Once in a while go back and read your comments. Aren't you concerned that your anger and finger pointing and sarcasm clearly show through?
I am just one reader. But I can assure you that anyone who reads anything, whether it's your comments, articles, books, whatever, can get a sense of what type of writer they're dealing with as a person. And many of you -- many of us -- come off as Angry people -- with a capital A. There are a million reasons why we harbor this anger. But I just want to remind you that angry people a) don't have an audience, b) have no friends.
Who wants to sit and watch someone shouting and cursing? It might be funny, curious or interesting to observe a fight but there's so much an average person can take. There's nothing gained. Zanandas. Do you care?
Instead of reading ugly outbursts where nothing is learned, your audience will move on to other things that give positive energy. That makes them smile. That makes them think.
So again, read your own comments. Look in the mirror once a while. That's what the world sees. Are you happy with it?
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Souri jaan,
by ebi amirhosseini on Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:13 AM PDTSattar clip was great,listen to this:
Ebi aka Haaji
What youtube music?
by Souri on Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:55 AM PDTWhat youtube music you are talking about? Funny, I don't see any!
Here's one that I'm wathich now. It might be good for your to listen to it too:
I vote for...
by shifteh on Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:01 AM PDTgulping the water...
And, in between; checking our perfect reflections in the BERKE and give ourselves a number of pats on the shoulder for being so true, so open-minded, so fair-minded and impartial!
Listening to those youtube music works too;)
This is not called a rumor!
by Souri on Sun Sep 27, 2009 06:11 AM PDTThis was a hypothesis! Many people said that she was a Man. How about them then? Were they all spreading a rumor too?
When something is published for all, you can give your judgment about it, can't you? This is a public matter, Princess khanom.
I don't know Parinaz personally. If I knew her and her life personally, and I would say she is a lesbian, then that could be considered as a rumor.
If everybody is talking about the gender of a writer, and I give a hint that is written in the text itself, how could this become a rumor?
As I said, your partiality is too evident.
Your father'e example is meaningless too.
by KouroshS on Sun Sep 27, 2009 01:01 AM PDThamchenin ba shoma.
by Princess on Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:53 AM PDTYou know what? Haq baa shomaast!
by KouroshS on Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:40 AM PDTDetails such as Whether the author of a particular piece is lesbian or not?? are you kidding me?:)
They won't stick to mind if the person chooses not to let that happen:) The fact that one still remembers these months after the fact is evidence that a person has elected to remember all the details and that is wrong.
I think we have talked enough about this :)
Agha Kourosh
by Princess on Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:29 AM PDTYes, you are very right, we do have different approaches!
These "little details" as you put it, very easily turn into avalanches, as this one did, very quickly. And you notice these things when you read them, as they say a lot about the person who writes them. That's why it sticks to mind, and that's why months later you still remember them.
As for bringing it up, I used the example because it was suggested that another user kept accusing the lady of spreading rumors. I was merely pointing out why that might have been the case.
Take care.
Princess jan You say:
by KouroshS on Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:07 AM PDTPrincess jan
You say: "How many times do you take your battles to the police rather than resolving the issue right then and there." Precisely, I don't have any battles with anyone. I come hear for a dialogue. I don't come here to tell people, how things are and how right I am all the time. Should it occasionally turn into a battle, god forbid, I do take it to the Police,or he courtroom.
I understand. I merely tried to demonstrate realistically the frequency with which you make a case and complain to someone (police , moderator) vs when you handle the case yourself.
You may not want to come here searching for darde sar, but somoeone else might, just for the heck of it. Unless it turns into a major case of disagreement and fosh and fosh kari!!! I'd rather handle that person on my own rather than turning it over to the authorities, especially if that person keeps his antics up for a while. I guess we are just different in our approaches in resolving such issues:)
On your comment to souri khanoom... I am neither sar nor tahe piaz ...But it is kinda bothering me:)
That author may or may have not been a lesbian. The big Q is who really cares? wouuld one even want to delve into such extremely minute details of a situation, When the real issue is whether readers enjoyed the story for what it depicted regardless of the author's gender. Am i wrong?:)
How would one find time to keep track of such details ??? LOL
It is a matter of attitude.
by Princess on Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:52 PM PDTAgha Kourosh,
You say: "How many times do you take your battles to the police rather than resolving the issue right then and there." Precisely, I don't have any battles with anyone. I come hear for a dialogue. I don't come here to tell people, how things are and how right I am all the time. Should it occasionally turn into a battle, god forbid, I do take it to the Police or the courtroom. But please note I said occasionally!
Souri Khanoum,
Thanks for your response. Again interesting you brought up the rumor issue. Let me quote specifically one of your comments, as an example of irresponsible contribution, to illustrate how that might have led people to believe that you were the initiator of rumors.
In one of Parinaz's stories, 'Khiyanat Kardam', under the title 'My two cents' you write:
"I don't understand what's all this fuss about the gender of this writer. Man or woman, what does it change? I do believe she is a woman as JJ says. Not only this, I do believe that I know who she is. She is a writer/poet who already expressed herself here in this site with her own real name. She is a woman, but not a married woman, she is a lesbian. Look at this
What heterosexuel woman express herself in this way?"
