Flagging comments on Iranian.com


by Q

I get a chuckle from the latest game plan of the people who want to continue to be rude, insulting, violent, slandering and overall a-holes. Some of these people have never cared about fairness and equality and they sure as hell do not do so now. Flagging, apparently has become just another tool in the arsenal of throwing mud and character assassination.

Mr. Javid has created the flagging system and it is a very good method of bringing things to his attention regarding the rules the he himself has set for this website. I don't think his rules are good enough, personally. Allowing all-but-confirmed pro-War agents to advocate genocide and suffering of the Iranian people every single day using the latest repetetive psychological warfare techniques is almost a crime in my opinion. He has rejected people from organizations such as Pentagon to post here, but it seems he is turning a blind eye to people who simply do not disclose their organizational affiliation. I'm saying this to show I have a serious problem with his rules.

I'm sure it's not perfect from many perspectives, but most people know the despite all the nonsense attacks and conspiracy theories, he is probably the most fair person for this job. In addition, he is the best person to decide what is good for his own site.

Lately, however, I see another campaign in the same mob mentality that the usual character assassins and slanderes use. When a oomment is flagged, they blame whoever they disagree with and attack them as if this was something "wrong" or unfair to do. Don't let them fool you. Flagging is an option that should be used to make this a more tolerable and civilized space. These people will never admit that they violated the rules and they always have their standard finger-pointing excuses and conspiracy theories. Flagging affords a third-party judge to come in and decide if they are right.

These people don't want that because it will expose their own hypocrisy. So they are now trying to create a culture where flagging is seen as a "sin". Don't fall for it. If you think someone is being hostile, slanderous and profane, go ahead and flag it. I do. I am also a 100% sure that the replies to this post will contain some of the same people who will promptly ignore the subject matter and attack me personally.

As I have joked with these people before, if it makes you feel better, you can pretend I (Q) am doing all the flagging. There is absolutely nothing wrong and no shame in doing so since the ultimate decision is not up to the flagger but up to the site.


more from Q



دروغ چرا ما که این آی پی‌ که سام سام دادند رو نگاه کردیم تویه سن
دیگو در میاد و موبیل هست. چطور شما‌ها یه چیز دیگه از توش در آوردیند؟ به
ما هم یاد بدین لطفا!



email is obviously fake

by Q on

Thanks for letting me know.

There is an asshole who did this a while back. I think it's the same loser.

Still shameless and disgusting of vildemose to repeat lies and slander, but of course not surprising.


Q & Voldmose

by SamSamIIII on


Vildmose jaan; ::))


from (EHLO smtp151.sms.ac) ( by mta1088.mail.ac4.yahoo.com with SMTP; Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:53:29 -0700

MessageLogId: 1920263703


X-Originating-IP: []

From "Q" <fbreap858@myfanbox.com (which is a proxy server)

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


no, Samsam, it's not me

by Q on

There is an asshole (I'm almost sure I know who) who has been impersonating me. You're not the only one who has received it. Someone else has already opened a case about it, and I have emailed tech people that I know.

My email address is "qumars@gmail.com". If it's not from here, it's not from me. Please forward it to me, if you don't mind or use the contact form under my account.

I'm not in central valley. I'm in Glendale which is in LA county.

vildemose: You think wrong. Not the first time. What a tasteless and opportunistic accusation.


samsamII: I think it's the

by vildemose on

samsamII: I think it's the latter case. He has harassed other bloggers too, One comes to mind, Sheema Kalbasi.


Q, did

by SamSamIIII on


you send me an email under "Q wants you to know something" by email id "Q"?. This was sent to my personal email not published here or anywhere. The IP of that user id ironicaly goes back close to where you live in central california.  There was no content in the letter so if its you, then what can I do for you? or is it that you wanted to point out that you have access to folks non-published emails. Haa!. you?  


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

Was Rosie

Example of how ALL IP's are available all over the Internet???

by Was Rosie on

Truly sorry for all my intrusions Q, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do...

