Why we need a Unitarian Baha'i Faith?


Why we need a Unitarian Baha'i Faith?
by JamilEghrari

There are limits to the expansion of the Baha’i faith, as currently practiced, and arguments can be made that the administrative order is not appropriate. However, if the Baha’i faith is ever going to grow beyond its current numbers, it is Baha’u'llah, and not Abdu’l Baha, Shoghi Effendi or the Universal House of Justice, who will reach the majority of people that currently have no knowledge of the Baha’i faith. He will reach them through the current believers. Yes, the majority of the current believers have great loyalty to a particular administrative order. However, their approach to spreading the word has proven particularly ineffective. If those more open minded people, who recognize that Baha’u'llah’s message is the message for today, spread the word more effectively that their administrative oriented breathren, then some day, maybe soon, the majority of Baha’is will not have this loyalty, or any concern about administrative orders. The ancient beauty is what matters here, not anything else. If we can reach just .2% of the human race, not exactly a tall order, then two thirds of Baha’is will not follow the current administrative order, and there could be some major changes in the way things are done. At 150 years into Christianity, the word had not gone far, primarily because they had not learned how to effectively market the faith yet. There is still hope for a significant growth of the faith. Go to any bookstore, and you’ll see more space dedicated to “New Age” than all the other religions combined. What else you’ll notice is NO Baha’i literature. That’s because the boys in Haifa are determined to control this thing. Fine, they have complete control of an insanely small order. If, and when, we ever get entry by troops, it will be because we blow this thing wide open. Nobody controls who, how, what gets translated, nobody controls distribution of the word. The word is for everyone. That’s when things can and will change.

To see what we are so concerned about, please review the following blog entires I made:









Do not be decieved by the lies told about us by Haifan Baha’is that we are trying to destroy the Baha'i Faith. We are trying to reform it. Unless we are successful, it is doomed to remain a cult of only a few million scattered around the world, with NO potential to change the world, including the nations currently dominated by Islam. You cannot replace one form of fundamentalism with another and expect the human condition to improve. Freedom of thought, respect for diversity, and willingness to openly question even the most basic doctrines will enhance rather than diminish the credibility of the Baha'i Faith, if only we can successfully merge it with Unitarian Universalism.



more from JamilEghrari

Look, Baha'i advocates...

by Dale_Husband on

There wouldn't be so much hostility here if you would either stay away from these blog entries that are so critical of your flawed and failing religion, or were willing to deal directly and honestly with the various points I (and Azal) have raised around here instead of ignoring them and stepping around them to make cheap shots at us about how bitter we seem to be. You are entirely to blame because you won't tell the truth and you scorn those who do!

Dale Husband, the Honorable Skeptic


Dorooghoo baabaateh

by Nur-i-Azal on

Bass khodet kon yaa dometo bezaar laay paat o boro gomsho, bee-hayaa!




Hoseleh dari toh?

by Gavazn on

Dooroogh goo! Bass kon digeh....



by Nur-i-Azal on

May I remind you that this is Dale's blog and you're the intruding provocateur here. The nerve of you people!

And speaking of being caught with one's pants down: I've done some snooping regarding you, Gavazn, and it is confirmed that in real life you are not an Iranian at all.




sorry Shepesh, but just one last one for Nur who was ...

by Gavazn on

Caught With Your Pants Down

Sag - your comments are spot on.


Victim mentality and blame game

by Shepesh on

May I suggest that people stop responding to any further provocations from these aggressive and argumentative individuals here. All that was needed to be said has been said, and further interaction only results in more hostility directed at those taking part.


Sag said

by Dale_Husband on

Anyway I will not be drawn into further pointless debates about Bahais with you as they are pointless. You will always hate them unless you accept part responsibility for entering a religion and then leaving it. This is what many people do and go on to lead happy lives, but it seems you will not let go of your anger. I hope that you will consider my advice as it is and has always been well meant and only for your own benefit. This is my last comment to you on a Bahai blog, as I no longer wish to be at the receiving end of your negativity. If you need a punchbag take up boxing again. Good luck. 

