Violence of Israeli Settlers Exposed

by sadegh

Youtube: The Listening Post's Meenakshi Ravi reports on Shooting Back. It is a project organised by Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem which gives cameras to Palestinians in the West Bank and enables them to document their daily experiences and hardships encountered whilst living under occupation.


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more from sadegh

I never actually used the

by sadegh on

I never actually used the word 'vatanforoush'...

but yes, I replied in kind to comments such as this:

sadegh: Do you advocate the use of totalitarianism to further Communist/socialist goals?

Calling a spade a spade is not objectionable...I put up a post regarding Israeli settlers and then someone asks me a question such as this!!!! This is EITHER 'stupidity' or it is baiting...intentionally trying to provoke in order to get a vitriolic response...People such as this wear the civility and tolerance of others down - they almost get a sadistic thrill by debasing the debate to a level at which they can cope intellectually i.e. insults...I completely regret answering such people I must was not only a supreme waste of my time; I should know better than to such people who don't care about anything but the confirmation of their own preconceptions...

I am so happy to see you are defending Fred's right to insult everyone who disagrees with shows very well your hostility to the tenets of civility and discussion...I WAS NEVER POLICING THE CONTENT OF FRED'S POSTS, THE FACT IS THAT HE CONTRIBUTES NOTHING TO THIS SITE - PLEASE JUST GO TO HIS PAGE - IT IS EMPTY...I WAS POINTING OUT HIS BARRAGE OF SLANDER AND INSULTS - there is no content or argument here - THERE ARE ONLY UNFOUNDED, UNARGUED ACCUSATIONS AND SLANDER...Ergo there can be no policing of content in this instance - you're comparing apples and oranges - you are TRYING TO CONTROL WHAT I WRITE ABOUT AND THE CONTENT OF MY POSTS...I'm sorry, but if you are defending his posts then it really shows this thread can go no further - there is nothing left to say - let's just go our separate ways...

Thanks for showing your true colors by defending one of the rudest, hostile, fanatical and irrational voices on done... 

Finally I have written posts in defense of the Baha'is on this very site...

Here: //

On my own site, I've posted critiques of the theocracy and the torture and mass killings which took place during the 1980s...I have also spoken about the unlawful imprisonment of dissidents...only the other day I posted a story on the three students from Amir Kabir who were imprisoned for criticizing the regime...those who accused me of not critizing the IRI are ignorant and don't know what they are talking about...their self-righteousness is laughable seeing that they write ABSOLUTELY NOTHING themselves... 

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh




by Sarnakh (not verified) on

Here's what "MargBarIRI" said:
"Regardless, Sadegh, you are using this site to change the subject and all you[r] lefty loony friends have joined you in this project (Mammd, Q,.....)."

Note that he didn't call YOU a "lefty loony." He says, your lefty loony friends have joined you.

It is incredible that while, as an aspiring journalist, you are so particular about the semantics of the language, somehow you misread this very important sentence and thought he called you a "lefty loony."

And here's how you have distorted "MargbarIRI's" sentence:

"To the rude individual, Sarnakh, that called me a are first a set of insults...'lefty loony'...please let me know if you think that['s] civil..."

You are asking the wrong person. As a "rude" person I'm in no position to respond to questions on "civility."



by MargBarIRI on

I am sorry I can not honor your request. If I do that, than I would also be asked to remove the I infront of the R because it stands for "Islamic".

Also, I don't think you have represented true Iranian values on this site with some of your comments here. Have I, or anyone else, asked you to change your name from XerXes to Hossein which would be a more appropriate name for you because of your political beliefs?

Lets not go there XerXes.





by MargBarIRI on

Nice to see you are back in form. I wrote about 5 to 6 times on this blog and asked specific questions in a very civil manner. You just do not like the questions so you were insulted? You yourself have engaged in insults much worse than being called a "left loony" on this thread alone. And by the way I meant to say "your lefty Loony friends" not "you lefty Loony friends" So I did not insult you. I insulted your friends. 

Here are a list of your insults at people just recently:

1) Vatanforoosh

2) Dogs

3) Morons

4) Uneducated Thugs 

5) Maniacs

6) Bisavad

7) Brain Dead

8)  these uncultured anti-intellectualistic philistines

9) Vatanforoosh

You said below that you did not "police" people on this site and complained that people were policing you. Oh really? What is this policing of Fred's statements? What do you call this?  Fred has engaged in more of a civil discource than you. He has exposed the failed logic of leftist so he has insulted you?

An you call yourself and "Intellectual"? You are "Cultured"? So I guess it is Intellectual to constantly complain about Zionist crimes, Its Intellectual to constantly complain about Amrican Crimes, but not intellectual or cultured to write counter opinions and to expose the hypocricy of these opinions on your blogs. Thanks for the education you "intellectual" and "cultured" person!

You would have more

credibility if we actually saw your criticisim of the IRI. You have zero  credibility.




by samsam1111 on

All these petty wars on this thread proves what Ferdowsi said centuries ago...The seeds of Ghadesiyeh has turned & divided us into zombie worriers fighting for the cause of foreigners be it Arab,British,Russian ism this or ism that..What a sad state!! the only thing missing is the missing child "Iran"...


The Face of "Civility" on

by sadegh on

Here are some classic examples of Fred's unprovoked and hateful rants, defaming all those who happen to disagree with him (though he never reveals what his own position clearly is, because he has never submitted either an article or blog entry in which he expounds his own views) as "anti-Semites" and "Islamists", whether they're atheists, liberals, libertarians, Marxists, royalists, republicans or conservatives. It's all the same to him. Dare to disagree with Fred and you're a "Jew hating Islamist"...Firstly, be sure to note the paucity of ARGUMENTS and that NEXT TO NO FACTS ARE CITED. Second, note that his attacks are unprovoked. Third, that the twin epithets of 'Islamist' or 'anti-Semite' (or variants thereof) are invariably thrown at any opponent who stands in his 'righteous' path. I am not saying that Fred is not entitled to conduct himself in this manner, he most certainly is, but it should be exposed for the libelous, factually baseless slandering it is...

Fred: "Engaging the Lefty-Anti-Semites, the strategic allies of the Islamists, in even a halfhearted discussion only legitimizes their warped worldview. Just like one does not give heroin to an addict, this mind set needs to be challenged on each and every one of their ad nauseam allegations. The burden of proof is on them not the other way around."


Fred: "Jew hating Islamists get over excited over a likeminded bigoted caller’s comment and in their hallucination hear that which justifies their aberrant and abhorrent world view."


Fred: "Even the Berkley based Khatamites, the Lefty-Islamist Anti-Semites and regime’s conjoined twins lobbies don’t leap from the conjecture of the “polarized government” to a “democratic” Islamist Republic."


Fred: "Does the murderous Islamist Republic qualify for your definition of “Middle East tyrants” or exposing criminal and hypocrisy has ideological barriers."


Fred: "The Edward Said wannabes of this world should heed their own pedestrian sermons on streamlining and for Stalin’s sake stop dragging the frail grannies into everything."


Fred: "Since the Islamist capo is apparently over educated on the terminologies of Judaism, the question is still pending his educated response. Is the alleged spy just a “Jew” or for his alleged spying for Islamist Republic he is let off the “Zionist” label by the Islamists? And a new question for the erudite Islamist professor would be to expand on his “Moslem Zionist” revelation."


Fred: "Since NIAC and its head have jointly commenced a defamation lawsuit against an Iranian opposition figure who claims they are Islamist Republic lobbyist, the recent surge of publicities proclaiming their goodness remains to be proven in a court of law post trial that they have initiated."


Fred: "A word of caution, belated as is, should have been included in this nice short write up to the useful idiot lefties too . Should the dreaded despicable military option become a reality they along with the "reformist" Islamists are as culpable as the loony right. For the ill timed and placed anti-imperialism of the lefties’ and their "reformist" Islamist ally in the form of incessant whitewashing of the Islamists’ crimes under the cover of anti-war has further emboldened and extended the longevity of the murderous Islamist Republic."


