Physicist Leonard Mlodinow defeats Deepak Chopra

by muscle-defender
Physicist Leonard Mlodinow defeats Deepak Chopra.



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... has come !
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by Aryana-Vaeja on

Because it is beyond the senses where the really knowing occurs. 

May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


no sense

by muscle-defender on

make no sense


Leonard Mlodinow

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Is another philosophically unsophisticated scientific positivist idiot (like Dawkins and Hawking) who takes the tautological straitjackets of his closed system that is theoretically impoverished and empirically narrow way too seriously!

Deepak is also an idiot. So here is what I propose. I propose a challenge to Leonard Mlodinow to prove to him by his direct personal experience the existence of the Divine. There will be no arguments or discussion, just pure experience involved!

May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9

Anahid Hojjati

And then there was "John Callahan" on wheelchair, the cartoonist

by Anahid Hojjati on

Sargord, similar to your story, in mid 1980s, I used to go to Portland State University. There was a guy on wheelchair that I would see around campus. I found out that he is a cartoonist who came up with the politically incorrect cartoon about "window in the doggie", I just googled his name and it shows that he died in July 2010. Here are some links to remember him:





Sargord Pirouz

Bavafa: My Stephen Hawking story

by Sargord Pirouz on

In the late 1980s, I operated a motorcycle shop down the street from UC Berkeley, near the BART rapid transit station. On certain days, a fellow would go whizzing by on his electric wheelchair, heading toward the university. EWs were rare back then, and this one was obviously souped up.

One day, this fellow on the EW showed up in my showroom. I could tell this person was out of the ordinary. He wore a pointing stick attached to his head and communicated with the use of an alphabet board situated near his lap. Remarkably, in nearly the same time one could speak, he communicated to me that his pointer stick needed to be detached and thread-locker applied, which I did. Then he was off and I never saw him again.

That is until the late 90s when I watched a PBS documentary that was physics related. There he was, the man I helped out back in my shop. It turned out he was none other than Stephen Hawking. He looked a little better in the documentary and he now used a digital voice box to communicate (which he invented?).

Yeah, it's a story I'm fond of retelling. 



by muscle-defender on

Hi Bavafa, I think when any group of 2 or more people get together for any reason, including religion, it is about control and submission.  it is the nature of human interaction, isn't it?


burden of proof for extraordinary claims

by muscle-defender on



Should the burden of proof be

by Bavafa on

on scientist that god does not exist or on the religion and religious leaders that she exist?

If God is so perfect as they claim to be, why so much contradictories among his children that brought her message?

But I suppose it is a personal thing and every one find a God to warship but one thing that is crystal clear for me, organize religion is to limit one's thinking and independence. It is design to control masses and bring them to submission.

Thanks for posting it, any thing with Stephen Hawking would be of a great interest to me.
