Sarah Palin & Those who laugh last!

Sarah Palin & Those who laugh last!
by samsam1111

I had a good hunch that  Sarah the wise Mama will disappoint the nay sayers & lefto-centric elites of the  Liberal media, Obama mania & Doomsday leftist schizophrenia. Sarah the true warrior of feminism & common sense rocked as Yours truly expected.

Mr Obama the poster child & hollowed dreamer of liberal left is better off to come up with a newer version of his empty sermons "Rozeh-Khooni" or simply lose the show to that "lil hill billy girl" from Alaska whom He so lightly brushed aside as insignificant....  Goes to show You that ;

those who laugh last, laugh the best laugh!!

Welcome to America!


more from samsam1111
Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I can't imagine why you would think I would take offense to your question. It's one of the few legitimate questions asked around here!!

My beef with Carter is his action/inaction vis-a-vis Iran, of course and the residual effects that are still negatively impacting the world today.

Jimmy Carter went to Iran in 1978 and toasted the Shah on New Years Eve and called Iran an island of stability and all that mumbo-jumbo. I'm sure you have seen a video of this at one time or another. It made for great press.

It turns out that what he actually went there for was to essentially blackmail and bully the Shah into;

A) selling Iranian crude oil to the U.S. at a fixed price of $8 per barrel for a period of 50 years (until the year 2029 or 2030) regardless of the market price

B) awarding government contracts to Carter's friends and demanding a 10-15% premium as a "commission" for brokering the deal

You might recall the issue of human rights being raised as a concern by Carter in the earlier days of his adminsitration. This was being used as leverage to coerce the Shah into capitulation on the oil and contracts.

Mohammad Reza Shah of course said no. From then on, Carter essentially dropped the floor from underneath the Shah's feet, using the bogus "human rights abuses" as the cover story. He also began praising Khomeini as "man of God", in the hopes that he would be able to curry favor and get the concessions that he failed to get with the Shah. When White House advisers briefed Carter on the situation in Tehran with the protests and the riots and the very real possibility that the government would collapse, Carter was quoted as responding with "F**k the Shah!"

Carter failed to see the obvious fraud that Khomeini was. Khomeini, as uneducated and primitive as he was, still managed to outwit Carter and the U.S. government in general. The result was the creation of an environment where terrorists were now emboldened and empowered. This attitude is what has been feeding this monster that was created 30 years ago.

It bears noting, that while I was not of voting age in November 1976, when my school held "elections" as part of a civics lession, I voted for Jimmy Carter.

Hope this clarifies my position on the matter.  :)


Kaveh don't ask the question

by Mashti (not verified) on

If you don't want to hear the answer. Your comments prove you have not read the 9/11 report. If you had you'd know that based on the sworn testimonies of the military and other national security people, in that summer all the senior advisors were worried about what people might think -- people like you -- which you again rehashed.

Stop rehashing old news and stop the madness! Or maybe you can't stop. If that is the case and you just can't stop go ahead rehash and "fearmong" at will!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

If, God forbid, something were to happen here again, and it was discovered that parties in the Bush administration were aware of the plans as Clinton's people were aware of 9/11, I will be the first to say that it was planned on Bush's watch.

The single greatest mistake, blunder, or f-up of this Iraq mess was the total absence of an exit strategy. Once they went in, there was no clear plan on what to do after getting Saddam out. Had there been a plan, we might not be having this conversation. For, that, Bush and Rumsfeld are responsible.

Clinton ordered the Africa attacks as a diversion from Monica. The guy knew about the plans beforehand. He also had several opportunities to put a bullet through bin Laden's skull. They even had that animal in the crosshairs of the rifle scope and the shooter was ordered to stand down on orders of the Clinton White House. If the guy had taken out bin Laden and prevented the attacks from happening to begin with, he could have shagged a sheep on Pennsylvania Avennue during rush hour and no one would have cared.



