Put away the knife, please


Put away the knife, please
by Jahanshah Javid

Pardon me for changing the topic of conversation from the crisis in Iran and the general political and economic turmoil around the world. By the time you read this, I think many of you will at least agree that it's not a trivial matter. It will get you thinking, I hope.

We hear it all the time: It's a man's world. We see and experience it every day. Men dominate politics, religion, industry, science, the arts ... you name it. They always have. They have more rights -- written and unwritten, in developed and under-developed countries -- and more opportunities. Women often prefer to have boys because they face fewer obstacles in life. A greater chance for survival and success. There would be no wars without them carrying out killings and destruction. They are certainly the aggressive half of humanity and less sensitive, by comparison.

I know my kind,  and I'm not fond of them (see "I don't like men"). I frequently defend women's rights and I support and promote them every chance I get. Men, on the other hand, don't need or deserve any special sympathy or urgent attention or support in any area because of their gender. Men are not discriminated against or abused because of what's between their legs. Except for one: circumcision.

Khatneh is cruel and unnecessary and it has to stop.

What's the big deal? The big deal is the mutilation -- yes, you heard me, mutilation -- of the sexual organ of millions and millions of infants and children simply because of their gender. Simply because it has been a religious ritual from ancient times in many cultures across many countries. A practice that has little to do with science and health, and more with superstition. A procedure which, rightly, has caused outrage when applied to girls in some Muslim countries, but wrongly ignored and even encouraged for boys.

To those who think that removing the penis foreskin is God's commandment and must therefore be obeyed without question, I have nothing to say. They are a dwindling minority but their thoughts and rituals over time have had an impact on Abrahamic communities (Jewish, Muslim and many Christian ones too). These people are commonly not super religious but not free of superstition (or stupidity) either.  My concern is those who are allowing this atrocity -- yes, atrocity! -- continue out of habit, or worse, for cosmetic reasons ("It just looks soooo much better!"). They are mindlessly, and selfishly, following a violent (not a typo) and damaging custom for no vital reason.

Those who have bothered to do a little research to justify circumcision point to medical research which has shown a number of health benefits. However, the risk of developing a serious disease is not significant enough to cause any immediate danger to a boy or a high level of risk to adults.

The key word is "significant". The small percentage of diseases directly related to uncircumcised penises is not alarming to the point that millions of boys should suffer pain and psychological trauma soon after birth, as well as permanent disfigurement and loss of significant sexual sensation. Just look at uncircumcised men, who account for about 70% of the world's male population. They are not rushing to clinics to skin themselves. They are not suffering from any serious, life-threatening genital disease on a scale that would convince a rational person to resort to butchery.

That is what circumcision is: butchery. Genital mutilation. Child abuse. A clear violation of a minor's human rights. If you think about it.

See the article that got me going: "Infant male circumcision is genital mutilation" by Martin Robbins published in The Guardian day before yesterday and prompted a discussion on my Facebook page.

Most men on the planet are uncircumcised. They're life expectancy and health is not any less or worse than circumcised men. They are whole.

Put away the knife, please.


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Suri, Not sure if I am the one who didn't get it.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Take a look at JJ's response and see for yourself who is "having fun" and who is "talking politics".

  But hey, you have a point. Enough of  politics, lets all have some fun.

Drone, over and out!

ooops, Sorry, meant to say Done, over....

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Red Wine for contributing the great image for this blog. Perfect!


Aynak, and MPD... Thanks for your comments.

Not many Iranian men even question the need for circumcision, let alone oppose it. So I'm glad you are in my camp, at least on this point :)

I had never really thought about it until recent years. The more I read about it, the more I thought about why only 30% of men in the world are circumcised, and the fact that they are mainly Muslim, Jewish or Christian, got me thinking. And the only conclusion I can come up with is that it's a ritual custom that we have accepted without any thought. Our ancestors did it, so we should too?

The medical reasons, valid they are. But not conclusive or urgent enough to mutilate boys.

Literary Critic

عبید زاکانی و ختنه

Literary Critic

ترسا بچه ای صاحب جمال مسلمان شد محتسب فرمود که او را ختنه کردند چون شب در آمد او را کرد بامداد پدر از پسر پرسید که مسلمانان را چون یافتی گفت قومی عجیب اند هرکس که به دین ایشان در آید روز کیر می برند و شب کون اش می درند




Salman Farsi

by Souri on

1) man  ba shoma naboudam

2) kheili ziad harf mizanid

Multiple Personality Disorder

Excellent blog Jahnshan!

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

My weewee is a testament to every word you have said in your blog.  It has suffered unnecessarily for decades because of the barbaric act done to it decades ago. 

By the way, no where in Quran says boys out to be circumcised!

