Jay-e Doost va doshman

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

Since there is a high probability that US and Iranian officials will have a sort of high calibre meeting in the near future, they should try to understand each other prior to their nogiations. In that spirit, I propose that they make a presentation of their corresponding nation's proverbs and sayings. I actually know the first couple of the items they must explain to each other to thaw the ice:

The Americans should start by explaining what it is they really mean by the phrase "carrots and sticks:"   This term alludes to enticing a horse or donkey to move by dangling a carrot before it and, either alternately or at the same time, urging it forward by beating it with a stick. [Late 1800s].

And the Iranian side can explain to the Americans what "Jay-e doost va doshman ra neshan dadan" means.

This way it will be easy for the Americans to see that as soon as they show their "Jay-e doost," what the Iranians intend to do with the "carrots and sticks."

Then maybe we won't have to hear neither of the sayings in the future.


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