Happy Ramadan

by Sadra

If you observe Ramadan, or if you are nostalgic about Ramadan in Iran, you may like these. First, take a look at photographs of a zoolbia o bamieh workshop in Tehran. Yummy!

And here's a clip of the Ramadan prayer, rabbana, by Ostaad Mohammad Reza Shajarian. Happy Ramadan!


more from Sadra

Thank you!

by Sadra on

Thank you dear friends for your kind comments.


I have forwarded this to friends

by Shepesh on

Thank you for this blog.

Shifteh Ansari

پخش ربنای استاد شجریان از صداوسیما ممنوع شد

Shifteh Ansari

آفتاب: سازمان صداوسیما پخش دعای ربنا با صدای محمدرضا شجریان را به‌طور کامل در تمام شبکه‌ها ممنوع کرد.
به گزارش البرز، این تصمیم از چند روز قبل به اطلاع برنامه‌سازان ویژه برنامه‌های افطار کلیه شبکه‌های رادیو‌و تلویزیون رسیده و مورد تاکید قرار گرفته است.
این سازمان حتی از پخش آگهی‌های بازرگانی که معمولا در ماه رمضان با نوای اذان یا دعا همراه است در صورتی که صدای ربنا زیر صدای آگهی قرار گرفته باشد ممانعت می‌کند.
محمدرضا شجریان، در حوادث و ناآرامی‌های بعد از انتخابات به مواضع و اظهارات محمود احمدی‌نژاد انتقاد کرد.
او همچنین از صداوسیما خواست هیچ‌یک‌از آثارش را پخش نکند.
استاد آواز ایران تنها اجازه پخش دعای ربنا در ماه مبارک رمضان را به رسانه ملی داد که این سازمان هم با احتیاط و تنها در یک یا دو برنامه تلویزیونی از این یادگار دلنشین استفاده کرد.


Amir Kabir

by Boomerang on

Yes, the Jews have it too, that's because Islam is a CARBON COPY of Judaism. That's because it was written by 3 Jews and one of us, Salman Farsi, the first and most wretched traitor to the Iranian culture. Just consider: Kosher/Halal, Salam/Shalom, circumsicion, prohibition against pork, jazieh (10% Islamic tax), fasting, etc., etc., etc. 

It's pathetic!

You people actually celebrate a Jewish sect but a great many of you hate the Jews! It be laughable if it wasn't so sad! A bunch of clever Jews got together around the time of Muhammad, who was married to a rich Jew by the way, and came up with Islam so as to stem the fantastically popular tide of Christianity, which was a new phenomenon in those days. And these very clever Christ-hating Jews called Islam "the last word of God." After all, the Jews are masters of make-believe, lest you forget that nearly all of Hollywood was built by clever Jews and is run by the Jews.

Story-telling, make-believe -- fiction -- is their forte!

This is fact. A fact of history. Now you all go fast and shut down your brains from fear that if you doubt the holy Allah for a second, he will turn you into a piece of stone!


 Iran is a prisoner of IRI



by Boomerang on

Q: "This is a huge part of our culture."

Yeah, if by culture you mean Arabic culture.


This is a huge part of this foreign, bedouin belief system, but it's NOT a huge part of the IRANIAN culture!

Now go "fast" your belly fat off, you un-Iranian, IRI supporting hezi!

 Iran is a prisoner of IRI



by amirkabear4u on

you said; "I am not surprised that even when once in a while in a small corner of cyberspace something positive is said about Iranian muslims, the neofascist mob, that requently claims it wants democracy and and has no problem with people's beliefs, reminds us all clearly that they indeed have a problem with the actual religion and its followers and the rest are just excuses."


While at it you may like to explain to MRX1 that jews have it too!!!!!!!! haha




by AntiMozakhraf on

Brings back sweet memories of Eftaree with the elders who fasted :)

Why is it that some try so hard to pretend to be what they are not and hate so much, who they are?

All the drama over nothing reminds me of a bimbo acquaintance I once had who acted like it was the end of the world if the poor guy at the car wash didn't clean her 'MERRSEDESS BENZ' just so.  As one of the guys used to say she needed to be thrown into the Kalahari desert bu** naked keh yeh khordeh ghadre aafiat dastesh biad.

Thanks for the post. I enjoyed it.



Thanks Sadra, its beautiful

by Q on

to all those observing the fasts, I hope it is accepted.

Midwesty and United Iran: This is a huge part of our culture, as anyone with a brain cannot deny, but hardly at all represented on this website.

I am not surprised that even when once in a while in a small corner of cyberspace something positive is said about Iranian muslims, the neofascist mob, that requently claims it wants democracy and and has no problem with people's beliefs, reminds us all clearly that they indeed have a problem with the actual religion and its followers and the rest are just excuses.

At least in the case of Some of them this is not news at all.

Azarin Sadegh

Sad Ramezan

by Azarin Sadegh on

The only happy Ramezan I ever knew was bald and lazy...he spoke Persian with a thick accent (maybe arabic)...He was a "sarbaaz sefr" and my aunt's "gomaashteh"..;-)

Otherwise, for that other Ramezan, I hated that month's forced sadness upon us! You couldn't eat or drink, you couldn't laugh in public, or put makeup on or even chew gum! You couldn't sing and dance and listen to music loud, ...Nothing was happy about that whole month...except its last day. when we knew the torture was finally over.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

انسان در این دنیا مسافری بیش نیست… و روزه بر مسافر واجب نیست



by Midwesty on

You know there are nations on the earth that call their 200 years of history, a proud history.

So if we have been doing a nonsense for 1000 years, we either like it or we are such a spineless creatures that we don't deserve an intellect such as yours attention.


Didn't miss

by MRX1 on

month of starvation, resturant closings, every one eating behind the scenes,a non Iranian entity that's been forced to us for 1000years now.


Happy Ramadan.....

by UnitedIran on

To all of our Muslim country men & women. Regardless of what we believe in........it is one the largest parts of the identity, of being IRANIAN.


Thanks Sadra

by Midwesty on

I wasn't nostalgic until I saw your blog.

Nice one!