I want to be old and I mean it!

persian westender
by persian westender

Here and there in my favourite local weekly paper, I used to see a growing body of anti-aging advertisements. But yesterday when I was paging it in the bus, this one really struck me: “Hair removal and Anti-aging”. I didn’t know that the extent of negativity of old age has reached to the point that it is considered as worthless as pubic hair...and then there was a follow-up for the ad: Buy one (god knows what anti-aging substance) - get the second one for free! As if they just filled the tanker with the newly-found fountain of youth!

What is wrong with being older? Why everyone is so afraid of it? Why there’s so much ageism in the society and yet that is responded so nonchalantly? Is it because old age is associated with death? Well, I doubt if Botox make the angel of death to change his mind. He works based on a pre-arranged list and the calendar age, no matter how young the target looks.   Anyway, since it’s been a long time that I intended to retire myself from being middle-aged and to get disengaged from all the ridiculous responsibilities attached to it, I decided to swim against the stream and ask for what people are generally afraid of; I wanted to be old. I picked the phone and called the number on the ad. I politely asked the confused lady if their company could implant on my face, all the wrinkles that they take away from the face of their customers. She didn’t answer me and shortly after hanged up; probably assuming that I’m teasing her. So I called them again: “can you at least tell me how I can dye my hair to white?”


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more from persian westender
Louie Louie

Dye hair jet black you said

by Louie Louie on

I call it shoe polish syndrome, just rub some and you are good to go. I've seen the disaster, not so perty.



che khabar e


by che khabar e on

Agree 100%

Agree 100%


He improvises by nurturing his other senses! Like gambling,

by Anonymouse on

Traveling and other stuff.  He has girlfriends too.  Sure he can't get it up but compared to other paralyzed people he is much better off.  I wouldn't trade my life with his but his money solved his problems, maybe "eased" his problems is a better word. 

Everything is sacred.

persian westender

Larry Flynt is a good

by persian westender on

Larry Flynt is a good example, having owned the Hustler and $ 400 milion in 2001, and not able doing the damn thing really sucks!



gracefully mature

by capt_ayhab on

Nothing is more ridicules than older men who dye their hair and facial hair, except when they have white roots, and except when they dye it jet black !!!

What do they really think? That people don't notice it? And isn't it true that that majority of women[of all ages] are attracted to mature men with salt and pepper hair?




Define "severe" erectile dysfunction. U mean like Larry Flynt?

by Anonymouse on

Larry Flynt's case is about no sense at all, being paralyzedOtherwise I thought it was only ED and it didn't have mild or severe.  Another words get the guy some Viagra or Cialis and few Playboy bunnies and bang you're in playboy mansion and problem solved!

Everything is sacred.

persian westender

Yolanda: I think you have

by persian westender on

Yolanda: I think you have a valid point. I know that there’s biological differences between men and women in terms of reproduction and its timetable, and it may somehow justify women’s tendency to look younger compared to men. But attracting the opposite sex in order to foster reproduction doesn’t seem an issue in today’s world. Rather it might be an evolutionary function which discussing about it is not my forte… In today’s world, men and women can understand and analyze ‘what’ they want and ‘why’ they want beyond the evolutionary or instinctual drives.

Anonymouse: …everything but sever erectile dysfunction




If you look who buys sports car you'll find out they're mostly

by Anonymouse on

If you look who buys sports car you'll find out they're mostly older.  If you're young and can afford a sports car, what would you buy when you're older?  A Cadillac?!

I'd agree if someone buys something that they can't afford and they're old, that's probably a mid life crisis.  But I think people having more money and thus spending more when old is not necessarily a mid life crisis, it is just having more spending money (and time).

People always think about retirement but if it doesn't look good, you'll try not to think about it.  I'd retire today if I could!

Everything is sacred.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I don't think they can really afford the sports cars in most cases! Let alone the hair plugs! They are supposed to be thinking towards their retirement at that age, right!? But noooo...


PW I think money solves everything especially sexual disorders!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

persian westender

Unless you are rich? If

by persian westender on

Unless you are rich? If sexual activity is declined by biologic reasons, money or fame can’t do much about it.



Craig mid aged guys buy sports car because can't afford it young

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.



by yolanda on

        Guys can have children at age of 60 or 70 (like Larry King and Celine Dion's husband), but women can't! .....When women have kids over 35 years old, the hospitals and doctors usually advice them to take a test to see if the kid has down syndrome or not.


ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

What is wrong with being older? Why everyone is so afraid of it? Why there’s so much ageism in the society and yet that is responded so nonchalantly? Is it because old age is associated with death?

I think it is because it's harder to get laid when you get older. Unless you are rich. That's what all the money-for-nothing ads are for.

Edit: Forgot to mention the mid-life crisis thing! That's when all the guys sell their 4 door sedans and but sports cars, get hair implants and such things like that. Realizing that you aren't in the younger generation anymore seems to cause some kind of temporary insanity.

persian westender

Just can't wait

by persian westender on

If we all would agree that happiness or life satisfaction is the big goal of life, why one should believe that in old age happiness will certainly be evaporated in thin air, just because it is old age!

The stereotype of avoiding old age is strong. But come on,.. if you’re financially well off and in relatively good health in old age, it is the BEST TIME OF YOURLIFETIME! Those pre-requisites (being financially OK, and being in good health) these days are not out of reach for seniors. The current cohort (baby boomers), never been so healthy and so financially independent. That,  paired up with retirement and having you kids grown up and gone; makes a great chance to have your life blessed with lots of excitements. I personally cant wait for that time, no matter if it take couple of wrinkles. So what!

