Persecuting the Dead - Farsi version

by Massoud

Exposing what the government of Iran is doing in secret will be a great step in stopping them from continuing to happen.



more from Massoud

Baha'i Faith

by Dr. K. (not verified) on

Dear fellow Iranian, you are starting from an unfair and unjustified position at the outset. You are assuming that the Baha'i faith is a cult/sect. Let’s make one basic assumption before we start any honest discussions: If you already know the "answer", then there is no need for a discussion, because you "believe" your position to be the only truth and as such you have no interest in learning about the other side. I am going to assume that you are interested in a fair and honest discussion, so let’s go on:

1. These are my personal understandings and do not represent any group/organization/government, etc.
2. In a mature society there is no need for the police, watchdogs, or religion.
3. Any religion, for the most part, is a belief system that is mainly based on faith (eemaan) as its cornerstone in accepting certain teaching such as the existence of a God, heaven, life after death, etc. This is true of all major religions. Lets label these the "spiritual" beliefs (or teachings) of religion.
4. Nearly all religions also bring with them certain teachings that are the "social" aspects of that particular religion.

While the "spiritual teachings" mainly concern themselves with the relationship of "man" (I am using the term MAN as a generic term for humans, or mankind, and is not gender specific) with its creator (God), for example, prayers, Namaaz, and Hajj, the social teachings concern themselves with the relationship between men (Human beings). Of course it is not as black and white as I am describing it here and I realize it is an oversimplification. The two aspects of religion are intended to impact each other and in fact they do.

I realize that there is that whole discussion of God does not exist, religion is opium of the masses, this is it and there is nothing there after we die. I acknowledge these arguments and leave that discussion for a later time. For now, I would like to base this discussion on the assumption that TRUE religions are sent by the creator and it takes a "leap of faith" to accept this hypothesis.

There have been several major religions during our civilization that have brought their teachings (both spiritual and social) for us. They have all promised that someone would return in the future to complete that religion. This promised one has been called by many names, the Messiah, Christ, the twelfth imam, etc.

When we look at the social teachings of the religions of the past, it becomes clear, to the unprejudiced and fair mind, that those teachings could not have been meant to apply for ever and that was precisely why the next religion was sent: to update the teachings, thus a new prophet and a new book of laws.

Let’s take the issue of the twelfth Imam. Assuming that all of those reading these lines have some education and, therefore; some understanding of the laws of physics and science, I would like to pose the question that: Do you really think that someone could disappear in to a well and hide for over 1200 years waiting to come out when the time is right?

Here is the challenge: put yourselves in the shoes of those non-believers and see this from their point of view. The question is not that can God will this if she wanted to (I think God if exists, could be a woman!). What is the purpose? Would she create a world that runs so amazingly based on mathematical equations and formulas down to a trillionth of a second and based on very precise laws of physics and physiology, and then interrupt the whole thing by throwing such an irrelevant, irrational, and useless monkey wrench in it?

All of these "Miracles" or acts of wonder are really stories and lessons that are meant to convey a message and should not be taken so literally.

Islam had no choice but to accept the religions that came before it, e.g.; Judaism and Christianity; just as Christianity had no choice but to accept Judaism as a true religion. Isn’t it strange that all these religions have categorically and universally denied the religion that followed them and labeled them as false religions? You do acknowledge that Jews did not (and do not to this day) accept Christ as a prophet of God. You do acknowledge that Christians did not (and do not to his day) accept Muhammad as a prophet of god. Is there any surprise that Moslems do not accept the Baha'i faith as a true religion? It actually strengthens its position. Every prophet and religion has gone thru the same ordeal. Christ was nailed to a cross for his claim. Muhammad was run out of town and forced to use the sword to prove his points. The Bab and Baha'u'llah were killed and exiled for their claims. Isn't that a surprise!!! The claim by Muslims that Muhammad was the last prophet (Khaatam-al-nabieen) is also not any different than what Moses and Christ's believers have claimed for thousands of years. Arabic language is a very precise and methodical language. In Arabic, a verb is written based on
"Fa'-a'-la'“and the subject performing (doing) the action of the verb is written based on "Faa-el". It is difficult to convey the intent/meaning clearly in written English, so here are some examples:

Ha'-Ka'-Ma' (verb: to rule)

Haa-Kem (ruler)

A'-la'-ma' (to know)
Aa-lem (knower, knowledgeable)





Get it? KhaatEm not KhaatAm

Muhammad was KhaatAm-al-anbia (or Khaatam-al-Nabieen)
He was not KhaatEm (one who ends or seals) Look up the root of the word in a dictionary for yourself.