That is truly one of the most insulting and contemptible examples of "blaming the victim", I've ever seen from anyone. It only reinforces my preception of sag koochooloo as an absolute fraud.

Dale Husband, the Honorable Skeptic


SG's naneh man ghareebam baazee

by Nur-i-Azal on

Classic Bahai naneh man ghareebam baazee/playing, mama I am a stranger!

Sore loser of what, exactly? My case is rock solid and now pretty much proven that you and your posse here are full of it, that on basic colloqial, everyday Persian expressions you people are utterly lost and bereft of even basic language comprehension, so given this you are not Iranians, as I have claimed.





Sore Loser

by sag koochooloo on

"no authentic connection to Iranian culture whatsoever"??? "To bemiri" was good enough reason for your offensive blog and comments to be deleted by moderators. And I saw the other abusive comments that followed that one. So go lie to yourself but not to the rest of the planet!

And for Iranian authenticity - reading books and quoting from them does not make you a better Iranian or human. And certainly an abusive bigot like you will never have a bright future in a modern Iran. Bullies like you never win in the long run.



by Nur-i-Azal on

That is not evidence of anything, moron, least of all a threat to your family's life. Didn't I say you people have absolutely no authentic connection to Iranian language and culture whatsoever. You just confirmed it again in spectacular, no-holds-barred fashion! Thank you. Give 'em a rope...

If you had even a speck of understanding of what I said or knew anything about contemporary colloqial Persian expressionisms, you would know that "to bemiri" and "jun-e-ammat" are slang denoting  sarcasm regarding the veracity of an interlocutor as well as challenging a dare to put up or shut! They are not a threat by a long shot, but, hey, why don't we put this issue and what I said before the consensus of this entire site. What's you say, Shepeshi?
And link to the blog...

Gavazn, you're even a bigger idiot than the other two here. Couldn't the Bahai Internet Agency find anyone else besides you three to act the bouncers??!  Truly, truly pathetic!

For everybody else here on IC, I rest my case. You just saw for yourselves graphically the depth to which these people have any connection to Iran and our culture beyond the depth of a puddle of spit. Zero, nada, niente!




by Gavazn on



Your evidence is here

by Shepesh on

So perhaps now You can shut up and get some dignity. This is why your blog "How to Treat Women Persian Style" no longer exists. You have no manners.


"To bemiree, your auntie's life", and the rest ...  It is in a blog as I could not attach it to a comment.


Shepesh is a liar & cannot produce any evidence

by Nur-i-Azal on

You claimed you have evidence that I had threatened to kill your family. Now when pressed to produce this evidence you are backtracking. Go ahead and produce the evidence you claim you have. I have no problem with you forking over whatever it is you think you have. Go ahead, if you have anything. Otherwise it is pretty certain that you are a bald faced liar and that nothing you say ever again is to be believed.

Sources do not become credible simply because Baha'is compiled them. That is a nonsense argument and as stupid as saying that no source about the IRI is credible unless compiled by the IRI.The material on the Bahai CULT FAQ blog comes from a variety of places, many of which are from official Bahai sources.

Finally, conflict serves a purpose sometimes when it is out to establish truth and unmask longstanding liars who have profitted by that which they did not deserve to profit from. This sort of conflict ends up setting historical records straight and giving justice to those long denied it: a concept you people cannot even fathom since you don't actually believe in justice given that your notion of justice is really self-interest.

Now ball in your court. Put up, or shut up! Where's the evidence you say you have, hmmmm?





by Shepesh on

This man is troubled and wants conflict. He likes nothing more than to take out his frustration on Bahais, and to provoke arguments with them. I have been witness to all his offensive and malicious blogs and posts since he was posting under other IDs.

I sent screen dumps of your offensive threats to Mr Javid. Mard, cheghadr khodetoh sabok mikoni.

And here we go, we will get yet another reply like the rest, either cursing comments, list of Bahai Facts (which are not compiled by Bahais, I doubt it) and accusation of You are abahi, Internet Agent, Non- Iranian, etc etc .....   this is his vocation in life and the oxygen he needs.

i am a bahai too

Happy Ridvan!

by i am a bahai too on

Happy Ridvan!


