Peres to Obama:Don't talk to Iran yet


Peres to Obama:Don't talk to Iran yet
by Javad Yassari

Israeli President Shimon Peres told Japan's Kyodo News in Jerusalem yesterday that Barack Obama should wait to hold talks with Iran until after the presidential elections in Iran.  I assume his suggestion is made in an attempt to keep the resultant kudos away from Ahmadinejad's performance as President of Iran, disabling him from claiming the ultimate coup in his otherwise dismal foreign relations report card, namely re-starting negotiations leading to relations with the US after a 30-year break. 

"I hope that it won't be done before the elections (in Iran) because it may affect the results of the elections." he said. 

To be sure, this could be a fair statement made by any political analyst anywhere in the world under normal circumstances.  Then again, under normal circumstances, for another country's leader to publicly make such a suggestion or request is a bit odd, as there are diplomatic venues and tools routinely employed by world leaders for dialogue and negotiations with each other.  Telling it to a Japanese news agency hardly seems to be the appropriate mechanism, or is it?  Does Mr. Peres feel somehow limited in his access to President Elect Obama to convey his suggestion without much public hoopla for or against it?  Why would he use a routine interview to make such an important request/suggestion?  Powerful and effective as Jewish lobby has been in the US, why would such an important request be conveyed publicly and in a round about way? 

I don't believe the world has another six months for hatred and war, suspicion and alienation, and I don't belive Mr. Obama can delay making good on his campaign promises, including the one he made on establishing direct negotiations with Iran at the highest level (which everyone assumed meant the Supreme Leader and not Mahmoud Ahmadinejad). 

What do you think Barack Obama would do?  Do you believe he would heed Mr. Peres' call?   


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DW Duke

Communications with Ahmajinedad

by DW Duke on

I do not believe anyone has addressed the issue of communications with Ahmajinedad as well as Nazanin Afshin-Jam in this letter to BBC 4. 




Dear Mr Yassari

by IRANdokht on

I understand the point you made about AN's stupid comments, but what I meant is since when the US president has to be openly told what to do! No matter how Iran has behaved (only verbally mind you) why would any other country be giving US president foreign policy advice? I am only asking.


Javad Yassari

Dear IRANdokht:

by Javad Yassari on

Thank you.  In my humble opinion, Iran seems to be Israel's business since Iran made Israel its business.  Mr. Ahmadinejad's provocative statements over the past few years have unfortunately made Iran vulnerable to this kind of direct, and the lobbyists' indirect, interferences and rhetoric.  He has been bad news for Iran in more ways than one.

Mr. Obama was quite clear in one of his campaign speeches that he wants to sit down to talk to Iran's "highest authority" about relations with US, and it was evident from his presentation that he wasn't talking about the President of Iran, but the Supreme Leader.  Many believe this cannot take place because the Leader would never engage in anything this controversial directly, leaving room for himself to veto the negotiation party's conduct or stance if public opinion doesn't support it.  Lest we forget, when it comes to resuming relations with the US, public opinion has a lot to do with what happens because Iranian public has been force fed anti-American propaganda for 30 years and it's hard for Iranian officials to go from "Death to America" uttered only yesterday in a demonstration to "let's talk turkey here!"  It's hard to imagine what form the negotiations would take, then.


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