Have a happy menopause and it is applicable to men too !




by yolanda on

 Thank you for the following words and I agree with you totally:

Aging is among the concepts that should be reflected and revisited. It is inevitable stage of life, no need to run away from it. 

     Girls, boys, men, and women want to look young, beautiful, and attractive, but good look does not guarantee a good marriage. Look at Hollywood, it is full of beautiful and glamorous couples, but 80% of Hollywood marriages end up in divorces. The Hollywood marriages sometimes last shorter than the expiration days on a cereal box!

    I recall Prince Charles' wife, Princess Diana, was 37 years old when she died, but Prince Charles' mistress, Camela Parker was at least 50 years old at that time. Diana looked way prettier and younger, but still got abandoned.....

     Life is just full of ironies!

 I also recall I watched a health drink commercial. There are 2 characters in the commercial: a grandpa and a granddaughter. They flashed the health product on TV...... and then the little girl said to her grandpa; "I hope you can make it to my wedding!".....What the commercial implies is that if you don't drink their concoction, you may not live to see your grandkid's wedding! (LOL!) They are pretty good at playing with people's fear for death, so they can make $$$...... It is great to stay healthy and look good, but we don't need to go to an extreme.


Thanks again for your blog and post!

persian westender

I don’t know if men

by persian westender on

I don’t know if men should be blamed for this intense women’s tendency of seeking a younger look. I know the age gap between men and women at marriage is declining in general. The standards of what is called as beauty in women in most societies, is defined by a younger look and it is wrong. Although this trend has been challenged occasionally, it is still a strong trend mostly dictated by business-driven objectives as Yolanda put it well. The concept of beauty is socially constructed, and can be challenged. It shouldn’t be a subject of exploitation and shouldn’t be at the cost of human dignity of disadvantaged age group. Health seeking behavior of older people, on the other hand should not be confused with these tendencies. There is nothing healthy in going under chemical stuff and operations to look younger, if not harming. Aging is among the concepts that should be reflected and revisited. It is inevitable stage of life, no need to run away from it.  Thanks for the video che khabar e.  I have no idea how to run the video either, but may be the link would be enough if you have it. I am in a coffee shop with a slow internet and my laptop is very slow today. It is an old laptop. But I still like it very much!


che khabar e

yes, but...

by che khabar e on

I've also been seeing a GREAT deal more emphasis being put on being a healthier older generation too. 

PW - have you seen the "When I grow up I wanna be an old woman" ad?  It's one of the "smartest" ads out there and the very first thing I thought when I saw it was... COOL!  They weren't all Sophia Lorens either.  They were average old women... some overweight, some in great shape.

Anahid is right...women start getting unwanted facial hair after menopause.  I don't really consider that an "anti-aging" thing.  It's just gross...lol.


I can't remember how to post a video... anybody can give me the directions???

I think a certain amount of vanity is healthy.  To the extent of surgeries?  Hell no.  But I don't think I'm being manipulated by anybody if I want my skin to look a little smoother.  And trust me, I'd kill to be able to go bare leg again.

Conversely, I love every little sign of my husband's aging.  From the gray hairs to... the lack of those same gray hairs.  :-)  Definitely men age better than women.  Damn them. 



by yolanda on

To make a long story short, they scare you & they humiliate you for looking old, so you will spend money to buy their products! "$$$" is behind this! They want to make money from you.  "Money is the root of all evils!"

Thank you for your very interesting blog!




Aging is considered unfashionable...

by shifteh on

in many modern societies, no doubt!  But, Anahid has brought up an interesting point; where there seems to be a double standard for an aging woman as opposed to the aging man.  Even the most successful woman (say Barbra Walters) changes into a wax queen because of her numerous plastic surgeries; while her counterpart (say Andy Rooney) proudly shows his wrinkle's and turkey neck everyweek and speaks quite eloquently about everything!  I hate not to be able to see Barbara's emotions anymore, because her face muscles are frozen.  I have to zoom in to her eyes, and still i dont get the same feeling! 

I wonder what makes most women fear aging so much.  I have to add though, that i have seen "some" men to be pursuing the ever-lasting youth as well.  But, this seems to be overwhelmingly the woman's domain.  And, it cuts through education, class, and income.  In other words, i have seen all kinds of women going under the knife to look younger; the wealthy ones, the educated ones, the poor ones, the trophy wives, etc.

Personally, i have found aging so far to work for me, as opposed to against me; except for the aches and pains in the morning and not being able to party two nights in a row;)  only if there was a cure of that!

persian westender

Dear Anahid

by persian westender on

Ageism exists in various forms in the society. What I am seeing is that cosmetic corporations in their ads are trying to depict the old age as a horrible thing that should be avoided at any cost. This adds to the issue of ageism and the view of public toward it. this is in the face of growing population of elderly in the society.


Anahid Hojjati

Dear persian westender, maybe they they meant hair in the ear

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear westender, maybe the reason the newspaper ad included hair removal and anti aging remedies together is the fact that as people get older, they start having hair in places like their ear, for women on their faces, etc.  I don't believe they meant to equal aging with pubi h air.

You do have a point that in this culture and many other cultures, there is agism.  Many middle-aged and old people are guilty of this too.  For instance many older guys like to go after women who are 15/20/30 years younger than them.  To me, these people are not happy with themselves and the fact that they are aging so they are hoping to capture the lost youth through having a much younger partner.