی‌ غلط املائی یا گرامری توش میبینم (البته خوب شما که متوجه غلط ‌های من نمیشید، ل.و.ل) اینه که، بعدا سعی‌ می‌کنم اونها رو تصحیح کنم. واسه همینم، کامنتی که دوباره آپ دیت میشه، به صورت کامنت جدید دوباره چاپ میشه! کاریش هم نمیشه کرد.
ولی‌ قول میدم که بچه خوبی بشم و دیگه غلط ‌های زیادیمو تصحیح نکنم. بازم ببخشید.


Neither am I Anahid 'others' r doing it & they just need 2 stop!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


خوب، من باز اومدم که نظر بدم


در پیرو گفته‌های مارج:

من فکر می‌کنم که این تابلو ها، بودنش از نظر بازرگانی (کامرشیال) خیلی‌ هم خوبه.

از نظر نفرت پراکنی، راستشو بخواید من فکر نمیکنم بودن این تابلو ها، هیچ تاثیری در این مورد داشته باشه.

چرا که، این رفتار در وجود ماست و قبل از اینکه این تابلوی رسنت کامنت عرضه بشه، همه دوستان قبلا ترتیب همدیگرو همینطوری هم میدادند.

نظر دادن در مورد بلاگ‌ها (یعنی‌ ریت دادن) هم هیچ دردی رو دوا نمیکنه،
چونکه بازم خاله خام باجی‌ها میان به همدیگه نون قرض میدن و هی‌ واسه
همدیگه ریت میذارن. که چی‌ بشه؟ مگه مدرسه است که بخوایم نمره بدیم؟

من فکر می‌کنم که نظر البرز از همه درست تر بوده. انقدر باید بذاریم
همه خود کشی‌ و دیگر کشی‌ بکنند، تا بالاخره خودمون متوجه بشیم که این کار
فقط به زیان خودمونه و دودش فقط تو چشم خودمون میره.

دیگه هیچکی نمیاد حرف بزنه، که ما بتونیم جوابش رو یا با فحش یا با
دعوا یا با متانت بدیم. اونوقته که دیگه همه ماست‌ها رو کیسه میکنند و به
اشتباه خودشون پی‌ میبرند. کسانی‌ هم که اصلا نمیتونند آروم بنشینند، خوب
دیگه ول میکنند و می‌رن یه سایت دیگه.

البته این دوزاری ما بود که از انور او‌ البرز قرض کرده بودیم.


Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Anonymouse for your explanation

by Anahid Hojjati on

Thanks.  Since I asked, you can see that I am not one of those users refreshing same page all the time. Shame on them :)


Well apparently people keep hitting refresh key in the "recent c

by Anonymouse on

Well apparently people keep hitting refresh key in the "recent comments" page to see the latest comments and this refreshing the same page over and over again by thousands of users crashes the system.  I mentioned something to this effect in my recent blog when "recent comments" was first introduced, saying let's see if we can break our new toy!

So if they can limit the refreshing by each user, it should make the system dish/serve less frequently. At least that's what I think, I don't know about these things, I'm not a mechanic!  

Everything is sacred.

Anahid Hojjati

Anonymouse, what do you mean by only refresh every few minutes

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Anonymouse, can you please expand on your comment?


Maybe u only allow each user to refresh once every few minutes?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Nazy - just a question

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

do you think it is better to silence those hateful comments or do you think it is good to have them on display for ourselves and the world to observe? I think it is better to leave it. 

look at the republicans and how hateful they are. do you wish those comments had been deleted? those hateful racist e-mails? I'm glad they exist for one reason alone: they remind us that hate is still around and that we should acknowledge it. it helps the rest of us grow better and stronger.

i hate that iranians, despite the troubles we've been through, still behave and hate one another on the grounds of sex and religion. but we have to observe it to change it.

i like the rating idea very much. but each feature will find a way to become a tool of hate, unfortunately.  



by yolanda on

I thought (heard) IC is blocked in Iran, not accessible at all from Iran.




*JJ* / *admin* - Any global # of hits stats available?

by Anvar on

I’m not asking for any proprietary information, but would you mind publishing the percentage (not necessarily quantity) of (unique) hits on this site every now and then?

Somewhere I saw these stats, but they don’t look reliable: Iran 29% - U.S. 26% - India 7% - UK 6%, etc.

I’m wondering if the people are just preaching (or taunting as the case might be) to the choir here.

P.S. – I would welcome back the disabled/bugged features.



جی جی جان


از شوخی گذشته، شما هر جور که فکر میکنی‌ صلاح کار
خودت و سایتت هست، همون کار رو انجام بده. به هر حال این یک بیزینسه و ما
همه میدونیم که تو این روزگار وانفسا، چرخوندن یک همچین سایتی که هیچ حق
عضویتی هم از کسی‌ دریافت نمیکنه، کار بسیار مشکلیه. من به شخصه، واقعا
ازت ممنونم.