American wife

by IRANdokht on

I had not even read that whole comment. wow

Thanks for asking that question! I want to know where this hate and animosity towards one of the greatest human rights defenders come from as well.



Breaking News - Girls Gone Wild

by GGW (not verified) on

Breaking News - Girls Gone Wild is talking about possible Palin nudy pictures that has surfaced. Stay tuned ......



yes credentials

by IRANdokht on

1- I support Hillary when it comes to domestic issues but I never supported her foreign policies. That's why I didn't vote for her.

2- IF, what IF, etc are hypothetical. Obama did not vote for the war and you can't change that no matter how many IFs and BUTs you throw in here.

3- Obama was not my first choice. I wanted Howard Dean to run again, but he didn't. I voted for Kucinich because I agree with 90% of what he says, and if I thought Nader had a real shot, I would have voted for Nader instead of Obama. Am I now clear enough as to what and whom I support and why?

When in reality, it's between Obama and McCain, nothing will scare me enough to vote for McCain, not even the tactics used by GOP.

Now I really don't see any reason to talk about this any further.




Wait until the end at least!

by eroonman on

Everyone can acknowledge that Palin successfully fooled the RNC into cheering her on and accepting that she is barely cool enough for this sad ticket. But she is merely preaching to a brainwashed crowd of retards. Just look at them. I think you mistook the retarded people cheering in the crowd for real people. Far from it. Actually I take that back, Republicans at the RNC make retards look bad. Retarded people are actually more intelligent and thoughtful and caring than Republicans at the RNC.

Republicans are damaged. And blind. They are damaged by their misconception (sorry for that pun) and confusion over what Republicanism and being conservative really means, combined with the misinterpretation of Christianity by the racist right. They are blind because they cannot see they are damaged.

Conservative means, you don't fix something that isn't broken. Or touch anything that does not concern you. Or spend too much money on an idea that isn't proven. You mind your OWN business. When you do something, especially national defense or when you are attacked by an enemy, you do it maximum power and you do it for good, and you do it once so it doesn't have to be done again. Because doing something again and again with no results is wasteful and expensive. Doing somehting without proof, is wasteful. Lincoln and the Republicans, not the Democrats freed the slaves.

Remind you of anything in the past Bush term(s)? Anything at all? Like maybe the waste of both Gulf wars? What about putting Saddam in power to begin with? What about training Osama and the Taleban during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan? The current mess is merely obvious example of Not-Republican Conservatism.

Are these not Republican mistakes that have brought us to today?

The mis-application and rude introduction of interpreted Christianity while cleverly leaving out Christianity's primary message about piety and humility, has allowed this lady to get away with not following the rules on family values, (daughter is obviously out of control), message of abstinence before marriage, (daughter is out of control), and puttng up a child for adoption when the mother is clearly not ready to accept the responsibility of childrearing. (daughter is out of control). Clearly the problem is not the daughter though. So what we have is yet another example of the arrogance that suggests everyone else must run their lives according to these rules, but the Pallin's get a free pass. Cheney can have a gay daughter, but everyone else is supposed to be intolerant. GW can avoid vietnam, but everyone else has to volunteer.

Now apply the basic tenets of this abomination of a Republican party to the many other problems in the US, and you will see the word "damaged" floats to the top like a big turd.

If you are going to laugh last, at least be willing to take responsibility for the mistakes and problems you have caused. Maybe you won't be laughing when you assess all the damage. But then again you are Iranian, and have had 2500 years to get used to being damaged.

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I'm not saying Sarah Palin is anything special at all, other than the fact she has a chance of being the only vice-president I would want to see in the nude.

Why do you say she's backwards? Because she's against abortion? Believe me, Roe vs. Wade will remain intact. The public will never allow it to be overturned. So much energy is being focused on what's truly become a non-issue.

