Safest place in the city

by ramintork

Canadian photojournalist Rita Leistner travelled to Baghdad in 2003 as a freelance reporter determined to get behind the front lines of the war in Iraq. Over the next 18 months she returned to the country several times capturing images of life with the troops - as well as behind the scenes in a psychiatric hospital.

Reading this BBC report I was specially impressed by one old woman patient in that psychiatric hospital who had managed to keep her spirit high, did her daily fitness program and had a smile on her face. I guess she was either the craziest or smartest person in the city at the time.

See the report for yourself:-




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Happy Nawrouz Mona

by ramintork on

I'm glad you enjoyed the poem.

Happy Nawrouz

Mona 19

Thank You...

by Mona 19 on

To Life,Health, Happiness,Prosperity, Joy, Patience,Peace and Beauty in the New Year for all Iranian and the rest of the world...

Happy Nawrouz :)

P.S. Thank you for posting the beautiful poem(A hymn to God) in my blog," Wisdom of the Ages". I do appreciate it.




Happy Norouz to you too Ali Agha

by ramintork on

Thanks for the Arash Clip and Happy Norouz.


Ali P.

She's smiling, and I am UPSET

by Ali P. on

...and my whole day is ruined because the local chelo-kabaabee ran out of their special (ghormeh sabzi), before I got there.


Thanks for the wake up call!


Aaree aaree, zendegee zeebaast

zendegee aatashgahee deerandeh paa barjaast

gar byafroozeesh

raghseh sho'leash dar har karaan paydaast

varnah khaamoosh o , khaamooshee gonaaheh maast...!


(From Arash the Archer, by Siavash Kasraie //

Happy Norouz !

Ali P.