I was just linking this the first thread I ever posted on here to someone onsite to explain why, as long as it is done as equitably as possible, I support the current 'policy' of clamping down on potty words for drawing a line in the sand on something, ANYTHING, to remind people that there must be boundaries on what constitutes civil discourse:


The easiest way for me to access this thread is to sitesearch 'Soraya c-nt' spelled out in all its glory and as soon as I did it, I got an invitation from an...er....'dating service' to partake in all the pleasures they provide...


p.s. The thread in question was written during the early days, in a period remembered nostalgically as 'The Wild Wild West' when there was NO moderation except reviewing of FLAGGED posts...hence several rape and death threats to author, her family, etc. were deleted.......no, I kid you not.


I base

by SamSamIIII on


Mine on facts or available info on the ground.  Here, I did not make a charge but a need to re-verify the newest claime made for the sake of transparency. Your most valuable commodity on this site is "trust" & having Sam to press you to protect it must be commended rather than discouraged. A good house is as good as the routin repetitive maintenance it gets and "there is nothing we can do" system is the motto of a careless landlord & not gone cut it. So, Repeat after me ; trust  transparency  communication.

Thank you & you are welcome!


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


tech blogs

by admin on

Was Rosie, what you say makes sense but takes time. JJ has done it before but I don't think it has changed much. I'm open to doing tech chat sessions. I don't want to take up a blog slot for this.

Talk to you all later.



Sorry Q

by admin on

I have written you back. We're not doing your IP suggestion on this site. You should take a hint and stop asking for it. This is not Wikipedia. Even there, the IPs for registered users aren't visible. It's only for the anonymous users. We don't have anonymous users on the site anymore.

Look, I know you are opinionated and care about this site. But I'm actually close to using the real spam filter on your emails! :)

Don't needlessly belabor this issue. Find a way to live with it. We all have.



Dear Admin,

by Q on

Welcome to my blog.

I have a question which won't take too much of your time. Why be so secretive with these IP numbers? I have sent you my suggestion that will make this a more fruitful site and get rid of the sockpuppets who are dragging it down. Before the self publishing comments, Javid was already "spam filtering" the vicious slanders himself before publishing them as letters under real names. Now it's all automatic but these people abuse your site by logging in over and over again under different fake names.

The reason Marge, or someone else may have the impression that there are "PR firms" at work here is because of this. Sockpuppets are there to mislead and manipulate. If you expose their IPs, they can't do that as easily. Wikipedia does this exact thing already. It is all very simple!

Thanks for reading.

Was Rosie

No, Foaad. Disagree somewhat. If I may,

by Was Rosie on


No, don't disagree about Sam by any means lol. Disagree about your and The Rahbar's conclusions.

When 'skeptics' are many, 'urban myths', including. paranoia. can be addressed by blogging about them to the community from on high. As well, new features onsite, periodic blogs asking for feedback on any/everything, especially moderation & tech issues should be blogged on (more) regularly...in general I strongly feel there are not enough such blogs generated by owner and you to foster communication, collaboration, and community building..



hah! You are not so innocent yourself SamSamIIII

by admin on

Don't think I didn't notice how you basically took in one rumor and multiplied it by 3 in this very discussion! :)

I have to deal with many chronic skeptics. You all know some of them. JJ with I think 100 times more people. At the end I have basically internalized JJ's advice. If someone really wants to believe something, no matter how unlikely it may be, there is nothing we can do about it. We just have to realize this and move on with our business.

People should use their own internal spam filters more often.


Was Rosie


by Was Rosie on

Thanks, Foaad. You're great. You should read the threads more often. Participate too. You are loved here.


I'm  looking at Margie's post and-pardon my schoolmarmish nature, but let's do a little textual analysis with hindsight:  

Once I learned that the IP addresses go to PR firms

No specification of who provides them.


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I decided to stop debating here. 

Decisions, decisions. Yeah, right, Margie. For how long? lol

You'd be surprised what the "Internet" and "Iranian.com user" really are. It's just a new playground for PR firms to push interests, including war.

Internet in general, not i.c. Iranian.com users, I believe she refers to outsiders with agendas inimical to the site, not admin.