Secondly, Baha’u’llah never claimed to be a Na'bi.

Come to think of it, neither was Muhammad. Has anybody ever referred to Muhammad as Muhammad Nabi-u-llah? NO. He is referred to as Muhammad Rasool-u-llah. Isn’t that interesting? Was he a Nabi or a Rasool? Is there a difference? Is it like being a lieutenant and a Colonel in God's army? Or are they the same? Again I think that Arabic language is so precise that the two have totally different and distinct meanings.

Let’s assume he was Khaa-tEm-ul-Nabieen. Was he also Khaa-tEm-ul-Rosol?

Before we go any further, let’s also agree that we do not insult each other or each other's beliefs, or anyone else's for that matter. Let’s make a pact that for what it is worth, we act like mature, honorable, civilized PERSIANS that we have been for thousands of years (we gave birth to civilization, after all)

There is a significant difference between the Baha'is and other religions of the past. While in the past religion and its teachings were so complicated that there needed to be a mediator (a Rabi, a priest, a Pope, a Mullah, an Ayatollah, etc.) to explain the religion to man and also to act a go-between for mankind and its creator, the Baha'i faith has put that responsibility squarely on the shoulders of man and has eliminated that whole class of middleman faith brokers. It is man's responsibility to read, investigate, discuss, question, and understand the teachings of the faith and this responsibility cannot be delegated.

It truly surprises me that so many Muslims have chosen to put so much energy and faith in believing the untruth of the Baha'i faith solely based on hear-say, stories, propaganda, urban legends, and fantasies that have been simply propagated by those whose positions are threatened by the Baha'i faith if it were true, i.e.; the elimination of the "priest class".

If you wish to invest in a mutual fund you have to read a prospectus and sign several disclosure forms. Yet we go about so casually and callously accusing and writing off a group of people based on fantasy and falsehood?

Lets review the teaching of the Baha'i faith and see if the label of "Baha'i" were removed from these teachings, or if they were labeled as Islamic, or some other religion's teaching, how you would perceive them:

-Independent investigation of truth
-Emphasis on the significance and importance of education to a degree that getting an education is equivalent to spending a life time in prayer AND the specific example given by AbdulBaha that: if a family has two children, a boy and a girl, and they can afford to educated only one, it is the girl that must get the education because she will grow up to be a mother!
-Equality of rights for women and men and the example given by AbdulBaha is that a family is like a bird and the husband and wife are its wings. If one wing is stronger than the other, the bird cannot fly straight!
-elimination of prejudice and racism. Need I elaborate on this obvious point? Bahaullah says: Mankind is fruits of one tree and leaves of one branch and that we should see and treat each other as equals.

You have access to all Baha'i writings. Do you see anything anywhere that propagates injustice, bigotry, unfairness, etc.? For the most part, I have not seen anybody who has had anything negative to say about individual Baha’is (there are bad apples in any bunch to be sure, but we are speaking in general).

The Baha'is in Iran were the most educated, most trust-worthy, and most honorable group of the population. They love Iran as the birth-place of the Baha’i faith.

You, my fellow Iranian brothers and sister, owe it to yourselves not to pass judgment before you have investigated all the facts.

As far as teaching the faith in Africa or on Mars, all religions have had teaching and spreading their faith as one of the most important responsibilities of its believers. Christians did it and continue to do so. Muslims did it with the sword. Baha'is do it with the book.

Best wishes


یعنی همان جهل اسلامی، ولی "مکّه" آنان در لندن، تمام شد و

Seagull (not verified)

"The real treasury of man is his Knowledge"

"...the mightiest of these is learning the the use of the mind, the expansion of consciousness, the insight into the realities of the universe and the hidden mysteries of Almighty God."

