It seems our "Virgin Mary" was not so virgin after all!


It seems our "Virgin Mary" was not so virgin after all!
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

Iranians have again shown the usual sympathy, support, petition-writing, being-ashamed, being outraged, etc. etc to express their feelings about the arrest of Roxana Saberi.

Amnesty International, Reporters without Frontiers (read without shame), American officials, Iranian women's organizations, et al. had now found another subject to direct their Iran-bashing activities.She became both Virgin Mary and crucified Jesus at the same time. How could this pretty face do all those horrible things she was accused of? Well it now appears that she could and that she did. Here is what her lawyer says. "A copy of a classified Iranian government report about the U.S. war in Iraq in the possession of journalist Roxana Saberi was a key piece of evidence that led to her conviction on espionage charges, one of the Iranian American journalist's lawyers disclosed Monday (LA times).

She was also accused of visiting Israel on several occasions which she did not deny. Iranian laws prohibit traveling of Iranian nationals to Israel. And they are (right or wrong) the laws of the country, and before rushing to highlight the stupidity of the law note that the US has similar laws against traveling to Cuba, Israel against its nationals traveling to Palestinian territories, etc.

All in all she has committed crimes that match her original sentence of 5 years. Her release under a suspended prison sentence is a result of political bartering and not evidence of her innocence.

Now imagine an Iranian journalist in the US, copying the exact same type of material. What would happen to him? How would he be treated by American officials? Would he also be released with a suspended sentence? Would any Iranian entity or organization petition for his release? Would there be any doubt about his guilt?

And would our respected Jahanshah Javid call on the American US judiciary officials saying "velesh koneen olagha?"



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You are sooooo right

by Marathon Man (not verified) on

You know I was fooled like most gullible Americans. Funny enough my dad and brother both were adamant that she must have been guilty of something and I strongly disagreed with them!!! That teaches me a big listen.


It proves mullahs bent to America's and international pressure

by Mullah lackey finder (not verified) on

Islamic mercy my butt!

Why didn't they have this mercy on Zahra Kazemi and countless others?

At least she was lucky enough to have an American passport and her case was so well publicized.

Unfortunately so many others who are spending the best years of their lives behind bars are not as lucky as she was.

Jahanshah Javid

Worse than IRI judges

by Jahanshah Javid on

Very interesting. So you're saying that the Islamic Republic has been wrong in letting this woman go. That the Iranian judiciary has been too kind and given her a break. That she has indeed been a spy and should have been punished.

Since when has the IRI judiciary been so kind and benevolent towards those who commit treason? The IRI judiciary has shown no mercy even towards innocent critics, writers, bloggers... let alone spies.

I'm glad you're not sitting on the Iranian supreme court. I much prefer the current backward judges whose last thing on their mind in such cases is fairness and justice. At least they sometimes bend to international pressure when they have no case.

As I've said before, those arrested and accused of spying in Iran should thank god because according to past experience it means the case is purely political and they will be released from prison.


She is an adorable spy!

by Anonymouslyinlove with Roksana (not verified) on

She is an adorable spy!