نزدیکای سال بعد


persian westender
by persian westender

درد یه عمر زندگی‌، تو مغزم زوزه می‌کشید، اینجوری: اوووووو.... ولی‌این درد رو دوست داشتم، هرچی‌ نکنی‌ زندگیم بود. زیر پتو بودم. تاریک تاریک. چشمام رو هی میمالوندم. تصاویر عجیب غریب، مربع‌های گِرد نئونی. نئونی- تو همونی ؟همونی؟ درد یه عمر زندگی‌ مثل مربع‌های گِرد نئونی میدرخشیدن. داشتم فکر می‌کردم چی‌ شد؟ چی‌ شد که فراموش کردم؟ چی‌ شد که فراموش کردم که یه سیب بچینم از درخت باغ پراشتباهِ گناهِ نگاهِ سیاهِ .... و بقیه قافیه‌هایی‌ که به آه ختم میشن. اصلاهر چی‌ با تو سر و کار داره به آه ختم می‌شه. ولی‌ خسته شدم از شعر، میدونی‌؟

درد‌های من اونقد جلز ولز هستن که دیگه از دست شعر هم کاری بر نمیاد. خدای شعر یه روز اومد تو خوابم و من رو جواب کرد. گفت:

" وقت من رو با این چرندیات نگیر...دیگه شعر نگو" ..بعدگفت: "من خدای شعرم، نه‌ خدای جلز ولز، می‌فهمی ؟ این رو گفت و رفت..

از اون به بعد دیگه به خدا اعتقادی نداشتم..زبونم لال..زبونم لال شده بود و دیگه شعری نمیگفتم..اون هم به من امیدی نداشت. من رو جواب کرد، همونجور که دکترا وقتی‌ د سرطان گرفت جوابش کردن.

خلاصه این جوری بود که به اینجا رسیدم و اصلا همونجور که نمیدونستم چه جوری راه افتادم، همونجوری رسیدم آخر خط....

و فقط تو رو دارم و این زیر پتو رو، و چشمای خیسم رو، و درد یه عمرزندگی‌ که تو مغزم زوزه میکشه و من دوستش دارم.. و قایق کاغذی که بچگی هام خیلی‌ درست می‌کردم ولی‌ حالا بلد نیستم و یادم رفته..دارم جز جیگر میزنم که یادم بیاد و نمیتونم. توی تاریکی ذهنم رو تا میزنم...لا میزنم.. ولی‌ شکل قایق کاغذی نمیشه.......بعد خسته میشم و ذهنم رومچاله می‌کنم میندازم دور. پشت سرش همش مربع‌ های گرد نئون و این فکر که چی‌ شد که....

و داشتم فکر می‌کردم چطور شد از سیب درخت باغ پراشتباهِ گناهِ نگاهِ..

آدمای دور و برم، ذهنم رو مشوّش می‌کنن، چون کلیشه رو دوس دارن، دوست دارن از گٔل و بهار و چهچه بلبل حرف بزنم. ولی‌ این تویی‌، تنها تویی‌ که آنستلی بهش می‌شه گفت که "به مقدار معتنابه گور پدر بهار...‌گور پدر نوروز" وبعد تنها تویی‌ که بهش می‌شه به مقدار معتنابه لبخند "چه گوارایی" زد. فقط تویی که می‌فهمی با طناب پوسیده کلیشه آدم حتا نمی‌تونه خودش رو دار بزنه.خلاصه کلام اینکه حرفایی دارم که برای گفتن نیستن. این حرفا فقط برای این هستن که گفته نشن. یا اگه میشن فقط به تو گفته بشن. می‌فهمی؟

دستم رو بگیر، تا بفهمم هنوز این ریشه به اندازه خود تیشه قدرت داره..دستم روبگیر تا دیگه یادم بیفته که یادم نره از درخت سیب باغ پراشتباه نگاهِ....


نزدیکای سال بعد


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persian westender

Happy Nooroz everyone

by persian westender on

  ....no matter what!


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

I feel your pain... and pleasure.

Happy Norooz :)


فرق نمی کنه چی بگی


لره مرده بود و یکی گفت مرحوم تقاضا کرده که بعد از مرگش کسی برایش سیاه نپوشد. لرها گفتند مرحوم گی خرده ما به احترامش ایپوشیم.

حالا دوست عزیز فرق نمی کند چه بگویی و چه بخواهی، ما برایت نوروز پر از شادی و خوشی آرزو می کنیم.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear PW, I should have thought that

by Anahid Hojjati on

You seem too independent from your poems to concern yourself much with others's judgement of your poetry. More power to you :). Thanks for your comment and happy NoRooz to you.

persian westender

Soosan khanoom

by persian westender on

 Your description about vary unique and whimsical nature of poetry is well-taken and accepted here.

