Sorry folks, no Green revolutions on Charshanbeh Souri or Eid, no revolts, mayhem or bloodshed in the streets of Tehran, unpack your luggage
The so-called "Iran experts" like Abbas Milani or Hamid Dabshai feel so hurt these days!
The Green leaders who failed to gather a large group of Iranians for a sustained and effective duration of time, now are trying to convert the gathering of millions of Iranians on the historic Quds Day
After all, Mr. Rafsanjani has been an important leader of the revolution, and has been at the helm of the the Iranian ship in the most turbulent of the storms facing Iran
It is NOT the rise of dictatorship by eradication of "Jomhouri" from "jomhouri Islami," rather it is the NATURAL fading of "Islamic" from the "jomhouri Islami!"
If president Obama heed to the advice of people like McCain, the chants of the youth in the streets of Tehran from demand for more freedom and democracy will turn quickly back to chants of "Death to America!"
The Iranian people by their massive presence in the election won on many fronts:
Large number of Iranian Americans want to participate in the election this year, in particular after hearing the presidential deba. This has prompted the embassy to make the voting process easy by establishing many voting sites throughout the US
Your leadership should instead focus on 1) the reasons why a US-Iran cooperation is beneficial for US, and what are the areas that one can work on a common interest
Reza Pahlavi must understand that the Bush era is finished
The nominee for the chair of National Intelligence Council, Charles Freeman, is forced to withdraw by dirty tactics of Israeli lobby
The only certain result of Israeli savage assault on Gaza Strip would be the rise of anti-Semitism around the world
Richard Haass and Martin Indyk's article of Dec 3, 2008 on this site scares me!
Obama has not started yet, but already there is a lot of pressure from the AIPAC-intimidated Congress, and Zionist media, to keep Lieberman as the Chairman of Homeland Security
Considering the intensity of anti-black racism in the US a mere few decades ago, one stands in awe of the rapidity with which an entire nation is electing an African American as president.