Was Khomeini Iran's Gandhi?

ramin parsa
by ramin parsa

This is how Andrew Young, Carter's US Ambassador to the UN, described Ayatollah Khomeini in 1978, long before the revolution succeeded: "Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint."

And this is the New York Times characterization of Khomeini, a tolerant leader whose “entourage of close advisers is uniformly composed of moderate, progressive individuals.” The editorials went on to say Khomeini would provide “a desperately needed model of humane governance for a third-world country." 

William Sulivan, Carter’s ambassador to Iran, said, “Khomeini is a Ghandi-like figure.”  

Carter adviser James Bill, the author of the very baised "Lion and he Eagle," said that Khomeini is not a "mad mujahid," but a man of “impeccable integrity and honesty.”

A man of impeccable integrity and honesty? Mullah Khomeini? "Humane?" A "Ghandi-like" figure? A "saint?" "Moderate?" "Progressive?"

Add to this backdrop, the BBC's daily promotion of their well-groomed mullah. And some people actually think Jimmy Carter merely "abandoned" the Shah. It seems much more likely that he (and the UK) actively promoted and deliberately orchestrated Khomeini's ascendancy. 



Student Ramin. This is clear as day Antisemitism

by Nur-i-Azal on

So, a handful of clever Jews gave us this dog-and-pony show called
"taslim," i.e., Islam, and it is AMAZING to me, that to this day, we
still have so many smart Iranians buying into this Jewish con-job!
    This is a clear as day emotive antisemitic rant very much of the same calibre and substance as Hitler's Mein Kampf. QED

ramin parsa

Professor Azal

by ramin parsa on

"one not too far removed from the protocals and similar white-supremacist nonsense."

Nonesense is right, Azal. As I said clearly, I have no animus against Jews, or muslims for that matter. However, I do harbor tremendous suspicion of all forms of organized religion, period. If that makes me a "racist" in your mind, so be it. Your diagnosis, however, smacks of a deep-seeded victimhood mentality.

Since when did religion turn into a race?



by Nur-i-Azal on

Whether you aware of it yourself or not, what you are expressing is pure, unadulterated anti-semitic jingoism that is completely ahistorical from start to finish and one not too far removed from the protocals and similar white-supremacist nonsense, I might add.

Instead of arguing and belaboring the point further with you, allow me to invite you to look at  Marshall Hodgson's three volume THE VENTURE OF ISLAM. You are not alone here, but your grasp of history and its nuances, twists, turns and byways needs serious, serious work, bro.

Peace, man!

ramin parsa

Chill pill taken, dear Azal

by ramin parsa on

And no, I don't blame a single thing on Islam, insofar as my personal life is concernced, however I do blame just about EVERYTHING wrong in my country (except pollution perhpas) on this satanic cult -- yes, Islam is a disturbing satanic cult. In fact, it's a Jewish cult, not that I have anything against the Jews.

Let's face it, everything in Islam has been borrowed HEAVILY from the Jews (from Islamic tax, Jizyah, to circumcision, to taboo against pork, even the greeting "salam" comes from the Jewish "shalom"). After all, Islam was written by 3 Jews and one of us, Salman Farsi, the first and most wicked traitor to the Persian culture.

Some of us happen to know why the original wily Jews concocted the fantasy of "Islam" in the 7th century -- because they were mortally and financially threatened by a new religion, i.e., Christianity, which was spreading dramatically, which meant less money coming into the coffers of the Jewery establishment.

So, a handful of clever Jews gave us this dog-and-pony show called "taslim," i.e., Islam, and it is AMAZING to me, that to this day, we still have so many smart Iranians buying into this Jewish con-job! After all, the Jews are the absolute best at spinning fantasy tales and concocting "make-believe," lest we forget their monumental success in the dream factory of Hollywood.

Islam is, and has always been, a semetic belief system born in the deserts of Arabia. Its success can be heavily contributed to the fact that it has turned into a very lucrative money-making enterprise, much like the Mafia, with franchises/dokans (Mosques) set up all over the world. It is a time-tested racket designed to acquire influence, to play on people's fears, for profit and power.

Dear, Azal, you can bury your intelligent brain deep into the sands of Arabia, but you will NEVER be able to fool those of us who are not afraid of "Allah" or his wrath. In fact, you even endorse my view when you write, "All of this was inspired by a specific scriptural proof-text, viz. the Qur'an, and a certain non-literalist approach to interpreting it.

Yeah, a "certain non-literalist approach." Why not take God's words literally, exactly as He uttered them? Why? Because you know most decent people in our world today, specially Iranians, would NEVER accept those barbaric Quranic words as written by the Jews of the 7th century to be the words of a merciful creator -- back in the wildly irrational, supestitious days of the 7th century, yes, but not today.

