May the curse of a hundred-year-misery be upon pervert Iranian men (الاهی مردهای منحرفِ ایرانی صد سال ذلیل بشن), because of their past and present misdeeds. But look, there is more restrictions on their naughtiness now. Women Only Coffee Shop! A place specifically designated for the Islamic Iranian women, where they can finally sip their coffee in peace and tranquility, without being gazed at, harassed, fingered, pinched, rubbed, robbed, groped, and/or propositioned. But, beside coffee there is more on the menu; Spearmint Juice, Eight-Distillate Juice, Pussy Willow Distillate Juice, Rosewater Juice, and Lemon Juice; and in case of hunger, there is always Bread+Cheese+Cantaloupe to top it off. Who would have thought the Islamic Republic of Iran’s society would advance so far that now Islamic Iranian women can finally eat bread, cheese, and cantaloupe in peace! Hard to believe, hard to believe! Finally the day has come for another one of the golden Islamic Revolution ideals to be achieved! Total emancipation from tyranny of pervert Iranian men in coffee shops! Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar!
May God bless those who are in the forefront of providing these services to the Islamic Iranian women! God bless them for finally providing a secure and happy place for the innocent daughters of Iran, for only God knows what evils would have happened to these innocent girls if the satanic regime of Shah was not overthrown; the satanic regime that forced women to get half naked and sent them to the beaches, and forced them to wear mini-skirts and walked them in the streets with their bare legs showing, and forced them to go to schools wearing pants so tight that their buttocks bulged out. Fortunately, all of that has changed for the better now. Under the glorious Islamic state, women can now swim fully clothed in segregated public beaches, and they can spread their scent all over swimming pools with their chadors without being watched by pervert men. The Islamic Iranian women can now walk the streets without being seen; and they can now go to schools safer than ever before, may many thanks be upon the Ministry of Science for earning second place in combating dress code violations among all governmental organizations. And still to come, before the start of the next school year, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Ministry of Interior has said it will come to the aide of the Ministry of Science in implementing a two-year old directive to crackdown on the female students wearing perfumes, growing finger nails, wearing floral skirts, and tight-fitting or long manteaus with slits on the side. Thank God, the instructions on how to cover up will be enforced rigorously in the next academic year, so classrooms will be more secure and tranquil in the upcoming year, God willing of course.
The march towards full tranquility for the Islamic Iranian women is still ongoing but up to now these goals have already been gratefully achieved: women only banks, women only taxis, women only buses (get off the bus pervert), women only metro, women only parks, women only beaches, and women only hospitals. Women Only Coffee Shop is the latest achievement, where the Islamic Iranian women can drink many kinds of distillate and variety of juices, as well as picking from one of these fine foods; Vegetable Omelet, Sweet Omelet, and Cinnamon Omelet, beside Bread+Cheese+Cantaloupe, all in a happy and serene environment. The only shortcome is the limited hours of the recently opened coffee shop, which is on Sundays only, but this is temporary for now. God willing, with help from the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Islamic Guidance, the Islamic Military forces, Basijees, Sepah, and the ever present defenders of Islam, soon fulltime women only coffee shops will be popping up all over the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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Woman only coffee place
by Latina on Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:39 PM PDTMy favorite woman only coffee place is called "mi casa". LOL No men bother me there. hahaha
by yolanda on Sat Jun 16, 2012 04:57 PM PDT"AN" landed in E-Harmony commercial:
I sent the link to JJ already!
Wow! AN can flirt, too!
At the moment there are no woman only Internet websites
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Sat Jun 16, 2012 09:49 AM PDT... I'll explain more about this top in an upcoming blog.
by yolanda on Fri Jun 15, 2012 05:16 PM PDTThank you, MPD, for the additional they are able to take off the hijab inside the "Women Only Coffee House", but there is no "women only Internet website" to post the actual photos inside the coffee shop! I can only use my imagination!
Thanks MPD, It makes perfect sense why the USA
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Fri Jun 15, 2012 01:21 PM PDTBoth the USA Government and USA Corporate Controlled Mass Media and their Partners the UK & France, All Love Islamic Extremism For Iran and Others, and disingenuously presented the Late Shah of Iran and His Team as "Dictatorship, Torturer, Crooked, Corrupt, Excessively Repressive and Megalomaniacs."
Reveal their dishonesty and betrayal of humanity and you are next labelled a cyber basiji. Be careful You don't congratulate the USA, the UK and France for securing the IRI against Iranians or bringing Khomeini, showing the people the criminal and unlawful foreign policies the West pursues will not lead you to a good place. Just look at this Guy secretly indited.
here is how it goes down
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:12 AM PDT.
they are unsecure outside the coffee shop so they cover themselves up really good
then they go inside the coffee shop, which is secure so they take off their clothes
then Mehr News Agency photographer, it doesn’t matter a male or a female one, comes so then they put their clothes back on, because they are going to take pictures for the public
then when taking pictures is done they take off their clothes and relax again
then they put on their clothes again and go outside the coffee shop where once again it is unsecure
Thought believes Iran has been pooped on
by Thought on Fri Jun 15, 2012 08:46 AM PDTFrom every level the country has been pooped on.