Thanks for reading and glad that you liked it. 



persian westender


by persian westender on


This is a reply to your first comment here.

 That was just one imaginary addressee! I may only rely on myself for poetry at best.




Anahid Hojjati

Soosan Khanoom, we already do post poems on IC

by Anahid Hojjati on

and others comment about them. May be it could be more organized and for instance all blogs and articles regarding poetry plus the poems and Moshaereh blogs and everything poem related could be in one section. IC will have some changes and may be this will happen too. If I remember correctly, there were some mention of doing something like this by JJ some months ago but don't quote me on this.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I wish there was a poetry forum for iC .... where you could share your poems and get feed back ......... and also get a chance to comment on others ......

 Somewhere that only poets are welcome and or those who like poetry ......


Anahid Hojjati

Soosan Khanoom, most of my poems

by Anahid Hojjati on

also arrive the way yours do but there have been times that I wrote about a subject. I like what you wrote in your comment:

"but the words have their own ways with me .... basically they are in charge of me not me in charge of them .........".

Soosan Khanoom

Anahid jan .  

by Soosan Khanoom on

Thanks for your reply and thanks for taking your time reading my post .......  I personally can not write much on demand ......I wish I could ... but the words have their own ways with me .... basically they are in charge of me not me in charge of them .......... 

On several occasions I made an attempt to write based on a given topic but the outcome was catastrophic  : ) 


Anahid Hojjati

Soosan Khanoom, what a nice poem from Alice Walker

by Anahid Hojjati on

that you shared. As far as poetry being feeling that arrives with no invitation and then just vanishes, that is exactly how it is for me. But then I remember that I did write some poems on this site after Nazy jan had invited us to write about certain subject. So it is possible to write on demand given enough time. Like with Nazy, we did have some time so may be right feeling did come and I wrote based on that. Once again, thanks for the poem from "Alice Walker".

Soosan Khanoom

که دیگه از دست شعر هم کاری بر نمیاد

Soosan Khanoom

 Poetry is a feeling that comes with no invitation at least that has been a case  with my poems ..... out of no where and then it just vanishes ....... I have no way to explain it ............ but for each person it is different ...... 

.. I like what you write ...... thanks for sharing .... 


I said to Poetry:
"I'm finished with you."
Having to almost die 
before some wierd light
comes creeping through
is no fun.
"No thank you, Creation,
no muse need apply.
I am out for good times--
at the very least,
some painless convention."
Poetry laid back and played dead

until this morning.
I wasn't sad or anything,only restless.
Poetry said: 

"You remember the desert, 
and how glad you were
that you have an eye
to see it with? 
You remember
that, if ever so slightly?"
I said: "I didn't hear that.
Besides, it's five o'clock in the a.m.
I'm not getting up
in the darkto talk to you."
Poetry said: 

"But think about the time
you saw the moon
over that small canyon
that you liked so much better
than the grand one--and how surprised you were
that the moonlight was green
and you still had
one good eye
to see it with
Think of that!"
"I'll join the church!" I said,

huffily, turning my face to the wall.
"I'll learn how to pray again!"
"Let me ask you," said Poetry.

"When you pray, what do you think
you'll see?"

Poetry had me.

"There's no paper
in this room," I said.
"And that new pen I bought
makes a funny noise."

"Bullshit," said Poetry.
"Bullshit," said I.
Alice Walker

Anahid Hojjati

Dear PW, thanks for a thought provoking blog

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Pw, I have been thinking about "khodaye sher" too. I have been meaning to write a poem in which I engage in a dialogue with God of poetry regarding what is a good poem. That is why I am surprised that you have written about someone who understand you this much regarding poetry. For me, how I feel about poetry is subject to change and what I thought two months ago or even two weeks ago is different than what I think now. So when my ideas about poetry are so fluid, how can I rely on any one else to understand where I come from. However, in your case, you may have come to certain conclusions about poetry which have not changed and you have shared them with the person you write about and think that she understands you. 

I had been thinking about god of poetry and how a dialogue with such a god and wrting it, can help others undestand how I view poetry. But this dialogue written in the form of poem would be just like many other poems in which during the process of writing a poem, the poet learns much herself. Any way, I think it is better not to rely on this person who understands you so well about poetry because this reliance can limit you as a poet and make you hold on to the ideas which you have had for a while. What you need instead is trying to come up with new ideas and being able to be a critic of how you yourself view poetry.