Secrets of the Dead Prince: What Everybody Should Know
MaryamJoon 24-Sep-2012
That is Bahá’u’lláh’s real picture and the real history of Bahá’u’lláh. You will see who this man really was.
- (1) Mirza Nouri (who later named himself Bahá’u’lláh) becomes one a follower of a self-proclaimed holy man who called himself the Báb; The Bahais acknowledge that the Báb's group was armed with weapons and engaged in serious crimes in Iran, such as murder and the drugs trade (opium). * Incidentally, the “Báb” recanted his “prophet status” in documents that have been in the national archives of Iran for generations. (In Wikipedia, the Haifan Bahai organization has changed the entry to falsely state: “His claim to Mahdihood (being a prophet) was bold and unequivocal.”) Folks, he recanted these statements in his own writings, they have been in Tehran’s archives for generations, but believe your fantasies.
- (2) In 1848, before the Bahai religion is created and before Mirza Nouri starts calling himself Bahá’u’lláh, he is arrested for swindling people in Amol in the province of Mazandran. Bahais acknowledge that Mirza Nouri had not yet realized that he is “Jesus reincarnated.” So, this guy has a criminal record before he is a “prophet” (not to mention his childhood criminal record). Mirza Nouri does some jail time for his crime, including having his feet whipped as punishment, and is released.
- (3) In 1850 the leader of a group Mirza Nouri joins orders for Nasser al-Din Shah of Iran to be assassinated and they make a failed attempt on the Shah’s life; The assassins and the leader are arrested and sentenced to death, and a warrant is issued for the rest of his gang, which includes Mirza Nouri (he still hasn’t started calling himself Bahá’u’lláh and the Bahai religion does not exist yet). So in his adult life, long before he becomes “Jesus reincarnated” and long before the Bahai religion exists, Mirza Nouri already has serious felony offenses on his criminal record. Regarding the assassination attempt on Nasser al-Din Shah: “[f]rom the outset there was no doubt as to the accomplices’ Babi commitment or their motives. Two assassins were captured on the spot but the remaining manages to escape. “The two survivors declared themselves to belong to the this faith (the Babi movement), that they were ready to die, and they had come to seek death in paradise.” (Nasir al-Din Shah and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831-1896, p. 207.)
- (4) In 1852 the police finally catch Mirza Nouri hiding in the village of Afchih (near Tehran) where significant opium business was taking place. He is charged with complicity in the attempt on the life of the Shah.
- (5) On his way to prison, the people of the surrounding villages flock to the streets and demand his execution, but he is taken to Tehran to serve prison time.
- (6) He serves four months in prison, his family pays a huge fine and the government agrees that he will be banished from Iran and give up his Iranian citizenship. (At this point the guy is not even an Iranian citizen anymore.) Mirza Nouri later claims that while he was in prison he realized that he was “Jesus Christ reincarnated.” He is kicked out of Iran, and spends the next 40 years of his life living outside of Iran, and also gets kicked out of Iraq, Ottoman-Turkey, and Adrianople. He gets kicked-out of everyplace he goes because he starts trouble, mostly from tricking religious pilgrims into giving him money and for other petty crimes, and he finally winds up in Palestine.
- (7) In April 1863, before leaving Baghdad, Mirza Nouri for the first time tells people that he is “Bahá’u’lláh” and “the Promised One” sent by God. So, the whole Bahai religion is actually made outside of Iran. The guy was imprisoned for nothing to do with Bahaism because nobody even knew what that was yet. (See The Bahá'í Faith," Britannica Book of the Year, Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1988, Noting that The Bahá'í Faith was established in 1866.)
- (8) There is plenty of evidence of how this guy sold his services to foreign colonial powers to try to undermine Iran, but there is no need to get into that here. The bottom-line is that “Bahá’u’lláh” was a criminal even before he was even “Bahá’u’lláh.” Mirza Nouri was basically the Massoud Rajavi of his day. And I can find you 10 people in every major city (anywhere in the world) that say the same types of things he does. You can also find those types of people in prison.
- There is no way that the people of Iran will ever accept this “Bahá’u’lláh” character. It would be like making Charles Manson, OJ Simpson, or Massoud Rajavi into a holy man.
Two points
by amirkabear4u on Tue Sep 25, 2012 02:30 AM PDTI have a lot of questions about this so called religion, however just mention these two;
1- In any historic documents, is there a mention of him being able to speak english?
2- When there is Jesus for peace and love, why would some Iranians want to believe in someone who is called bab??????????
At least have the integrity to admit what Babi movement was all
by Zendanian on Mon Sep 24, 2012 05:02 PM PDTabout.
Then again, once you become a stooge and apologist of IR, integrity is not exactly a component of your arguements, right?
Of Baha'i faith and Ahmadiyyat
by First Amendment on Mon Sep 24, 2012 04:43 PM PDTجنبش بابيان, آخرين و بزرگترين جنبش قرون وسطايي كه برآن ، مهر و
ZendanianMon Sep 24, 2012 03:59 PM PDT
جنبش بابيان
آخرين و بزرگترين جنبش قرون وسطايي كه برآن ، مهر و نشاني از عصر نوين است.
آخرين جنبش انقلابي مهمي که در کشور ما با بسياري مشخصات جنبشهاي قرون وسطائي رخ داد، جنبش بابيان در نيمه ی سده نوزدهم است، که از جهت دامنه و تاثير خود در تاريخ کشور ما، در رديف يکي از مهمترين جنبشهاي انقلابي تاريخ کشور ماست. اين جنبش در مرز بين جامعه ی سنتي فئودالي و انحطاط و تجزيه ی سريع آن قرار دارد و خود از عوامل اين انحطاط و تجزيه ی سريع است. لذا، در کنار خصايص کهن و مسلط، در اين جنبش، خصايص نويني نيز بروز مي کند. خصايص کهن عبارتست از:اولاً رنگ مذهبي جنبش که بصورت يک الحاد و بدعت نوين عليه دين رسمي (شيعه ی اثناعشري) بروز مي کند.ثانياً به ارث گرفتن برخي عقايد سنتي اجتماعي است مانند مساوات طلبي، انديشه ی حلول و تناسخ و در مواردي چند بازگشت به نوعي کمونيسم مزدکي در مورد مالکيت.
اما خصايص نوين برخي نظريات اصلاح طلبانه به سود بورژوزي شهر(بازرگانان و کسبه) است که بويژه سيد محمد علي باب در آموزش ديني خود منعکس مي کند و از اين مقوله ديرتر سخن خواهيم گفت. جنبش بابيان با يک سلسله انقلاب ها در اروپا و جنبش هاي بزرگ در آسيا، ( مانند جنبش سپاهي در هند و جنبش تاي پينگ در چين ) مقارن افتاده است و لذا در يک زنجيره ی جهاني نهضتهاي انقلابي نيمه ی قرن نوزدهم هم جاي گرفته است. اين جنبش بدون ترديد در جنب و جوش بعدي هيئت حاکمه ی کشور ما و رفُرم هاي اميرکبير مؤثر بوده است. همچنين اين جنبش در زمينه سازي براي روشنگران مشروطيت و سپس پيدايش جنبش مشروطه تأثير داشته است، لذا در تاريخ کشور ما داراي قدريست والا، و سزا نيست که بر پايه ی ذهنيات مذهبي و غيره آنرا ناچيز گرفت و درباره ی آن سکوت کرد، چنانکه متأسفانه عملاً چنين شده است.
The man that tries to kill Nasir al-Din Shah ...
by MaryamJoon on Mon Sep 24, 2012 03:11 PM PDT... is not front page news.
Another must-read........
by First Amendment on Mon Sep 24, 2012 02:51 PM PDTThe 7th bullet for those who claim that our honorable Bahai hamvatans are the followers of a native religion........they are not............
These bullets are hard to dodge, you know.........
Sorry, the groom has been rejected by the bride
by MaryamJoon on Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:54 PM PDT"by stavackoli on Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:46 PM PDT- So, here you have taken the opportunity to interject the history of Baha'u'llah's exile as a rejection of The Faith by "people of Iran". Yes, as I remember it, it was put to a general vote of the public and "people of Iran" voted to throw Baha'u'llah out. Just like people of Mecca voted to make Prophet Muhammad escape to Medina, right?"
Not my prince - not Iran's prince
by MaryamJoon on Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:44 PM PDTa factually convicted criminal before he was Bahalluah