Princess Leila; The case for her murder


by peterkhanzendran

Authors note.  If one wants to see the impact Leila had on people check out the myspace tribute page set up in her memory at //  



Looking back on her death some six years later it becomes even more clearer that she was murdered.  When I and those who had contact with her first said that she did not commit suicide and that she was murdered some were not so sure about what we were saying.  Since her death much facts have come out to vindicate us, and even those who had a suspicious hand in her death and who have tried to cover their tracks are only showing that they had some sinister role in her death...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

            My own involvement in her death is easily recounted, and has been done so before.  In brief, Princess Leila had been shown a preview of an article I had written about how her father's death was medical murder, not cancer.  She had her friend notify me that she was planning to travel to ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Rhode Island and the surrounding states to contact me.  Within hours of her having that message sent to me she was dead.

            To see what the mainstream media said about her death is to see mindless slag.  All mainstream media sources said she had died of a drug overdose in her Hotel room.  The first suspicious omission was that they did not mention which drug she supposedly overdosed on.  If her death had been ruled a suicide there would have been no harm in releasing that information, but the type of drug she supposedly overdosed on was not disclosed for at least five years.  According to the report the drugs she supposedly overdosed on were quinalbarbitone and cocaine.  The report claimed she had normally taken the former drug in doses which were 20 times the safe dosage.  If this were true she would not have been able to have traveled from Paris to London two days before her death.  Had she been a cocaine user there would have been some police records of her activities in obtaining that drug, as it is a controlled substance, and so far none have yet to surface.  Also the coroner's report stated the cocaine was of a non-lethal dosage, not understanding the introduction of a narcotic that is unfamiliar to someone's body can have potentially hazardous consequences.  How this could have been ignored is anyone's guess, but that this medical nonsense was passed for truth shows someone probably wanted a quick fix done.

            More telling were reports from Iranian and independent media sources.  One account from an Iranian media source stated that a picture of her father was found under her pillow.  This fact seems unlikely, as if she had left it there before she arrived in London the picture might have been removed by the hotel staff.  If she had placed it then why wasn't it damaged by her?  Another version is that she was found by her doctor with a phone cord wrapped around her neck.  This story is more compelling when we learn of other factors. 

            The first is that she had notified some of her contacts at Brown University, which she had attended, as well as some of her friends in Paris, that she would be traveling to the area.  Her doing this was as a precaution, in case something were to happen to her that someone would know to look for her.  Some people who knew her had known, either first hand or indirectly, that some of the officials in RI had been less than kind to her during her visits, even calling her a "mental patient" to her face.  She knew that traveling to the southeastern New England region could be troublesome.  If she were suicidal she would not have notified her friends and contacts of her travel plans for safety reasons.

            The second factor is how her family had reacted in the days leading to her death.  Most compelling that foul play was involved comes from her own mother's memoirs which describe her interaction with Leila in the days leading to her death.  When Farah had called Leila on June 8, 2001 Leila had insisted that her mother not to contact her in London, which is consistent with her reaction to seeing the article her friend had shown her which is mentioned above.  When Farah called one of Leila's doctors the doctor uncharacteristically suggested that Farah leave Leila alone.  Whether this was said out of concern or of a sinister motive is anyone's guess.  What happened two days later makes this look sinister.  Farah arrived in London to check up on Leila, arriving at her hotel.  There she somehow persuaded the hotel staff to send a doctor to Leila's room, despite the fact that Leila had left implicit instructions not to allow anyone to see her, even her mother.  The doctor was in Leila's hotel room for 10 minutes before he announced that Leila was dead.  That the doctor took so long is suspicious in itself.  If she was dead when the doctor entered the room then the doctor should have immediately notified the hotel staff.  If she was in critical condition or required immediate treatment the doctor should have notified the hotel staff immediately to call rescue.  But this was not done and leaves suspicion that some foul play may have been involved.

            The 10 minutes that elapsed between the doctor entering her room and announcing her death would have given plenty of time for the doctor to murder Leila.  This certainly would give credibility to the phone cord wrapped around her neck story, and would explain the inconsistencies mentioned above from different sources.  Plus that day she was murdered most of London's police forces were busy providing protection for the 80th birthday celebrations of Prince Phillip, meaning if a successful criminal was to act quick and slick they could pull off their crime with the police too busy elsewhere to respond.  That she was murdered is definite.  The motive for her murder must be established.