Fred: "Reasoning with the foaming at the mouth Islamists is akin to expecting lifelong moral harlots to be virtuous. whenever their concocted worldview is challenged by indisputable hard facts, not only they don’t get it, their ever present hostility peaks."


Fred: "True to form, this is yet another exercise by an enamored in patch quilying together contradictory statments in support of the Islamist Republic"


Fred: "Only if a conversion from an Anti-Semitic, Islamist Iranian, lefty Edward Said wannabe to a secular liberal like Mossadegh was as simple as displaying an appropriate avatar then Soroush, Dabashi and alike could go through the metamorphosis too."


Fred: "Under the pretext of being “peace activists" the conjoined twins Islamist lobbies, the useful lefty idiots and the regular vanilla flavored Islamist Anti-Semites keep whitewashing the Islamist regime’s crimes. The problem is their emperor wears no clothes and the object of their “peace activity” is a well documented bar none wholesale human rights violator at home and an aggressor abroad."


Fred: "The Lefty/anti-Semites the strategic allies of the Islamists and the Islamist regime apologist’s dogged whitewashing of the Islamist regime’s crimes is the grease for the war machine. If such war breaks out they are the facilitators of such monumental tragedy."


This is only a short masterclass in how to brand your opponents 'anti-Semites' and 'fanatical Islamists' without providing any counterarguments or facts to support your own position. In fact, Fred admits himself that he has no need to do so.

Fred: "The Islamists' pro bono defender of this cyber world should know; when one faces malarkey one does the befitting thing. Not all hogwash even the one with extensive citations deserve a counter argument. That is the game Islamist Republic and its offspring play, like their president denies the Holocaust and demands counter argument. BTW constant repackaging dated off-the-shelf lefty stock sentences along with citation also deserve the same treatment."


Fred has mastered the art of propaganda and slander, and it's important to familiarize ourselves with it, so that we can identify such scandalous duplicity when it confronts us in our day to day lives, whether under the 'mind-forged manacles' as William Blake might say of the IRI or the neoconservative delusions of grandeur which pervade the Bush administration's line on the Iraq War and Iran's nuclear program.

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



Kurdish Warrior, you want

by sadegh on

Kurdish Warrior, you want articles on Islam Jihad and Hamas, write them never contribute anything to this site, when not start from today???

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh




by XerXes (not verified) on

Please remove the last I from IRI, Never put Marg bar and the word of our Iran in the same line. Please. Make it MargeBarIR. Thanks


Uncivilized Individuals Who Claim Ancient Persia (What a Joke!)

by sadegh on

MAR BAR IRI: Regardless, Sadegh, you are using this site to change the subject and all you lefty loony friends have joined you in this project (Mammd, Q,.....).

The subjects on this site should be the constant mistreatment of Iranians by the IRI


It was clear from the very beginning to individuals such as IranDokht that I was being bullied by uneducated thugs who wish to silence me...Just look at her second post on this site...

But whatever, I've got used to such peoples' abuse over the last six months and will just have to get some thicker skin and not degrade myself by replying to you baiting...


Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



Kaveh you also forget to

by sadegh on

Kaveh you also forget to mention that I have also written about Zimbabwe, Tibet and China, Venezuela, Barak Obama, Iraq, Afghanistan and numerous other subjects...STOP DISTORTING MY WRITINGS! I FIND THIS PARTICULARLY INTERESTING COMING FROM PEOPLE THAT WRITE VIRTUALLY NOTHING THEMSELVES...THEY WRITE NOTHING BUT CRITICIZE EVERYTHING!!!

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



Kaveh, and really don't

by sadegh on

Kaveh, and really don't know how anyone can misunderstand my page on Fred.


Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



You’ve made your bed

by Fred on

Believe it or not I am one of those who when it comes to the Islamist republic see the glass half full . No, I too wish this murderous Islamist nightmare had never happened, but since it has, I am grateful for the positive byproducts of it. One of the positive aspects is the willingness of more and more Iranians to stick their necks out and speak up wherever and whenever they see and sense intolerance, hypocrisy and bigotry. Although, historically speaking by in large Iranians have been a tolerant live and let live society, they have never been so outspoken in defense of their compatriots with differing religion, gender or chosen lifestyle. Thanks to the Islamist republic the sense of camaraderie and civil responsibility has been inculcated and the need to get off the fence amplified. So it is a straight case of diminishing return for the Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies who should not be surprised at being called on and challenged at every corner. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.


Zio-Nazies in full force

by ؟suomynonA (not verified) on

I don't think any decent human being would nor could support the injustices of the Zio-Nazies in Israel.

The only ones closest to Adolf Hitler are the Zio-Nazies of today. Before it used to be the South African whites and Zio-Nazies. But with South Africa liberated, we now only got one more arrogant and oppressor bunch to go.

The liberation movement will come from within Israel itself and no Arab or Moslem countries will be involved.

If you remember, the U.S. also supported the South African government until it became clear that they are going down the drain. It was then that the U.S. did a 180 degree turn and supported the freedom liberation movement there.

The unfortunate part is that there are so many innocent people in harms way until the actual liberation comes.

This being the case, the desperate Zio-Nazies have even changed the rules of who can be Jewish. So to increase the number of their supporters, they now allow non-Jews to become Jewish! Of course, the non-Jews should be supportive of the Zio-Nazi ideas and be able to support their cause.

This way, if the original good Jewish people don't support the Zio-Nazies, no problem! They create more 'Jews' out of the blue complete with active Zio-Nazi ideology!


To the defenders of Palestine

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

It is good that the author, Mr Sadegh, talks about the Palestinians who suffered and that some have been treated unfairly which I have seen in many of his articles/blogs. However I wonder if he, who supports Palestinians so much will ever write about Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their supporters, on how they treat their own people in GAZA (beatings, killings and their Sharia law)...I really WONDER and can't wait to see an article about that.. After all Mr Sadegh and Q seems to be an expert on these issue......


Dear Q

by MargBarIRI on

This is not an inquisition. Please don't tell me I am off topic or that I am distracting. You will not be my Judge. There are many others here who have made the same point I have made. You are entitled to your opinion. Others may (as I do)  disagree.

You have no right in telling people how to express themselves. This is how I express myself. I have not cursed anyone and have been much more respectful than you when you engage Jamshid, Zion, Fred and Farhad Kashani.  You don't like it? Please do not respond to my comments.

I just read your comments to FK here:  // - Another great Blog by Sadegh.

Many of your discussions were off topic. So what?  You have your obsession, I have mine. Good luck. 




by Q on

Please don't start with the inquisition. Your questions are off topic and distracting.

For your information I have been critical of the antisemetic speech that I read on this site. But more important than that, I don't have to prove this to you or anybody else. I don't know why you think you are entitled to prosecute other people you attack. I have not written a single word against Satanism, does that make me a Satanist? Get real.

Don't be projecting the worst into people and then expect them to dignify your words with a defense.

What does any of this have to do with the topic at hand? That's the main question here. Trying to "prove" who is "better" is an obsession I get a lot from people who are defending Israel. But why is this relevant to this discussion? These are what I call distractions.

As you read correctly, I spent a significant portion of my previous post talking about the topic: Settlers and Settler violence. How is this a distraction? But now, having to answer yours has become a clear distraction because of something you are obsessed with.

Take it or leave it. I wont' reply to you again, unless it's on this topic. Anything else would be a distraction. You are of course welcome to start your own blog about this which I may come and comment in.


Not Iran's problem

by Erooni (not verified) on

Problem between Palestinian and Israel is not Iranian problem.The only reason Iran is supporting Palestinians is because Iran wants to have a partner in case Israel thinks about striking Iran.If Iran think that Arabs like them they are wrong.Arab countries do not like Iranians because we are not Arabs and we are more intelligent that they are and because we are Shia.The state of Israel was created and is supported by the west.For those people like Mahmoud who think that Israel is going to disappear during their life time they are wrong.Israel is here because of the west support and as long as the west is here Israel is here too,unless the whole western countries collapses or they are stop their support of Israel,which is almost impossible.


