Sorry, but there are real questions about Amir Mirzaei Hekmati that CNN did not address

Sorry, but there are real questions about Amir Mirzaei Hekmati that CNN did not address
by MaryamJoon

Sorry, but there are real questions about Amir Mirzaei Hekmati that CNN did not address ... the photos are there.  Truthfully I'm not saying anything: I think it's the photos that are speaking. 




more from MaryamJoon

A few thoughts

by MaryamJoon on

Not every person arrested by IRI is a "pawn."  I don't think that even most people that oppose IRI believe that.

It's a national security offense - those types of trials are usually more secretive in every country.

It's not like they flew him to Guantanamo, and hid away from courts for 10 years without ever seeing the inside of a courtroom.



Whatever we think of a prisoner, by default they're all entilted

by Zendanian on

to a proper legal proceeding, and the right for self defense.

I don't claim to have all the relevant info about this case, but whatever the case might be: he's either a very bad spy, or a very unlucky grandchild visiting his grandparents, he should not be used as a pawn by IR.


I have little to no sympathy for those….

by Bavafa on

Who make a living by the use of a gun, this excludes law enforcement officers otherwise known as police and only when there is an adequate and creditable checks and balances to make sure they are not abusing their position.

  As for a US military goes, sadly it has been turn to support an empire around the world and their work seem to be of no difference than a mercenary organizations.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Not looking good

by MaryamJoon on

"Nathan Hodge writing for the Wall Street Journal has confirmed that Amir Hekmati worked for BAE System's as a member of the US Army's Human Terrain System."

"Human Terrain System program manager Colonel Sharon Hamilton announced in public at a Special Operations conference before the 2011 holidays that the Human Terrain System (HTS), Version 2.0, is now officially an intelligence collection activity."

"For years critics of the program - the most vociferous from within HTS - argued that HTS always was an intelligence program run out of US Army TRADOC, G2. There are some 70 articles written over a three year period that report on the program's failings, deaths, inadequate recruiting and training, allegations of fraud, waste and abuse, murder, hostages, sexual harassment, and more." 


Wall St. Journal / John Stanton 

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Kudos to his capturers.............don't kill this jerk, though........