Bahais turn toward Haifa as their Qibleh, the resting place of the Blessed Beauty, the King of Glory, the Everlasting Father BahaUllah, the redeemer of mankind, the remedy to the ills that afflict humanity.
The resting place of the Guardian (grandson of AbduBaha) is in London.
The resting place, shrine, of the Bab is on mount Carmel, BahaUllahs resting place is in Bahjee near Haifa, AbdulBahas resting place also is in Haifa.
Bahai faith encourages knowledge.
Bahais also promote, universal brotherhood, one divine God, one divine religion that has progressively been revealed to humanity to educate man and bring him ever closer to God, (true heaven),
respect for the fellow human beings, refrain from idle disputes...
What par of this is Jahl to a fair minded, enlightened soul. if this is Jahl then what is knowledge?



لوازم التحریر (not verified)

یعنی همان جهل اسلامی، ولی "مکّه" آنان در لندن، تمام شد و رفت.


I have a problem

by i have a dream (not verified) on

Your problem is a personal problem, just need to become kind and tolerant. Also If you want people to tolerate persons like you, you need to demonstrate respect and stop hateing and airing your frustration in such negative way. how about just a reasonable explanation of why you dont like certain things, so your readers are not bombarded by hate and anger but sane reasoning.
People are free to publicize what they consider the bread of life. many like you in the course of history for mariad of reasons tried to stoped them but they failed. b/c true influence comes from God and the evidences of that is undisputable. Just see how many nation God made servents into his relgion.
did you know that both good people and evil people serve God in their own way. God is the Master.
so stop this futile, neurotic shouting and give these people something good. we have enough hate in this world, dont add to it. and dont decide for others, it is not your place. even if just one person in the whole continent of Africa wants to hear about God, I will be more than happy to be make that happen. it is much better to spread, love, understanding, unity, brotherhood, good will, prosperity, education, respect and equality for women...than just offering hate and sarcasm and passimism.
and save yourself a trip, how about Vegas for you!


If they dont then hateful

by mr neurotic (not verified) on

If they dont then hateful people will take over the world and turn this planet into a real hell.

Curious Joe

Is this Iranian humor, or a mere sick comment

by Curious Joe on

Some virgins think that "Missionary Position" is some kind of a job in Africa.

Why do the Bahai's send their equivalents of Christian Missionaries all over the world to convert people?

I have a problem with any cult/sect that organizes to convert anyone to "The Truth" --whether that "Truth" belongs to Christians, Moslems, Jews, Bahais, Zardoshtis, the multinational corporations, the US Imperialism as exercised by the presence of her Naval/Special Forces, or any other belief system, including Capitalism, Communism and the Agnostic's agenda.

If the Bahais start respecting the atheists, and stop proselytizing Abdolbaha's book, I may even pay a visit to Haifa in "Palestine?".



Iran: Top cleric says women

by islamispeace (not verified) on

Iran: Top cleric says women without veils must die



The Islamist war on Muslim

by Anonymous½ (not verified) on

The Islamist war on Muslim women

THE "QATIF GIRL" won a reprieve last week. On Dec. 17, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah pardoned the young woman, who was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months in prison after she pressed charges against seven men who had raped her and a male acquaintance in 2006. Two weeks earlier, Sudan's president extended a similar reprieve to Gillian Gibbons, the British teacher convicted of insulting Islam because her 7-year-old students named a teddy bear Muhammad. Gibbons had been sentenced to prison, but government-organized street demonstrators were loudly demanding her execution



by Naazokbin (not verified) on

What else could you expect from the terrorists who burned over four hundred Abadanis alive and blamed it on others?

Bahais are not alone in this. There are many Muslim parents who never saw their loved ones who are probably buried in mass graves in some unknown place in Iran.

These Islamist criminals went as far as charging the parents of many young Iranian men and women for the bullets used for their execution. Burials were not allowed until the parents cmae up with the money.

There is only one way for all Iranians to gain rspect and that is through overthrowing the current regime and establishing a democratic system in Iran.

How this is achieved should not be an issue anynmore!


Just absolutely incredible.

by jamshid on

Just absolutely incredible. This is not a surprising act by a bunch of cowards to the bone.

After watching that video, under the related video section, I saw a couple of videos with ahamadinjad's comments on Bahais. I encourage everyone to watch:



At least the guy didn't say we don't have any Bahais in Iran!