Man has evolved, and so has the con, ergo your neighborhood mullah and your local mosque. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

خمینی واقعا "گندی" برای ایران بود - گندی بزرگ و بد بو!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Every voice counts! Every action counts!


Ramin, take a chill-pill, bro!

by Nur-i-Azal on

I fully appreciate that there are people here on this site who have heavily invested emotionally into this contrived ahistorical narrative peddled by various nefarious agendas regarding Islam being a monolithic embodiment of everything they find wrong and despicable with their nation and history -- and by projection, their personal lives. But this is neither fact nor history. Rather it is pure hype, propaganda and yet another project by these nefarious agendas to erect civilizational scape-goats, like the Nazis and white racists generally used to do with Jews. In other words, this narrative is taken straight from the playbook of the Neo-Straussians and the nonsense pontificated by the Samuel Huntingtons in their "Clash of Civilizations" screeds.


The Sufis and Isma'ilis are also Muslims. The arts, crafts, architecture and deep literature of the past 1200 years in Iran is also part of the Persian Islamicate civilization. All of this was inspired by a specific scriptural proof-text, viz. the Qur'an, and a certain non-literalist approach to interpreting it. That contemporary rootless Iranians in diaspora have foresaken (and so forgotten) this heritage, and thereby given the lie away to the fundamentalists and the Khomeinists by doing so in the process, does not detract one iota from the fact that neither these Westoxicated (gharbzadeh) cultural sanitizers in diaspora nor the maniacal fundamentalist fascists at the helm back home are remotely representative of High Persian Islamicate civilization, or, for that matter, know what the heck they are talking about. QED

BTW it is NUR-i-AZAL.

ramin parsa

The "know-it-all" Nuri al Aziz

by ramin parsa on

Who pontificates YET AGAIN in YET ANOTHER blog, that we should "crack open" the war manual, i.e., the Quran, if we want to know the "real" Islam. Guess what, pal, some of us have cracked open the filthy Arab Trojan Horse, and have read it cover to cover, and some of us have concluded that it is FILLED 100% with bedouin jibber-jabber and desert fairytales.

It is Iranians like you, a Sufi, I assume, who have turned this piece dog doo-doo into a treasure trove of bells and whistles, adding them to the bedouin cult (ala a Christmas tree), trying to find some sort of significance, having bought this sack of crap since childhood.

If it wasn't for people like Nuri Al Aziz, Islam would've been finished in Iran 1,000 years ago. It's people like Aziz who deceptively try to soften the vicious face of Islam, and they've managed to fool a whole lot of people in Iran over the years. The Sunnis have it right. They leave no room for deceptive interpretations. They leave no room for deceptive middle-men.  If the Quran says a hand should be caught off, they simply cut it off. The Sufis and Iranian Shiites, on the other hand, know full well that the majority of Iranian -- the cultured people that they are with 7,000 years of civilized history -- would never accept this sort of blatant barbarism, so they engage us in dissimulation, i.e., "interpretation."

In other words, Allah doesn't really mean for us to "cut a person's hand" for stealing, but rather, He means for us to "keep their unjust hands away from society," i.e., put them in jail.

This is how the Sufis (and the Shiites in general) have managed to sucker Iranians into keeping Islam in Iran for 1,000 years (fooling us into believing that Islam is "peaceful" and Allah is "wise"), because we all know that Iranians would NEVER accept the REAL version, practiced by the likes of Khomeini, Khamenei and the rest, including its pedophile prophet who fought 78 battles, 77 of which were offensive, not to mention beheading 700 Jews in one day with the help of "Imam" Ali.

I don't give two shits how and for what reasons Islam grew out of the dump hole that is Mecca back in the 7th century. What I do know is that the Quran is a hate-filled war manual that requires submission (Taslim = Islam) to a bloodthirsty master, and anybody who tries to say different is full of bullcrap, even if the person has deluded him or herself into truly believing the bedouin bullcrap.


History, history, history

by Nur-i-Azal on

I am amazed at the pervalent ahistoricism of the views expressed by the people on this site on virtually a whole plethora of issues. Anonymous8 is correct. Islam as an idea is a creed of social justice and equality, and it began its social enterprise as a class war of dispossessed elements of Meccan society against a corrupt and entrenched mercantile elite, who also happened to be the family of Islam's founder.

