Iranians outside Iran have a very important role to play

by ramintork

I fear the worst now that the protests have become more violent. My prediction is that conventional riot control police and Basijis would be replaced by military forces and violence would escalate to the point that the casualties would be hundreds. I suspect that part of this force would break away and stand by the people but that streets of Tehran would become like Lebanon with rattle of machine guns being heard everywhere.

Desperate regimes do very desperate things and this kind of violence could turn to War and genocide. This is because in the absence of a leadership cycles of violence can only escalate and with a brutal regime that we have, given their desperate situation they could only bank on more brutality. They may even initiate war, or start the incarceration of the public in camps in order to turn the current status quo. The Rwandan genocide happened in only a few month, one would hope that Iran with its significant role would never be left ignored as Rwanda was but the idea of foreign troops on our soil is not a desirable option.

We must hope that there would be a general strike and this would be maintained to the point that would cripple the regime, the leadership would escape and their foot soldiers defect.

We outside Iran have a role to play. We must maintain a constant presence and as well as our own Iranian community we must involve those outside our community. Soon we may need a strong lobby to provide Humanitarian aid to people inside Iran.

At least in Europe there should be an organization to represent us in a strong lobby.


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Pedar Jaan

by ramintork on

Thank you for your kind words. 

Yes I have the same concerns, however I do not even think that it is possible to see any longer a proper leadership develop inside Iran so I am not asking "where". Given the absence of a leadership we must take the lead and do what we can, and I think we agree on this point. The way I see leadership eventually emerging is a cabinet in exile consisting of popular figures with genuine support inside Iran, or even a symbolic leadership that brings others together for instance if someone like Simin Behbahani stepping outside Iran became a symbolic leader she could gather a cluster of support from all factions just as was the case with the former CSSR. What is very unfortunate is that it takes a calamity to make our community do something.


Bijan A M


by Bijan A M on

I admire your passion and your desire for a free Iran. I just noticed your blog after reading your comment on my blog. While I respect your view points and agree with what you suggest in terms of leadership, I had hard time following your critical comment when you raise the same exact concern as mine with regard to leadership. This is what you say in your blog:

“….in the absence of a leadership, cycles of violence can only escalate and…..”

And that’s one of my main concerns when I say “where is my leader?”.

I believe we are on the same page and I do agree with every point you make with regard to elevating our cause to the attention of the world.

Keep it up.


Please organize your own events in your local area

by ramintork on

The idea of the facebook group flashmob for Iranian freedom is that you take initiative and book your own organized event for Iran.

Please join this group if you wish to inform others of an events such as Rally or March for Iran, flashmob events etc.

We have a flashmob event for 31st Jan in London, if you want to join this, join the group and confirm attendance with an OK to the RSVP so that we could know how many people would be attending. Thanks.


Breaking an often repeated taboo

by ramintork on

I know that people living in Iran have a big stake but you should not forget that many of us living outside Iran did not leave by choice, our country was hijacked and we want to do our part for her future.

I did not give up my Iranian citizenship and I have every right in being involved in having my say about what kind of future I want for Iran.

For the last thirty years, I have stayed active with Iranian issues as I´m sure many people have so I think it is misleading to think that those living outside Iran do not have a say in the future of our country.

With all respect to those who have spoken to Western powers on our behalf, I may agree with many of their views and disagree with others so without me excercisng my right and taking a stand how would I know what future is being decided for me as an Iranian?



Response to "And then what?"

by ramintork on

"encourage our politicians in ..."

You are right, but there is no reason why the two can not take place.

Organized marches, flashmobbing, signature collection for petitions would take the campaign to the heart of people and win them over. When you have a large movement of thousands, politicians always follow.

I disagree with you thinking that people are well informed, even if that was true being well informed is not enough, they need to become well involved just as in the anti-apartheid campaign but not in the decision making process.


Response to panicking

by ramintork on

 Dear friends,

I am not panicking, my day job working for Investment Banks involves planning for disasters, I also do a lot of info crunching and pattern recognition so applying the same principles to the current affairs I find that we need to plan for the worst but hope for the best.

Banks spend Billions on a scenario of an aircraft falling on their trading floor, how much more precious than a Bank is our nation facing war, genocide and civil war. In the absence of a leadership you the Iranians living outside Iran and free to use your democratic rights must take the initiative. 

I am also using my experience as a political activist not just for Iranian issues but the anti-apartheid campaign.

We must take all the actions necessary and form a strong political lobby for many reasons:

Provide a voice for the Iranian people,

Prepare for providing Humanitarian aid ( I must remind you that with the Bam disaster for instance we raised one of the lowest amounts of aid compared to a major disaster of that scale) so by not reaching out outside the bubble of our Iranian community we sometimes fail our people.

Look for leadership


VPK: That is the logical

by vildemose on

VPK: That is the logical conclusion. However, most dictators don't act rationally when faced with their end. I don't think Khamenie has been acting rationally and his best interest for a while now. I agree though, it's too late for reformist to spontaneously take over as if nothing had happened.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: From a comment section of

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If Khamenei wanted a reformist government he would not have rigged the votes in the first place. Maybe now he is scared and figures to do it. I think things may be too far to kiss and make up. The regime has done too many terrible things. No one respects VF. 