I am not bringing up that topic again, but yes, I thought exactly of this comment of yours when I read the painful blog an esteemed contributor to the site wrote a few weeks later. I am using this as only one of several examples of how baseless conjectures can start up rumors.
As for other issues, you keep repeating yourself. As my dad says: "Beh yeki gotan damar aab nakhor, zehnet koor misheh. Migeh, zehn chichiyeh? Migan hichee baba bokhor!"
Thanks for trying to engage in a dialogue. I have said what I meant to say, and would be repeating myself from now on.
Be well.
by KouroshS on Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:12 PM PDTAk
Where the hell do you come up with these quotes?:))
Please do not mix issues. This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with favoring censorship. You know what i mean.
Souri khanoom
I appreciate it very much. Thank you:)
I believe that every single contributor on this site, shares his or her intelligence with us, but sometimes they just lose control and ... we all know what happens then.
dear Kourosh S
by Souri on Sat Sep 26, 2009 09:46 PM PDTThanks for your great awareness. We need more input from the intelligent and articulated members like yourself.
Have a great evening.
meaningless 2 U; meaningful 2 Me - Tomato vs Tamato
by NOT_AK69 on Sat Sep 26, 2009 09:13 PM PDTThe fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion. ~Henry Steele Commager
Princess And N. Parsi
by KouroshS on Sat Sep 26, 2009 09:00 PM PDTPrincess khanoom
I certainly do not think that by doing anything i can even get one inch closer to changing things around here. But the point is that i stand up for myself and at least will not let them pull the same tactic on me the next time around.
As to your civil society analogy, Yes and No. It all depends. Legally and logically speaking yes, but how many times do you take your battles to the police rather than resolving the issue right then and there. Like i said it all depends on what form of law breaking you are confronted with. The same applies for various situations on this site. If a person is being rude, vile and uses profanity in general, then yes you will and must inform the moderator, but if he or she is pointing their gun straight toward you and puts you on the spot, then what would you do? do you handle it your way or would you still call someone to handle it for you?
Ms. parsi
My sincere appologies for getting your name wrong... I was reading a comment by that person this morning and i guess that name just stayed in my head. Sorry:)
Good point. It is hard to make that determination, but then again there are ways through which you can tell to some extent who wants to mess with ya, so to speak. I am not saying that we don't have the right to be mad and angry for what is going on iran, I am just saying to capitalize on that and somehow create a connection between that and all the times or even most of the times that we lose control of our emotions and let it go, does not make any sense and To me at least is just plain BS.
Talking to one another with as few barriers as possible is absolutely fine, on the condition that people know and recognize the limits to which they can express themselves, recognition of their Boundries. so it won't create a situation whereby it becomes only useless and meaningless to have a discussion. Arrogance and Bullishness is the end point for many people engaging in dicussions on various threads on this and so many other sites.
شب همگی به خیر و سلامت - خوابتان خوش و ایامتان به کام باد
Shazde Asdola MirzaSat Sep 26, 2009 08:26 PM PDT
Ey vaay, cheghadr abgooshti shod inja!
by Louie Louie on Sat Sep 26, 2009 08:20 PM PDT:o)))))
sweet dreams to you all..
by ebi amirhosseini on Sat Sep 26, 2009 08:18 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCmMDd8T5fg
Ebi aka Haaji
3rd thought before I leave :o))
by Khar on Sat Sep 26, 2009 08:13 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLJL2R4zaTQ
ابی و خر عزیز، شما که خواب رو از سر ما پروندید - پس بگیر که اومد
Shazde Asdola MirzaSat Sep 26, 2009 08:10 PM PDT
Dear Azizan I leave you with these 2 thoughts...
by Khar on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:59 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlDvAWjvKeg
Redwine aziz,sweet dreams...
by ebi amirhosseini on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:48 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbGV2_8Yqg4
Ebi aka Haaji
شازده ارغوانی، خوابهای طلایی ببینی
Shazde Asdola MirzaSat Sep 26, 2009 07:43 PM PDT
The Last One
by Red Wine on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:38 PM PDTDedicate it to all of you guys ... Have a wonderful sunday and Good Night .
داداش ابی، دیگه قرار نبود جیگر میگر ما رو آتیش بزنی
Shazde Asdola MirzaSat Sep 26, 2009 07:35 PM PDT
Shazde jaan , how about this one....
by ebi amirhosseini on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:27 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2zjmpQ0-cg
Ebi aka Haaji
Red Wine Jaan
by ebi amirhosseini on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:10 PM PDTSure I do.
At high school,we used to sing it at top of our lungs during the recess.
Ebi aka Haaji
Is this where you are supposed to come, look in the mirror and
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:27 PM PDThave fun?
That's why...
by Khar on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:35 PM PDTThe Lady is a Tramp... A classic by the Chairman of the board himself, the one and only Frank Sinatra.
That's why...
by Khar on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:35 PM PDTThe Lady is a Tramp... A classic by the Chairman of the board himself, the one and only Frank Sinatra.
Thank you, Ebi amirhosseini
by yolanda on Sat Sep 26, 2009 07:06 PM PDTThank you, Ebi amirhosseini, for the music video link. It is a very beautiful music video. No wonder it has half million hits already.