Religions revisited

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

Religions are for the feeble minded. Many young people growing up in a getto, tend to join a local gang that can give them an identity they otherwise lack as an individual.

For me a religion is nothing but a camoflaged gang decorated by meaningless rituals and intended to give its leaders powers not otherwise achievable. The only successfull people coming out of these environments are those riding themselves of the gang neighbourhood and its mentality.

P.S. My blogs are there to be read by people interested. They are my opinions about things I observe around me. I am not obliged to answer readers' comments when I have not written them them as articles.


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I agree with Faryarm and the Baha'i...

by alborz on

...perspective as it stands apart from the characterizations which lead to conclusions reached by the author of this article.

The greatest and most significant achievements in the history of man  has been made as a result positive influences that religion has brought to society.  How can anyone deny the majesty of Islamic arhitechture that is entirely based on the advances made in geometry, mathematics, and algebra.  The entire Western civilization is founded on the developments made during the civilizing influences of Islam. 

For that matter, in the absence of such civilizing influences that are appropriate for this day and age, we have sunk into the depths of materialsm and corruption in every social, civil, and religious institutions.  The result has been that past religions are viewed with disdain and skepticism and those that adhere to them are characterized as feeble minded.  Those that claim to stand apart are equally responsible for the quagmire we find ourselves in and have no solutions to offer other than to preserve their own self interests.  This has already had disasterous consequences and we will witness more of the same unless the well being of all is recognized as a requirement for the well being of the individual.

This is my understanding of the principles that the Baha'is believe in and which Faryarm is referencing.



Bahais would agree with you...

by faryarm on

Religion, literally means to bind together...if it doesnt and becomes what it has become today, then it is better to do without it.

One can not argue with your reasons as they are valid; what eduacted , logical person would couod deny them?

at the same time you have to agree that, as humans, our needs are not just physical. Apart from our physical nature that is animalistic i terms of desire and physical needs, We do however have a spiritual counterpart that is a source of inspiration for our mind and intellect. 

Our physical sustenance comes from food and exercise,our mental and human education comes from schooling and general education. Our Spiritual education has come to us through intermediaries between Man and The Creator; going back to before written history even before Buddah, Krishna, Zoraster, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Bab and Baha'u'llah.

Yours and many people's distaste for dogmatic religion should not be blamed on Religion it self but as we see today blamed on its self serving leaders who throughout the ages have not accepted it renewal from one to the other. The good example of that is the Mullahs' ruthless opposition to the abrogation of islamic laws by the Bab and later Baha'u'llah in favour of preparing Iranians and the world for a new religion that would bind together in Unity not just Muslims, but all religions and peoples.

If you study who some of the six million Bahais are, and what their contribution is ,you would hopefully  reconsider your comment about religion being for "feeble minds", as it has everything to do with love and awareness of one's inner being, wit the mind being a wiser product of that spiritual being.


Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth, give birth to spirituality, and bring life and light to each heart. If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred, division, it were better to be without it, . . .   `Abdu’l-Bahá. (1) 





How do you define religion?

by Mehdi on

There are so many definitions for it. For example, some people consider psychiatry to be a religion, well, more like a cult. It is structured just like a "divine" cult where the top "leaders" have God-given authority. They can look at someone, ask him some questions and "somehow" figure out that the chemicals in that guy's brain are "imbalanced." They have no way of proving that - they just know! They have an international organization pushing drugs on the whole planet and making huge profit. They can control political leaders just like the old priest used to do. They are the "authority." This authority has been given to them not based on their qualifications, as they are definitely not qualified. So will you stand up to them too or just because they hide under "science" you will leave them alone?


va !!!

by zareen (not verified) on

che khosh akhlagh!!!