کارتون: دين از اکسيژن برای انسان لازم‌تر است

کارتون: دين از اکسيژن برای انسان لازم‌تر است
by Omid Hast

آيت‌الله مصباح يزدی: دين از اکسيژن برای انسان لازم‌تر است.

(ایدهء اولیهء این کارتون از شخص دیگری ا‌ست)


more from Omid Hast
Azarin Sadegh

So funny!

by Azarin Sadegh on

I think there is no comedy-writer who could come up with such absurdity! Oh my...priceless!

Thanks, dear MM, for the links! 


Azarin - Yes, he did

by MM on





مصباح‌يزدي افزود: ما معتقديم دين اسلام شامل تمام شئون بشر از جمله مسائل فردي، اجتماعي، جهاني، رواني، عاطفي، شناختي و ساير جهات مي‌باشد.

وي يادآور شد: دين از اکسيژن براي انسان لازم‌تر است، چراکه اگر اکسيژن نباشد انسان خفه مي‌شود، اما جهنم نمي‌رود، اما اگر دين نباشد تا ابد در جهنم خواهد سوخت.

Azarin Sadegh

Did he really say this?

by Azarin Sadegh on

I can't believe it! These Mullah are too funny...

We should give them what they find the most necessary and cut their oxygen ration, since it seems they don't care much about it.

khaleh mosheh

Nice one again Omid

by khaleh mosheh on

Oxygen v Religion..Oxygen  v Religeon...Hmm I know which one the Iranians would go for for if there was not a shot gun involved. 

Come to think of it I know by now what the Iranian populus would go for even if the choice was between religeon in this life and the promise of getting 72 virgin partners in heavon in the afterlife (the choice is also compunded by the fact that in heavon every one speaks Arabic -Marhaba-how delightfully irresistible ).


Nice Cartoon

by divaneh on

Thanks Omid for another good cartoon.


This is just awesome,

by Bavafa on



Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on

چی!  اینجا بودی!  بی‌وفا!  چرا سوراغی از من نمی‌گرفتی؟  کجا بودی؟  خوب یه ندائی هم بمن می‌دادی.  حالا باشه، اشکالی نداره.  همینکه امروز اومدی خودش خیلی لطف داره.

من پدرِ اون بَرفو در می‌یارم که گتینک اُن یور نِروز می‌کنه.  خوب هیزوم به اندازهء کافی داری؟  بی تارُف، اگه نداری بگو، شاید یه جائی پیدا کردم.

خوب فعلاً تا نامهء بعدی خدا حافظ، دیگه بی‌وفائی نکنی‌ ها    


Now, I get it.

by عموجان on

good one.

Actually cutting back onyour oxygen in take it gives you feeling of being drunk.




by bambi on

I have been here...  and thanks for asking... bad nistam.. the snow is kinda getting to my nerves, but everything is cool!

Omid Hast

OMG Bambi!

by Omid Hast on

All these months without a word and now “very good”, and the way you said, and repeated it twice. Wow! That’s just fantastic. Sooo, where have you been? How is life treating you. Omidvaram khoob baasheed. If you ask me about my health, Alhamdorellah I am well. There is no place for worrying.


Very good!

by bambi on

Very good!


loved it

by MM on