The whole basis of the government was undermined by its own action. If it goes all out and mass murders people it will undermine itself even more. That is why Khamenei's jet is fuled and ready on the runway. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Baba Taher Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I see the clashes in Iran as more than just between two Islamic factions. The opposition is a mix of everyone who is unhappy with the current government. It is not monolithic. I believe it has significant secular components. I think their leaders would form a basis for a new government,.


From a comment section of

by vildemose on

From a comment section of another site. I think it sums up our predicment pretty succinstly.


"" It has always struck me how Iranians are highly articulate and intelligent, but their ability to put this into meaningful collective action is stunted by fear, suspicion and censorship. Having had some involvement with Iranian human rights and opposition groups, I’ve observed how quickly this weakness leads to mutual recriminations between people who have far fewer differences between each other than they have with the regime they are supposed to be fighting. In the end, this breeds factionalism and inevitable accusations that one or the other is in the pockets of VEVAK/Mossad/CIA/MI5/Shah/Satan, something that the regime exploits to the fullest.

It has made me rather pessimistic about the chances of street protests emerging into something more coherent that can both topple a very well-armed and fanatical regime and develop a credible alternative. The danger is that this will all fizzle out like the 1999 student protests, crushed under the weight of brutish state violence.

Desires for nebulous concepts of justice and freedom are not enough; every revolution needs a vanguard and Mousavi others are falling well short of providing leadership in the same way as Khomeini did when he took the opportunity to take control of what was a broad-based movement.

I feel the best anyone can hope for is a ‘reformist’ (my personal preference is Karroubi) government that can tip the balance of the political system away from the Supreme Leader and towards the Majlis and prise open a role for civil society. But even this will require a massive effort. At times the regime looks like a house of cards that can quickly topple due to its inherent contradictions, but it has persisted and endured major challenges.


 Maybe the threat of revolution can prompt gradualist moves towards democracy. Tensions will continue, but the regime may be forced into making a few concessions to allay the concerns of its more powerful critics – at the expense of those brave young people who spilled their blood under the green banner.

Baba Taher-e Oryan

Of Course VPK

by Baba Taher-e Oryan on

Of course the only legitimate government would be that elected democratically by the Iranians.

What can be seen today, or it appears to be, is a violent clash between two islamic groups. One group is the old guard the veterans of the Islamic revolution known as reformists and the other is the current bunch known as the conservatives. Unfortunately a lot of innocent people having only desire for a free Iran have been dragged into this family dispute.

Neither of the two Islamic groups will allow a free election in the future because they only see themselves as the legitimate heirs to the revolution

We have a lot of decent people outside Iran both old and young that can set up a provisional government to prepare for a free election when enough time is given for all various parties to disclose their policies

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: And then what?

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


A government would best be formed by Iranians in Iran. Specially those who are risking their lives in streets. It is very presumptuous for exiles to form a government and claim it speaks for Iran. The only legitimate government would be democratically elected by Iranian people. Otherwise it will have no legitimacy.

Baba Taher-e Oryan

And then what?

by Baba Taher-e Oryan on

I share your concerns on escalation of violance and the move towards a more radical Islamic Military System but I am sorry to disagree, at this particular time,  with encouraging Human Rights lobbying, flashmobing etc as the people in the West are already well informed about Iran and there are a large number of organizations already engaged in promoting Human Rights in Iran

What we need is to encourage our politicians in exile to form a Parliment or Government in Exile. Then we know where we are standing and what the final goal is


Ayatollah Khamenei's Jet

by vildemose on


Any ideas about Rallies in the Bay Area?

by Monda on

I totally agree with Ramin.  

I have emailed anyone I knew here who would possibly help with voicing our fear and frustration with the events in Iran.  No Replies yet and I'm feeling very Frustrated!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Ramin Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I think you are a good man with good intentions. However I agree with  CF.  I do not see Iranian soldiers shooting their own specially with the writing on the wall. Why should they protect Khamenei when their job is to protect the people.



by cyclicforward on

I think you are panicking a little bit here. I doubt we will have a civil war. No sane soldier will jeopardize his future and country so a bunch IRI whores have a nice life. You will see more defection from Iranian forces and they will join the masses. We will take all these people in our arms and they will have a future in the new Iranian republic.
I agree the strike by Iranians and closing down the IRI machinery would be the last nail in their filthy graves. I hope that issue gets pushed and we close this chapter of shame in the history of Iran.


War and Genocide

by ramintork on

In my earlier blogs for the last five weeks I have mentioned the War and genocide scenario.

If you want to take action I have setup two facebook groups. It is a humble begining but I am hoping that with a constant presence and involving non Iranians as well as looking for law change Iranians outside Iran could become a strong lobby for Human rights.



There are two ways to do this:

1. Use free fun ways to make non Iranians participate e.g. flashmob events, mini marathons, march for peace, concerts etc.

2. Take legal action where possible to show lobby muscle. This is where our petition comes in and why I am trying to collect one million signatures.