Marxism or not, these are the facts of the matter. Now that exoteric Islam as a social enterprise today has been corrupted  or engineered at the hands of human, all too human tendencies and processes and turned into a tool of oppression and tyranny, does not remotely detract from what the idea-in-itself represents. Crack open the Qur'an sometime, rather  than parrot fashion repeat hand-me-down opinions about what the Book says, and see for yourself.



It never fails..ANONYMOUS8

by Cost-of-Progress on

When the topic is to question Islam's standing in the areas of equality (take your pick from women's right, religious minorities, etc. etc) you get silence or diversion

Can you enlighten me as to WHY you believe Islam is about equality?

What could possibly convince any reasonable person to BELIEVE that nonsense?





ramin parsa

What a laugh...

by ramin parsa on

"Islam is a religion that emphasizes social justice and fairness."

Sounds a lot like Marxism, baradar (comrad). More utopian jibber-jabber, just what we need in Iran. 

After all, a Jew (Abraham) spawned the three semetic religions and a Jew (Marx) gave us Marxism. Maybe the muslims are right after all, the Jews have pretty much screwed our world!


islam IS justice!

by Anonymous8 on

more than anything else Islam is a religion that emphasizes social justice and fairness.

vailed prophet and cost of progress, you can call me "annoying" but that will not silence me or change anybody's mind.

1 hamvatan

Iran's Gandhi??زرشک!!

1 hamvatan

Khomeini was Nothing but a Liar, murderer, and fake. He was NOTHING!

He never felt anything for Iran, neither do the rest of them criminal akhounds.



پاینده باد ایران



by Cost-of-Progress on

I upgrade you to A*4, that is a to the power of 4.

May one day all our brainwashed citizens follow a rational way of thinking.





Khomeini was Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson of Islamic regime

by aaa on

His intellectual and wisdom will be remembered for centuries. I was astonished when I read his writing about sexual relationship with animal that “a woman cannot have any sort of sexual relations with an animal: that is reserved for men alone. A man may have sexual relations with animals only if the animal is female. Sexual relations with a male animal is a mortal sin. Coupling with wild animals is not recommended, especially with a lioness. What is recommended instead is coitus with domesticated animals, such as dogs, cats, pigeons, donkeys and lambs. After having sexual relations with a lamb, it is a mortal sin to eat its flesh. It is forbidden to have sexual relations with any animal directly descended from an animal that a man previously had sexual relations with.”


Have you ever met a single digit IQ Pasdar, Basiji, Mazhabi, or Hezbollahi that attempted to have sex with a lioness in captivity or wild?


محمد نوری زاد: من عکس امام را پاره کردم


Here is an old Islamic Republic guard (not sepaah), Mohammad NouriZad, whose eyes probably still get teary thinking about Khomeini, but so disgusted about the current events as to force himself to write this phony but rather pointed confession. 

follow the link  



Thank you freenet

by Fair on

for showing the true ideas of this "Gandhi". As long as a significant portion of our population even have respect for such a person, let alone follow him wholeheartedly, there is no hope for democracy and progress in Iran. Basically, the backward followers of this creature are holding the rest of our great nation hostage. These are the people who give themselves the right to do absolutely anything to those who stand in their way, including rape, torture, arrest without charges, stoning, imprisonment, assasination, etc. etc.

And it is interesting that right here on this website some people when asked directly what their stance on this person's record would be, will do anything but give a direct answer, including attacking the questioner.

What answer would a Jew give you if you asked them about Hitler? What answer would an Armenian give you if you asked them about the Ottoman Sultans? And what answer would a Chinese from Nanjing give you if you ask them about the Japanese emperor?

That is the response I would think a nationalist Iranian would give when asked about Khomeini.





خمینی و ایده هایش.



 خمینی دشمن آزادی عقیده،  آزادی بیان  و  شکوفابی کشورمان بود. در 10 سال وجود نکبتش انهدام فرهنگی در دانشگاهها؛ کشتار در کردستان و ترکمن صحرا و هزاران اعدام بی محاکمه در زندانها انجام گرفت

کسی که ادامه دهنده خلف راه شیخ اقاسی، شیخ فضله الله نوری  (سرسخت ترین و وحشی ترین دشمنان آزادی در 150 سال اخیر)   بود.  به ادبیات او راجع به دکتر محمد مصدق؛ آزادی احزاب و حقوق دمکراتیک توجه کنید:



“آنهایی که فریاد می‌زنند باید دموکراسی باشد، این‌ها مسیرشان غلط است. مسیر ما مسیر نفت نیست. ملی کردن نفت پیش ما مطرح نیست.ما اسلام می‌خواهیم.”

