A typical IC news or blog piece these days


A typical IC news or blog piece these days
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

  A typical IC news or blog piece these days:

Blogger: Hello friends. I have just committed an article at this very famous newspaper. Boy it is great. They have allowed me to sit in for Amir Taheri whenever he gets a writer's block, I know, I know it happens rarely but still. Here is the link:


Bademjoon Ghabchin 1 (BG1): Oh my! This piece deserves a Pulitzer.

BG2 or BG1 appearing as BG2: I second that. Baba aslan vaghti Pulitzer ro dorost mikardan, hadafeshun ham chin roozi bood.

Blogger: Thanks guys, what can I say, I just had one of those moments of genius strike. When it happens, it just runs through me, and onto the paper.

BG1: I know what you are saying man (thinking: same thing happened to me after those stale shrimps last night, he he)

BG3: Hi guys. Have I missed anything? I just saw your masterpiece and I am thinking I should get in here and get on with some pre-emptive khaye mali before any of those IRI agents try and smear your blog.

Blogger: Thanks BG3. By the way, I am glad you are back. We all chipped in to unblock you. I just don't get this IC guidelines thing. Why should you get blocked just for calling these Sundees khors' mothers whores? (thinking: As soon as we are back in Iran, yek nothing is sacred-i beheshun neshun bedam..., but for now we need this site).

BG3: I am glad you see it my way too. In the coming democratic Aryan Iran, any one agreeing with me will be free to utter anything he wants.

BG1 and BG2: Heil BG3, I mean, ahsant.

Curious 1: I read the article, but I couldn't find any reliable sources for the story. Could you provide me with anything more then "an Iraqi defense official in the city of gakgak"?

BG1: Ma ageh mikhastim vaghtemuno sarfe javab dadan toye baseeji bokonim, ke dige nemitunestim baraye demokrasi bejangim.

Curious 1: Don't get me wrong. I just want to make sure I get my facts right.

BG2: Boro madar ****, ba hamin fakt-ha un Shah-e khoda bia amorz ro farari dadin va keshvaremun be bad raft.

Curious 1: Excuse me?

Blogger: Go ahead, you are excused. Boro kenar bezar bad biyad.

Curious 1: You are probably right. The only thing here is hot air and it's suffocating. Have fun frat boys. Just don't get too cozy with each other, people might get the wrong (or right) idea.



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