Do you smell that? America is burning. There's a PR firm around the corner to tell us it's Iran's fault :)

Her concerns are political, her usual passionate concerns, not about ethics onsite.



IMHO, the lesson to be learned is that we all have to be scrupulously careful of language use here-both writing and reading--because on these threads (youtube links aside), it's ALL we have. And also, when we make a really important potentially incendiary statement, we should follow the thread it's on VERY carefully. Otherwise, don't make it until we know you can. And finally, paranoia will destroy ya (and believe me, I learnedthe hard way...). This IP thing...The Rahbar of all people. Preposterous. We should know that by now.

To be honest, there are problems concerning moderation and related issues/consequences (consider Shazde's deletion of blogs after his moderaton blog...) which I found every bit as important as the fate of my IP. I already mentioned a few in recent postings of mine. There are more.


ps Anyone who may be wondering as to why my appearance here after stating emphatically I'd never come back and why, I guess I owe an explanation. But not here. Not even for you. Qumars. Here I'll just say it's temporary and that I've only posted on a handful of blogs which seemed crucially important, and will end this weekend.


Well, K.M. Gas, call me verbose. Abstruse, intrusive, condescending. Are you out there 'Gas', or whoever? My answer: whatever.


PS Sam, pot...kettle. me 2. lol

Marge, I'net was developed by the military like all communications technologies, wasn't it? You of all people should be surprised? All the MORE reason to keep on debating. More and ouder. u c?


This is what happens when ,

by SamSamIIII on


one while missing a few "simms" , mixes  Schitzo drug Trifluoperazine, dough, beer, press tv, robaaiyat , abgoosht & havoo-chatline to get Foad all peeved. My dear Nazy, tell your lady friend to take a long overdue nap. it does wonders for a lone overworked & underchieving brain cell ;:))

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


ips aren't being shared with anyone

by admin on

I Have a Crush..., what are you talking about? We don't share your IP address. It is irresponsible to spread rumors like this. Understand that your IP address is all over the Internet. Any site you visit logs it, including our hosting company. There is no need for you to comment for them to have access to it. Are you this paranoid with every site you visit?

The rest of you should not believe everything you read on public Internet forums, particularly those written by cartoon characters.

I don't read most things on the site. I'm writing this only because someone emailed me. I will probably miss the next crazy theory. Don't let your imaginations run wild. We have enough of this already.


Was Rosie

I wish to stress the point which most of you

by Was Rosie on

are already aware of, that thusfar this IP issue  is heresay, and as I know Marge, it may well be a joke. Which poses the question: Marge, where r u? Because the question should be equally directed to her and the publisher. Since as I have so often maintained, the issue of proper running of the site is equally the responsibilty of the collective AND the publisher, IF the collective WISHES this community to be a collective, as I know he very much did, and so did we, the old-timers, at the beginning when we forged it together with him. EVERY SINGLE STEP OF THE WAY, its structure, its policies, ALL of it, in close collaboration with him. 

In any case, I have duly informed the publisher (who perhaps is not reviewing this UNfeatured blog, the third UNfeatured concerning moderation-related issues in three weeks and second in three days), via e-mail, that he is wanted on the telephone.



Thanks for the good laugh Q

by divaneh on

I loved this bit, really funny.  "people who want to continue to be rude, insulting, violent, slandering and overall a-holes. "



Captain jan: LOL. I don't

by vildemose on

Captain jan: LOL. I don't mind it for retail marketing but I'm sure there is a good explanation. We just have to wait for JJ to get out of the pubs in London and tend his site...lol


Mrs vilsemose

by capt_ayhab on

Why do you have to bring up these minor details and make us THINK?




Our IP is being shared by

by vildemose on

Our IP is being shared by PR firms? What PR firms? For what reason?? Marketing?? Need more info. please!



by capt_ayhab on

by user profile.">Was Rosie on

Shazde just deleted all his blogs.


nuf said





by capt_ayhab on

respectfully I would have to disagree.

As one, on the record of having defended, blocked and tongue lashes by the gentleman  of the publisher, calling him fair and objective is a rude insult to journalism.

