عشق بنظرِ یک مغبون


عشق بنظرِ یک مغبون
by Multiple Personality Disorder

این شعر از من نیست و در مورد من نیست.  این شعری ست که دوست دارم چرا که وسیلهء انتقال احساساتِ قوی کسیست که از عشق مغبون است.  اصلِ این شعر خاصِ جنسِ مشخصیست، یعنی خوانندهء شعر می تواند جنسیتِ شاعر را تشخیص بدهد.  اما، در ترجمهء این شعر من مراجعِ مربوط به جنسیت را حذف کرده ام، بنابراین آن را تبدیل به شعری در مورد شکست خوردگی در عشق کرده ام، و نه در مورد شاعر یا مخاطب.


عشق بنظرِ یک مغبون

از مغبون بپرس، و علناً چه اظهار میکند او؟
عشق چیزی نیست جز زیاده رویِ ابلهانه!
سرگرمیِ بیهودهء دلهای نادان!
افسوس بر تو ای کور!
مهربان است با تو او، اما
این فقط تا شود ظالمانه

وای بر احمقِ بی توجه که مفتون شود کاذبانه!
این اغوا کنندهء خزندهء مارپیچ، به راحتی غالب شود بر تو!
مبادا به چشمِ خبیی او ملتفت شوی،
که تو بر آتش نشینی، در گیرودارِ بدبختی

گوش ات را به زبانِ جذابش قرض مده،
تو دعا کن، مفتون نشوی از رایحهء او
آه!  ای پرندهء شیرینِ بی گناه، قبول مکن اغوای او
این نیست چیزی جز تب و تابی پوشیده!

در این دخمهء پرپیچ و خمِ تاریک، مکن عجله
هنرِ عشق چیست!  سردرگمی!
حتی فرشتگان پا گذارند در آن به آرامی   
در حاجتِ رهائی به عشق میپیوندی
و او سپس از پشت،
سرِ پُر ولع اش را میکند معلوم!

بگریز!  انحصاراً و در مجموع
سقوط مکن به این منجلاب!
آه! عشق!
بازیِ کردنِ یک مسابقهء مکارانه
که در آن احمقان با آتش کنند ورجه ورجه!


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Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on


Multiple Personality Disorder

بجای مغبون از کُس خُل هم میشود استفاده کرد

Multiple Personality Disorder


لغت نامه دهخدا:


کُس خُل: آدم دیوانه و مجنون و سفیه (منبع: لغات عامیانه، محمد علی جمالزاده).  کسی که کارهای سبک و مسخره انجام دهد به طوری که مورد تمسخر دیگران واقع شود.  رجوع شود به کُس و خُل.

کُس خُل در ضمن با گُل، بُلبُل، عقلِ کُل، و امثالِ آن هم هم-قافیه میشود.  مثلاً:

از کُس خُل بپرس، و علناً چه اظهار میکند او؟
عشق چیزی نیست جز زیاده رویِ یک کُس خُل!
در ولخرجی در خرید گُل
در قفس، اسارتِ یک  بُلبُل
در  تخیل، فکر میکند که اوست عقلِ کُل
و امثال آن..



by yolanda on

Hi! Anahid,

     I was not thinking of the scenario you referred to....that is why I used Anna Nicole Smith as an example......it is a non-Iranian marriage of convenience story......Actually deception does happen.....Paul McCartney trusted Heather Mills and did not make her sign pre-nuptial agreement.....apparently he felt that she is not a gold-digger and they can spend rest of their life together.......divorce will never happen......but Heather Mills walked away with 48 million when she divorced Paul....I think Paul feels deceived and swindled at the same time!


مفعول هم می شود


احتراماَ بعرض می رساند که مفعول هم می شد استفاده کرد چون عشق واقعاَ ..... آدم می گذارد. قافیه اش هم با شنگول جور در می آید.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear yolanda, initially I wrote few lines about marriage ...

by Anahid Hojjati on

yolanda jan, in my initial version of comment, I actually had few lines about marriage of convenience. But in cases like this, are you talking about some 40 year old man who is not handsome or any real good going to Iran, marrying a hot 20 yaer old and bringing her to USA. In few years, when the hot lady divorces the guy and takes much of his money, this is more a case of self deception. Why did the guy in the beginning even think that the girl was interested in him? Most likely, from the start, she just wanted to get out of Iran.

About 20 years ago, when these kind of marriage and divorces happened, then you called it deception. Now the case has been repeated enough that if someone falls for it, it is self deception. Then sometimes guy is also deceiving the other side and acting like they are very important, rich person. But then if the girl and her family buy the guy's story regarding his success and riches without doing any background check, again, this is self deception as much as it is deception.



by yolanda on

Hi! Anahid,

     You wrote:

If someone feels deceived by love, maybe there was no love to begin with.