Thought can only signal the body for needing to poop but doesn't do the rest. Thought has seen the signal and the process of pooping on the entire Iranian nation and country.
Thought perceive that the damage done by this diarrhea system will become benefit of gaining social and individual freedom after their departure.
by yolanda on Fri Jun 15, 2012 01:03 AM PDTThe strange thing is that women still have to wear hijab in this secure and tranquil "women only coffee shop"! There is not much difference from the genders-mixed coffee shop! Women can't relax in the women only coffee shop anyway! A week ago, I watched a travel documentary about Isfahan's khaju bridge. Apparently IRI closed down all the coffee shops on Khaju bridge saying the smoke from the coffee shops can damage the bridge, but the local people think the real reason behind the closure is that IRI does not want young men and women to have the venues to meet and to have a great time! Too many weird restrictions over there, I heard men and women can't have joint wedding receptions! OMG!
IRI = no freedom and no fun, but full of atrocities!
Thank you for sharing!
Free market economy and dress code
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:37 PM PDTHooters' waitresses wear minimal cloths, on the other hand we now have a coffee shop in Tehran that both the servers and the patrons wear their clothes to the max. Either way, an enterprising free marketeer is trying to make a buck, however in the case of the Islamic Woman Only Coffee Shop in Tehran we have a news agency belonging to the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization that is trying to sell the idea to the ever-present defenders of Islam masses, however as you can see the coffee show is almost empty, whereas at the Hooters it is almost always packed.
This news was first published in
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:39 PM PDTThis news was first published in, however at a later time the news agency removed the pictures and the story, but not before it was picked up by hundreds of other websites.
See here for Mehr News withdrawal of the story:
See here for Google Search results (145,000) of the story >>>
آزادی زن، معيار آزادی جامعه است
Roozbeh_GilaniThu Jun 14, 2012 10:24 PM PDT
چنان که تاريخ نشان می دهد جنبش زنان ايران ريشه های عميق دارد. زنان کشور ما در مبارزات مترقی و آزادی خواهانه جامعه ايران به تناسب امکاناتی که داشته اند مبارزه کرده اند. يکی از نقش ها مهم زنان ايران در جريان جنبش تنباکو (سال 1891 ميلادی) و در جريان قيام زنان ايران عليه محتکران غله (در سال 1895ميلادی) ديده می شود. هم چنين در انقلاب مشروطيت، زنان ايران وسيع و جدی تر پا به ميدان مبارزه گذاردند. انقلاب 1979 مردم ايران و تحولات پس از آن، در رشد مبارزه زنان ايران تاثيری مهم داشته است.
انقلاب 1905 روسيه و سپس انقلاب مشروطيت ايران که هم زمان روی دادند در بيداری مردم خاور زمين نقش تعيين کننده ای داشتند.
اهميت حضور زنی چون طاهره قره العين، آن هم دراوايل قرن نوزده و در زمانی كه هنوز نه خبری از انقلاب مشروطه بوده و نه جنبش های آزادی خواهانه قدرت مندی در ايران داشتيم، بسيار برجسته است. دورانی که قره العين در آن می زيسته، مردسالاری نه تنها در ايران، بلکه در بسياری از کشورهای جهان حاکم بود.
اما جامعه ايران، در يک قرن اخير، تنها سه دوره کوتاه به آزادی رسيده است: دوره اول از انقلاب مشروطيت تا کودتای رضا شاه، دوره دوم از برکناری رضا شاه تا کودتای پسرش محمدرضا شاه و دوره سوم در سال های نخست انقلاب بهمن 1979.
Very funny
by divaneh on Thu Jun 14, 2012 04:48 PM PDTMPD Jaan this is nothing yet. I heard they want to build women only graveyards to prevent dead women getting pregnant and bringing Islam to disrepute.
funny and engaging blog
by hamsade ghadimi on Thu Jun 14, 2012 07:17 AM PDTfunny and engaging blog mpd. when this misery called velayat faghih is disappeared (mahv shod) from iran (enshallah) there will be a renaissance rich with literary stories, plays, movies, and art re-visiting some of the points you made, about iri achivements, in your blog. ba sepas.
The Only Thing IRR/IRI are GOOD at!
by Azarbanoo on Thu Jun 14, 2012 05:17 AM PDTNothing else for progress of country and Iranians. Oh, Sorry, I forgot. They are expert in Killing, Stealing & Lying as well. These are outcome of 34 years ruling over IRAN & IRANIANS.