شکرانه گذر به سالی دگر هزار دانه گندم و هزارهزار شاخه زیتون به پیشگاهتان تقدیم
تا باشد سالی پر برکت ، تندرستی همراه با صلح و مهر
Interesting mix of movie clips and music styles old and new
Tabreek, but no soup for you :->
Historic, sad, but true...state of affairs
I'm here to report that Mohsen Namjoo took it over the top. He outperformed his recorded songs, he first weaved the walls and then paved a tall and blue roof of sound around us and above us for 2 hours
پدر جان! لطفا برای من بگین سیاست یعنی چی؟