Some people are actors and actresses......they act like there is love....after they get what they want......they will stop acting (loving) and show their true color......Anna Nicole Smith was 26 when she married 89 year oil tycoon.....it is hard to tell if Anna loved the guy or just loved his $$$$, according to Wikipedia....they never lived together.....after the guy died....Anna started to fight for the inheritance......Anna is dead.....but the inheritance fight is still going on........some people use pre-nuptial agreement as a tool to "control" deception to certain extent.........deception does happen from time to time.......like marriage of convenience type of stuff.... 

Anahid Hojjati

Dear MPD, very nice translation.

by Anahid Hojjati on


Dear MPD, first let me compliment you on yet another good translation. When I look at original poem that
yolanda posted, from the words used in it, it looks like that it is an
older poem but your translation makes it contemporary. 

As far as the word "maghboon" and this view of being deceived by love in many cases, this is not what it is really happening.

If someone feels deceived by love, maybe there was no love to begin with. Also the one who calls him/herelf the deceived, might be to blame him/herself. People sometimes in a relationship just see the wrongdoing of the other side while they might have done much wrong to begin with. So this idea of being deceived by love makes for sad poetry but in this day and age, I don't buy (to use your exchange type wording) it much. If someone is in a relationship and they feel deceived, they do have a choice to get out of it. So if they stay in it knowingly and then after a while, they complain that they have been deceived, it is really more a case of "khoodfareebi".

In previous time, like tens of years ago, conditions were different. People coul b e deceived more easily. But now with more free flow of information and more choices being available for people to have relationhip with, one needs to reconsider this concept of being deceived.


Multiple Personality Disorder

مغبون بخوبی با مفتون هم قافیه است

Multiple Personality Disorder


خانمِ روستا،

با تشکر.  بله، در لغت نامه دهخدا، سه معنی اوّلِ "مغبون" در رابطه با "معامله" و "خرید و فروش" است، ولی بقیهء معانی "زیان دیده"، "زیان کشیده"، "زیان زده"، و "زیانکار" هستند که  به لغتِ انگیسی مترادف آن "deceived" مناسبت دارد.  در ضمن در واژه نامه های اینترنتی یکی از معانیِ  "deceived" "مغبون" ذکر شده است.

Farah Rusta


Farah Rusta




ام پی‌ دی جان ترجمه بسیار جالبی‌ کرده اید ولی چرا واژه مغبون را انتخاب کرد‌ید؟ مغبون معمولاً  از برای فریب خورده و زیان دیده در معاملات و خرید و فروش استفاده میشود. آیا عشق از نظر شما نوعی معامله است؟


Multiple Personality Disorder

Thank you Yolanda for reading and posting the original poem

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Yes indeed, the one who finally invents the "Deceiver Filter" will make a billion.



by yolanda on

Hi! MPD,

     I believe this is the original poem, I clicked on your link


Asketh of the deceived and what shalt they proclaim?

Love is naught but the indulgence of a fool!

Tis the futile past-time of ignorant hearts!

O pity on ye blind! Kind is she, but tis only to be cruel.

Woe betides the unheeding fool falsely charmed.

A slithering serpentine seductress, she vanquishes easily!

Lest ye mind her evil eye,

thy shalt sit upon a pyre in the throes of misery.

Lend not thine ears to her beguiling tongue,

Pray thee, be not charmed by her aura.

O sweet bird of innocence, accept not her enticements,

tis but a masking glow...she is Pandora!

Awaken! Thy hasten into a dark labyrinth,

and love’s art is confusion. Even angels lightly tread.

For want of deliverance thou shalt enter,

then rears she her ravenous head!

Flee all and sundry!

Fall not into a mire!

Oh love! Tis a treacherous game to play,

where the foolish doth frolic with fire!


Being loved and being appreciated is great, being deceived or being taken advantage of is terrible..........we just need to be more careful......we can "filter out" the deceivers, the gold-diggers, and the selfish ones and pursure the happiness.........

This poem reminds me of Persian proverb:

He who has been bitten by a snake fears a piece of string.

I hope people don't stop pursuing their happiness and love just becuase of one bad experience!

Thank you for your blog!


Multiple Personality Disorder

Thank you dear Souri,

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

"Control over it"!  Good luck having control over love.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Thank you Ladan Farhangi,

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

I corrected it.


Love is nothing but just a feeling of neediness

by Souri on

I wrote an article about that, some 12 years ago. Hope I'll take the time to find it and post it here later.

Meanwhile: the feeling of love is very beautiful, it warms our heart, but the best thing is to be able to have the control over it.

The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful.....  And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!

Ladan Farhangi


Ladan Farhangi