I'm proud to say I'll be celebrating another wedding anniversary in a few weeks. Yes, Proud, with a capital "P". And I'm proud to say I have not yet used Shoharjoon's toothbrush to clean the toilet with...
So it turns out I'm going to die. Cancer you know...No telling how long I'll live, or if I'll live. It's funny. Death, I
I learned to be Iranian like my family, and apparently my family is not like most Iranians. I discovered this when I moved to California and had the following experiences
Marriage shouldn't be another step in your life, it shouldn't be a goal, or something you have to do, marriage is sharing your life with someone because being with them makes every second of every minute that much more beautiful
I spent the first 8 years of my life in Iran where I read Monajat with my Grandmother on the weekends, attended church with my Mother on Wednesdays and accompanied my school teacher in Namaz everyday.
I was starting to feel all warm and fuzzy when it hit me! OH SHIT my Babajoon has turned into chicken soup!
A toast to life. To the good and the bad surprises it holds
My favorite song. The only song that makes me forget. Ostad Banan va Daylaman, and my very first painting which says "Iran", dedicated to all the fathers, mothers and kids who have been forced to feel sad. A deep sad.
I thought I must have imagined what I had just heard...I certainly knew I had no desire to being introduced to Koone Tange anyone... che berese be Koone Tange Hung!!!
Before we get to my letter, I have to give you a little background...
I was seven years old when I left Iran. When I left my home, my friends... my life behind. I am thirty years old now. It's been twenty three years since I was last home
چشمها دیگر آن ذوق شیطنت و برق جوانی را ندارند...
امروز بیش از هر روز، آرزوی برگشت به دوران کودکیم را داشتم.
Heart Attack through my eyes...