Leaving the Cave

Leaving the Cave
by Jahanshah Javid

I have to pack my bags and clean the apartment soon. My flight to Mexico is only a day away. I'm getting together with my daughter and sister's family in Cancun for the holidays. I've taken some yadegari pictures before handing the apartment over to the landlord. This place was very good to me. Cleared my head a lot >>> Photo essay


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BTW JJJ you're STILL using disposable Gilletes?!

by Anonymouse on

Picture 18 says you're STILL using disposable Gilletes. For JJJ's loved ones who're looking for a gift for JJJ (after Xmas sale :-) may I suggest a Gillette Fusion!

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Anonymouse, I like Venice

by Anahid Hojjati on

Never been to Venice, not checked too many of JJ 's Venice pictures yet but it should be a nice city. Dear Anonymouse, I was just giving you a bad time :).


Anahid jaan you don't like Venice?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

JJJ, don't listen to Anonymouse

by Anahid Hojjati on

JJJ, as much as we all love Anonymouse and his comments; usually nothing in comment area, I am afraid Anonymouse can be bad influence on you. Oh, one more thing, don't let Faramarz see this comment since it will only make him more of a believer in theory of women are bossy, men are ghassedaks looking to be caught by babes.


JJJ may I suggest moving to Venice for an 8 months!

by Anonymouse on

Venice is certainly a unique place and doesn't have to be expensive to live for someone with only a backpack! Maybe you can even get a part time job.

Hopefully next week or so I'll write a blog about a related subject (movie review) and you may want to watch that movie for some ideas as well as a good movie to watch for nostalgia. 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Dear JJ, are you becoming a groom?

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear JJ, happy holidays. The way you wrote of big big changes coming up for you, I am thinking that may be, you are getting married :). I will not be nosy about your personal life but can you shed some light on IC upcoming changes?
Any way, happy upcoming new year and hope your wishes come through.



by Doctor mohandes on

Begins with the toilet seat being in the Upright Position!


ebi amirhosseini

And thus MAN leaves HIS cave...

by ebi amirhosseini on

If anthropology were to approach the questions concerning the life of a typical caveman by first trying to establish what the caveman should have known, and with that project his capabilities, then schools would be teaching something entirely different.!!

A.O. Kime

 Bon Voyage


Ebi aka Haaji

Nazy Kaviani

Bon Voyage...

by Nazy Kaviani on

Have a safe trip, enjoy your holidays, and be happy Jahanshah!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

سفر بخیر

Shazde Asdola Mirza

... and happy holidays.

Jahanshah Javid

Decisions decisons!

by Jahanshah Javid on

Khar Jan: The world IS yours to take! Chi neshasti? Big big changes coming in the next few weeks for me and iranian.com. But I do really want to go to India. Let's see what comes out of the Decision Room ;)

Yolanda: Thanks! I appreciate it. You're always so kind.

Ali P: Because it's a man cave!

SamSam: Merry Yalda!

Orang: Have a wonderful new year! Wherever I may be, I'm always happy to see you here.

Faramarz: Don't be so sure! :)))


New and Improved JJ!

by Faramarz on


You have come a long way since your last set of pictures from Budapest! Remember the pasta sauce out of the jar, no coffee makers, etc.!

But still more work need to be done!

The "Up Toilet Seat" in #19 (thanks Ali) points to a lack of regular female companionship, which is a double-edge sword! But at least you have good marksmanship (that's aiming at the toilet!)

Orang Gholikhani

What's Next

by Orang Gholikhani on

Asia ?

Have a great holidays and come back to Europe as soon as you can.




Merry christmass Boss :)

by SamSamIIII on


baba khoshtip ,  shookhi kardim beh del gerefti :). Then i shall reverse everything back. I dont like picture # 19, you never aim right & shoot left & you never pack up & leave post-mess. & no, you should not set up Budapest.com in Mexico ::)). Bon voyage & best to your family. inn modearatora ham janbeh nadaran.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Hmmm...Why is the toilet seat UP ?

That- along with "To be or not to be"- is the question....!



by yolanda on

It is nice to travel and see the world.......Thank you for all the photo essays! Because of the nature of your work, you can circumnavigate the world, do sightseeings, update IC, moderate debates, and take down the flagged posts at the same time as long as you carry your laptop!


Jahanshah truly you've made the world your home, your own!

by Khar on

India, wow, great journey and Godspeed Mr. J!

PS, love the #19, that's where the most important decisions in life are made ;o))