Definition of Sophistry (safsateh)

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan




1. Method of argument that is seemingly plausible though actually invalid and misleading

2. Subtle but unsound or fallacious reasoning

(Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition)

If you still don't understand this method of detouring of a discussion then please read what I have written here about the cruelty of military in Egypt and the derailment of the Egyptian revolution and Mr. Gilani's various attempts at turning the discussion into what he has been asked to lead it to.



Judge for yourselves, and please note I never flag or remove outrageous or insulting comments. Why should I? They are evidence of the commentators shear degeneracy.


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by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

I used the "line of defence" phrase for Tiger Lily.



I now understand

by divaneh on

Not many of us see every clip. I now understand your message after knowing that it happened in Egypt. Initially I found your earlier blog very offensive and tasteless but that was because I thought this picture was taken in Iran.

Still, shame on those who ridiculed this poor woman and talked about armpit hair and line of defence. That is lack of humanity.

In future please provide a little more explanations for those who may have no knowledge of the subject.



It's your contextualization and degenerated analysis of freedom

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

movements in Iran and the Arab world.

Alas, you remain a depraved, degenerate sophist.


I do not apologize for other people's stupidity.

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

Wasn't it your type, the Shah called "chape amrikayi?"


خوب، چرا نمیگی غلط کردم؟


به جای این همه ماست مالی‌ کردن. ما هم در عوض از فلان چیز خوردنت میگذریم


You thick people think I am criticizing the poor girl?

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

Then think again. I am talking about the gollibles who at the start of this so-called Arab spring were blaming Iranians for being passive.

Now you can all see the fraud that these movements were. And poor people like this girl were fooled to believe that the US installed regime of Egypt could be so easily removed.

So go ahead and call me depraved. And I can call you a simpleton among other things. What is it gonna change?


Depraved would be an appropriate, correct description of you.

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

When you wrote those words beneath that picture today; would you have written the same words about that women getting assulted, if she was a member of your family?

No sophistry accepted, neither degeneracy.


No Sophistry Over the Solid Truth!

by Tavana on



Once again no need for either drinking any 'Mey' or for burning any 'Manbar' to accept/bear/tell/post/see the crystally clear solid truth. Such speaks for itself and does not 1000 words to describe/expand it and/or to argue over it with any degree of reasonings/sophistications.

If one wants to learn what the 'shear degeneracy' really means could perhaps check out the below as a good example of IC bloggers' degenerations:
