My foreign exchange trip

by lelakoopal

Wow! I can't believe that June 5th, I am going to be on a plane heading towards **.  Then only like 2 days later I leave for Chile.. ah! I'm soo scared!! I'm about to embark on the greatest adventure on my life thus far.. and it's nerve wracking!  Don't take me wrong, I am more excited than I have ever been in my entire life!! But I don't believe I've ever been as scared as well.  Wait, that's a lie.  I've been more scared... but I'll get into that in another blog.  Well, I'll be checking in on less frequently while I'm in South America because I won't have my own computer.. but I'll still get on and post blogs about how it's going and check in on the new blogs people are posting :)



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You Go Girl!

by Sbolch on

Keep your eyes, ears and nose open to all the beauty, new sounds and good food that awaits you there. Have a safe trip. We'll be thinking of you here. Write when you can.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

How exciting!

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Good luck! Buena Suerte

Don't forget to take a lot of pictures. I know many on the website would love to see your photographs

Solh va Doosti
