More Bandar Abbas/Zendran defamation on wikimapia

by peterkhanzendran

Today I recently found out that the weirdos who run wikimapia have allowed someone to impersonate me under the false identity on wikimapia ZendransFatbody, which posts false information about me and uses an altered pic of me, and has put up slanderous comments about Iran at the Bandar Abbas location.  See this on the link //

If you check the history of the vandalism you will see it coincides with wikiweirdos who use the ID's knocka and MHibbs making their nonsense vandalism there.  Once again, wikimedia shows it's true colors.


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Response to wikifreak

by peterkhanzendran on


The only person here so far who is a deranged nutcase is you you ass ugly wikifreak with a fucked up face.  In case you forgot my "Dumb vs. Dumber" series has influenced more people to stop satellite censoring, and the reason they censored in the first place is because of wikifreaks like you fuckface.  They are quiet because they know I am RIGHT, unlike you fuckface.

OH, as far as the Sahand goes ask javad Fakharzadeh and Babak Talebi, they will confirm the Iranian navy raised the Sahand.  How?  Because they know people in Bandar Abbas, unlike you fuckface.


Write us another funny storey Pete

by knocka (not verified) on

Petey, write us an update on the raised frigate Sahand. How's she going after 18 years on the sea bed? Has the world's best practice Iranian navy managed to get it back into service yet?

If you could write us such an article I'm sure it would be hysterically funny, even more so than Dumb vs Dumber.


OK You Know Everything

by knocka (not verified) on

Seeing you know everything there is to know including what I post, what's the point of replying. You sure are one mentally deranged nutcase, which all the Iranian and Iranian descended people on this board obviously have realized very quickly. As you have got not one positive response to your diatribes against wikimapia.
Everyone on this board has worked you out as a wierdo nutcase just like everyone on wikimapia did. You must be running out of places to publish your ludicrous writings on. Give us the speil on "High Resolution Jamming" again. Some of the funniest claptrap I have ever read. Dumb vs Dumber Ha ha ha.
You should try and get on TV in the states as a comedy writer, LOL.


Wikifreak continues to lie and slander

by peterkhanzendran on


First, your opening statement is a lie in itself.

Second, the remarks you just made here about Ghadir, Jamaran, and Bandar Abbas are FALSE and therefore defammatory as you tried to pass off lies as truth.

Third, you DID put the word raghead at Bandar Abbas and you began this problem by inserting your lies.  You try to put up lies as truth it is called defemation, which is what you are doing.  You've lied once here, you continue to lie, NOW SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH as nobody wants to hear your lies here.

BTW another little fact.  The first country to defeat george 3 of britain's navy was IRAN.  Where were they based from when they did this?  BANDAR ABBAS.


Not impersonating you its called "taking the piss" Petey old boy

by knocka (not verified) on

Calm down Petey, you have forgot to take your medication again haven't you!
First of all I have made NO racist, false or defammatory remarks about Iran. I have simply been CORRECTING your ridiculous claims posted on wikimapia with ref to the Ghadir Class MIDGET SSK, the topheavy, unseaworthy, underpowered frigate Jamaran and the ludicrous claim the the Iranian navy kicks arse since 1622. I guess they just struck the year 1988 out of their history.
Nothing racist, false or defammatory there, just statements of TRUTH/FACT (2 words you obviously have trouble grasping the meaning of).
I did not insert the word "RAGHEAD" in the Bandar Abbas tag, someone else did that. I even removed "RAGHEAD" for you yesterday.
And I did not create the profile PeteKhanZendran to impersonate you. It's called "taking the piss" my boy. But the profile sums up your miserable life to a T, don't you think. LOL. OH LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH.

You should try and get some laughter into YOUR life Peter.


Wikifreak just admits slander

by peterkhanzendran on


For your information this user knocka is the one who began putting up false information about Iran. When I corrected it he then began posting the racist comments like "main raghead navy" and other racist and false and defammatory comments about Iran. Plus this freak just admits to creating a false profile to impersonate me, how do we know this freak and his pals are not lying about creating another false profile to slander and harass, especially when it serves your ends of defaming Iran.


No Slander at all. Just people having a good laugh at you fool.

by knocka (not verified) on

I had nothing to do with ZendransFatbody, but very funny anyway. LOL

Here's one I created but to poke fun at you Zendran because you are just one right obnoxious idiot. I emailed Koriakine and asked him to remove it, but it appears he has left in intact for us all to have a good laugh at.


Suggest everyone else have a look at it, and also have a good laugh.

See no slanderous comments about Iran, just everyone having a laugh at your expense. ENJOY!



by Anono (not verified) on

i dont think anybody cares


Look closely readers and wikifreaks

by peterkhanzendran on


Last time I checked calling a Ghadir class SSK a "love tube", a Tariq class SSK a "poop barge", a Sina class Corvette the "love boat", the Iraqi LST "loose smelly testicles", and other such alterations to Iranian military equipment IS slander and defemation.  Check that location often and you will see such nonsense put up there.


I see no slander

by Bahman on

There is no slanderous comments there. Please do not post you personal vendettas here sir. 

