Komak lotfan

Komak lotfan
by KitGilas

I found this song on YouTube but I am not able to recognize the name of the artist - nor the song title.

Does he sing in farsi? What is the song about?

I like it so much and I would appreciate to know more about it..

Shoam mitoni ke komakam konid?





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Just want to say thanks...

by Richard Jeffrey Newman (not verified) on

...for posting and linking to my translation. You left out the end of the poem, though:

Don’t shed tears at the grave of someone
thus murdered by a friend; rejoice instead
that the friend accepted him. If you’re infected,
don’t cleanse your mind of love’s sickness. Rather,
like Saadi, cleanse yourself of all
other purpose. A true lover will fight
a storm of stones and arrows to reach his goal.
Beware! Don’t try to sail that sea! You’re warned!
But if you go, give yourself to the storm.


Rich Newman

Niloufar Parsi

great song

by Niloufar Parsi on

and amazing poetry - thanks to all of u :) 


Thanks Ebi

by KitGilas on

for posting this beautiful poem....

I had no idea that my questions for a random song would lead me to the poetic world of Saadi....

This is one thing I love about life: "You never know what waits around the corner" :)

KitGilas (Busy surfing the internet for Saadi links)



ebi amirhosseini

Another poem from Saadi’s Bustan.......

by ebi amirhosseini on


Death Alone Puts Out The Fire

I recall a night when my eyes just wouldn’t close,

and I heard a moth saying to the candle,

“It’s right for me to burn: I am the lover;

but tell me, why are you weeping and burning?”

The candle replied, “My friend, you silly thing,

don’t be naïve: I’ve lost my sweet companion,

honey, and since Shirin abandoned me,

like Farhad, grief’s flames scorch me head to foot.”

As the candle spoke, her pain ran in rivers

down her yellow cheeks, “You are a fraud;

you have no business loving. You lack courage;

you can’t stay still; you fly from a single flame,

half-baked, while I remain till all of me

is properly done. Love’s blaze may have singed

your wings, but look at me, from top to bottom

I am burning.” The candle debated like this

while the men gathered around it, and when the night

was only partly gone, one among them,

with a pari’s face, put the candle to death.

Then it said, smoke swirling at its head,

“Love, my boy, ends just like that. You’ll learn,

if you’re a lover, that death alone puts out

the fire.”




Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini


by ebi amirhosseini on



Good job Dokhtar e Iran

by Abarmard on

I love the poem.



by KitGilas on

Thanks so much for your comments and links IRANdokht - ML and Orang ...

It means a lot to me - Sepas gozaram...


See ya around :)




Orang Gholikhani


by Orang Gholikhani on


IranDokht translation fit well. Nowdays you could say samething looking a plane take off with your beloved ! but we miss Saadi's talent !

Here you have an intresting page about Saadi and at the bottom, you will find English version of his books (Golestan & Boostan) in PDF : //www.iranchamber.com/literature/saadi/saadi.php

I'm not able to say you which one include this poem.

PS: if you like poetry, join our goup in Facebook : //www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=26255916530

Take Care.




by ML (not verified) on

Wish I could help, but my Persian is limited.
Good luck!


Dear KitGilas

by IRANdokht on

I am sure that there are plenty of ic members who are more qualified than I am to give you insight on the meaning of this beautiful poem and its translation. Manoucher Avaznia, Jaleho, Javad Yassari, Orang, Ebi, Ari ... are all good resources to inquire about this poem and its translation. I tried to find it online but no luck so far...

Literally, the poem is speaking to a "Sareban"  (Camel rider/driver) in charge of a caravan, asking him to slow down because the poet's beloved is traveling away and taking his soul and his heart along...

As you may already know most of the old Persian poetry has a more profound and spiritual meaning than just an earthly love.

This is definitely one of Sa'di's masterpieces that is still well known, recited and sung by many.

I really hope someone more knowledgable than me (that's a big pool of people on ic) helps you out. I love it when our non-farsi speaking friends show interest in Iran's poetry and history.

Thanks and good luck



Kheyli mamnon IRANdokht :)

by KitGilas on

Shoma kheyli mehrban hastid! 

So this from one of the famous poets?... GREAT I knew there was something special about it..

Unfortunately my knowledge of the persian writing is still limited so what is the poem called in english?

KitGilas ~0~



Dear kitGilas

by IRANdokht on

The lyrics are in Farsi from the great Persian poet Sa'di.  This clip might be by the late Afghan artist Ustad Sarban, but I am not quite sure. Here's the beautiful Farsi poem 

ای ساربان آهسته رو کارام جانم می رود
وان دل که با خود داشتم با دلستانم می‌رود

من مانده‌ام مهجور از او بیچاره و رنجور از او
گویی که نیشی دور از او در استخوانم می‌رود

گفتم به نیرنگ و فسون پنهان کنم ریش درون
پنهان نمی‌ماند که خون بر آستانم می‌رود

محمل بدار ای ساروان تندی مکن با کاروان
کز عشق آن سرو روان گویی روانم می‌رود

او می‌رود دامن کشان من زهر تنهایی چشان
دیگر مپرس از من نشان کز دل نشانم می‌رود

برگشت یار سرکشم بگذاشت عیش ناخوشم
چون مجمری پرآتشم کز سر دخانم می‌رود

با آن همه بیداد او وین عهد بی‌بنیاد او
در سینه دارم یاد او یا بر زبانم می‌رود

بازآی و بر چشمم نشین ای دلستان نازنین
کشوب و فریاد از زمین بر آسمانم می‌رود

شب تا سحر می‌نغنوم و اندرز کس می‌نشنوم
وین ره نه قاصد می‌روم کز کف عنانم می‌رود

گفتم بگریم تا ابل چون خر فروماند به گل
وین نیز نتوانم که دل با کاروانم می‌رود

صبر از وصال یار من برگشتن از دلدار من
گر چه نباشد کار من هم کار از آنم می‌رود

در رفتن جان از بدن گویند هر نوعی سخن
من خود به چشم خویشتن دیدم که جانم می‌رود

سعدی فغان از دست ما لایق نبود ای بی‌وفا
طاقت نمیارم جفا کار از فغانم می‌رود