Does it have to do with being an NRA member or supporting aerial hunting of wolves? Well, I'm an NRA member too. I don't hunt anymore, and I don't favor it myself,  but that's part of the culture in Alaska.

But you think Obama has credentials? You can't be serious, dear.

There were many Democrats who voted in favor of the war, including Hillary. Didn't you at one point favor her?

Please answer me this: If Obama had voted in favor of going into Iraq, as McCain and Hillary did, would you still support him as you do now?



by Mashti (not verified) on

When was 9/11 executed? That was the premise of your original question. I only answered your question. Did you read the 9/11 commission report? Did you?

I did. Clinton ordered the Africa attacks during a summer when everyone was talking about Monica. He did what he was supposed to do.

Bush was busy savoring the victory supreme court gave him and busy with his daughters' drunken shenanigans. Read the 9/11 commission report. There was enough evidence to suggest more scrutiny were to be given to the 9/11 hijackers. Bush didn't care about the report and didn't follow up with the recommendations.

Bush said the same fearmongering rhetoric in 2004 that you're rehashing here. While there has been no terrorist attack here, in Europe it has exploded. So again back to your question if it happens in the next administration, are you going to say it was "planned" on Bush's watch?



by americanwife (not verified) on

Trying not to get off the subject too much here but I have to ask... other than the Iran hostage issue, what exactly is your beef with Jimmy Carter. If you weren't Iranian... and I'm asking you to be fair and impartial... what exactly made him a miserable excuse for a president? Are you speaking as a Republican? Give me a specific example of what you mean.

Please understand, I'm trying to get an objective opinion and in no way trying to be offensive.


McCain being blamed

by IRANdokht on

Kaveh you're starting to lose me completely!

Mc Cain being blamed is not because he's the newcomer inheriting this mess, but because of him SUPPORTING it!

I can't even believe that you're speaking of double standards.

Sorry I don't have time to keep going on and on and on about this. Go vote for McCain/Palin and when he dies and an ex-beauty queen with backwards mentality and absolutely no credentials becomes your president keep supporting the joke! The whole world is already laughing.


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

When was 9/11 planned?

When did the CIA know about it?

When was the USS Cole attacked?

When were the embassies in Africa bombed?

When was the WTC first attacked by Arabs?

When were there were multiple opportunities to kill bin Laden and al-Zawahiri?

During the administration of Bill Clinton, while he was f**king a government clerk.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You're right that the newcomer cannot be blamed, but I guarantee you that if the newcomer were John McCain he would be vilified, while Obama or any other Democrat (even if they voted in favor of the invasion of Iraq) will get a free pass. For God's sake, Democrats blame GWB for the damage caused by a hurricane!!

It's a double standard that simply is wrong on several levels.

First of all, the White House doesn't have control over the economy. In other countries, perhaps to a degree, but this is a free market capitalist economy. It's far from perfect, considering how there is a massive shift of wealth, but that's another issue.

It bears noting that Congress has been controlled by the Democrats for a while now, at least long enough to enact tangible changes. Fact remains, they haven't done anything, other than blaming everyone else and denying accountability. Congress being the legislative branch of the government is just as accountable as the White House, but no one is saying a word about that. That's the beauty of this government trifecta. There are the legislative and executive branches, (Congress and the White House) and the judicial branch (the Supreme Court) is the referee. But in every argument, the Democrats blame everyone else. It has been their standard operating procedure for years now.

We have had this culture of terrorism in the Middle East for quite a long time now, long before GWB. Ever since the U.S. Embassy personnel were taken hostage in 1979 and the failed rescue attempt, the mindset of the terrorists became that they will do whatever they want and the U.S. simply can't do a thing about it.

Thanks to the miserable excuse of a foreign policy by a miserable excuse of a president...Jimmy Carter, a member of the party whose mascot is the jackass, with the teeth and brain to match.


Kaveh who would we blame?

by Mashti (not verified) on

People like you! People like you who resort to fearmongering. When did 9/11 happen?? In Bush's FIRST term. Maybe you should have asked this question back in 2001 and we'd not be in the mess we are in today.