It is his property and he can shut the doors on anyone he wishes, but let us not pretend that his editorial style amounts to anything near  FAIR and BALANCED.




Foad or JJ

by SamSamIIII on


If JJ is enroute then Foad. I have talked about this "afterhours" club backstage & certain infos being shared among khodies especialy after my email thingy. However Foad put the issue to rest a while back & I halfheartedly went with his reasoning then outta courtesy. Yet there is this statement by a member blogger who I always believed to be a part of the inner circle of the site which is of serious matter. I had suspected for a long while that a few members of a said organization have access to much more than just the regular features of this site. The latest admission by a member of that group who is intimately well known among the inner circle has raised my hunch. Please elaborate. Thanks



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia



by jamshid on

What PR firms are you talking about?



by Mehrban on

There is a statement on this thread that IP addresses of the commentators at IC are being shared.  Could you please shed some light on this item.   Many thanks.

Was Rosie

Shazde ps Jahanshah

by Was Rosie on

Shazde just deleted all his blogs.



ps Jahanshah, for you.




Kharmagas jan, it's not "Azari"!

by Q on

The correct term is "pan turk". Samsam issued the fatwa some time ago.

Just thought you should get with the program!:)

marhoum Kharmagas

Ayhab jaan take it easy!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Ayhab jaan, ..., let's be realistic. I have seen many comments in this site disappear because of the content and not because they contain profanity or personal attack. However considering some of the limitations (including $) and a number of other factors, I think one should understand JJ's challenges. As for Ostaad and Doostali Khan, one is a liberal guy, and the other very much reminds me of old savakis ... and they have different motives for not commenting. I told Ostaad (personally through email and also here)he made a mistake leaving ...etc.

BTW, la'nati,  halaa dobaareh kalleh khar baazi dar nayaraa ez injaa borou! what do you say to that? .... one more thing, I the bad esvani can compete with you Azari in terms of kalleh khari, but in vatanparasti you beat me, and it'll be a big loss if you leave (same thing applies to Q the Azari).


Captain Ayhab,

by Q on

I regret to see that a man of your caliber considers my heart felt criticism of the policies concerning this site as a personal jab.

Since I myself am criticizing these policies, I do not and did not hold such criticisms against you.

I wrote clearly in my blog that I do flag comments. Did you or did you not refer to me as "favorite pet of the publisher"? If yes, how do you dispute my characterization of a personal jab?

Now to your questions:

I do miss Ostaad and I regret him leaving. He has decided not to return on his own merrit and only he knows the reason. Many people on all sides of the political spectrum were kicked out but came back after a period of time.

While I disagree with most of what comes out of Shazdeh's mouth, I did not wish for him to leave as well. However, his last comments on his blog were clearly paranoid, even Samsam disagreed with his assessment. His last argument was deeply flawed. He was saying to Javid the problem is that "you are using YOUR judgement" to decide what should be deleted. Yes, I'm afraid we will always have to use SOMEONE'S judgement. Shazdeh seems to prefer his own over Javid's. This is not how any other forum in the world works and that's why it seems hopeless with him powerful writer, or not. Someone who thinks like this is always going to believe people have it out for him personally. You should know how common this sentiment is among old Iranian men.

Now, let me ask you a question. Obviously, someone who enjoys the kind of attacks and profanity, or someone who genuinely has a thicker skin doesn't like this. He/she is going to feel "restricted" by any kind of policing. The question is should we all be slaves of the lowest common denominator of commenters?

Do you want to have an exchange of views or do you want to deal with people like "Free" 24/7? Consider what this means for people with known real-life names.

I also refer you back to the Dailykos article and thread. There is a forum with much more restrictive set of rules that has at least 1000 times the number of writers as IC, many of them very good.

jamshid, excellent! So you do not understand or perhaps do not see things as I do, it's not a surprise. But perhaps now you can finally conceive of the reason for having a third-party individual, (not involved in the particular online dispute, or nasty argument) decide the violations of the site's rules?

PS. read the above carefully too.