ولی‌ خودمونیم، بازار مشاعره ما رو کساد کردی، داداش!

بدون داشتن اون تابلو‌ها (یکی‌ یا دیگری، یا هردو) اصلا مشاعره امکان پذیر نیست.

منهم خیال دارم هر ماه حد آقل یک بلاگ مشاعره راه بندازم.

حالا دیگه خودت میدونی....(و مشاورای تکنیکت :))

Anahid Hojjati

JJ, is this really a bug or an experiment by you?

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Jahanshah, are you sure you are having technical difficulties?May be you are experimenting with not having these features to see whether by not having these features, the site becomes more friendly and people will have less knee jerk reactions to the comments.

If this is a bug, some people might grow to like it.


oh No!

by paradochshund on

That most commented box was the reason I joined this network!


Dorood JJ We are still

by alimostofi on

Dorood JJ

We are still getting the "reads" number. Can you ask the programmers to provide the authors more details on the hits they get for the blogs they contribute. It would help to see who reads what of theirs and at what times. Then we know when it is best to publish them. Also like some forums there could be "thumbs up", and "thums down" buttons, and "thank you" or "thanked" buttons. And JJ how can we have a system that alerts us of a reply. That way we can really interact fast. Finally, two things: every now and then I get an email that says someone left a message for you, but there is no inbox for me; and then there
is the italic tag. It does not work.

Good luck with it all, and all the best to the tech guys and gals who make this all work.


Ali Mostofi





by Q on

When you guys first put up the comments ability, I thought this was going to be like Guardian or New York Times. A little space for feedback all small and obsecure... people responding to the articles, or criticizing them.

But, you know, we Iranians have to do things different. Sooner or later, everything is about gossip and "who said what where". The comments took a life of their own. It became about personalities, and largely irrelevent to the article. I don't know if removing these "stat tables" are going to put genie back in the bottle.

I guess I'm hoping, along with Nazy, that it becomes more about the articles and blogs themselves rather than comments.

My $5.



by KouroshS on

By tweety bird. i meant admin.


Nazy khanoom

by KouroshS on

Nice idea. But how can we rate something without resorting to discuss it and exchange opinions on it? And is that not what we are already doing?

But JJ is right. For me personally, it has enabled me to get in on the action in different blogs that i was not even aware of their existence. You really don't have to skip this section in order to destroy the source of bad and rude comments. They get posted anyway unless, like the tweety bird said, someone decides to mark them and get rid of them.

ON the Most discussed part, again i find it so useful for my experience wit IC because it saves me the time! Let's face it. No one has that much time to go through every single blog and for me. and i am sure so many others, i want to be part of an ongoing discussion rather than a blog that has long gone stale. You know:) you wanna be where the action is:)) Then if you have time perhaps you go and search for other interesting blogs.



by yolanda on

I agree with you 100% and thank you for your post.



Jahanshah Javid

Information please!

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Nazy. I understand your concerns. However, tables that tell visitors what the most viewed features are, or those that identify the most commented features or latest comments and the like, are simply providing information that is organized to show what's going on in the site and what's hot and what's not. Without them we lose sight of current trends. The latest comments table in particular generate immediacy and excitement. We live in the age of Twitter and Facebook where information is presented every second. Information by itself does not promote or prevent bad behavior.


Nazy, that's a nice thought

by admin on

I wish we could make people more polite by taking away a few links to comments. But it just isn't that easy.

Besides, problem comments will go unnoticed by people who could flag them or correct the information.

Multiple Personality Disorder

My two cents

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Is it possible to get a Spell Check for the comment section?  


الان من باید عصبانی بشم؟


اصلا حیف اونهمه شعر‌های قشنگی‌ که من برات سراییدم، ل.و.ل


and I thought it was Souri's moshAereh!

by kharmagas on

... and I thought it was Souri's moshAereh that was crashing MySQL! (*)

(*) just kidding Souri jAn




Nazy jan, fully agreed!

by Souri on

sepaas ;-)

Nazy Kaviani

My least favorite parts of the site

by Nazy Kaviani on

1. Recent Comments: I believe the running list of the incoming comments is a window to the hate and occasional nonesense that brews on this site, nothing to be proud of and nothing valuable to see. We need to see less of the hateful comments and more substance on the site.

2. Most Discussed: Number of comments as an indication of popularity and goodness of articles and features have not helped the quality and depth of the dialogue on the site. Complimentary commenting (or taarof-based commenting) on features does not add substance but encourages lack of substance.

3. I recommend a rating system which helps people rate a feature's substance as opposed to using comments as an indicator for the feature's quality.

My two cents.


JJ - It's a "feature" and not a "technical problem"!

by alborz on

"The capable technical guys are working on how to modify this feature so that the next time the site response time increases it is soley due to high site traffic".