Sure you do

by Nur-i-Azal on

According to the explicit statements of your founders and your current leaders, all "covenant breakers," schismatic groups, Azalis and apostates from your creed such as I are your enemies. Do you see "covenant breakers" as your friends instead? If so, then you are one of only a tiny handful of Bahais who sees things that way because all the rest of your fellows see all these peoples as "enemies of the faith" and hence your personal enemy. Congratulations, if you don't. Or did you forget about this,

A Document Prepared by the Universal House
of Justice

January 29 2001


Protection of the Cause (pp. 15-16)

Although deepening the friends' understanding of the Covenant
and increasing their love and loyalty to it are of paramount importance,
the duties of the Auxiliary Board members for Protection do not end
here. The Board members must remain ever vigilant, monitoring the
actions of those who, driven by the promptings of ego, seek to sow the
seeds of doubt in the minds of the friends and undermine the Faith. In
general, whenever believers become aware of
such problems, they should immediately
contact whatever institution they feel moved to turn to, whether it be a
Counsellor, an Auxiliary Board member, the National Spiritual Assembly
or their own Local Assembly. It then becomes the duty of that
institution to ensure that the report is fed into the correct channels
and that all the other institutions affected are promptly informed. Not
infrequently, the responsibility will fall on an Auxiliary Board member,
in coordination with the Assembly concerned, to take some form of
action in response to the situation. This involvement will include
counselling the believer in question; warning him, if necessary, of the
of his actions;
and bringing to the attention of the Counsellors the gravity of the
situation, which may call for their intervention. Naturally, the Board
member has to exert every effort to counteract the schemes and arrest
the spread of the influence of those few who, despite attempts to guide
them, eventually break the Covenant.

The need to protect the Faith from the
attacks of its enemies may not be generally appreciated by the friends,
particularly in places where attacks have been infrequent. However, it
is certain that such opposition will increase, become concerted, and
eventually universal. The writings clearly foreshadow not only an
intensification of the machinations of internal enemies, but a rise in
the hostility and opposition of its external enemies, whether religious
or secular, as the Cause pursues its onward march towards ultimate
victory. Therefore, in the light of the warnings of the Guardian, the
Auxiliary Boards for Protection should keep "constantly" a "watchful
eye" on those "who are known to be enemies, or to have been put out of
the Faith", discreetly investigate their activities, alert intelligently
the friends to the opposition inevitably to come, explain how each
crisis in God's Faith has always proved to be a blessing in disguise,
and prepare them for the "dire contest which is destined to range the
Army of Light against the forces of darkness".




i am a bahai too

Do not see any enemies

by i am a bahai too on

" This is the changless faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future."

- Baha'u'llah 

“Bahá'u'lláh has clearly said in His Tablets that if you have an enemy, consider him not as an enemy. Do not simply be long-suffering; nay, rather, love him. Your treatment of him should be that which is becoming to lovers. Do not even say that he is your enemy. Do not see any enemies. Though he be your murderer, see no enemy.”

- 'Abdul Baha, Promulgation of World Peace



by Nur-i-Azal on

By the way I have copies of your death threats, so quit your lies.

Post them right here, right now. Go ahead. I dare you, LIAR!

 The bahais would be last people to harm a fool like you.

You think? Then why does your Bahai Internet Agency go around attacking and hacking into people's websites and domains, like recently with the Unitarian Bahai site, if they didn't mean any harm? Or, why is there a documented history of Bahai murder of Azalis:


That is right,

Good of you to acknowledge the fact that you are not an Iranian. That's all I wanted to hear, since the conspicuous silence of you people on this blog is most revealing:

we made the mistake with islamists

So you admit that Robert Dreyfuss is correct in what he says, since you are admitting to collusion with the Khomeinists when you say 'we' (meaning you Baha'is) made a mistake with the islamists. To wit,