            Like many Royal families the Pahlavis were privately dysfunctional.  This included the background of Reza's parentage, the doctor influenced heath problems Mohammed Reza Shah and Soraya experienced, the Zahedi marriage, etc. which Leila may have been aware of.  Leila may have been aware that she was taking a big risk in heading over to America to contact me, after I had published that article about her father being killed by the doctors who operated on him in Egypt deliberately damaging his liver which caused him to die a lingering death.  That this article was written by a descendant of past Shahanshahs of Iran would have given greater credibility to the article.  As someone who felt distress about what had happened in 1979 Leila would have wanted to contact me about this, and she may have assumed her friends and family would have wanted to as well, though the latter may not have necessarily agreed.  At the time I wrote that article I was a virtual unknown in the media and in academia, not making contact with her friends at Brown until some months after her murder.  Her family had lived near mine briefly in Greenwich, CT, but only briefly.  Despite being the ruling family of Iran the Pahlavis felt somewhat fake in the terms of being actual Royals.  The descendants of Reza Shah's last two wives were excluded from positions of power as they were Qajars.  Ardeshir Zahedi, a descendant of the Zand and Safavid Shahanshahs, the latter being related to the Glucksburg and Habsburg houses of Europe, had married Mohammed Reza Shah's youngest daughter but divorced after the marriage had produced no sons.  Soraya, Mohammed Reza Shah's second wife, was a member of the Bakhtiar tribe, which had controlled southern Iran for centuries.  Farah herself was a descendant of the prophet Muhammad.  When Leila saw the article I had written and seen it was written by an Iranian with a Royal heritage and saw it was something that had the guts to expose the truth about how Iran had been victimized, it stirred her to action.  This may have disturbed members of her family, especially as Farah and Reza had close ties to the CIA and other black op organizations, who would be threatened if Leila were to expose them

            When I said six years ago that Leila was murdered some thought I was crazy.  I have since been seen to be right.  It will remain to be seen if a few years from now my conclusion will remain even stronger now that people are seeing the truth.


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Not cool....

by fooladi on

She is dead, leave her alone.

She had nothing to do with her father's politics. She was just another victim



by Bahman on

This is truly a terrible article. You spread rumors as fact about someone you obviously did not know. Why do you say such things? You PeterKhanZendran are a liar. You have not been proved correct in any way! 


The truth hurts: drugs kill

by Fariq (not verified) on

Do you think it's possible that your affection for the late Princess (peace be upon her) has clouded your reason? With all respect, Leila was severely depressed and addicted to can not refute that fact with any conspiracy theory or smoke and mirrors.

"If she were suicidal she would not have notified her friends and contacts of her travel plans for safety reasons."

This is pure speculation on your part. How can you possibly say with any certainty what she would have done? And who's to say it was pre-meditated suicide and not an accidental overdose? A large dose of barbiturates added to ANY amount of cocaine is a lethal combination. Why would the police necessarily have any knowledge of her cocaine possession if she were discreet about it? Millions of people buy coke and are never caught or arrested.

OK, you are Iranian with Shahanshah ancestry, and you were acquainted with the late Princess. How does that make you an expert on addiction, toxicology, psychology, and forensics? Your 'investigation' can find no motive, no suspects (the doctor strangling her?? rubbish), and absolutely no credible evidence of foul play. Let it go and let dear Leila's soul rest. You will have more success trying to help OJ Simpson find the 'real killer'.


I'd have to agree Azhan

by Not likely (not verified) on

I'd have to agree Azhan Tariq...if they murdered Princess Leila within minutes of sending a message with her intentions to see you, why would they not come after you? After all you are the source, the real danger who is planning on exposing these poeple.
Although I find some things about her death suspicious, your story just does not add up. Also, I would have found your more credible if you defended yourself against criticism with fact and not name calling.



by Azhan_Tariq (not verified) on

As far as I know, I have not desicrated her memory by pretending to be a pivotal cog in her life and a possible reason for her death. You are the only one here who is disrespecting her memories by posting your stupidity and delusional rantings about your "royal blood" being the sole impetus for her to come to america and "see you".

If all of this is true, then lets see your proof of it. You must have something to go on aside from your word, which is clearly worth little.

And grow up. There is no need to call people names because they disagree with you.


Ey fan dul farangi

by peterkhanzendran on

Who the fuck do you think you are desecrating Leila's memory like that?  You are suskimargi farangi who is talking shit about something you know nothing about.


Case Closed

by AzhanTariq (not verified) on

Funny how you think she was murdered for coming to talk to you. Who are you? Really? You are nobody. It seems you have watched too many James Bond films! Would this mean that the "them" who killed her would now have to kill you for knowing so much? Shouldnt you be running from city to city, narrowly escaping those who seek to keep you quiet?

You should stick to fiction writing. To read this was humourous, but let her rest in peace without you adding her name to a outrageous plot that has no real proof.