Update on Bandar Abbas wikimapia situation

by peterkhanzendran

I just checked Bandar Abbas earlier today on wikimapia.  It seems the fake account they created to impersonate me was used by the wikiweirdos running wikimapia to vandalize Bandar Abbas there so they could have some justification for censoring it.  Also look here on the wikimapia forum how they censor debate and criticizm //www.wikimapia.org/forum/?t=759&last=1#last these are the sickos defaming Iran on wikimedia.  And yet the kuntanbul majority of Iranians would rather overfocus on arabian gulf issues than on something more important like this.



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what did you expect

by MajorHeadrush (not verified) on

You're dealing with a couple of 14 yr old Hoodlums who think they run the world just cuz they have an online map. there will be hundreds of these maps up soon because you can do the same thing they did easy. Just use their oun html and get a .org and a host and start your oun map thats what im doing.


A reality check for bahman

by peterkhanzendran on


In other words you do not care about our people being defamed by a group of 300 on wikimapia and putting up such nonsense about us, then you are a hajji baba who is a part of the problem why we get bashed and nothing is done.


I do not understand

by Bahman on

From reading some of your work it seems that you know what you are talking of, but I see your comments to other users on this site, and now on the wikimapia bayandor ship and I think you are part of the problem. I think many on this site do not care about your small fighting problems on the wikimapia site.