به آنها که از دموکراسی حرف میزنند گوش ندهید. آنها با اسلام مخالفند. میخواهند ملت را از مسیر خودش منحرف کنند. ما قلمهای مسموم، آنهایی را که صحبت ملی و دمکراتیک و اینها را می‌کنند می‌شکنیم


ramin parsa

Hezbo Obfuscator, Bshekan

by ramin parsa on

I'll give you the name of the author when it comes to me, but it's funny how you pick at the the Nixon reference. Believe me, my Qomi tool, the book exists.

And no, I don't believe Elvis is alive. But I bet you think Imam "Mahdi" is still alive, after 1,000 years -- hiding in a well somewhere in Karbala, I'm sure.

Just so you know, pal, earlier I wrote that the author was "reputable" and not a "conspiracy nut" because I watched her interview (peddling her book) on the Charlie Rose show on PBS.  I doubt Rose would spend half-an-hour interviewing a cukoo "conspiracy nut" on his show. I never bought her book, nor remember her name, but I was intrigued by her thesis: that Richard Nixon was desroyed by the same people who gave us the Iraq war = neocons.

Feel free to look it up on Charlie Rose if you don't believe me, or google it yourself. I know you don't really care about her name, all you're trying to do is attack my character.

But it's funny that you base your attack against me on the rather minor Nixon reference. The FACT is: your barbaric Hendi Imam, aka mullah Khomeini, aka, Ayatollah BBC, received material support from England, USA, France, Lybia, Cuba, East Germany, the Palestianians, including Tudeh communists on behalf of the KGB, who were all too gladly pulling for the Shah's demise.

Now do your best to obfuscate and play misdirection by taking focus away from my main point by asking questions about the name of the author who discusses Nixon, necons and the Iraq war. No one on this planet can spin shameless deceit and misinformation as well as an Islamist. You have to give credit where credit is due.

بت شکن

Which parts of Mashghassem's (R Parsi's) posts are drivel?

by بت شکن on


Let me tell you which parts are drivel. From top to bottom. Do you seriously suggest that these personally interpreted, biased, conspiracy-based opinions should be treated as "researched" or fact-based evidence?

"Most coups/revolutions are the result of conspiracies involving homegrown and foreign players (I listed several of them earlier). There's even a book, written by a very reputable author, who's name escapes me (who's not your typical "conspiracy nut"), which puts forward the incindiary thesis that Richard Nixon was actually removed from the White House by the same sinister forces that gave us the 2003 Iraq war, i.e, the "neocons," a euphemism for Jews."

a very reputable author whose name is so easily forgotten?? So much for reputation, So much for memory! I am sure Mashgassem is already Googling it !! and this famous author whose name is so easily forgotten is supposed to a factual author and not a conspiracy nut! Yet, this easily forgotten author asserts that Nixon as removed by the same forces as those who removed Saddam! So much for non-conspiratorial thesis

BTW, did you know that there is a huge following who like Mashghassem believe Elvis is still alive. Like Mashghassem, they have their carefully recorded, examined, verified, testemonials. Well, king must be alive!





VPK, Ramin and other sane Iranians

by Cost-of-Progress on

I am glad that at least a few of us still have control over our own brain and not submitted to the cult's brainwashing. Let it be known that I have equall discontent for ALL religions, but only Islam has BURNED MY HOUSE SO FAR.

Dorood bar hameye shuma.





Interesting, (to ramin)

by Mehrban on

In the piece you have cited from David Rockefeller's "Memoirs", it is interesting how he uses terms defining a financial liability; "debt", "obligation", "owed" in relation to a friendship. 

 Thanks for the clarification of David and Nelson. 



by jamshid on

Thank you for your reply. Your attempt to sound funny and your pretense of "you don't deserve" an answer, only proves my point, namely that you lack honesty and you lack integrity. You have used this failed method before, when I asked you other direct questions.

I can respect an "out of closet" hezbollahi, who speaks his views like they are, a lot more than an "in closet" hezbollahi, who pretends to be "modern" but lives in the dumpsters of regressivie views, and who doesn't have the manhood and the "balls" to show his true face.

You have earned my pity.


LOL! Get a life jamshid,

by Q on

the only thing stopping me from taking your seriously anymore is my complete lack of respect for you and your other fake personas. I'm done running logical cricles around you, only to hear the same debunked crap you spit out whenever you decide to appear as "jamshid".

I wrote what I wrote, you can read it or you can eat it. That's your response.

keep waiting! I'll let others judge how much a clown you make of yourself because you just can't STAND not having power over other people.

ramin parsa

Jamshid and Vildemose

by ramin parsa on

Do not hold your breath, you are dealing with a deceptive parasite that has absolutely no spine, no honor, and no shame whatsoever. Those who are accessories to crimes against humanity are just as guilty as those who commit them.


