Tonight is a moon-lit night

Multiple Personality Disorder
by Multiple Personality Disorder


Tonight is a moon-lit night

Tonight is upon me, and that beautiful spell
O!  God!  Throw the morning key in the well
Heigh!  Return to the east, bright morning light! 
Heigh!  Attend to this hopeless man, darkness of the night! 
Tonight is a moon-lit night, I yearn for my beloved
If my beloved is asleep, then I want my medicine-man
If my beloved is asleep!  Wake her up!
If my beloved is drunk!  Make her sharp!
Tell her the lad has come, your dear sweetheart has come!
He has come to see your affection, your situation,
your dark mole, your ivory face, your black hair;
then he’ll be on his way
Tonight is a moon-lit night, I yearn for my beloved
If my beloved is asleep, then I want my medicine-man

امشب شب مهتابه

امشب به بر من است و ان مايه ی ناز
يا رب تو کليد صبح در چاه انداز
ای روشنی صبح به مشرق برگرد
ای ظلمت شب با من بيچاره بساز
امشب شب مهتابه حبيبم رو ميخوام
حبيبم اگر خوابه طبيبم رو ميخوام
خواب است و بيدارش کنيد
مست است و هشيارش کنيد
گوييد فلانی آمده ٬ آن يار جانی آمده
آمده حال تو احوال تو سيه خال تو سفيد روی تو
سیه موی تو ببيند برود
امشب شب مهتابه حبيبم رو ميخوام
حبيبم اگر خوابه طبيبم رو ميخوام


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Multiple Personality Disorder

Thank you sweet Monda

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

You and your family also have a wonderful and happy 2011!


one of my favorite songs of all times too

by Monda on

Nice translation MPD. Happy 2011 to you and your loved ones!

Multiple Personality Disorder

Hi Yolanda,

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Thank you for your comment and Happy Holidays!

Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on




by yolanda on

Hi! MPD,

    Thank you for translating this century old classic! It is simply beautiful, sweet, tender, and heart-warming.....only Iranians talk like that: Throw the morning key in the visual and expressive! It is interesting that the lyrics mentioned "drunk", but mullahs ban drinking, dancing, and other fun stuff.....not sure if the word "drunk" is allowed in the song lyrics nowadays......I found a version of the song with beautiful Farsi calligraphy and seems to me that it was sung by the same singer in your video....

Happy holidays!

Multiple Personality Disorder

thx goth

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

i hope soon, u looz ur virginity 2 ur bf



Virgin Goth


by Virgin Goth on



iz wickid


my bf saz i dont hve mole



Virgin G.

Multiple Personality Disorder

About this song

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Please see Payam Mim's excellent satire about this song:  //

The lyrics to this song were written by Ali Akbar Sheida, close to one hundred years ago.  Many Iranian musicians have performed this song.  Iranians, young and old, love this ballad and perform it in gatherings.  My little brother also loves this song and routinely performs it in our family gatherings.