A word of advise, most parents who have already circumcised their boys would most likely immediately become agitated upon hearing that circumcision is a wrong thing, and it's too late for us, the mutilated men anyway, so my advise to young couples who are about to have boys; in some hospitals circumcision service is offered immediately after birth, please do not circumcise your boys.  Assume all your reasons for circumcision is valid if you wish, but let the child decide for himself what he wants done to his body, when he is eighteen, when he can go to war, when he is old enough to have a girlfriend, but do not mutilate his body when he can not give consent.

Excellent blog Jahanshah!


JJ: Respectfully…

by Bavafa on

Too much traveling has caused you go mad
First you write a nice paragraph about your standing in defending Women’s rights and why men do not deserve such sympathy  since they are at the top of the food chain –-- you got me sold as I am in the same boat with you

Then you suddenly do a 180 to go to write about the boys (men to be) and their “pain and psychological trauma soon after birth, as well as permanent disfigurement and loss of significant sexual sensation” 
I had to read this portion three times to make sure I am not hallucinating “permanent disfigurement, pain and psychological trauma

For crying out loud…
Quite frankly I believe only those who have no other thing in life to complain will turn to their psychologist to talk about the trauma that they went thru few days or weeks after birth and I ponder they are typically those spoiled kids who otherwise would have complained why I don’t have a nice and shiny hat on their penis.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Thanks god we have girls and didn't have to make that decison

by aynak on

JJ, before our first kid, my spouce and I had a  lot of discussion about this barbaric practice. I am 100% against it, and she is not (easier for her I supppose, since we are not from certain African countries that do this to boys and girls).

Personally, I got circumsized at a later age 3 or 4 !!   That was --the-- most traumatic experiences of my childhood.   (now that you mentioned it, may be I will write about the experience someday).

Her argument revolved around oh, that was old practice and nowdays it is done at birth.  My response was, why do we think it is really necessary at all!?  To no avail.

(She is a big whole food  and all things natural fan), so  for me I can't understand her taking exeption with nature in this case?

At any rate,  neither one could convince the other. My final debate with her was this:

How about we let him decide for himself, when he reaches the proper age to make that decision (knowning full well no guy in his right mind would voluntarilty go through this). (It would be interesting to see what Faramarz has to say here).

At any rate that was also not agreeable to her! I think what really saved us here was the fact that  we did not have boys. :)

salman farsi

How do you think 80 millions are suffering?

by salman farsi on


Sister Souri

How is it Iran's populations has increased by 10 million in lcreidt less than 5 years. This is a great  boost to  the un-Islamic republic . Which means the rate of mortality must have been zero or perhaps our brothers have been very busy of Thursday evenings?


And why do you think all of them are suffering? You mean 89 million cannot defeat the regime? 

For an Islamic democracy


Roozbeh, you still didn't get it?

by Souri on

This site is not all about politics!

In fact only one year ago, before some of the members turn this pages into the "all political" debates, we had more interests and fun here.

Let us live a bit......

I know, I know there are 75,330,000 Iranians who are suffering in Iran, and do not have fun, like we do....etc, etc....

Jahanshah Javid

Carry on

by Jahanshah Javid on

Carry on Roozbeh... carry on the barbaric practice of circumcision. I guess your daily comments and blogs in support of political prisoners, workers' rights, and socialist progress will not deviate to include a word about the religious practice of circumcision. I guess the fight against Islam's reactionary influence in our country does have its limits.


Catering for all tastes..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

This site seems to be  following Wall Marts business model. catering for all tastes at a competetive price. Yesterday there was a blog about a nude lady for those obsessed with female genital, today this one for those in love with men's....


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Republican جمهوریخواه

The top image and balanced journalism

by Republican جمهوریخواه on

He seems to be the most consenting child to the atrocious act.


A good topic for discussion

by varjavand on

A good topic, thanks for bringing it into our focus. Circumcision is required by Islam and Judaism. I don’t think it is for medical benefits. Like other religious memes it stimulates good-feelings and sense of belonging.

Mullahs, for example, tell us that praying five times a day not only helps Muslims to exercise physically but also helps them to become disciplined. Even though such rituals may have medical benefits, medical benefit is not the primary reason why they are recommended.

Circumcision, for example, is required because it is a sign of belonging and demonstrates that a believer is in fact a member of the community of “chosen people.” Similarly, the medical benefit derived from physical exercise is not the reason why Muslims are required to pray five times a day.

I heard a funny story about circumcision, a boy was crying while he was being circumcised, a couple of girls who were watching were also crying. They ask them, what are you crying for? They said because they are sharpening it for us!


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by پندارنیک on



Who knows? I go with the guy who was engaged with "Jewish heads" in the Oval Office...


salman farsi

ختنه برای مردان سنّت و برای زنان کرامت و شایستگی است

salman farsi


رسول اكرم صلي الله عليه و سلم فرموده اند: الختان سنة للرجل و مكرمة للنساء. يعني ختنه براي مردان سنت است و براي زنان مكرمت و كرامت است. روايت امام احمد...


For an Islamic democracy


Another most discussed blog!

by Roger_Rabbit on

Well chosen subject JJ - am I the first to comment?