Year 2008 - A Good Year!

by sbglobe

Despite of the wars, the economic disasters in recent months, and all the “not too nice things” that has happened around the world in 2008, year 2008 has not been a bad year over all – although this list may seem shallow in the big picture but this is my list for why Year 2008 has not been a bad year after all  (does not include all the  personal “goods happenings”)  

  • saw one of the best inspiring movies I have seen in many years that happened to be Iranian – Red Robin (Sineh sorkh)
  • I saw a prefect performance by Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam that made me believe the PERFECTION can exist.
  • am very happy about the out-come of the election and I am glad that I can feel so much hope about the future again - a feeling that I had forgotten
  • I feel that we all dodged two highly dangers and potentially fatal bullets – John Edwards as a possible Democratic Nominee which most likely would have made Sara Plain as the future VP (and possibly the President)


So, over all not a bad year – I know that we still have ways to the end of the year and I hope that “I am not counting my eggs before the end of spring” (or something like that) but I have a feeling that I will be adding to the list of good things vs. not!  


Almost forgot – got to meet jj this year too!


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