The Ultimate Distractors

by MargBarIRI on

If any one got uncivil it was Sadegh. Please give us a break Q.  For the 3rd time, I called Sadegh a smart person. This is being uncivil? I also posed many questions to him in a very civil manner. He decided that it was "inhumane" to compare IRI crimes to Israeli crimes. 

Actually, what you are doing is a distraction. Now you are giving advice to our Kalimi (jewish) Hamvatans? How do you assume/conclude they are Jews?  Which one Q? Which ones? Show me the Jews so we can shut them up right away. How dare they speak up?

Am I a Jew for being sick of this Palestinian distraction to?

Q, have you ever asked the Moslems to stop their attacks? Have you once asked Jaleho? Go read some of her crap. Why are you asking the Jews (if there are any here - I don't know)? Why does asking about IRI crimes on this blog suddenly become a Jewish thing? Bringing "Jews" into this is the ultimate distraction.     

"How many thousands of horrible incidents were ignored by the world just because there was no video camera?"

Great. Lets put some cameras in Tehran, in Evin prison, in the Bazars, in the Kalantarys, in the Local komiteh offices and different parts of Iran. Can you do this Q? These Jews, who you are asking to stop, can put cameras in Palestinian hands to record the Zionist crimes. Can Muslims in Iran put cameras in muslim hands to record Muslim crimes? 



Mola Nasredeen

Brother MargBar, you are %100 right, we need to send the

by Mola Nasredeen on

Israeli settlers to Iran! They will teach these mullahs a lesson they wont forget. Then we will give the mullahs cameras to take the pictures of jewish settlers beating them. They are simply fighting the bad guys.

Lets send the first wave of our jewish settler brothers and sisters to the city of Ghom. Then we send them to Khosestan to make some settlements in the oil fields. They could use the extra income. We hate these mullahs that's why we, my camel and I, converted to judism.



A lot of personal attacks against Sadegh,

by Q on

completely unwarranted. I hope these people, including our Persian Kalimi friends who are making these nasty attacks can realize what kind of impression this gives to the rest of the Iranian community. You are not changing anybody's mind because you do not engage in any substantive debate. But what example are you setting for young people who are watching your conduct when you attack the messenger?

Some of these attackers have no shame and no basic decensy. They just don't want to hear anything negative about Israel, that's the extent of it, anything to distract from the horrors of the video and the excellent commentary on it.

How many thousands of horrible incidents were ignored by the world just because there was no video camera? The number and intensity of these videos, the troubling footage of children being taught to hate, indicate routine behavior and violations, not just "once in a while" incidents.

Religious extremists are a serious problem and a centeral barrier to peace, yes, even if they are Israeli. How much attention does the western media pay to this kind of violence compared to the other kind?

All the trash talk in the world won't change this simple fact.

marg bar: You are not the judge of who can or can't handle competition. I see none of the sort here. Competition requires respect and civility and staying on topic. What you are doing is called distraction. It doesn't matter how many fake names you use, it will be made all the more obvious that you are avoiding the topic at hand.


Dear Sarnakh

by MargBarIRI on

Thank you for exposing the hypocrisy. It is Sad. Very Sad.

Mola Nasredeen

sister zion can you tell me which one of your fingers is

by Mola Nasredeen on

stretched? You're getting very naughty!


