The elephant that is to become Manoochehr

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

Every Iranian even with a minimum of interest for Iranian literature has listened or seen Sahr-e Ghesse. I had listened to it again (again) last week and last night after having heard the "tough" new sanctions on Iran, it occurred to me that the elephant and its fate resemble a lot that of the US.

US is also surrounded by so-called friends (Europeans, Russians, Chinese, Indians, etc.) who encourage her to silly acts and stupid deeds, things that in the long run only hurt herself. Russia covertly transfers S300 technology to Iran so Iran can produce it on its own, then Russia goes along with toothless sanctions that prohibit the sale of the system to Iran and at the same time keeps American companies out of Iran for the 31th year. And the Europeans and Chinese get all the high tech contracts while cheering the US for more sanctions.

It is only a matter of time before this elephant also becomes a Manoochehr. No tusks and no glory. Just a gray blob. Could probabely get a job in circus...


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Milani has jumped the shark

by Q on


What a laughable article. Does the old man even understand what he's writing or is he actually participating in an IRI scare campaign? There is unfortunately no evidence in the article for any such "training cyberjihadis" (Shame on FP for printing BS) but there is plenty of fossilized exiles cooking up conspiracy theories. Why doesn't he publish the report he supposedly received from his secret source?


are you on drugs?

by i_support_khamenie on

This is the same tired outlook and paranoia that says, THE WHOLE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND IRAN, The US President wakes up each morning planning to do Iran in.

Get a Grip.  Iran's oil production for 4 continous years at top prices and at full production just barely reaches the 700 billion that the US government used to bail out some financial firms.

 It's good to be proud of IRAN, but don't think it is any more "special" than some of the other countries....if anything we aare at this juncture of time a "special ed" student aka retards in the world scene.- we need to be rehabilitated.

You think Iran has anything over India.  Just try to remember the Lors with their baggy pants when you think of that question.

You think Iran has anything over South Korea, over China.

We're even less valuable as a country to the world than SA.  You don't hear France and UK beating SA over its human records.  Why? because there is money to be made.  Iran is just one of those accounts that a sales rep looks at and cringes everytime they look at the account because the customer complaines so much (arbitrary anti investment rules), buys a product and returns it on the 29 th day to take advantage of the 30 day money back guarantee.  In the end, the sales rep. gets so tired they drop the customer.  And along comes a newbie sales rep with little to no experience and is willing to take on Iran's account, before it too realizes this customer is so stingy and acts broke its not worth it.  Versus a cutomer like Saudi Arabia, always uses smart diplomatic language, treats you right, invites you to parties. 

Why do you think Pedophile Mohammad was partly successful? because he was also a smooth talker and willing to make deals even with Satan himself.  Today SA is yesterday's Mohammad.  As opposed to Iran who got screwed in the past and today, BECAUSE IT FAILS OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO UNDERSTAND ITS LIMITS AND POWER.  A BUNCH OF HARD HEADED PEOPLE AND LEADERS, now off into the dustbin of history just like after Qadisia Battle and Pedophilic Mohammad's companion battle against Persians and Yazdegards humiliating fall.


US is not changing or dancing with anyone's tunes

by Abarmard on

I don't agree. US is following it's pro Israeli plans, but the US government and its foreign policies are not being shaped and reshaped by other countries. Other countries are being pushed to accept US' pro Israeli policies. Elephant in shahr e ghaseh is not a proper symbolism for the US.


what absolute rubbish

by fozolie on

The damage done to Iranian oil industry is long term and real. If that wasn't enough, how about the lives lost in air accidents in Iran as a result of sanctions?  There is only one loser here and that is Iranian people to pay for the Mollafia folly. 

Mr. Fozolie

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on


Darius Kadivar

FYI/Iran's Hidden Cyberjihad by Abbas Milani

by Darius Kadivar on

Iran's Hidden Cyberjihad by Abbas Milani 


Iran employs a vast and sometimes invisible army of paid minions and ideological myrmidons to help frame every question in the public domain -- and even manufacture convenient "facts" to fit its claims. A major element of this is a massive and largely unreported initiative, which the government -- increasingly obsessed with fighting what the political organ of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Sobhe Sadeq, calls America's "soft power" -- refers to as the "Cyberjihad." The Iranian government has reportedly deployed 10,000 members of the Basij, its thuggish militia, in service of this "jihad." Western companies like Nokia Siemens have been selling Iran the technologies and the know-how needed to censor and control the Internet. The government's allies have carried out successful hacks on sites close to the opposition, including opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi's site Kaleme, the site linked to reformist cleric Mehdi Karroubi, and dozens belonging to key dissidents in exile.

The Iranian government trains its cyberjihadists in everything from how to influence chat rooms to the "semiotics of cyberspace," according to a curriculum sent to me by a disgruntled regime member. The IRGC site features photos of demonstrators, seeking in effect to crowd-source surveillance. Since September, the IRGC has owned the telecommunications giant that controls all Internet access, cell phones, and social networking sites in Iran. But the story of Iran's cyberjihad has gone almost entirely unremarked in the Western media, despite its massive scale and relative effectiveness.


Irani Irani

Delusions of IRI's Amen Corner

by Irani Irani on

Re: "Russia covertly transfers S300 technology to Iran so Iran can produce it on its own..."

I would LOOVVVEEEE to see the missile "technology" that IRI "produces on its own". The worthless junk that IRI and its West-residing cyber groupies call "military technology" is the recycled garbage throw-away scrap metal of starving, Fifth World Stalinist rejects like North Korea. Just once, I would like to see a confrontation between the U.S. military and the Rapist Pasdaran to see what would happen to those IRGC Rapists. I would like to see what the IRI's rubber ducky "navy" and Saeqeh advanced fighter jet (LOL) can do against the U.S. Navy and Air Force. Can we place bets on how long the Rapists will last? The only thing Arab and Iranian "militaries" are good for are killing their own people, torturing and raping them, and acting as economic mafias in their backward, poor economies (the IRGC is a perfect example). The Iranian people need to see how pathetic and miserable the killers who rule them are in a confrontation with a real military.  

Darius Kadivar

In the meantime Your Manoutchehr is getting ...

by Darius Kadivar on