That is all Republicans can say. Funny McCain says Obama does anything to get elected and values election vitory over winning a war, yet he and people like you say anything to get yourselves elected.

You are funny and a joy to toy with!



by IRANdokht on

Kaveh jan you asked if the economy "continues" as it is right now, if troops withdrawal would "continue" to be slow from the places that were "already invaded" by US and some potential future terrorist attacks:

Please do realize that "continue" means that it started already and it still continues. We can't blame the new comer for the starting now can we? In farsi we say it takes a moron to throw a rock down the well and 1000 smart people may not be able to get it out. What's done was wrong and it will take time to fix it, but the moron who started it will not be the best choice for the undoing!

As the terrorist attacks: we have more terrorists and terror inspired people in the world now thanks to the great accomplishments of GWB administration especially the Iraq invasion. Iraq, pakistan and Afghanistan have become terrorist producing fields my dear. Any hypothetical future attack would be directly due to the invasion and their criminal actions in the middle east.


What's with the republicans and their hypothetical "Obama failure" cases? They don't blame the ones who have already shown and proven to be incompetent criminals and accuse someone for "potentially" able to become a typical politician some day.

Am I the only one who gets so frustrated by this kind of reasoning? Logic people LOGIC!



Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

If Obama were to be elected in November, and if any of the following were to be realized:

the state of the economy were to continue as it is right now;

troop withdrawal from Iraq and/or Afghanistan were to continue at this same sluggish pace;

further terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and the gang;

who will you have to blame?



Go Sarah, Go...

by curly (not verified) on

I loved her speech, she will kick their ....,So what is wrong with being hot, do all politicians have to look frigate and ugly?
This is just like they used to say in Iran" dokhtar -ya khoshgel -ast ya - bahosh". Well sarah and I have broken this myth!!!!
Obama is too good to be true, he is fake and his speeches are like akhond seremons, with lots of motto but empty.
viva , Sarah!!!and sam sam khan.


Romney would have been a better choice

by MRX1 (not verified) on

good looking, articulate, buisnessman, vibrant, looks presedintial.
The choices this time around are awfull! empty suite obama,no experience in running anything, a resurection of jimmy carter the second, with high taxes, useless social policy's, no experience in foreign affair, catering to wacko leftists. Then it's john Mccain, with no clue about economey, far from being a real conservative, follow the same policy of borrow and spend and occasionaly throw a bone to the religous rights.


Welcome to Christian fanatic Republic USA

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

I could not resist watching her speech.

She reminds me of the Mullahs in Iran of course cleaner, not smelly and prett, but that is the American style of a Mullah.

She has no policy and clear picture for the change and the challenges that USA is facing.

She is uneducated, arrogant and stupid, not to mention that she is hypocrite.

Her 17 year old daughter who is pregnant, had sex outside marriage. She did someone before getting married. She lost her virginity that was supposed to be kept for a hardcore fanatic christian.

Her mother preaches no sex oustide of marriage, she has banned books that talk about evolution.

She hates everyone and anyone who is different than her.

She is a clown and if Americans vote for her they clearly show that how stupid they are and how they fall in the trap once again.

A country that has rewarded Oil giants CEO's for their mishandling of the oil crisis and environment, the current government that has created more poor and is eliminating the middle class.

This current government has sold over 2 trillion dollars of USA treasury bonds and T-Bills to Chinese, UAE and Japanese as well as handful governments in order to borrow money to pay for the war in Iraq that only benefits a handful of people (Cheney, wolfowitz, Bush family and the owner of Blackhawk the contractor that kills and destroys families).

Therefore a vote for Palin and McCain the guy who has an Alzheimer is clear mistake.

I always hated American politics but this time I will get involved since as an Iranian and an immigrant my family and the future of my family is at stake.

