Graphics - Iran the cat this one is for your kids

Graphics - Iran the cat this one is for your kids
by ramintork

After doing everything with a political edge I did this charcoal drawing, turned colourful with photoshop and illustrator for kids.

I thought someone has to do a map of Iran for kids!


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christ mark


by christ mark on

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by ramintork on

Well spotted, in fact Aref is posting things on my Facebook wall all the time. He is a very clever, creative chap, I had seen his cat. I've been told by two people I resemble the cat by the way.LOL.


Is that a little

by ramintork on

Very funny, I didn't intend to show our neighbors as cat litter or anything! LOL.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Very nice and interesting rendition

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

It reminds me of a similar grafic by Aref-Adib


and his other grafics of Iran



Is that a little

by Anonymouse on

Is that a little kitty on the right by itself, or is that Bahrain or something?! just kidding! and wondering ;-)

Everything is sacred.


Thank you friends

by ramintork on

 Anonymouse, it was charcoal then scanned, pulled to Adobe illustrator then it was turned to vector graphics and then in photoshop colous were added.


re: Graphics - Iran the cat this one is for your kids

by Afshin_Afshar on

Well done :-)  



ramintork - hamshahri

by capt_ayhab on

very talented sir, I always enjoy your work.




Looks good.  When

by Anonymouse on

Looks good.  When you say charcoal and photoshop what do you mean?  Did you draw this with real charcoal and then took a photo of it?  Or by charcoal do you mean Crayon? 

Everything is sacred.