...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered
correctly to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization
of the Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite
movement. In part, the money would have flowed through the cult’s links
to the same international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in Iran.
These movements also derive from the “one world” currents associated
with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians have been misled
on the question of the Bahais by the supposed antipathy of Khomeini’s
clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that the
Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged
Bahai activities as camouflage)...HOSTAGE TO KHOMEINI by
Robert Dreyfuss (New Benjamin Franklin House: New York, 1980)
pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74) //www.wlym.com/pdf/iclc/hostage.pdf

and we will not get a second rate Mollah like you threatening to kill
ANY Iranians in the future

I'm not a mollah, nor do you speak for any collective 'we' where Iran and Iranians are concerned, as you just admitted you are not an Iranian. As far as mollahs are concerned, I'll leave that for the likes of Moojan Momen and your 9 supreme leaders in Haifa. Nor do I kill Iranians, or have a previous record of it, unlike the documented history of your cult murdering other Iranians (see link above).

Ya Rasputin!

Here you go. Check out the resemblance:

MHA Baha'u'llah





Yes, it is a cult & a business

by Nur-i-Azal on

And a pretty rotten and corrupt one, too. Here is some documentary proof:





One question

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

The question is "Is bahaism a religion or not"

If it isn't then it's either a cult or a business.

If it is, then it's just as full of BS as other organized religions.

Anyone who needs middlemen to tell them how to live their lives, or needs middlemen to come in contact with his God of choice, also needs his head examined.



by Shepesh on

I see so it was You who deleted your offensive blogs, not the moderators! By the way I have copies of your death threats, so quit your lies.

"Your only recourse to stop me, is to kill me, like all those other Azalis you people killed in order to silence. "

The bahais would be last people to harm a fool like you. Your mouth will be what ultimately destroys you.

"Iran belongs to Iranians and you people are not Iranians."

That is right, we made the mistake with islamists and we will not get a second rate Mollah like you threatening to kill ANY Iranians in the future.

Ya Rasputin!



by Nur-i-Azal on

You know what it is. I've finally figured out something about you two, that is, tweedle dumb (sk) and tweedle dumber (shp). Neither one of you has any genuine connection with the immediate, on the ground Iranian culture, especially as far as language is concerned. You are either non-Iranians or one of dime'o'dozen exiles in diaspora who lost all touch with the day to day culture of Iran completely long ago and has been appointed by the Bahai Internet Agency to act in the capacity that you do. This sort of thing runs deep amongst Haifan Bahais. I know because I was once part of that infernal community.

Akheh nafahm, when you say in Persian to someone 'jun-e-ammat' that is not a threat or wishing death on someone's aunt! Duh!!! Of course in the Twilight Zone world of brainwashed and lying RUHI-zed gomraah individuals such as you two that is the way it is taken. I fully appreciate the depth of the ignorance and  total disconnect from all things authenticsally Persian operative here. The Haifan Bahai community is writ large since your whole cult is core anti-Iranian.




Duplicitous tactics are yours to save face

by Shepesh on

The only duplicitous individual here is you. The saddest type of liar is the type who lies to himself to protect his ego. Which is you. Use of many IDs, continuous attacks on people, and what happened to your LSD blog? Was it deleted by you or the Moderators? And the other blog about a joke to hit women? The one where you wished death to my Ammeh? Was that deleted by you or the moderators? Your foolish list - does it protect you in arguments as a last resort? I am secure in myself and who I am. You now tying to frame people who are disagreeing with you with a made up list? What does it prove - that I am a Bahai? Sad man.



by Nur-i-Azal on

To yeki boro dareto beband! Musalmoonam joon-e-ammat hasti!


BAHAI Tactics & Techniques

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i
Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize,
Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile,
Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball,
Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far
as possible they hold back from responding

2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given
issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will
try to divert to secondary
totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues

4. The exposer is then painted as someone
with an axe to grind,
deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and
insanity to the exposer,
shoot the messenger

6. Then,
the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue
exposed while supporting
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais



Avazi, sb

by Nur-i-Azal on

It is a really pity that we can't employ fohsh-e-laalezaaree in this forum because lord knows that is only what a sack of soiled dirt such as you deserves to hear.

If Bahaism was a movement that walked over my beliefs easily, it wouldn't need to employ so much of its resources to counter my existence or that of any other members of its oppositions, just like the IRI does with its own opposition. Right there is solid proof that you are full of it.