A vote for McCain and Palin is a vote to extremism and fanatics or as I said:

WELCOME to Christian Republic USA !!



by Fishmonger (not verified) on

Maybe someone should advise her to wear a "chaador" just to make backward IR supporters who live in the 7th century happy!


Remind you of anyone?

by mani324 (not verified) on

Let's see today's republican party:
- believes thier religion is the only true religion
- has leaders who get thier orders from God rather than the citizens (as GW proudly stated)
- sees fit to tell US citizens how to run thier personal lives, e.g., have abortion or not, have extra marital sex or not, etc.
Remind you of another country? Goodby Hojatoleslam Bush. Hello Ayatollah McCain.


Palin the dangerous idiot

by Yek-Irani (not verified) on

Just read this. It is all about Israel


Enough said


Isn't she a sweetheart?

by ex beauty queen (not verified) on

what a great record for such a small time in office.
She's a proud republican who shows no respect for the rights and lives of others.

Way to go Sarah



by Q on

People who say that, probably don't understand what the expression means.

People who say that probably are familiar enough neither with American pop culture, nor the concept of a 'joke'.

One reason may be that they're probably too young.


What a powerful speech!

by Fishmonger (not verified) on

Wow! I was very impressed. This woman's got her act together. She's such an eloquent speaker.

Democrats' smear campaign to damage her reputation has failed miserably.

David ET

Palin's scripted ACT

by David ET on

I heard Palin's speech that was prepared for her.

She is the CREATION of the neocons to obtain votes with no substance. No republican can look you in the eye and say Palin is the most qualified we have for the office of Vice President of USA but they can say she is one that we can use to get more votes. But after the elections are over and if they ever win, she has to assume the responsibility of VP to solve the serious internal problems of this nation as well as its troubled foreign policy. Things that she has no qualifications for.

At the end of day the choice is between those who represent the top 5% and the religious right US mullahs or those who have the middle class in mind !

Meanwhile for what she is supposed to accomplish they needed an actress and they found one. Good speech writers though!

Above comments were written by an "independent" and a former republican!


Palin reminds me of Ahmadinejad

by Mashti (not verified) on

When Ahmadinejad first came to the scene he was an unknown like Palin. He was a Mayor like Palin. He also had a "populist" message like Palin and by the way her "populist" message is what they are pushing the MOST!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Special of the day! Beborro Bebar! Palin is a POPULIST!

Ahmadinejad was also in suit a new look again like Palin who has a new look.

Then came Ahmadinejad after coming to power. First word out of his mouth was Israel being wiped off the map speech.

I am sure if Palin comes to power she'll shed the "populist" image just like Ahmadinejad did and spew venom like other right wingers who came before her.

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

"People who laugh last probably didn't get the damn joke."

People who say that, probably don't understand what the expression means.

programmer craig

I agree

by programmer craig on

There hasn't been a Republican with her "presence" since Ronald Reagan. And after the media spent so much time belittling her, Biden will have to absolutely destroy her in the debates to be considered the winner. If he can't do any better than hold his own against a redneck housewife from Alaska with no political experience (as the media portrays her) then what would that say about Biden's fitness to serve?

I doubt there are many Democrats laughing, now.


Sadly, 4 more years

by yinzer (not verified) on

It's pretty clear that Sarah Palin aced her speach at the RNC. In financial terms, she's an option grant to the conservative base which vests in 4 years. The conservative base will vote for McCain even as he moves to the center to capture the independant/undecided voters.

On the other hand, Obama is going to have a difficult time moving to the center without alienating his liberal supporters.

A large portion of the anti-war voters are going to vote for independant/write-in candidates(Nader, Ron Paul etc...) because the Democrats hands are almost as bloody as the Republicans at this point in time.

For Iranians, I see McCain as the greater of two evils. But both candidates are rather bad for Iran. Both candidates are likely to blockade Iran, and that's an act of war.