Here is my last question

by vildemose on

Here is my last question again. I have the old ones saved and ready to post them in this blog again, once I hear the answer to this one:

by jamshid

If you were in charge in Iran in 1989 before khomeini died, would you have had him prosecuted for treason and other atrocities he committed? If yes, what punishment do you think would have been fit for this despicable traitor and criminal?

Just curious.  

I'm waiting for Q's reply with much anticipation. 




by jamshid on

Q, I know that your lack of honesty and lack of integrity does not permit you to answer some of the many direct questions I have asked you in the past. I'll let the readers judge for themselves what your silence means. To me, it means you have too many views that are residing in a closet. But at least, your silence also means that you have some degree of shame.

Here is my last question again. I have the old ones saved and ready to post them in this blog again, once I hear the answer to this one:

by jamshid

If you were in charge in Iran in 1989 before khomeini died, would you have had him prosecuted for treason and other atrocities he committed? If yes, what punishment do you think would have been fit for this despicable traitor and criminal?

Just curious.  

ramin parsa

Mehrban, one more thing...

by ramin parsa on

You write, "I was aware that the king was admitted to the US through efforts of David Rockefeller who, in my understanding was a friend of his." 

Actually, the Rockefeller that the Shah was close to was Nelson, not David. Nelson Rockefeller died just a couple of months before the hostage takeover, and he, too, was campaigning to allow the Shah into America.

Here's what David Rockefeller writes in his autobiography (titled, "Memoirs") about his friendship with the Shah:

“There was nothing in my previous relationship with the Shah that made me feel a strong obligation to him... He had never been a friend to whom I owed a personal debt, and neither was his relationship with the bank one that would justify my taking personal risks on his behalf. Indeed, there might be severe repercussions for Chase if the Iranian authorities determined that I was being too helpful to the Shah and his family.”

Sounds like a Grade-A weasel/fox to me.

ramin parsa

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

by ramin parsa on

I have been impressed by your authentic voice in many blogs -- specially the one about JJ's biography, where you were pleading for voices of opposition (to censorship) to come to your aid, and sadly, very little surfaced.

I arrived to that scene rather late and wish that I had been there earlier to voice my concerns. But I agree with everything you said in that blog and this one -- please don't give up on this site, even though it has huge flaws, mainly in terms of censorship, and the sewing circle mentality of the "in-crowd" (and you know who you are).

Those of us who reject the IRI and the destruction of our homeland, must keep at it, and fight the voices of treason and treachery as best we can. Many of these characters are paid character assassins, and again, you know who you are.

The IRI spends hundreds of millions of dollars on propaganda, specially in America. This is a fact, and the former revolutionary who now owns this site, knows this fact better than anyone. So, we're fighting an uphill battle against an enemy that is generously financed, but the battle must be fought, in the name of truth and vindication of a nation's honor lost over 30 years of treachery.

ramin parsa

Vildemose and Shushtari,

by ramin parsa on

Thank you very much, I appreciate your words very dearly. And Cost/progress and MRX1, very well said!

And Mehrban, I completely agree with you, we must know what happened to us in 1979, the whole story, the sinister affiliations of mullah Khomeini and the filth around him, the Shah's cancer, his personal shortcomings, the role of some of his closest advisors (Fardoust, Gharabaghi) in the revolution, so that we can preserve this self-destructive history for the future generations of Iran, so that we NEVER again let a bunch of sadistic, ignorant, self-serving merchants of Mecca, or foreigners for that matter, to abuse our good intentions and waste our massive resources. 

This blog was meant to serve as a cautionary tale. It could have been titled, "Fool's Gold." I truly hope that we have learned something from this tragic experience.

The good news is, Iran is resilient, like so many of our women -- fiercely noble, notoriously abused and underappreciated, and yet,  still beautiful. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Islam about justice!

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Cost of Progress: Damet Garm, It took me until I was 25 before I wised up and left Islam. But I guess it is never too late to pull one's head out. 

As for "annoying8"'s comment, I am amazed. How would anyone associate Islam with Justice is beyond reason. The same Islam that subjugates women; uses stoning; whipping; beading; and so on in its Sharia "justice" system!! How about marrying a 9 year old. Or killing unbelievers. Or apartheid laws for Muslims and non Muslims. How about total disenfranchisement of people "not of" the book? It really boggles the mind to see anyone seriously think Islam is about justice. 

If any western religion or nation practiced it the PC left would be on them in a moment. But as long as it is the Muslims no one dares say anything fearing PC.