But even with that, you people are hereby put on notice: with or without the mullahs, I will cut your collective hands off from further meddling with Iran and Iranians one way or the other! You will see.  Your only recourse to stop me, is to kill me, like all those other Azalis you people killed in order to silence. Now go sing your koombayas in Africa or wherever else you wish. Iran belongs to Iranians and you people are not Iranians. You are 5th columnist agents of globalist sleaze, whether under the Pahlavis or under any current or future regime.




Sag Koochooloo is totally right

by Shepesh on

I am a Muslim and he always accuses me of being Bahaiwhen I disagree with him. May I say your comments are absolutely fascinating.



by sag koochooloo on

The world waits in anticipation! If its like anything we've already been exposed to here and your self published book then they will be best sellers! Roll on Hollywood – Telly Savalas to play you I think. 

Ofcourse you cannot bear for anyone who is not a Bahai to criticize and disagree with you.That seems to be the desperate logic you need to lie to yourself about – “you are a Bahai” “you are a liar”- so that you can tell yourself you are right. And a movement to exist (Bahai) which walks over your beliefs as an Azali, and by nature of its perceived validity would render you misguided. There seems to be a deeply rooted sub-conscious psychological need for you to win over converts to your side so you will not  feel so alone. How very sad. ….. well best of luck!


Go jump in a lake

by Nur-i-Azal on

No, azizam, moron is a bald faced liar such as you who claims they are not a Bahai but then attacks critics of Bahaism and legitimate criticism of this demonic cult worse than the most lack-jawed  Bahai fundamentalist cultist.

My contributions to society are countless, and in coming years you will see a lot more of them. One of them is to stand headstrong and unflinching in front of you demons and your globalist, fascist NWO agenda and your attempts to pull wool over the eyes of many with your lies and bamboozlements. After all, it was Anvar who once claimed right here on IC that I single handedly was responsible for changing Montazeri's mind about you so-and-sos. Happy to do it, too. So long as I breathe, you people will not root your ugly weeds  in my motherland, and, so help me, so long as I live I will not allow you so-and-sos to have an easy time where my motherland, its culture and its people are concerned. You people are globalists and anti-nationalists, and as far as I am concerned, anti-Iranians to the core whatever pretenses to the contrary you are putting in the West and on this site. As such you have no legitimate business with Iran and amongst Iranians so kindly pack up and get lost and go sing your "One Planet, One People, please" koombaya tunes amongst the deluded fools who have an ear for this nonsense. Iran belongs to Iranians who are Iranian nationalists and who testify to the soil, blood, tears and rain of that nation as a sacred substance! You people do not, so go collectively jump in a lake -- all of you!

Besides that, the fruits of my inestimable social contributions, whether directly or by implication, are people such as Dale Husband who are emerging with greater frequency out of your cult to publicly sock you charlatans silly. Amongst a tiny handful of others, this was indeed a trail I blazed!



Go get a life

by sag koochooloo on

Moron is someone who posts rubbish on the internet all day. What exactly is your contribution to society? Your unbounded vituperation against the Baha’is in this critical moment of our country in Iranian forums benefits only the Islamists and although I have no doubt that you and your ilk are acting out of personal vendetta and inability to move on with your lives, one could not argue with someone accusing you of being an agent of the IRI as what you do is diverting attention from them to an insignificant minority. Today the enemies of Iranians are the Mullahs and not the Baha’is, the Christians or the Jews. If these religions are false it is irrelevant to discuss them in an Iranian political forum today with such hateful comments, when it is the Mullahs who are killing the Iranians and not these other religions. There is nothing shameful in this statement. And all this from a deluded hippie. Now bugger off, you are a lost cause.


Psychedelic punch

by Nur-i-Azal on

If that is what you call Ayahuasca, is the key to the access of Reality, moron. The '60s generation in the US proved that by nearly bringing the corrupt, ultra-conservative and self-deluded power structures in that country down to its knees with just LSD.

You can use some Acid yourself because it would almost violently shake you out of your own self-delusions and cognitive dissonance, and show you what reality was all about.