TAG cloud TAG cloud
by ramintork
A Tag cloud like a Zen Koan gives you a different insight to text. The following image is the Tag cloud of front page. Tag clouds enlarge words that have been repeated and bring them into the centre. I would very much like to see a Tag cloud for major works of literature such as Shahname and religious books such as the Bible ( old and new testament seperated), Quran, Zoroastrian Gathas etc. You can have fun with this tool if you visit //  

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By the way JJ

by ramintork on

Given that it gives the image of current front page ( in the RSS feed), it is a good tool for providing the first impression at the time. So another words if it was run on regular basis within a glance you could get an overview of dominant topics on main contents.



I agree JJ

by ramintork on

It is generated by the contents at the time on the front page so it is rather random. However as a tool it has potential for Art work which is why it caught my interest.

I think it would work well on the major books. I'm guessing if it was ran on religious books words like Merciful, compassion, know etc. would come up as dominant. 

Jahanshah Javid

interesting but...

by Jahanshah Javid on

... not representative of as a whole. It's so far off the mark that it's actually misleading for anyone who would want to capture the general themes discussed. That's just my impression and I might be totally wrong.


I have generated a tag cloud for Forugh farrokhzad's peom

by ramintork on