Competition of Ideas Sadegh

by MargBarIRI (not verified) on

Bebakhsid, but it looks like you do not like the competition of ideas and arguments. Again, bebakshid, but to say that the comparison of IRI crimes to Israeli crimes is .."an immature and inhumane argument i am simply tired of hearing..." is frankly a cheap way out of your own weak arguments that you do not want to defend. I think its very inhumane that Iranians with such an old Tamadon kill each other over religion and god. So you want sympathy from your supporters by declaring that we have won or that there will be no more post from you for a while. This is the cheapest possible way out. There are no winners as long as the IRI is in power and the IRI will remain in power as long as there are diversions such as the Palestinians. And why is being "anonymous" is associated with being cowards"? You yourself are anonymous, IranDokht is anonymous, Mammad and 99.9% of your other commrads are anonymouse....This is a very cheap way out. Again, Bebakhshid.



by Sarnakh (not verified) on


If you didn't mean "MargbarIRI" who did you mean? Who insulted you before you spouted insults like "dogs" and "maniacs?"

I couldn't find any insults. Could you point that person out on this very thread? You got some reactions when you insulted the poster(s)first.

Have you gone mad? You sound more and more like your paranoid mentor, Haj Seyd Mammad.

Keyvan Talebi

If they are guilty of playing the same broken record

by Keyvan Talebi on

So are you. You have done the same. Go look at your own blogs. I am not intent on dictating what others write. No one stoped you from writing anything. You expect everyone to circulate some ghand, gaz, shirini and faloodeh everytime you write? People will be critical. You are writing about politics.

Politics is the ugliest game in town. You have policed other individual's writings so don't complai about it. A great example is your great collection of Fred's writings:


So its OK for you and your leftist freinds to call people vatan foroosh, zionists, Imperialist, "used american condom" "jew this"  "jew that" (go see some of Jaleho's writings), but for you to be immune from such attacks.  This blog has been actually very mild and civilized. What the hell are you complaining about? Iranians first, Palestinians later. Nothing inhumane about it. 




by hello (not verified) on

Sadegh jan: I think most people are frustrated by people like you and Q because of your lousy timing. It is like your house is on fire and instead of putting off the fire or calling the fire department, you decide to put the fire out in your neighbors house first . It doesn't make sense. You don't feel how dire and urgent the situation is in your country.


To: MargbarIRI

by anonymous-tomorrow (not verified) on

I still believe that you are using this site to change the subject

You hit the nail on the head. Some people are just too transparent and they don't even know it; It is their signature style; hallmark of most of the Islamic Revolutionary apologist.


Competition of Ideas Sadegh

by MargBarIRI (not verified) on

Bebakhsid, but it looks like you do not like the competition of ideas and arguments. Again, bebakshid, but to say that the comparison of IRI crimes to Israeli crimes is .."an immature and inhumane argument i am simply tired of hearing..." is frankly a cheap way out of your own weak arguments that you do not want to defend. I think its very inhumane that Iranians with such an old Tamadon kill each other over religion and god.

So you want sympathy from your supporters by declaring that we have won or that there will be no more post from you for a while. This is the cheapest possible way out. There are no winners as long as the IRI is in power and the IRI will remain in power as long as there are diversions such as the Palestinians.

And why is being "anonymous" is associated with being cowards"? You yourself are anonymous, IranDokht is anonymous, Mammad and 99.9% of your other commrads are anonymouse....This is a very cheap way out. Again, Bebakhshid.


A project organised by ISRAELI human rights organisation

by Zion on

That says it all.

The settlers are a pain in the back of everyone. How does the other side react to theose heros who are in a habit of blowing people up,lynching their captives, crushing little baby heads... .

Not satisfied with the answer, here is the only other answer for those who shed crocodile tears and take advantage of such marginal nonsense to promote their usual hatred and antisemtism: Picture a stretched finger. :-)


Sadegh: You definitely are

by questions (not verified) on

Sadegh: You definitely are not as critical of IRI as you are of Israel, US, zionists, etc.

Since you were born after the revolution and were indoctrinated in the Islamic Republic, you can't possibly know what being Iranian means.

That is how you and your ilk are able to depersonalize the gradual death of our nation and our Iranian spirit right before our eyes.

I don't blame for this; I blame the anti-Iranian IRI. Simply, tragic; a whole generation of young people whose first priority is not their own nation but other bogus causes, nations, ideologies...!!